The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, June 27, 1905, Image 1

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PUBLISHED TWICE-A-WEEK. VOL. V. HO. 8. URGE crowds coming 0 the Veterans’ Reunion on Next Tuesday ’reparations Are lleblg- Made to Entertain Old Soldiers In Royal Style July 4th. The Dooly county: Veteransiro- nion will be held:,inthia-city next Tneeday, Jult 4th. Ample preparation* arobeing made for the entertainment of the large crowd that usually attend the reunion every year.. The pro gram committee has nearly com pleted the duty assigned to it. Excursion rates has been secured on both railroads entering the city and it may be possible yet' to se cure some extra trains, the matter being under consideration by the railroads. Let every oitpen of Vienna especially, do tlieir full duty on this occasion in looking after the elitertiinmerit of the' V'.terans and their friends as well. The mayor and City council will turn over the keys of the city, to the Veterans ou this occasion and every citizen is joined by the News in welcoming sincerely their pres ence and those of their friends to our city. May yonr comir.g prove a bless ing to us and a benefit to you in return. = J. S. SIMS DIED THURSDAY. VIENNA, GA., TUESDAV AFTERNOON. JUNE 27. 190?- THE VIENNA FBOORIM, ESTABLISHED 1882 THE VIENNA NEWS, ESTABLISHED 1801 CONSOLIDATED OCT. 1904 FOUND DEAD IN FLINT Aged Citizen of Jerry Community Dies After Long Illness, 3. S. Sims, a prominent farmer living in the Jerry community.' died laat Thursday at 10 o’clock. Mr: Sima had been confined to his bed about 80 days with typhoid malarial fever. He was a member of Smyrna Baptist church and had been n .member of that denomination for 20 yeara. He. was 69 years old and leaves a wife and «*children besides a large number of relatives and frienda to mourn his death. The remains were placed in the family burial grounds one niilo south-west of the city Friday moruing. ReV. J. M. Kelley, of this city officiated. Unknown Negro Is Disov- ered With Half a Car Wheel Swung to Hia Neck*‘-Was Found by a Man Reselling DrownlngTtami ‘ DEATH OF AN INFANT. LOST BIG MONEY AND SUICIDES Decline lo Rents Causes deorges Rod rigues to Kill Himself. Paris, June 25.—Georges Rodri gues, the banker, has committed suicide. It is stated that the financier lost heavily in the recent sharp declines in rentes.' ' 1 . The liabilities of his bank are given out as $2,000,000. The Only Way to Cure. , To cure a cold when you have no cou*h—to cure a cough when you have no cold—to cure yourself when you have both—take Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar. Acts on the bowels. Best for coughs, colds, croup, whoop ing cough, etc. Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar Is the orlglnul Laxa tive Cough 8yrup. It contains no opi ates and cures by strengthening the lungs, throat and chest, expelling colds from system by gently moving the bowels, and an ideal remedy for young or old. Once used will be remembered ns a sure cure. Sold by Vienna Drup Company. Saw Mill Man Dies. Dyspepsia Or Indigestion. Coroner J-W. Graham, of U.i dills, was in the- city afternoon on hi# way homo holding an inquest over tire, body of a negro man found in Flint river below Htiguenins Ferry list Saturday with tite half of A Ckt wheel tied td lli» heek. The erf use Unit led tip to .tfie finding of the body emtio about as follows: Liveryman, F. E. Wil liams. of Cordelo, bad hired out a horse and buggy to a party working for a telephone company who had gone down to the river, to Jook after getting out sotne poles. In some manner the horse became frightened and ran into the river and being hitched to the bnggy was drowned' before assistance could be secured. In getting the bnggy and harness out the body of the negro was dis covered. At the coroner’s inqnest which was held Monday morning no in formation whatever was obtained Little Toog Coxe, Age so Months, Died Friday Night. Little Toog, the 20-months-old baby girl of Mr. and Mrs.