The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, January 17, 1918, Image 2

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ed, and th»_rcport3 which arc mailed in the afternoon-reflect actual mark et conditions for that same morning from points all over the United States and the shipments and shipping infor mation Jor the previous twenty-four hour period. Never before has in formation of this kind been obtainable and the Department is to be congrat-’ ulated upon being able to issue it while it is still fresh and full of news interest, arid while it can be used to advantage by shippers; shipping as sociations, and members of the trade. Book of Mixed Feeds Southern Sunshine dairy cows, beef cattle,, // ppprtc IM work oxen, horses ana II Is -r males ?■; || -*u*rcan Ji I *janu IH T ELLS you how to pre- /Cl I I PiL pare mixed feed / OvLJU*. /lr* scientifically. / ^>0 . IJn'l Gives the right* fqrv^K >7 11M tnula for every. Wt ss&aitum^ IB combination of feeds Vk / J/ SKvKSffigg. Hill used in the South. I ml Tells the percentage // p^SSYp / Ml-. of protein and carbohy- ^ l| -^- Ls * I JR! drates. Directs what amount L | Mr 1 of each mixture to feed for main- ^ tenance, for milk production, for fattening and for work,. This book also contains an interesting chapter on J-f land, Luzianne brings cheer to meal time-breakfast, dinner and supper. Folks who try it once have a gepuine affection for it ever after. Luzianne comes-to you in clean, sanitary, air-tight tins. The flavor stays in—impurities stay out Buy a con of Luzianne. Use the whole can. If you don’t honestly believe it is better, than .any other coffeo you ever tasted, tell the grocer to refund your money, 8gt,tryfe fly following the information de- scribed above, more equitable distri bution of perishable products is ob tained, which in turn means that ser ious shortages and oversupplies Hre reduced to a minimum, and that bet ter prices are obtained all along the line of handling. This does not mean that theconsumer pays more for. the goods, but it does mean that the cost rif handling and wastage is steadily reduced, so that everyone from the man who- produces to the man who consumes is being benefitted.' In addition to this daily, informa tion, the Department also issues a Weekly News Release, which is com piled in Washington every Tuesday ■ ■ cottonszccT ■ ■ V HULLS k ** UNTLCSS Shows why these ddinted hulls have greater forage value than the old style hulls, why they allow better assimila tion of food, Why they go farther, why they take less space for storage, why they are easy to handle, wfchr they mix well with other food, why cattle relish than, why they cost much less than old style hulls and why thou sands of feeders are enthusiastic about them. The mixed feed formulas show how to combine Buckeye Hulls properly with concentrates and other feeds. Mr. W. ft Ltfford, Troy.Hla., ~ prefers Buckeye Bulls to did that the} me tess trouble to ft digestive organs and seem to "When It Poors, It Reigns' morning. This is sent out on the af ternoon of the same day, and is in ishort and concise statement ef the trading tendencies throughout the United States as a whole. A short paragraph covering these points is de voted to each one of the crops prev- which shows thee old storage holdings of all of the principal food-stuffs. This includes reports from all the im portant cold storage in the United States and is shown in totals. These style hulls. He says ed, me better fm the agree with the cows better. Tssecare the but remits end to develop tbs ensilage odor, uret the halts thoroughly twelve hours before feeding. It is easy to do tbis bj welting them down night sad morning for tbe nest {ceding. li et an; time tbis cannot be done, wot down a luet thirty minntu. li jou prefer In toed tbe buUa dry, uee only half u much by bulk u ef old,otyle bulls. Send to the Nearest Mill for Your Copy of the Book Dents The Buckeye Cotton Oil Co. Dnt.c ass?. iSsst* ssss* marketing is enlarged it in turn will mean better growing, better packing and more intelligent diatribution. -Any inquiries or requests for fur ther information should be addressed to the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Markets, 414- 16 Connally Building, Atlanta, Ga. If you desire any of thk informa tion, you may All in the attached blank. - Bulletins desired on following crops'i become better informed on-market conditions. If one’s Imowledge of during the previous twenty-four hours .together with their deatMhtions. This information is then assAbled in Washington and relayed V5 the De partment’s variousjpermanent offices before nine oeloclc the following morning. The man in charge of the market stations secure their quota tions by getting out on tho markets with the opening of business, and per sonally interviewing the various tons buying and selling these articles. By talking to the various members of the trade and seeing the actual sales made, theso men ore able to know ex