The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, March 18, 1903, Image 1

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• I happened into • house the other nigh hand over the door law the legend, "What is home without a mother?” Now what is the matter with God bless our dad? He gets up early, lights the lire and wipes the dew oft the lawn with ' his boots while many a mother is Bleep ing. He makes the weekly handout (or the.butcher, the grocer, milkman and baker, and his little pile is bndly worn before he has been home an hour. He stands off the bailjff and keepsjthe rent paid up. If Johnny needs a - new pair of shoes dad goes down into his dip and comes up with the price of a hard day’s sweat. If Mary needs a new ribbon for her hair or mother yearns for a wrap- per or baby cries for u ratlie, down goes dad and up comes the chink. But if he buys a. new pipe for a quarter, because the old one is getting st rong, he is warned that smoking is an expensive habit and that men have smoked up blocks and fannea ami happy homes. When a show strikes town dad comes up yvith the price and ma goes with a neighbor and Mary sparks her beau in the parlor. Dad’s clothes are none too good, so ho sits in the kitchen with the kidk. If there is a noise in the night dad is kicked out of bed and made to - come down stairs and kill the burglar. Mother darns the socks, but dad buys them in the first (Mace. Dad buys the chicken for thq s Sunday dinner and carves it himself and passes it around and has to be content with the neck. "What is home without a mother” Yes, that’s all right, but‘wlmt is home with out a father?” Andrpw J. Bundrick, who was tried and found guilty und sen- tanced to life imprisonment in the Superior court last week, for the murder of J. H. Shrowder last September, was carried tq the penitentiary camp at Fargo, Ga., Monday afternoon to commence work on his life job; He was cur ried by a guard by the name of Freedman. The walking of the two men along the street to the depot created a great deal of talk and comment. Bundrick, the prisoner, is a man something over six feet high and will weigh close on to 200 pounds, while the guard, Mr. Freedman, was a 'very small man, weighing not more than 125 pounds. The prisoner was handcuffed and a chain wus attached to hold him with, and there is no doubt but that he reached his destination in perfect safety. Gathered From the Four Cornett of Dooly/by Our Hustling Corps of Quill Drivers. They say a woman in Mexico was re cently turned to stone while uttering an oath. I am not as ready to believe this story as the one told in the bible of Lot’s wife. It was in a revival meeting, over in -Grayling, Mich., and brother Bill Glan ders was leading in piraytgi! a barrel of b*Hn the deaeon barrel of ' "Oh, Lord, sei pork,” lie groanoti. »Yes,Lo,d,d/% J IB amen ;cge~ w 1 Lord, sen,* ta ,,ln flower,” went on Bill. "Yes, Lord, do,” rejoined the deacon. "Oh, Lord, send down a barrel oj salt,” continued the praying brother. "Yea, Lora, do.” “Oh, Lord, send down a barrel of peppSr,” cried Bill, hammering the chair till It rattled. “Oh, hell, Bill,” exclaimed the dea con, "that’s too much pepper.” "What’s the best thing to do with hornet?” asks an exchange. First, swnt him one in the solar plexus, then up. percut and get in some hard body blows with all resources, now tie a rope around him, haul him down to the river and push a pile of lumber over him, then run like blazes. BOLD CHICKEN THIEF Made a Raid on the Coops of Hessrs. JohnF. Powell and J. L. Peavy Sunday Night. A chicken thief got in his work Sunday night at the home of Mr. 4i W. Peavy and also the home of Obi. John F. Powell. At Mr, Heavy’* lie made away with one chicken, while at Col. Powell’s he secured six. Early Sunday morn ing about 4 o’clock, Mr. Peavy heard a noise in his yard, but did not think about chicken thieves, , and did not get up to investigate. Later he discovered that one ot his hens was missing. The thief made a bigger haul at Col, Powell’s tak ing six. It wus in all probability ' the same person who visited both places. A united effort should be made by the people to apprehend and punish these petty thieves. They tire a menace to any commu nity, and shouldbu dealt with se verely when caught. A Remarkable, (hue - One of the most remarkable cases of stcold, deep-seated on the lungs, causing ' that Mrs G E Fenner, Mar- that Mrs U E Fenner, Mar- lion, I lid., who was entirely cured br the y ot One Mlnpte Cough Cure. She says "The coughing and strains so weakened me that I run down in weight irom 14$ >jjs.