The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, March 14, 1903, Image 1

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— VOL 2. NO. 77. VIENNAvGA*, SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1903- TWICE-A-WEEK $1.00 PER YEAR THE GRAND JURY 1 PRESENTMENTS 01 the Febraary Term 1903, of Dooly - Soperlor Conit-The Hew Road We, the Grand Jury sworn for tbo Febr uury Term 1903, bog to submit the following as our presentments: ' Upon investigation of tbe report from each district in the county wo ; find the roads in extremely bad cop- - dition, also find- under the present tf-f.TVoad law that it is impassible for the (jomUussioners to maiutain good 7' .'roads, therefore this body has adopted ■. the following law: •jt''' In order that the said •‘Alternative jKoad Law” hereto recommended may bo more Miood&sfully carried out, we, the Grand Jurors, chosen and sworn for the February term 1003, of Dooly Superior court, hereby recommend • as what is known as the Alternative tvoad Law as contained' in sections 673 and 583, inclusive, of the code of 1895, be, aud the same is, hereby adopted in and for the County of' Dooly. We further recommend as follows: That the roads be worked _ by a district overseer, cue for each malitia district in tbe county. Said -d.striot overseer to be under the - direct supervision and control of the ' district commissioner of roads and to be appointed and removed upon the recommendation of said commission ers by the proper authority of authorities." Wefnrther recommend, that each person subject to rood duty'Tn this ■oounty shall be required to work tbe publio road in their respective dm tricts for a period of ten days in each year, or in lieu thereof, shall pay a ' commutation tax of threu dollars per ritnnum, the same to be paid between ' the dates of April 1st and July lVt in each year. We further reoommend that the taxes, both commutation and advalorum, collected from each dis trict be kept separkte aud that the taxes for eaoh of said districts be applied to the roads of the same. We farther recommend, that the roads of the oounty bo worked with free hired labor, together with the laborof those persons who do not pay the commu tation as provided by law, and in ' paragraph 2 of seotion 576, of vol ume one, of the Code of 1895. Wc further recommend, that the Ordinary of said county or other proper authority, levy for the year 1903 au advalorum tax of two-tentlm , of one per cent in the manner pro vided by law for, the purpose of carrying into effect these rccommeu; i -. Nations and tbe provisions of law referred to. We further recommend that the Ordinary provide in each district to be placed in the hands of one of the road commissioners of the respective Jiistrictsof this county hot inter than April 1st, 1903, a receipt properly provided with stnbs for the collection of commutation taxes. It shall be the duty of said commission er to enter in said book tbe names of . nil persons in his respective district who are subject to road duty in alphabetical order. Said books to be opened from the 1st day of April to the 1st day of July of oaoh year) on tiie 1st, 3nd,.3rd and 4th Saturdays of cacbof said months atsoraepublio 'l place designated by said commis- ' sioners, between the boars of 9 o’clock.a. m. and.4 O’clock p. m. . Wc further recommend that the commissioner thus selected shall be the one chosen among and by the V commissioners of each district far ~ V this purpose. It shall be the duty of said commissioner to make a trne, complete, and full return of all such , k.-mey collected, ahd from whom .