«L. F. Coxe, died last Friday night at 8:80o’o!ock after an illness of 86 days. It was thought for some days during the illness of the lit- tlfr'oiie that it wttStotttfee-road to recovery, but a change came 1 and it gradually grew worse-until the end came. The burial took;place Saturday afternoon at %he city cemetery, Rev. W. L.Cutts performing the ceretnony. Was Captured by Detect ives in Louisana. And Arrived in Vienna Sattrday and Placed Behind Bar* of the: County. Jail. The term "Dyspepsia” means a lack of pepsin in the stomach. Indigestion ^ that would throw any light upon is rightly used when ever thb food i> not properly digested, regardless of the cause. It is immaterial, whether yon call yonr ailment Dyspepsia or In digestion when Rydale’s Stomach Tab lets are used. They are guaranteed to cure alt forms of stomach trouble. Buy a trial Bax, (price 25 cts.) and be convinced. The Vienna Drug Co. A LAD KILLS HIMSELF Believed Himself to be Victim of Unrequited Lovcf r Harry Grandlson, 19 Years of Age, Swallowed Car bolic Acid. Mr. Elder, a saw-mill man hoarding nt the home of Mr. Wal ter Easons near Coney, died sud denly while sitting in a chair on the front porch at noon Saturday. Mr. Elder had been complaining of feeling unwell since Thursday, but nothing serious was thought about his case. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his untimely death. /it l the subject and the jnry returned the following verdict: “We the jury find that the de ceased came to hit death at the hands of an unknown persqn or persons.” l&Ma’Accepts. . • Washington, June 26.—It iVre ported unofficially that- President Roosevelt, at slate hour tonight, was informed by Mr, Moyer,' the American ambassador to St. Petersburg, of the selection of the Russian peace plenipotentiaries. South Atlantic Inventors. The following patents were is sued this week to South Atlantic inventors-reported by I). Swift & Co., Patent Lawyers, Washington D. C. GA. Wnt. O. Barnett} Amerious, Casing for horse collars (Sold for $9,(XX).) Thos. E. Sykes, Helena, Device for contracting the dis charge ends of baling presses. N. C. Murdock M. McKinnon. I.auritiburg*, Fertilizer distributor (Sold for $8,000.) Clarence M. Steele, Statesville, Brick cutting apparatus. Brantley D. Tew, Parmele; Stake-socket for logging cars. S. C. Wm. D. Alford, Sumter, Cuspidor. Thoedore D. Rowuq, Columbia, Combined spirit-level and gage (Sold.) FLA. Ralph D. Martin, Tampa, Game apparatus (Sold for $8,000.) Copies of any of the above pat ents will bo furnished to our read- eraat cost price, five cents each, by D. Swift & Co., Washington D. C., our special patent corres' pendents. The “Lazy” Microbe. A learned Profeaaor claims to have discovered that "Laziness" is caused by a gerin.-It the Eminent Doctor is right, Itydsle'i Liver Tablets can rightly be termed Microbe Killers, be esuae they always remore thnt tired, lazy, sluggish feeling that has usually been attributed to a torpid liver pr constipated bowels. Itydnle’s Liver Tablets nre guaranteed to cure consti pation and all liver disorder*. They are small, compressed chocolate coated tablets, easy to take, pleusantin elTect. Reliable. Any dealer in our remedies will return your money i( you nre not satisfied with t iiese tablWs, 50 tablet 26 cm. The Vienna Drug Co. Methphi", Tenn., June 25.—Be Uevibfe himself to be a victim of uhreqhited love, Harry R.-Grand- isou, 19 years of age, today swal lowed carbolic acid within sight of his sweetheart, and after walk- ihg a .few yards, sank upon the Ittiirn bf a school hoytse in North Memphis, where he and the object of bis affeptions bad beeu class mates for years, and expired Be' fore stid could reach him. Two letters weie found in his poekdt, one addressed to hia moth er,. wIto is enroute to Cleveland Ohio,-to attend the funeral of her mother, the other to his two sis- tera, in which'he said: “Try and take my life for nu example and never make another think yon love him better than ‘life.'” -. Bent Her Double. “I knew no one. for four weeks, when I was sick with typhoid nnd kidney troubles." -writes Mrs. Annie Hurfter. of Pittsburg. Pa., "and when I got bet ter, although I had one of the best doc tor* I c.uld gefci I was •bent double, an <J had to rest, my hands on my knees when X walked. From this terrible af fliction I was rescued by Electric Bit ters, which' restored my health, and •frenfth. and 'now I can walk as ever. They are simply Wonderful." Guaranteed to cure ntom ach, lirer and kidney disorders; s •f Vienna Dnif Co., price 50c, EDITORS ROYALLY ENTERTAINED Welcome, thrice welcome to the * Veterans and their friends to the reunion hero next Tuesday. TWO KILLED IN A PISTOL DUE College Orchestra Monday Night. The Monroo Female College Orchestra, of Forsyth, will give a grand concert at the opera house in this city next Monday night, July S!rd. The concert will be under the supervision of Director, Dr. Cbus. J. Wallace. The ad mission will beSOcents. Children half price. Reserved seats without extra charge. This entertainment will i’e.weli worthyonrtimespent in attending. The orchestra is composed of 2L young ladies of this excellent edu cational institution. McOehec Withdraws. Talbotton, Ga., June 2rf.