<slb*. I tried a number of remedies Lo no avail/until I used One Minute. ■Cough Cure. Four bottles of this won derful remedy cured me entirely ot the -cough, strengthened my lungs and res I j Cored me to mr norms! weigbt,nealtli and strength."—Vienna Drug Co. Gammon--Moring. Last Sunday night, after church services, Mr. Waller Moring and Miss Etta Gammon were quietly united in marriage at the home of Ordinary Hargrove, only n few- being present. Miss Gammon’s home is near Tifton, and she was spending a while on a visit to the family of Mr. Lon McGough, who lives at Pleasant Valley. Sunday afternoon Mr. Moring and Miss Gammon went out for drive, and somehow the horse would come toward Vientia, and on arriving here, Mr. Moring quietly secured a license and the yaaag couple werematried Sunday night. The event was very much of a surprise to the friends, of "both parties, all of whom join in wishing them a long and happy life. Sandy Mount. The farmers of this community ard very busy preparing the soil for planting them crops. , We hope to have our Sunday school organized sometime in the near future. Mr. Joe Fields, Jr., antf li ttle brother attended services at Smyrna Sunday. Mr. John Drawhorn happened to bad luck lost Thursday to get his buggy shafts broken while on a bird hunt. Little Mildred Lnssetor stepped on a nail last Friday which is very painful. Tuesday afternoon Master Barney Cone was chopping on a piece of plank and the nxe glanced, cutting his foot badly. Mr. and Mrs, Shelby Lasseter attend - ad preaching aL Vienna Sunday The School children here have made up several dollars which will be sent to Rev W. E. Mumford, president of the orphan’shoine at Macon. (The above /reached us too.late for last issue.) gitd went down and stayed * while with Mias Eva Lilly. Come againfrlends. Mrs. Loretta Morgan And brother Tom Lewis, of npar Drayton, vis! ted Mr. and Mrs. W. B. F. Lilly Sunday. A, ,W. Calhoun and H. C. Adams, of Vienna, passed through Midway Sun, day last. Harvey Butler spent Saturday night and Sunday with John Lilly. Misses Eva and Alma Lilly visited Miss Annie Livingston last Sunday afternoon. Blue Belle. Society at Tlppettville. Tlppettville, Ga., Mar. 13,—We aro Marriage at Jerry. Jkrhy, Ga., Mar. 13,—(Specinl)—On last Wednesday evening at the home of tlie bride’s father, Mr. Tullis Mc Kinney and Miss Lula Hill were hap pily united in marriage in the presence of a largo number of relatives and friends. The bride is the charming daughter of Mr. Ben Hill and possesses all tlia qualities that go to make up a noble wo man, while the groom is the accom plished son of Mr. Ben McKinney of this plncc, and is one of our hustling farmers and posssesscs many good business qualities. We join the hostef relatives and friends of this happy couple In extending congratulations. First Visit To Dooly In id. Years. Mr. R. C. "(Coley) Smith, of Mingo Junction, Ohio, is now on a visit to his brother J. T. Smith ol near Coney. This is his first visit to old Dooly in about 14 years, lie is foreman of the American Bridge Co., and happened to a serious accident several years ago while working on a trestle in Alii bantu. He fell about 60 feet strik ing his head and fracturing bis skull. He has many old friends in Dooly who will be glad to see him a’gain. Notice- GEORGIA—Dooly Coutrty. Will be sold before the city council chamber door In the city of Vienna, Ga. on the 27th day of March, 1E03 between the hours of 10 and 12 o’clock the, fol lowing described property to witl:— One black, bob-tailed sow, marked crop in the right ear and split in the left. Sold to pay empounding fee and mar shal's costs. This Mar. 17. 