The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, May 29, 1903, Image 1

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THE VIENNA NEWS. OFFICIAL'ORGAN OF DOOLY COUNTY AND OF THE CITY OF VIENNA, i LARGEST BONA FIDE CIRCULATION OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. VOL. II. NO. 01! VIENNA, GA, FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1008. 12 PAGES TWO GOOD GAMES OF BASE BALL Vienna Lust]the frist Game witll Tifton and Won the first dame from ^shburn—Score 15 to 4. TIFTON VS VIENNA. ' Vienna apd Tifton crossed bats at the latter place Thursday af ternoon of last' week, which re sulted in a Victory for Tifton by ’• a score of 9 to 5. ' ff The Vienna boys found it neces- :‘sary to kick at two or three s- decisions of 'tlie umpire in the Jwfttt two or three innings which ;«fiayed the game for several f minutes, but after that they settled down and played a very good game. The second game with Tifton will be played this (Friday) after noon at the ball park in this city and the Vienna boys hope to como out victorious, i 128456789 Tifton — 1 1 1 1 4 0 1 0 0—9 Vienna—0 1 0 0 1 1 0 2 0—5 VIENNA VS A8HBURN The Ashburn ball team canie up Tuesday afternoon and played a I game with Vienna’s aggregation l meeting defeat to the tune of 15 I to 4. Score by innings. 128456789 Vienna 2 08 1*2 0 1 0—15 Ashburn 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 ■Batteries: Vienna—Simmons, . Broxton, Stovall and Pittman. Ashburn—Smith and Hall. ■mT Struck out by Stovall 6, by ■' Broxton 3, by Smith 6. [ The base ball spirit in Vienna ! is warming up, and some real live /tall enthusiasts are rapidly de- \lAeioping. Eyery patriotic Vien- is interested in our ball team its success and when money is needed they go down in their pockets with pleasure. • The people of Vienna want a first-class team, and are willing to do their part to get one. That we will have one there is no doubt, for when this spirit is manifested by the people, the boys will do their part. Tllis spirit is absolutely neces- f ry to a good ball club. Unless e boys are encouraged by the ime people, they cannot put the gpftrit into the sport that is nec essary to successful playing. Base ball is the great national game of our country, and grows more popular each year. Like everything else, great changes have takeq place in the game in tbs last few years. Every year it is*made more scientific and more difficult for the players. Vienna has a team to bo proud of^ for a finer looking lot of boys could not be gotten together. They present a nice appearance in their new uniforms. All are heavy,' strong and active, and by practice every man on the team should be come a heavy hitter. A team wi$h a bnttey of heavy hitters is a tough proposition to go np against, and'wo hope to see our boys develops into pg-skin smash- the first water, boys' 'Composing the team imen and clubs com- to play them will be s' gentlemen themselves respects. Clean, fair games >are the only kind they will play. f Mr. J. C. Thompson closed his "school lit I’b'ii-iiut Valley last Fri day and returnee! to ,his home at Morristown, Tenn., Monday after- lytftin. Mr, Thompson says that He has beep teaching eleven years f Pleasant Valley is the bes$ country neighborhood in which he has ever taught. He made an average of 48^ which if unusually large for a-school with out an assistant teacher. QUARTERLY CONFERENCE Quarterly Conference will be held at Bynpmvillo Saturday and Sunday. The presiding elder, Rev. 31, A. 3Iorgnn, of 3Iacon, will have with him Rev. K. Read, of that city, to nssist'him in the services. WEDDINGS. Last Sunclay afternoon, at the Methodist parsonage in Cordele, Mr. Dave Wells and- 31iss Mamie Clements were quietly united in marriage-by Rev. McGeliee. The wedding was quite asurpise to the< friends of the. young jieople. 3Ir. Wells is a’popuW young business man of Cordele and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. jTelson Clements, who livo a few miles below Cordele. Both young peo ple aro very popular,'and their friends will all*be glad to learn of the happy event, A NARROW ESCAPE. The residence of 3Ir. J; A. Smith had a narrow escape from being burned lost Friday afternoon at about 2:80 o’clock. The fire orig inated in the stove-flue and the flames had already burst through the roof when the fire company arrived and put it out in quick order. The flames were held in check somewhat by the use of garden hose until the fire company arrived. The damage was very small. The rqn and connection was made from thp reel-house by the boys in three and one-fourth minutes. , I