The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, July 26, 1917, Image 2

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> ticc, have urgently KEEPING MACHINES ■SAVE VALUABLE TIME- FIGURING PREVENT^ PRICED AS LOW AS *123 Charge mnt Invoice* prove# Hunting Down the High Cost of Errors It was die smallest kind of game that the Howell Brothers, Richmond, Va., found when they had stalked "the high cost of doing business” to its lair—nothing, in fact, but the high cost of little errors. The errors were picayune affairs—too small even to hanre been suspected, but in the aggregate, they made a good sized bag. And it isn't mere coincidence that after these penny and nickel errors had been smoked out of the business^ Howdl Brothers’ hardware store started a growth that soon made it one of the most progressive businesses in Richmond. Hunting in the Breeding Ground Uost of the errors were trailed to the'bookkeeping. How easily mistakes creep into invoices and statements —and slip through unnoticed, in many and many a concern. * If it is an overcharge—it means a disgruntled! cus tomer—if an undercharge, a loss to the house. In either case it costs real money. Mistakes in accounts payable are just as expensive. And don’t forget that errors in the books mean time wasted in hunting for them—and a bookkeeper’s time is money. The Howell Brothers, having caught the errors, looked for the cause, and came upon human fallibility. The obvious remedy for human error was something that wasn’t human, and couldn’t err-and naturally they installed a Burroughs Figuring Machine. Odaed Season on Errors Error hunting is over now—there’s no more game. Today, all figures are turned over to the Burroughs. All invoices are checked when they come in and state ments before they are mailed. The result—no more apologizing to irate customers. All accounts payable are checked before cheque is mailed. Result—another source of leaks I Postings are proved and trial balance made up go the machine. Result—die bookkeeper spends his time oo productive work—not errors deposit slips—in short for all figuring where speed and accuracy are desirable. And Howell Brothers have found that in cutting down the cost of errors, they have cut down the cost of doing business* . '98 Burroughs Models There is a Burroughs for every business, large or smaU. Consult your banker or telephone book for the address of the nearest of the 170 offices maintained by the Burroughs Adding Machine Company in the United States and Canada. Georgia for several years. Already tho vast majority of stat t* - have the indeterminate sentence, ai ' f it was recommended to the Geor? 1 legislature as far back as 1914. T] indeterminate sentence, simply lta ed, is this: In stead of sentencing a man to ti penitentiary for ten years, a judg baa the authority to send him up f 0 a minimum of five yean, with t> privilege of a parole after servin that length of time If his condu msrita a parole recommendation the penitentiary authorities. This puts the prisoner on his met tie to show his wrath, makes the ad. ministration of penitentiaries easiei for the authorities, and relieves th pardon board and the governor of great deal of work in connectioi i with pardon and parole applications. SOME RELIGION HERE Atlanta, Ga.. July.—Rev. Franklin Pierce, an Atlanta missionary re-| 1 turning from the orient, tells of a| fellow- missionary shipwrecked on anl island which he believed to be inhab-|f' ited by cannibals. After hiding three * days in terror of his life he was forc ed by hunger to come out and brave the perils unknown. Approaching a hut where he saw smoke, he heard a man bawl out: “Why in the hell did you play that card?” Dropping on his knees the missionary exclaimed™ “Thank God, they’re Christians and not cannibals.” YOU HIVE KIDNEY TROUBLE'! PEACH MOVEMENT IS JUST ABOUT OVER Atlanta, Ga., July.—The last of Georgia’s poach crop is moving to market this week, and in the history of the peach orchard industry in this state the season of 1917 will stand out ■ for many years, in all probability, as 1 one of them ost profitable %n record.! With a short peach crop in Texas and Arkansas, and with a highly ef ficients istribution of the Georgia crop to the very bestm arkets by the Georgia Fruit Exchange, Georgia growers haves old practically every crate of the 4,000 carloads of peaches at fancy prices. Atiantians accustomed to receiving crates of peaches from friends in the great South Georgia peach paradise have felt the effects of high prices thin season as never before, since the growers haves old a greater propor tion than ever before and donated fewer peaches to their friends. The fruit exchange has carefully handled shipments so that no market was glutted and high prices were paid for* every car, practically the whole crop being purchased at the orchard. STATE CAN’T PAY DEBTS WITHOUT EQUALIZATION LAW MERCHANTS CAN HELP RELIEVE CAR SHORTAGE A lull mul complete line of Ciisketp, Coffins and llurinl- Robes always ready for your inspection. The exp.o’ifiK’.c of twenty years in this line emddes us to offer unex celled service. X J. P. Heard s Sons Company Funeral Directors Marble Vault, Furnished Upon Prapar Notice —W— I———■ Atlanta, Ga., July.