1003. W. A. Forehand. City Marshal. Street tax 'Due. All parties subject to street tax are hereby notiliel that the same has been assessed at $4.00 b» the city council and which i» now due. Books close April I, 1603. J. A. Waidkn, C. 4c T. To Highest Bidder. UNADiLLA SCHOOL NOTES. TJnadilla, Ga., March 17—Mr. Mulliii Of Cochran, was a welcome visitor to our sctiool Monday afternoon. Miss Louise Caldwell, one of the applicants for the elocutionist’s place, was present ut the chapel exercise! Wednesday morning, and rendered two enjoyable readings. Everybody Is invited to attend the contest in the'auditoriunj next Friday afternoon.' I We regret very muoh to eee Dr. Mc Arthur leave our midst,-partly because it takes away three of our brightest pupils and also on account of the Min of his interest in our school, and As a citizen of our town. The Stantonlon Society rendered an enjoyable program Friday afternoon. We tvero pleased to have a, good many visitors,among whbmwefeMlsseaJessio. Mims, Dean Sanders, Sena Bridges; Smythle Carroll, and Mcssr", Wflinot Broxton, Daniel Sumerford,.Fred Saun ders ; Mr. and Mrs. P. D. McCarty, Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Bass. The pupils of the.primary depart ment are making progress in their egg shell gardening and are becoming vety much interested. The Senior class has been interested In illustrating the principles of physics by the' Laboratory method. having some rainy bad weather at this Writing. The oreeks and branches are all full and the farmers around in this community are beh.ind with their work on account of the rainy weather. Rev. J. C. Collum preached a very Interesting sermon at Friendship last Sunday and quite n large crowd was present Miss Leila Walden wus theguest of Miss Euia 1 lanimuge lust Saturday night and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mixon visited the family of R. J. Cook last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hogsett visited relatives here Saturday and Sunday Jliss Leila Rogers and brother, Floyd, ware the guests of Misses Alice and .Mollio Mixon last Saturday night and Siinday. 1 Oqr school is still progressing nicely under tho management of Prof J. C. Collum, prioipal and Miss Martha Par kinson assistant. We have 80 pupils oh roll. Rev. Jones, of Cordcle, preached a very Interesting sermon over at the sehuol academy last Saturday night. Miss Maude Adkins and brother visit ed Miss Hattie'Cook last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Lamb, of Vienna, visited Mrs. Lamb’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Hill, Sunday. Messrs. Jim Dorminy and Morris Bbllington, of near Mingo, attended Sunday school here last Sunday after noon. Come again. , Mr. Rome Hogsett, of Pineview, at tended preuchlng at Friendship Sunday Miss Nora Warren, o: near Seville, EXTRA QUALITY, MODERATE PRICE, V : . EVERYTHING NEW AND UP-TO-DAT£. ANYTHING WORN BY LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. THE HABERDASHERS. Proctor, Lashley &Xo. « i 3 cm cm cm ca cp e=3 C3 ca aati^ c I !0[; . . . New York Barsraia Bouse, |l at court in Vienna last week. ijjc rA nnnDiM z. rfVC fll rt GTAMf Midway Society, Midway, Ga., Mar. 17—W. E, Trippe and daughter, Miss Jenkins, of near Drayton, visited the family of R. 8. M. Lilly one day last week. Mr. Jno. C. Owen .aml Dr. L. W. Mobley, of near Byromville, visited Vienna last week. Mrs. Sarah Lilly and daughter, Mies Berta, visited in Midway last Thursday. Mr. J. A. Lilly went to Vienna on business one day last week. Miss Pearl Hughes has returned to her home near Pleasant Valley, after several day’s visit to her sister. Mr. John Walton, of Vienna, was here on business last week. Mr. Ledbetter, of Corde!e,and Judge Hargrove, of Vienna, were among the visitors here last week. - Mr. S. B. Jenkins and daughter, Miss Bessie, and son, Irvin, of Dooling.spont a few hours fit Midway Saturday. Bev. J. M. Walters, the efficient teacher at Mt. Vernon, mode us a pleas ant call Saturday. We are always glad to see you, Mr. Walters. Mrs. L. C. Owen lias returned to her I invited to attend Mr. R. J. Cook and family entertain' cd a number of their friends aronnd here at a pea hut shelling last Tuesday night. Quite a large crowd was pres ent and all report a rilco time. Mrs. J. C. Collum, of this plaee, is vl siting her parents in Cordole this week.' Bibd. Tippettville, Ga., March. 