The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, March 11, 1903, Image 1

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. . V VOL 2. NO. 76. VIENNA, GA-* WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11, MrT t%03» TWICE-A-WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR BUNDRICK CASE GOES. TO JURY. Hacb Interest Attends Hoted Trial, the Coart Honse Being Packed With Eager Spectators. THE RACES SATURDAY. Andrew Bundrick was pat on trial Monday morning in Doply Superior court to answer for one of the moil horrible crimes ever perpetrated in this county. It will be remembered by renders of the New? that George and Andrew Bundrick shot and killed Mr. John Shrouder and wounded his wile while the two were in a buggy go ing to their home ftom Raines lust September. Both of the Bundricks made their escape but Andrew was captured in a few weeks in Craw ford county and brought here and placed in jail to await trial. When Judge.Littlejohn mounted the stand and wrapped for order the court house was crowded to its seating capacity. The first case called was that of the State vs An drew Bundrick. Alter the calling of the names of the witnesses both sides announced ready and the se -curing of the jury commenced. It required only a short time for this and the defendant was soon facing the .twelve men selected to pass up on his case composed of the follow- ing: . G N Vinson, P G Lindsey, Lewis Parham, W H Hogsett, Jr., W D Murray, G F Swearingen, J H Folds' D W Wilder, J t Taggart, R L Simmons, Z W Hall and J E Turner. The state's witnesses were then pnt up and examined by Solicitor Hooper and by Col. G. W. Bus- ^>ec for the defense. A very pa- 1 ithetic scene took place in the coutt \yoom while Mrs. Shrouder, wife of the deceased man who was ‘ assisted to the witness stand on a crutch by relatives. She had been examined by the Solicitor and was being questioned by Col. G. W. Busbee for the defense when she was seized with a feinting spell and had to be removed from the court room. A motion was then made by Col. Busbee to declare a mistrial which wus refused and Mrs. Shrouder was brought back to the stand on an inclined chair. Col Busbee however, refused to ques tion her further on account of her condition. Thecourt then took a recess un * - til 1:30. The Solicitor only ex J umined a few witnesses upon the v reconvening of court when be an nounced that the State would rest for awhile. Col. Busbee then put up a num ber of witnesses for the defense and the defendant then made bit statement which lusted several min- utes. Several witnesses in rebut tal were then put up by (he Solic itor and ull of the evidence was -concluded about 4:30 o'clock. The speaking was concluded in the case about 3:30 yesterday after noon and tbe charge of the court wus then delivered. The jury went to their room a. few minutes after 4 o’clock. The state was represented by Solicitor Hooper, Crura'& Jones, W H Dorris and J M Dupree. The defendant was represented by Cols. G W Busbee, Pearson Ellis and COUNTY NEWS. Proved to Be Very Interesting and a Large Crowd' was Present. Last Saturday was a gala day for the sportsmen of Vienna and Cor- dele, and the racer came off most beautifully. Of course, the affair was not intended for a “big thing,” but was just sort of a starter for the purpose of arousing public interest and opening up the Vienna race course. The entry of Vienna horses for the hnlf-mile trotting event of 3 out of 5 was ns follows : O. M. Heard. J. O. Hamilton. Dr. H. A. Youinans. C. 1. Bennett. The first heat was won by O. M. Heard and the next three by J. O. Hamilton. The entry of Cordele horses for the next heal of 2 out of 3 was as follows: E. M. Pless. W. E. Tripp. TJie heats were won by Mr. Tripp. , The best time made by a Vienna horse was 1:36, The best time made by a Cor dele horse was 1:37^. After the regular races were over Mr. Tripp, of Cordele, Jrot- ted his horse arouud the half mile course against time, making it in i**- The judges were Messrs. J. M. Gammage, Ed Howell and R. E Kelly. The gate receipts amounted to $54. 