•Objected to the Ordinary or Other • » . proper authority on the day same is collected. And in no instant, shall- »- he make said return later than Mon? day-following the day ou which same was eollectcd. Said commissioner to receive for his services the sum not exceeding $8.00 per month, but which sha'l bo forfeited should he fail to make said returns as above his salary to bo paid monthly by the Drdinary and in'no caseto be deduct- el out of the amounts . collected by himself. The Ordinary to furnish all necessary blanks and other matter for making out reports, etc. We further recommend that said comn^is- sioner heretofore mentioned, shall rnuin said receipt books with all stnbs properly filled 'in, showing names of persons who have paid then* c iramutation tax and the dates and amounts thereof, and allowing the names of these who have paid said tax on the stub and the receipt of such persons not being torn out of said receipt book, Said return to 1>q ‘made between the date of July 1st and 3rr) of each year. And it shall bo the duty of said commissioner to report ail defaulters to the oversect' of th districtofthe residence of such defaulters and said overseer shall summons all said defaulters to be and appear at a designated point on the public road on a date riot later than tbe tenth day of July for the purpose of working said roads for a period of»on daysand if said defaul- er shall fail to appear on said date or to exhibit a receipt showing that he has paid said commutation tax, the said overseer shall promptly report said defaulters to the proper author ity to be dealt with as provided ip sec* ion 580 of volume one of the Code of 1896. Wo further recommend that the Ordinary of the oounty shall pay bills os they are presented on the 1st and 15th of each month by the over seer or one of the commissioners, if he believes them to be correct and free from error, provided that all bills and all pay-rdlla.of-a -district shall be first certified by tee overseer to becorreot andbecountcrsigncdby a majority of the commissioners of the distriot. We further recommend that no person nor persons shall be employed to manage said roads in any way, who has any interest m the wages received by the laborers on said road eitherdireotly or indireotly. We have examined tbo dookets of the Justices of the. peace and of the Notaries Publics and Ex-Oflicio J. P's., and find them correctly kept. Wo rccororaond the following parties to be ap pointed Notary Publics and Ex- Officio J. P’g. as vacancies- ocohr qr will occur soon,- in the following districts: D. L. Ivey for tbe 1466ti> G. M. Diet.; Elihn Johnson for tljo 640th G. M. DUt.; Lather Murphy, for tbe 536th G. M. Dist. We have examined pension roll of county and approved same. V f We have examined the poor farm' and find everything in good condition aud that we fiud tbo inmates of tjhe same are properly cared for by the Superintendent and Matron of tbo same. We reoommend that anew well be dug, and old well repaired, and the stove flew where the Matron live* be made fire proof. We farther recommend that tbe fonr Blow children, now at the poor farm, he placed ou the Pauper’s list and that the'Ordinary pay to the Gqorgialndustrial Home the sum of ♦5.00 per month 'for each of these children. We further reoommend that the following named persons be plooed on the paupers list, and to be paid tbe following amounts: Mose Lester, $1.50 per month; Boss Tur ner, $1.50 per mouth; Mrs. 8. K. Pollock, $3.00 per mouth. We further recommend' that the report of the committee .appointed by the Grand Jury at tbd September Term 1902 to examine the books of the different county officers, be in corporated in theseour presentments. Gentlemen of the Grand Jury: Haying been appointed by the last COUNTY NEWS. (lathered From the Four Corners of Dooly by Qur Hustling Corps - i. of Quill Drivers. Pleasant Hilt Dots, Miss'Minnio Johnston, of Cordoie, orient Saturday night with the family" of Mr. D. 1. Ward. Mrs. C. G. Ward spent Monday with Mrs.AV. M.Ward. ’ .Misses' Ituby Ward and Minnie JoKif- ritoh spent Sunday with Misses Maggie Horne and Mollie Ward. Misses Lula Mao Perry and Lucy Calhoun spent Sunday the guest of Misses Carrie and Nina Murphy. Jllsses Fannie and Sallie Ward spent Sunday witli Miss Nettie Word. Miss Pearl Schofili is visiting her sister in Cordele tills week. Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Ward visited rela tives in Cordele Friday. Onr prayer meeting has closed for a while on account of small-pox, but we Hope to start it up. again soon. Miss Mollie Ward spent Monday night the guest of Mrs. D. P. i^ard Mount Pleasant. Mrs. Claude Forehand entertained her Sunday School class at the hospit able home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shell Saturday afternoon. It was an enjoy able occasion for all present. They all went to the Shell lake and enjoyed boat riding for a. while, and about 4 o’clock refreshments were served; after.which they organised a Young Prople’s Liter ary Society with Miss Lydia Bridges, President; Mr. Ephrfam Hall, Vice President, and Mr. Warlter, Sec. There ore now twenty members. The society will meet every second and fourths Saturday afternoons, and we hope that much good will be the result. One of the triplets of Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Dixon was buried atMt. Pleasant oemotery AVednesday morning. Rev. Jolin-Hnll filled his regnlnr ap pointment^ Mt. Beuzer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Shell, Mrs. Claude Forehand, Miss Susi^Sheli and Messrs Jesse Berry,. Ephrinm Hall, and Lewis Spears attended preaching at Vienna Sunday morning.. Mrs. W. P. Hall spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. G. M. Hail. Miss Lydia Bridges and little brother spent Monday with her sister, Mrs, John Powell. Mrs. Alonzo Hathcox was the guest of Mry W.. H. Boss Tuesday . We are looking forvvard to the happy time wo are going to have when our May picnic comes. , ^ - Rlchwood Doings. -Richwood, Ga., Mar. 12-^On the 27th of February we organized a literary society for our school. On last Friday we hold our first meeting which was very much enjoyed. We expect to hold regular meetings every Friday after noon. • Mr.vD. A. Seif, of Feen, - visited our Sunday school Sunday, We are glad to have Mr. Self with us. Mrs. W. L» Bocbuck is visiting in Atlanta this week. Little Misses Maggie and, Verona Wilder spent Sunday with little Miss Alice Jackson, ' '• ( ~ Mrs. G. W. Nason hat been quite sick, but is hotter at this writing; Mr. and Mrs. Burl Jackson spent last Saturday night with the family of Mr, W.T. Sims. Messrs. Chap Altman and Clancy Lashley, of Vienna, attended prayer meeting hero last Sunday night. Mr. E. G. Cribb, of Pelham, is visit ing hbmetoUis here this week, Mrs. Baker, of McRae, is visiting her daughter, Mrs.J. G. Pullen. Miss Elethia Sims spent Sunday night with the family of E. G. Greene. A crowd of young people enjoyed themselves Sunday morning by taking a straw ride and hunting flowers. The crowd consisted of W, J< Bryant, Misses Ada, Maggie and Maude Bryant, Miss BeolaDill and blaster George Dill Mr. and Mrs. -6. O. Franklin and little daughter, of Massee, are visiting her mother, Mrs. Brown. Street tax Due. A|l partif* subject to street tax are hereby notifiei that tbe saftie has been assessed at 44316 by the city council and which is now due. Books close April <, t6oj; J. A. WALoatr. C. & T. Saved his Leg P A Danfoith, of Lagrange, Ga., suf fered for six months with a frightful tun ning sore oil Irt leg; but writes that Bockleos Arnica Salve wholly cured it in ftre days, for ulcers, wounds, piles, it i- the bee. stive fn the world. A Cure guaranteed, jjc. Forpti & Coxe DrugCo SUPERIOR COURT HAS ADJOURNED Andrew Bundrick Found Guilty and Goes to tfte Pen for Llfe--Other Court News. Dooly Superior court adjourned Wednesday night, it requiring only three days of this week tb finish up the criminal business. % The jury in the case of the state vs Andrew Bundrick', for the kill ing of J. II. Shrewder? Jr., and vvotinding his wife; returned with a verdict recommending him to life -imprisonment about 11 o’clock Tuesday nigh:. As was stuted in the write-up of the base in Wed nesday's New*, tTie jury went to their room a few 1 minutes utter 4 o’clock. \\’e