17,—On go count of the rainy, bad weather there, were not many attended preaching here last Sunday, but there was a large crowd attended Sunday school Sunday afternoon. Miss Martha Parkinson and Miss Bes sie Tippett and brother visited friends and relatives at Vienna Saturday and Sunday last. Mr. Oscar Cook and Miss Alice Mixon visited the family of Mr. Rogers Sat urday night and Sunday. We had a very nice singing at the home 4f Mr. A. B. Tippett last Sunday afternoon. Messrs Joe and John Brown Edwards of near Mingo, attended Sunday school here Jest SupduJt afternoon Mr. D. W. Thombley and family visit, cd Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Mixon Sunday. Mr. Henry Cason and wife, uf near Kerns, visited the fain-iy of Mr. K. J. Cook Sttndny. Miss Missie McKiney, of Jerry, was the guest of Miss Bessie Scarborough last week. We will have preaching here next third and fifth Sundays. Everybody is home in Vienna, after several days visit te relatives near Byromville. Mrs. Ida Perry and Miss Perry, of near Byromville, are visiting relatives near Vienna this week. Messrs Joiner and'Vaud Ingram, Har vey Butler, W. C. tngram and sons, Fannie and Kelly were among the Mt. Vernonites here last week. ' Mrs. John C. Owen and daughter, Mies Alma, have returned borne after several days visit to her son in Tltoni- esviile. Uncle Rectus: We enjoy your “Dooly Banner” eolumn very much and it is greatly missed when you do nut send it in. H. A. J. Fuqua and son, Andy, went We are glad to note that Miss Surah Mixon, who has iteen ill for some (finio, is able to be up again. Mr. Zcek’ Tippett end sister. Miss Belle, visited relatives at Seville last Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Mollfc Mixon attended preach ing at Mars Hill Sunday. Messrs Wide and Luther Cook visited relatives near Ramon last Saturday night and Sunday. - Mr. Morris Biillingtnn, of Mingo, at tended Sunday school hero Sunday cveufng. Blue Bird. One Minute Cough Cure give relief in ne minute, because it kills the microbe Inch tickles the mucous membrane, cans down over Iho A. & B. to Vienna Iasi I •"« j*« cough. «"<»«the same time clears Saturday. the phlegm, draws out the inliamalion and oothei and heals the affected parts. Onr The lence around the city park will be Messrs Henry Bowen and George | Minute Cough cure strengthens the lungs Swearingen, of Pleasant Valley, visited : wards off pneumonia and is a harmless sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash on Mar. 20th, between to and 12 o'clock** Done by order of city council, j, A. Waluek, C. & T, relatives and friends at Midway Sunday Harvey Butleqand sister, Miet Mollfe, Joiner Ingram and sister, Ml* Eula, took a moon-light walk Svnday night nd never tailing cure in all curable cases of coughs, colds and croup. One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take,harmless a id good alike fo for young and old. Vienna Drug^Co. m $ $ $ i5‘ Our buyer, Mr. Feld ser, is now in New York purchasing our Spring stock. In order to make room we are selling everything at Cost. Come at, once if you want Bargains. & t[]t rlOl } n c $ m ij! $ i°J : g ’ < rs. [A. ROOBIN & CO’S. OLD STAND.] SQt | !0S iflf acacacacacacacacaizacacacac acpcaacacaadtanacia snrvnnnrvnHnnnnnHnnnnHnnwwnw. iaac aepe nnnnnr <nly« in' 4 iQt 1 ' 3C3C3 I I ^ UUUHUUDUMMUHWMUUUUMUUUtIUk eacacaeacacacacac """""IDE I JUST RECEIVED ij i ;0s A* NICE LINE OF MENS’ AND YOUTHS’ SUITSrPRICES RANGING 0 , FROn $4.50 UP. • jjjj JUST RECEIVED | 1 A NICE LINE OF THE NOBBIEST jn SHIRTS TO BE SEEN IN TOWN. |g| CALL AND SEE THEM. BARFIELD & HORNE, PINEHURST, QEORGIA.,» 0 lQ[ hi 5 S‘ 10! 3C3C3C3C3C3C3C3C3C3C3C 3C3CJB3 I -jQi Hip TO THE TRADING PUBLIC: Li coming to town please make my store, near live A. & B. dr-pot, your headquarters, where you will always find a nice, and fresh line of—— FAMILY AND FANCY GROCERIES. with prices ever right. Highest prices paid for country produce. I solicit the city as well as the country trade. Come to see me. Yours for business, - ^ J. B. FOREHAND, Prop’r. Vienna, Georgia.