RICHWOOD. Richwood Ga., May 26th—The Sunday school is progressing very nicely despite the inclement weather. Mr. F. E. Lashloy, of Vienna, addressed the Sunday school with a very interesting talk Sunday afternoon. ’ ( Mr. C. Sims, ofOcilla, is among his many friends hore again. Mr. W. T. Sims visited Macon on business Monday. ' Messrs. C..A. Sims-and E. G. Cribb attended Sunday school nt Mt. Pleasant Sunday afternoon. Misses Ada and Maggie Bryant have returned home from an ex tended visit to their sister, Sirs. Harvard.' Little Aliases Clara Sims and Bertha Calhoun spent Saturday qight with Mattie Bryant. Mrs. .Martha Wilder spent Sun day afternoon with the family of W. T. Sims. Misses Lyda and Carrie Bridges attended prayer meeting here Sunday night. Messrs Ed Lee Greene and Jesse Berry also attended prayer meet ing here Sunday night. The school house at this place caught on fire Tuesday afternoon but no damage was done. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice is given by various parties for the incorporation of the Flint River A Northeastern Railroad Co. with a capita) stock of $100,000, with privilege of increasing same to $500,000. The company pro poses to build a railroad from some point on the east bank of Flint' river to Pelham and Doerun, with branches toHartsfield and Carlisle making in all about sixty miles of railway. Mallette & Gray, a lum ber firm at Doerufi, now operate several miles of tram road in that direction and this will be ‘ linked with the trbm of the Higgston Lumber Co., of Pelham, which runs up several miles in the direc tion of Doerun. This will leave only n short gap to be built in addition to the Hartsfield and Carlisle branches. The new rood will haye its offices at Pelham. THEPINEHURST / SCHOOL TO CLOSE A Beautiful Program lias been Ar- ' ranged and a Good ITme Is * Expected. The spring term of the Pine- hurst public schools .will to a close next Friday, June5th. An excellent program has been ar ranged for the morning and even ing exercises. The morning exercise^ will lie devoted to the oratorical contest for the Atkinson and Hoslam medals. These exercises will be gin at 9 o’clock. • The program beginning at 8:00 o’clock that- night will be rendered by the Lanier and Riley literary societies, under the direction of teachers in the literary depart ment, assisted by the classes in piano and stringed instruments under the direction of Alias L. Ai. Hooten. At the close of the evening ex ercises, the awardings of meduls will take place. Besides the Speakers’ medals there will be the Williams medal for scholarship and the Edenfield medal for music. Tllis term has been one of the most successful in the history of the school. The closing exercises are looked forward to with much interest. Lewis-Patriek. Montezuma, May 20,—A mar riage 'of great significance on ac count of the high standing of the contracting parties occurred today at 1:80 p. m. It was the marriage of - Miss Christine Patrick, the daughter of Mr. D. S. Patrick, to Mr. Wm. Minor Lewis, Rev. H. P. Jackson performed the ceremony. Only the immediate family t at tended the marriage ceremony,, which occurred at the residence of the bride’s father, Air. D. S. Pat rick. They left immediately on the 2:20p. m. train for Now York and other points of interest in the E08t. The bride is one of the most beautiful young women in the State, having been graduated at the Montezuma high school in 1902 and since her debut iifsociety she has been a social favorite among all the young people. Mr. W. M. Lewis, son of Mrs. Jno. F. Lewis,.and brother to Con gressman Lewis, is a young man of fine business qualities mid high moral character and is one of the wealthiest young men in the state. McKenzie-Hyman. > Handsome invitations are being issued today to the marriage of Mrs. Clara Hyman to Mr. Carlton M. McKegzie, on the afternoon of Thursday, 4th of June, 1908, at 12 :80 o’clock, at the First Baptist churtfli in Cordele. Air. AIcKonzio is a lawyer and the talented editor of the Cordele Daily News. His bride-to-be is a sister to Slessrs. L. J., S. J. and Miss Epsie Bush, of this city. The popularity and prominence of this couple will make tBeirs one of the most interesting and attractive weddings that has occurred in Cordele. , . After the marriage Mr. and Mrs, McKenzie will join the Georgia Press Association party for a three weeks tour of the West, going as far as California. In advance the Sentinel joins a great boost of friend in extending hearty congratulations.