1 5- The races were held under the auspices of the Dooly County Fair Association, and everything went olf smoothly and nicely. They weie gotten up by the association for the purpose of arousing inter est and starting things moving. More races will be held in the near future, and it is expected to have some very fast horses placed on the home truck. (lathered From the Four Comers of Dooly by Our Hustling Corps of Quill Drivers. Ukadilla, Go., Mar. 7—Mrs. Lizzie Bragg and Mrs. M. I* James, of Macon, visited the family of Dr. McArthur a few days this week. Mrs. 0. 0. Duncan and Mrs. W, If. Nichols spent Monday in Macon. Mrs, J. F. McArthur left Monday for New York, where she goes to purchase her spring millinery. Misses Lena Bridges and Lizzie Mor gan spent last week in Atlanta replen ishing their millinery stock. Miss Carrie Robinson left for her home at Dover, Ua., after a short visit to relatives here. Mrs. R. 8. McArthur, after a stay of several weeks with relatives here, left Wednesday for Dublin. She will stop over a lew days in Macon with relatives Mr. John McArthur left Wednesday for his old home in Wilkinson connty, where ha will spend several days. The Dooly county teachers met here Saturday in regular monthly session. We were glad to have them with us. There will be several of our pupils to enter the contest in Vienna the 28th of March. Preparations ore being made, and It would notsurprise us if UnadiUa brings away more than one medal. Several UnadiUa citizens and the town of UnadiUa have had civil cases in court this suasion, but they have suffered very little, as in nearly every casd the findings were in their favor. We ate glad to see Vienna taking the lead for, a county fair, and we trust that it will be a success Let all parts of the county Join in and make it a success, and let the management re member the public schools in working out the premium list. Give a premium to the school that make* the best ex hibit, also one to the pupil that makes tbe best individual, exhibit of work done. This,.-we believe, would be a great, stimulus to our schools. What you say, managers of the Dooly County Fair Association? L. J. Sprndley. . •. j There was a nice entertainment at the home of Mr. L. S. Wilson last Sat urday night, and all had an enjoyable time. ' Mr. Willtnrd Mashbnrn visited Mr. .T. H. Adams last Sunday afternoon. Mrs Hooks, mother of Mrs. Susan Etheridge, is on the Bisk list this week Mr. L. J Sprndley and little son were out driving last Sunday morning, when Mr. Sprndley was seized by a chill,which served him very badly. Mr. T. F. Etheridge has been on the sick list this week. Miss I,ela Mitchell is out visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Mitchell. A CIRCUS COMINQ. The Harris Nfclde Plate Show Will Be In Vienna, Thursday; March 19, W F George, all of whom mude •speeches in the case with the ex ception of Dorris & Dupree. The Carmack case was then called, but was continued on ac count of absent witnesses for tbe v state. ■- - . i he grand jury adjourned late yesterday afternoon and their pre sentments read in open court. Our January sales this year were more than they were last year. FY. " J. P, Heard A Sons. ’ On Thursday, Mur:h 19th, the people of Vienna will have the pleasure of seeing a rest old-fash ioned circus—one like cur grand fathers used to go to in the good old days o( the long ugo ( and take tbe whole family, A circus was never known to fail to draw 1 crowd, and as long as man posses ses his present nature the circus will continue to do a good busi ness wherever it goes. The elephant and tbe down and tbe camels and tbe roaring lions will be there just as they have always been. The funny clowns will tickle