actly what the market conditions are, the prices, quality and condition of the stock, and the trading tenden cies. This information is then sent over the Government leased wires to the Washington office, where it is re sent over tho various wire circuits which arc on looped up with the Wash ington office. , ...Kion uuice. u These circuits are catablislied in the East, taking in the cities in the middle Atlantic States; in the North taking in the Northeastern States, in the South, taking in such markets as Birmingham, • New Orleans, Atlanta, Jacksonville, Memphis, and Forth dlo western and western cities. information sent over each circuit is Again transmitted over the otherr cir cuits so that every morning each city ia familiar with the existing condi tions In all other cties. In addtlon to following thee ondi- tions in the markets, the Department has field offices in all of the principal producing areas. These offices are set up previous to the opening of any I particular deal, and are continued un- [til that particular shipping section has finished for the year. The men in charge of thes field offices'keep in con ktant touch with all the large associa tions, individual shippers, buyers and broken, and report the daily condi tions to the Washington office. The in formation sent in by them is mint to all of the other producing anas and to all of the markets. Ts soon as any of the above information commences 'to come in over tho wine, it is assem bled in the market stations and print ed. Shortly after noon each day, it is sent out to the complete mailing list in that station. One point worthy of attention is the fact that all of these data an pub llihcd Immediately upon being recehr- J. J. Cooper Vienna, Ga. TSEVROLETj You will make no mistake if you invest your money in a Chevrolet. The returns from your investment will exceed your expectations. We have a variety of mod els. You will find it easy to A new line of work has been open ed In the South within the past few. weeks' by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. A permanent office has been established in Atlanta 416 Connally Building, which is 'in charge of Mr,:C. W. Chewning. This office ts carrying on what ia known as a Market News Service, which is in reality a statement of daily quota tions from practically every market in the country, showing the essential market conditions on fruits arid vege tables. This information covers the following commodities. Apples, Asparagus, Cabbage, Can taloupes, Celery, Cherries, Grapes, Lettuce, Onions, Peaches, Pears, Po tatoes, White Potatoes, '.Tomatoes, Watermelons, Beans, Oranges, Tan gerines, Grapefruit, Mandarians, Pep pers, Snap-Beans, Egg Plant. - No one unfamiliar with this work realizes the great amount of energy and detail necessary In order to pub lish this information on the same day the market report themselves cover. In order to handle the great volume of work, it has been necessary for the Government to establish leased tele graph wir ecircults, and to have double shift of telegraphers. The wire is busy from 6 o’clock in the morning until 6 o’clock at night, and informa tion is being transmitted all the time. When it is realized that practically nil of this information is.handlod in cipher which cuts down the volume of words 5-600 per cent and the wires are busy twelve hours it can be seen that a great deal of valuable informa tion is being disseminated from the Atlanta office. The United States Department of Agriculture has these leased wires in srime thirty or forty permanent market stations, and the entire office force spends practically all of its time in handling information covering shipments and market con ditions of perishable fruits and vege tables. This information is the most up-to-date and concise that has ever been published either by private or public institutions, as it requires an excellent piece of machinery, well trained in every respect, to know the number of cars of each crop shipped out of each state every day, and to know what'these crops ate bringing on the principal markets daily. - In order to handle this'' informa tion, it has boon necessary for the Department to arrange with the rail- Foid & Calhoun Pinehurst, Ga. For High-Grade Cem etery Memorials CONFER WITH C. J. Clark: PROPRIETOR CLARK’S MONUMENTAL WORKS AMERICUS. GEORGIA The Firm of Established Reputation A full and complete line of Caskets, Coffins and Burial Robes always ready for your inspection. The experience of twenty years in this line enables us to offer unex celled service. J. P. Beard & Sons Company Funeral Directors ifartUV.atorisOikidllnarwur Mattse THE UALUES WE OFFER ARE SO BIG THAT WE WANT YOU TO SEE THEM. COME IN NOW WHILE THE STOCK IS CONPLETE AND SEE THE QUALITY OF OUR GOODS AND THE PRICES WE PLACE ON THEM. THAT’S ALL WE ASK. WE KNOW THAT YOU WILL BUY AND BUV LOTS. BECAUSE YOU WILL FIND THE QUALITY TO BE GOOD AND THE STYLE TO BE CORRECT. OUR PRICES ARE NOW THE LOWEST OF THE SEASON.