have been ir.tcrmed that tbe case will not be appealed. .Sen tence was passed upon Bundrick about 6 o'clock Wednesday' nfter- noon by Judge Lilth-jolm. The defendant, when asked if he < had anything to say before sentence was passed on him, replied: "Noth ing, only I am on afflicted man, andwantyoutomake. it as light as possible. ” The Judge of course, replied that the jury hud practically made the sentence'artflit was not in his power to dq anything. Wednesday—State vs. \ Newt Barron, colored, charged with bur- glaiy, found guilty and recom mended; u months, or $75.00. State,vs, Alice Winn, colored, charged with larceny; jury made u mistrial. > State vs. W. E. Smith, charged .with violating the local option law; jury madi a mistrial.-' State vs. Robert’ Lilly, colored, charged With carrying' concealed weapons, verdict not guilty. KILLED BY A TRAIN. A HORSE RACE would not interest you as much as our line of white and fancy vests or ties or hats. We handle the most up-to-date Gents Furnishings. Proctor, Lashley & Co. THE HABERDASHERS. □ aaatneae .mmrtrt.nn.tnMn (oi $ I § Young Man Horribly Mangled By Freight Train In Cordele on Thursday Night. The 19-yenrol‘d'Ron of Conductor Young, pf the A. & B., was killed in Cordele Thursday night by fa) ling under a moving train. He had just been given a freight conductor’s position on the road and had rjiade,hu first trip on an extra freight and upon'entering the yards id Cordele, stumbled and fell through between the cars, eight of which passed over his body, grinding it into a mass of bones and flesh. The pieces were picked up in a sheet and carried to tbe home of his parents. The scene of the accident and the grief-stricken loved ones was the most heart-rending ever seen in that city. BUSINESS CHANQB AT UNADILLA. As a result of a business deal In which HeArthur Bros., druggists at Uaadilla, composed of Dr. T. J. and L. W. McArthur, sold, out their, stock of drugs, etc,, to Drs. Wooten & Pate of that place, Unadilla will lose one of her most valuable' citizens; Dr. McArthur haying arranged to form a partnership with Dr. Edge at Cordele, • and will move there in tho near future. Mr, Lewis McArthur will retrain in Una dilla for the present and look after the interests of the Doctor. The News wishes the new firm much auccess, . * ^ THE CITY COURT. The April quarterly term of the City court of Vienna will convene on the Third Tuesday In that month, and the civil docket will be taken up first and continued until all business is disposed of. The criminal business wilinot .be taken up until the following Monday. All parties concerned are requested to govern themselves accordingly. • D. L. H*nd**sox,.7. 0. C. of Vienna. Our buyer, Mr. Feldser, is now in New York purchasing our Spring stock. In order to make room we are selling everything at Cost. Corile at once if you want Bargains, f Si ijl 181 lit 1O1 ilHB f D j • —. : | New York Bargain Bouse, ife 1 & 151- mm. .■!jgm . . ' . I >;J j0‘ ' D j(!‘ 1 i|_ ’ :. caaaaQaaaaiaamc acaaaaamaczac srsnrsnnrsnnnrsmsfirsnrsnrirvrtrtnrmnr FELDSER & RAINBOW, Pfop’rs. [A. ROOBIN & CO’S. OLD STAND.] 3 U C i -'Hi ’0' J n‘ ii !g! 18 m 18 iji jil $\ & $ | iji k ! i": 4 lUMUMMMWMUMMSlMMUkl ■irvnnnMniqnrtnrsrsnnnnram' 3raaacaacac3 1 ac JUST RECEIVED A NICE LINE OF MENS’ AND YOUTHS’ SUITS, PRICES RANGING FROfl $4.50 UP. I JUST RECEIVED IS! iS m JO 8{ m !! m ’0* 1 m I P H ifBARFIELD & HORNE, |8| igi fir «4Uj f Jgl. igi- $ Igi ;D< m jg! I A NICE LINE OF THE NOBBIEST SHIRTS TO BE SEEN IN TOWN. CALL AND SEE THEM. PINEHURST, GEORGIA. sznes MMMUMtlMItMMyyMMMMMMMt TO THE TRADING PUBLIC: In coming to town please make my store, near the A. & B. depot, your headquarters, where you will always find a idee, and fresh line of~— FAMILY AND FANCY GROCERIES. with prices ever right. Highest prices paid for country produce. I solicit the city as well as the country trade. Come to see me. Yours for business, ‘3$ ■;] . J. B. FOREHAND, Prop’r. Vienna, Georgia. ‘ -i