the large audience almost to death by their jokes and antics just as they did fifty years ago. Hants’ circus has been greatly enlarged and improv ed oi late years and is today said to be tbe greatest and best popular price circus in this country. A man never regrets going to a circus and taking his wife and children. He always feels that he’s got bis money’s worth and comes away wpII satisfied. A BARN BURNED NEAR UNADILLA. UnadiUa, Ga. Mar. io,-(Speciai) Mr. E, T. Parham’s barn contain ing about 500 bushels of com and several bundles of fodder was burned this morning about four o'clock. No clue as to the origin of thefice has been obtained as yet, Mr. Parham tsone of onr most prorgessivefarmers and lives two miles east of this city. The Euphraslan Society held its reg ular mooting and gave an instructive program last Friday, March 6. Among the best fentures of the program were, the recitations by little Misses Thelma Ivey and Mamio Baird. As it was tiie regular time, officers were elected Friday as follows: Euphrasians—President, Martha, El der; vice president, John Fitzgerald; secretary nnd treasurer, Ora Wood; program r.ommittee, Susie Jeter,Emma Lane and Tillit Henderson. Stanlonians—President', Ruth Story; vice president, Harrold Sumerford; secretary and treasurer, Bessie Oliver; program committee, Annie Lee Horne. Bessie Oliver and John T. Henderson Prof. Power spent last Tuesday in Vienna on business. Miss Corbin took charge of his department while Martha Elder took charge of the third and fourth grades. While in Vienna Prof. Power made a very pleasant visit to the school. Friday, March 20, a contest will be held at the Academy to decide who shall go to Vienna to contest for the gold medals offered In the county. The teachers are keeping the exami nation papers for the purpose of dis playing them at Mr. Greene’s office at the next meeting of the Teachers Insti tute in Vienna. We will soon be through our paper folding, and the next step in Manual training will be rophia work. We are in need of an elocution teacher. Wo have had throe applica tions by mail and one In person, but the bonrd has not yet made Its decision. Jerry Jingles. The farm work here has been very much retarded on account of the heavy rains. Corn planting season is here, and we would like to plant but are not ready. - Tbe high price which is being paid for eotton seed has induced a great many of our farmers to .sell. The Sunday School here was well at tended Sunday. It seems that our people have been mnde to realize the importance of the Sunday sohool work. Quite a number of ourpeople attend ed court in Vienna ait week. . Carl Taylor, son oi Rev. G, T. Taylor, is very sick with fever. Wo hope that he will soon recover. General Moyo and Joshua Laileld. of near Seville, visited relatives here last week. Dausie Blanchard Is smiling over the arrival of a fine boy at his home. H. D. Taylor and daughter JMlst Maxie, made u pleasant trip to Hawk- inivllle Friday. John W. Sanders and Stely B. Bosh, attended preaching services at Smyrna Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Wm. T. McKinney are happy over the arrival of a line boy at their homo. J:S. Screws has accepted a position with the firinof J. T. Goodwyne A Bro, in tbo shingle mill business. Hollow Brandi. The farmers are all getting behind with their planting On account of so much rain. Mr, L. A. Etheridge, of this place, made a pleasant trip to Cordele last week. Mr. L. J. Spradley, who was very ill last week, is up again. 1 Mr. E. D. Hudson, of near here, has been attending eonrt in Vienna this week. Mrs. Annie Harpo visited our school last Friday afternoon. * Un. Mary BroadawayandMrt Mollie Cldlrk visited Mrs. Vannie Spradley one day last week. Little Miss Nora Bowen Me been ab sent from school this week, on account of a very bed oough. We all wish to see her return soon. The successful bird hunter* were walking around very proudly a few days last week. Mr. Dickson, a Success agant, spent last Friday night with tiie family of A n UnadiUa School Notes. 