—Cordele Sentinel. PARK NAMES. Mrs. J.,F. Waters sends in the following names for the park: Vieoiucta, Powhatan. Eldorado, Prospect Park, Sunn»sido, Alyrtle Glen, Fair View, Thronatuska, Halcyondale. PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Regular meeting of council, Alay 25th 1908. Present,: Mayor Whitehead, Al dermen Lewis and Forehand. Ab sent aldermen Walton and You- rnans. Alotion carried that the clerk <% treasurer purchase a dog catch ing net. Alotion curriod that committee on surveying city limits have sign boards erected at each public roda and railroad leading in the city, where tie city limit crosses them. On motion the following reso lutions were adopted: It is re- olved .by the mayor and aldermen of Vienna that the Georgia Muni cipal League is on organization likfsly to be of great service' in promoting municipal improve ments and we. hereby authorize the payment by our treasurer of two dollars annual dues, in order that the city may become a mem ber of said'League. ReSolved further that realizing the necessity of more fire protec tion and improving the sanitary' condition of the city, the’propriety of floating bonds for such purposes was diseucseed and it is decided that at some near future day, an election will be ordered on the question. Motion carried that Alderman be requested to call on owners of all business houses in the city, and request them to put brick pave ments in front of their places of business. Minutes read and adopted. Council adjourned. J. M. WHITEHEAD, Mayor. J. A. Walden, C. A T. BIRTHDAY DINNER. On last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Rushin tendered to their son-in-law, Mr. John P. Lilly, of Cordele, and a number of his young lady, and gentlemen friends a birthday dinner in honor of his twqnt-first year. A very elegant dinner was served at 1 o’clock, which' was heartily enjoyed by all present, who joined in wishing that Mr. Lilly would live to have many more such en joyable occasions. *- Those present were: Alisses An nie and Erma James, of Cordele; Airs. L. W. AIoKenzie, of Spal ding, and Misses Calls. Lilly, Lila Mae McDonald and Jewel Powell, of Vienna; Messrs. James Ray, Tom Fenn, Jake Heard and Her bert Rushin, of Cordele, and Air. Marshall, of Americus. TENANT HOUSE BURNED A tenant house on the planta tion of Mr. Jerry Clemons was burned Tuesday morning at 10 o’clock. Everything in the house was saved, with the exception of the cooking utensils. Tho origin of the fire was not learned. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to • extend to our friends, and especially to the fire company, for their quick response in helpiiig to extinguish the fire in our home last Friday afternoon. We will ever feel very grateful to all of them. . Yours very truly, Mb. and Mbs. J. A. Smith ARREST OF A DESPERATE NEGRO Notice Is hereby given of the intention to apply for the passage of a bill at the next session of the Georgia General Assembly, to be entitled An Act to establish the City Court of Cordele, in the county of Dooly, to define its powers and jurisdiction, to regulate proceed ings therein, to provide for officers of said court, to- provide for the establishment and maintenance of said court and for other purposes. Lawson Henderson Caught and Jailed by Bailiff Powell on Several Serious Charges. Bailiff T. F. Powell brought Dawson Heuderson to town last -Thursday and locked him up in the Dooly county jail, charged with several offenses. - Mf. Powell suspicioned Hender son of having stolen some . meat lately, and went to search his house on Thursday lhorning. Uji- on reaching the house, Henderson, who was in the yard, told the officers that they could not enter his house for the purpose of search ing it. They covered him with their guns and kept him from going into the house himself and securing his gun. Seeing that they had tho advantage of him, the ne gro called to his wife to get his gun and shoot the officers. The woman got the gun and leveled it at the white men, being urged by her husband all the while to shoot; but it seems she did not have suf ficient ndrve to carry out his com mand. Seeing that he was very likely to have serious trouble with Hen derson,' Bailiff Powell sent for Sheriff Sheppard here to come and help make the arrest. Hen derson first drew an .iron, wedge and a brick on the officer; then he ran and secured a hoe and at tempted to bluff him off with that. Failing in this, he left the premises und went to the home of Air. E.'G. Greene, whose family was away, and broke into,the house and secured a gun. Mr. Powell started to follow him wlion he uturted off, but when he had gone a short distance, he heard a shot at the house and turned bock to see