—Col onel A. P. Persona will beacandi- date for the house of representa- tivta to succeed Captain S. W Thornton, deceased. The nomi nation will occur July 8, and the •election July 12. Colonel W. N. MeGehee has withdrawn from the The Salve That Penetrate*. DeWllfs Witch Hazel Salve penetrate* the pore* of the skin, and by ite anti septic, rublfoclent and healing influ ence it subdue* inflammation and cure* Boil*, Burn*. Cute. Eczema, Tet. ter. Ring Worm and all *kln diseases. A specific for blind bleeding, itching end protruding Pile*. The oHgtnol and genuine Witch Hazel Salve Is made by E. C. DeWItt A Co., and seld by the Vienna Drug Co. . t The “Cordell Spirit" Was Thor oughly in Evidence. The editor of the News has just returned from a trip to Atlantio Beach, Fla., and the meeting of tho Weekly Press Association which met witli our neighbor city Cordelo, noted for its enterprise, pluck and genuine hospitality During our stay in Cordele we were royally entertained nt tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs. John C. Fean, for which wo find ourselves at a loss for words to express our sincere thanks for such kind treatment. Any one acquainted with the Fenn families of, oljl Dooly will bear me out in the statement as to their hospitality. A word os to.the Convention and the entertainment given them by the citizens of Cordele. Every city that has entertained the con vention since our membership, it has been our belief thnt each suc ceeding one was the best yet and we cheerfully make the same statement in reference to our Cordele. We failed to find a single in stance where it could have Been improved upon from the Banquet at the Suwauee down to the “Buffalo” in another department. Au dd I buz i tii Feud of Lo g Standing Culminates on Streets of Waynesboro. Wnyueaboro, Ga., June 2(1.-*- Two men are dead nnd oue serf ously won tided ns a result of shooting affray that occurred here today. "The pnrties to the affair were L. D. and John Hill of Drone^ and L. Schraraeck of Augusta and D. C. Curtis of St. Cluir. John Hill waa seriously wounded in the stomach and thigh. Curtis was shot in the face and through heart, dyiug instantly, and Mr Schrnmock was shot in the head and through the heart, dying in stuntly, A special train came from gusta to carry John Hill to the city hospital there, nnd M Schrameck’s family and friends came to carry his body back Augusta for burial. The body of Curtis will in all probability be buried here. Both parties met in town today on legal business, • and before friends could interfere the shoot ing was done. It was the out come of a feud of long standing and was uot unexpected. An inquest was held 6ver the bodies of the dead men, with the following verdiet: That Curtis was killed iiy Dozier Hill in defense of his life, while it is not known who shot Mr. Schrumeok. The Hills gave themselves up to Deputy Sheriff Hurst and have arranged bond. UNDRICK NOW IN JAIL PROTRACTED MEETING AT LILLY* Kpf George Bbodrittk, the report of the capturoofwhom wanpublish- od in our last usane, was brought to this city and placed ih jail Saturday afternoon by Sheriff Lewis Clewis who met the prisoner and his captors in Montgomery. He was also accompanied aa far as Cordele by F. J. Perry, of the fourteenth district, who went to the place of his .capture Louis- ana, to indentify him. According tq the evidence sub mitted at the trial of hia brother, Andrew Bundrick, for tho murder of Mr. J. II Shrouder and wound ing his wife while they were rid ing along in a buggy on their way home from Cordele at a point near Raines, he is the main perpetra tor of the crime. The cirdum stances of which are already familiar to the most of our read.