0 A HORSE RACE is would not Interest you as much as our line of white and fancy vests or ties or hats. We handle the most up-to-date Gents Furnishings. | Proctor, Lashley & Co. THE HABERDASHERS. Midway Items. Spring has made its appearance, and the earth is decorating itself in beauti ful flowers. We are haring plenty of rain and the farmers are biwy hauling guano while it is too wet to plow. Messrs. A. E. and 0. W. Walton, of Vienna,were hore last week on business. Misses Lucia Owen and Janie Tharp, of Vienna, came up on the A. A B. Saturday morning and visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Owen, returning to Vienna Sunday. Miss Kola Fuqua, of Cordele, visited homefolks here lsst week for a few days. She returned to Cordele and from there site went to Moultrie. Mrs. C..W. Johns, of Vienna, passed through Midway 8unday. Mr. John C. Owen visited his daugh ter, Mrs. W. Thigpen at ViennaSandny. Dr. L. W. Mobley, of Byromviiie, visited Vienna one day last week. R. E. Slilrali, of Drayton, was hereon business Friday. Mrs. John 0. Owen and daughter Alma, atfe visiting her son, Cleveland Tharpe, at Thomasville. Sam Owen has returned to Vienna, after a soveral days visit to friends and relatives near Byromviiie. Lilly Broa. have Just received a nice stock of new goods and they will be pleased to have you call. Messrs. Howard and Woodson Roberts and W. R. Butler, of Pleasant Valley were here last week. W. A. Ingram, of Mt. Vernon, was hare last week after some goods he had shipped orer the A. A B. Mrs. W. L. Ingram visited her daugh ter, Mm. E,C. Forehand, of near Pleas ant Valley^ last week, who ts siek. Miss Verna Ingram, of Mt. Vernon, visited Misses Ruth and John Tom Lilly Sunday. Clay Ingram and sister. Miss Eula, spent Sunday afternoon with Misses Eva and Alma Lilly., Mr. Jord Forehand, ofMt. Vernon, went to Vienna over the A. A B. Mon day. Mr. Jim MeGough and little son of Pleasant Valley, were In Midway Monday. fmadbls lag P A Danioitb, of Lagrange, Ga., snf- 1 a frightful run- it-red for six months with mag sore on bis leg; but writes that Bucktcns Arnica Salve wholly cared it In five days. For ulcers, wounds, piles. It is the best salve fn the world. A Cure guaranteed. 25c. Forbes A Coze Driq-Co □ E3C3C3C3 T caea csaaaaaoc a czacsca a era era c=j 1=3 ejan MMMHS ig & Our buyer, Mr. Feld ser, is now in New York purchasing our Spring stock. In order to make room we are selling everything at Cost. Come at once if you want Bargains. Id i $ 8 30 pew York Bargain House, J FELDSER ft RAINBOW; Prop’rs., [A. ROOBIN & CO’S. OLD STAND.] is 4 ur J D r a jQi fOjfr 10 iDtuUMUWUUUHHWMUMHlfwHbWUUHt IHUUMHUWMyuUUWlIk. fUUUUUUU^Hl 3aaC3QC3C3C3C3C3aC3Cac Dcnar-U-II—Ir—VI—1 t 1—I.—I r-tr-aU* sfmnHHrtHmtnnnfinfinfmnnfMtnnitr fli Oj 0 4M M U bd *dl>4bd»dM bead M MMMMMMMMMMMMUt dM M MMM M M Mbd M M be M bJf4 be M bdM bdM M M M M b □ C3 a cd C3 crj aesaa a enne 3 a a a a a a □□□ r-n r-tr-rr mnnnrmnn 1 JUST RECEIVED H 18* A NICE LINE OF MENS’ AND 8 YOUTHS’ SUITS, PRICES RANGING 8 FROiT $4.50 UP. 3 IS! JUST RECEIVED A NICE LINE OF THE NOBBIEST \nl SHIRTS TO BE SEEN IN TOWN. Jnl CALL AND SEE THEM. BARFIELD & HORNE, PINEHURST, GEORGIA, j i°l inP C3annanannac 3aC3l3C3fnrai—if—M—If—M—ir-in u | finnfinminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnr vmsnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnrmnnfsnnnn5 TO TBE TRADING PUBLIC: In coming to town please make my store, near the A. & B. depot, your headquarters, where you will always find a nice and fresh line of FAMILY AND FANCY GROCERIES, with prices ever right. Highest prices paid for country produce. I solicit the city as well as the country trade. Come to see me. Yours for business,- J. B. FOREHAND, Prop’r. Vienna, Georgia. J /