what the trouble - was there. The shot at the house was caused by the accidental discharge of the gun in the hauds of tho woman.. Henderson did not get a chance to use the gun he had secured, however, as the sheriff arrived and he was put under arrest and hand cuffed. His house was then searched uiul two pieces of meat which he. hat) stolon were found. The clue which led' to the negro’s arrest was the finding of n piece of meat hanging up in a tree near Hender son’s houso by a negro working for Air. J. H. Powell, a brqther to Bailiff Powell. The negro informed Air. Powell of what he hod found, and the latter watched to see if anyone would come after the meat. As no one came, suspicion was di rected toward Hendereon, who had b*on arrested only a short time ago for stealing meat from Mr. W. T. Bridges. ‘ He was out on bond for this first offense when arrested this last time. It scorns that he is a professional meat thief, and the people of the Pleasant -Valley community, in which lie lived, had beeome exas perated over his depredations. Henderson lias served one term in the penitentiary, and from the number of charges now arrayed against him, it looks ns thougli his chances ure good for another good long term. The lost meat found in his house by the officers was stolen from Air. E. G. Greeno. Henderson made the statement that he wished ho could have killed at least one of the officers. When asked why hqwished that, ho said they would then have killed him and he would not now lie in this trouble. There is no doubt that he is a desperate character,"and the white people in tho community in which he lived can now draw an easy breath. SPARKS SECURES A NEW RAILROAD. A meeting of the citizens of the town of Sparks was held Wednes day morning to consider 1 a propo sition made by the officials of the South Georgia and AVest Coast Railroad, to extend their line to that place. The road at present runs from Hoartpino through Quitman to Greenville, with an ultimate des tination on tho Gulf Coast of Florida. ■ They proposo taking up their tracks at Heartpine, and it is said made a proposition to the people of Sparks that if they would con tribute $8,000 they would extend their road to that town, and there make connection with the Georgia Southern & Florida. At the meeting in Sparks Wed nesday, the necessary amount was raised in ten minutes, and the „ road is now doubtless assured to, progressive place. Board of Trade meeting. The Board of Trade of the city of Vienna held a very interesting and enthusiastic meeting at the courthouse Tuesday morning. The meeting was called to order by J. B. McDonald, chairman, who stated the object of the meet- t ing. The following new numbers were voted upon and elected: P. G. McDonald, J. P.'Heard, W. F. Newby, B. F. Forbes, R. S. Mid dleton, Dr. H, A. Youmans, 0. S. Bazemore, Dr. C, 1 T. Stovall. The following gentlemen made talks duying the meeting; which were of great interest to all pres ent : J. P. Heard, J. B. McDon ald, P. G. McDonald, Ed. 'Howell and Joseph Burns. Tho question of a new square bale ginnery was next discussed and enough of the capital stock* of $0,000 toas subscribed at the ‘ meeting to guarantee its erection. The Board of. Trade is one of the best organizations in the city, and we predict that it will be of great value in the up-building and future advancement of the city’s interests in every particular. The business men of Vienna cannot afford not to ,become members. Let every member see how many new ones can be secured by the next meeting. The Picnic Today. \ v The Baptist and Methodist Sun day schools of this city will pic nic out at the park in the fair grounds today. The park has been furnished with plenty of seats 'and other conveniences and things of amuse ment, and one of the most enjoy able picnics in the history of the town is anticipated, and toe feel quite sure that all those who at tend will not be disappointed. Grlffin-Cato. Mr. Charlie Griffin and Mist i Queen Cato were united in mar- riugu last Saturday afternoon by Rev. R. R. Hamilton at Wenona. On Saturday the young couple at* \ tended a picnic near Wenona, and in the afternoon they got a buggy and drove to the home of Rev. Humilton, where they were quietly married. Thu bride is a daughter of Air. and Airs. W. C. Cato and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Griffin, and a prosperous young former. They have the best wishes of thoir many friends for a long and lmppy life.; The weather tho past few days lias been something, on the ; summer order. We have been having fegular August) weather this week. T; \ i ), *'r/W ■‘jH I