- ers. His brother Andrew Bundrick who waa caught a few week* after the murder is now serving on life senteuce for being a party to the crime. Z. T. Bundrick, of Raines, prominent farmer of that section is quoted aa sayiqg that be will employ the beat of counsel for the defense of^iie brother and was visitor at the county jail Monday The information that led up to the capture of Mr. Bundrick bza not been disclosed as far as we have been able to ascertain. But whoever or wherever he may be, it was certainly a good piece of detective work. We are informed that the total amount of the reward is $260. , Rev. W. L. Cutts Will Deliver Dedi cation Sermon Saturday. ' > ' , A aeries of protracted services will commence at the new Baptist church at Lilly on next Saturday morning* at which time Rev. W. L. Cutts, pastor of the Vienna Bap tist church, will deliver the dedi cation sermon, Rev. L. S. BkUMdL* noted Bap tist divine of Atlanta, will arrive in time to deliver the 11 o’clock eermon on Sunday morning, aud will continue tho meeting through the following week. SEEKIN6 BOAT, HYDE DROWNS* Farmer Attempted to 5wlm River to Secure Bateau. | Calhoun, Ga., June26.—Claude Hyde, a farmer, who lived on the Garlington place, near Reeves station, was drowned in the Ooat- anaula river Sunday evening about sundown. He left home with Ms wife and children early in the morning, aud crossed the river in a bateau. After spending the day, with friends, the family started on their return home. Upon reach ing the river, they found that •ome one had taken the boat to the opposite side of the stream. Mr. Hyde divested himself of bis clothing and started to avitn across the river to get the boat, When about half way across he suddenly disappeared, and up to this morning his body had not been recovered. A Surpriso Party, pleasant surprise party may be Zlven to your stomach and ,liver, by taking a medicine which will relieve .heir puln nnd dlzcomfort, viz: Dr. King's New Lire Pill*. They are a most wonderful remedy, affording sure relief and cure, for headache, diz ziness and constipation. 25c at .Vien na Drug Co., Ten Time* Bailer. It I* ten times eaaler to cure Couch*, croup, whooping cough and all lung and bronchial' affections when the bowel* are open. Kenndy'* Laxative Honey and Tar I* the orlglnab Laxa tive Cough Syrup. Gently move* the bowel* and expel* all oold from the ■y*tem, cut* the phlegm, cure* *11 cough* and atrengthen* weak lung*. Kennedy'* Laxative Honey and Tar ,contains no opiates, Is pleasant to the taste and ts the beet and safest for child and adult. Bold by the Vienna Drug Company. X - • ' The seriousness of the throrft- ened boycott of American goods by tho merchants of China is rec ognized by our cotton manufac turers. The delegation that call ed upon President Roosevelt last week protested against the deten tion of highnlass Chinese by our immigration authorities, and the President wrote to Secretary Met calf, of the Department of Com merce and Labor, asking that way bo found to stop the present objectionable inspection. Better it is to make it easier for one or two coolies to evade the law now and then thuu to heap indignities on merchants, students and cul tured travelers. There is really something at stake in this mat ter.” Vienna ia making the necessary preparations to entertain the Veterans’ Reunion to bo held in this city next Tuesday. The Veterane aud their friend* will be in Vienna next Tuesday, July 4tb, in full force. The New York school authori ties have rcaohed the very tone conclusion that boys should not be taught sewing in the pnblio schools, and that snch instruction should bo confined to the girls. Thus one of the “fads” instituted by the superintendents has been set aside. The authorities at the same time decided to eliminate Latin from the list of primary school studies, and <u its place to substitute Spanish. Another change determined upon was to ligbteu the course in mathematios, ao that algebra will be taught only in.the last year, instead of the laat three year*. Geography and history are also to be revised* so thnt more attention will be given to America and lesa to the countries that the average pupil will never hear of after leaving school. The changes are all baa ed on common sense.—Savannah News. CONFEDERATE VETERANS REUNION TUESDAY, JULY THE 4TH. Vienna, Georgia, EXCELLENT PROGRAM ARRANGED: J r D i