—Atlanta ship pers and receivers of freight have un dertaken systematically to co-ope rate with the railroads In the conser vation of the car supply, by prompt- { ly loading and unloading ears; by es tablishing shipping dates for package cars; by promptly taking ont bills of lading for cars when loaded, and promptly tutoring in order notify bills of lading when shipments are receiv ed; by notifying railroad agents where cars should be placed in ad vance of arrival, so that shipments do not have to be delayed until con signees notify the agents where un loading will taka place; and by other methods which have been worked out by the traffic officials of the railroads. As pointed out by railroad officials of Atlanta, the physical plant, which Atlanta, Ga„ July.—As the 1917 session of the Georgia Legislature passes the half-way mark and heads for the home stretch, it becomes more apparent than ever before that the state could not pay its bills without the tax equalizatio^J^titwhich has been so vigorouslyjHKed and crit icised because it compelled the return of property for taxation by owners who had been in the habit of dodging their taxes before the law was pass ed. If the state should ever go back to the old system of “passing around the hat" It would be necessary to cut down pensions, cut down, common school appropriations, cut down ap propriations for higher education, cut down appropriation! for agricultural INDETERMINATE SENTENCES MAY BE ESTABLISHED SIGNS OF DANGER Backache, dizziness and headache with, “specks beore the eyes,” irregu lar heart action and liver trouble The severity of the early symptom: dependent upon the amount of pois ons which the kidneys have allows to -remain in the system. Symptoms Aching pains over Hips, Backacht Sediment or Deposit in Urine, Irrita tiori of the Bladder, Pain in Urinat ing, Rheumatism (uric acid in blood) Sudden Stoppage of Urine, Highl Colored or Milky White Urine, Pas Blood or Mucus in Urine, Strainini after Urinating. Thick or Sluggisl Urine, Stone in the Bladder, Cystiti (inflammation of bladder), Catarrl of Bladder or Bowels, Puffiness un der Eyes, Voracious Appetite, Thirst Gall Stone, Gravel, Pain in Uretha Swollen Ankles, Dimmed Virion Specks before the Eyes, Scanty Urine Frequent Calls, Mouth Dry, Billious ness, Dribbling, Lumbago, Loss Flesh, Weakness, Irregular Heart Ac- ’tion, Ulceration of the Bladder, Skin Pale, Waxy, and Dry, Bad Odor of Perspiration. Simple Test For Kidney Disease Fill a bottle with urine; let it stand for twelve hours; if there is pediment or cloudiness of any kind you have kidney or bladder trouble, and gou should begin taking Kidneco treatment today. Don’t delay until the disease is too for advanced. Kidneco is put up in 25, 60c and 11.00 packages. FREE KIDNECO COUPON Atlanta, G*., July.—The indeter minate sentence will be established in Georgia if tho legislature follows out the recommendation of- the State Prison Commission in their report which was recently submitted. It is a reform which progressive judges and lawyers as well as other students of social conditions and criminal prac- THIS COUPON with Ten cent* in Silver forPostage, etc., en titles the holder to one 25c Package of Kidneco FREE Address Dept. M., The Kidneco Co., Boston, Mass. For Sale By T. L. ROBERTS Pinshurst work in the interest of the farmers. The tax equalisation law haa in creased Georgia’s taxable values nearly $100,000,000 and haa saved the state from hitting the financial cocks. That invisible property consisting of notes, stocks sod bonds, cash in manufactures transportation cannot thank and other personal property, possibly be enlarged, and consequent-! will eventually he forced to beer its ly the only method of increasing trans' Jus* proportion of the expense of porta tion is by increasing the efficien- government is osablutely certain. cy of the existing plant. The most effective way to accomplish this much dcrired and greatly needed increased I efficiency is by gutting down the : wasted space in railroad freight can. though the day when a system of stamp taxes will arrive is a matter of uncertainty. Every year the sentiment is growing in the legis lature. IT IS A GREAT SATISFACTION when you need undertaking service'to be able *0 give it to some one who is thoroughly reliable. CALL L; F. RIDI.jEY