The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, April 25, 1918, Image 2

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Life | Was a Misery I GOV.'S MESSAGE TO COUNCILS OF DEFENSE Mrs. F. M. Jones, ol Palmer, Okla., writes: “From-the time I en tered into womanhood ... I looked with dread from one month to life next. 1 suffered with my back and bearing-down pain, until life to me wills a misery. 1 would think I could not endure the pain any longer, and I gradually got worse., i . Nothing seemed to help me until, one day,.. I decided to Governor Dorsey, both as chief ex ecutive and head of the Georgia Council of Defense, is urging the vi tat importance at present of Georgia's part-in the Third Liberty Loan Drive. "Put the force of the County Coun- | cils of Defense back of the Liberty ! Loan Drive,” he has asked. With tell- Jing oratory he-initiated the Third Lib erty Loan in Atlanta. He aroused to enthusiastic pitch his large audience wheft he contrasted the ideals of Prus- sumism with those of America. He quoted the preamble of the constitu tion the United States: "We, the tion - people, etc., do ordain and establish this constitution,” and contrasted it with' the preamble of the German con stitution, “I. king of Prussia and Em peror of “ TAKE The Woman’s Tome “ 1 took four bollles,” Aim. Jones goes on to say, “and was not only greatly relieved, buf cart truthfully say that 1 have’ not a pain. , . “It has now been two years since I tookCardui, and I am still in good health. . . 1 would ad vise any woman or girl to use Cardui who Is a sufferer from any female trouble.” If yousuHerpaincaused from womanly trouble, or it you feel the need of a good strengthening tonic to build upyourrun-down system, take the advice of Mrs. Jones. Try Car dui. It helped her. We believe it will help you. ! Germany, hereby give and grant,” etc. fie read quotations from the “Me und Gott” speeches of Kaiser William and from the speeches of prominent Gorman publicists made both before and after the beginning of the war. “We fight this war for every wes son bur forefathers fought any war,” declared the governor, and then, with out mentioning names he bitterly as, sailed those in the congress and ate frho would justify the beast of Berlin and his mad hordes and era- ! barrass the president. In appointing Mr. S. J. Slate chair man of the County Organisation com- Imlttee for the State Council of Do 11 fense, Governor Dorsey has put new | spirit in that all important organisa tion through which Georgia now must push her part of the national war pro- | gram. Mr. Slate has issued a letter to | every county chairman, pointing out the vital importance at the present moment of every man in the state backing this well established organi zation, not merely to do the war work Keep your children in good health—The greatest menace to health in old or young is constipation. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative is recommended as a‘ positive remedy for constipation—mild and gentle in its action and free from opiates and narcotic drugs. In countlefcs homes it is the standard family remedy. Druggists everywhere—fifty cents and one dollar. Southern Hospitality includes Luzianne be left in the local council so 1 . that they can overlook and direct all work done in the county and give it the ben efit of their experience and political knowledge.” Mr. Slate might have udddd fur ther that there never was a time when the state executive of any state wa3 more pressed for aid from citizenship at large not merely in the matter of directing £he war program ad indicat ed by the Nation through the Council of National Defense, but in adjusting the different conditions and situations which have arisen because of the in- munity of every county an apportuni- ty to work for his country, to do his part of the war program and ' that through a representative, well organ ized group of his own townspeople or friends. ^^HEERY, whole-hearted, Southern hospitality—it’s almost a magic phrase to many. But really it stands for. honest friendship, cordiality and (you've guessed it) lots of delicious goodies. Luzianne Coffee is always in cluded in Southern hospitality because it tastes 80' good. Fra grant hot coffee for people who knowwhat’e good—that’s Luzianne. "Whan It Pours, IfReiioa*• AMERICA My country, tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, &f thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the Pilgrt&’a pride, From every mountain side, Let Freedom ring; | SCALDS, GALLS, SCRATCHES, SORES, HURTS, SCREW WORMS The time has come now when every man who has been made a chairman of a county council of defence, must feel it his obligation, if he does not wish to work in this way for his coun-t My native country thee ,' try, to make that known to the govern or in order that another man may be appointed in his place, because it must not be said of any county that • troubles, buy a pint of linseed oil,, if j you prefer a healing oil, or a pound ! of hog lard or vaseline if you want a I salve and add a 50c bottle of Farris department of the state’s life—corn- prescribed by the governor as head of J merc ially, industrially, politically *nd the State Council of Defense, but to DO cially. Yet, with this added condi- fight anywhere it may exist, the per nicious influence of Germun propa- wiiilii iidvw uuauruuauat ui iiic m- must not be said of any county that fluence of the war as it touches every anyone in that county had a desire to work along patriotic lines, and did not ganda, which is so often imposed through the ignorant of a community who really aren ot aware of the ser iousness or the nearness of the war problem to every individual of the Nation. As Mr. Slate has said in his recent communication to the chairman of the County Councils in Georgia, “The County Councils of Defense should be the civic center of every county in Georgia and should handle all matters ffor the state council. It means tion of a most complex nature, tho clerical force of the governor of the state has in no way been increased. There aro no funds for his work which must be carried on, still, and the do so simply because of the failure on the part of one man to lead when he had conferred upon him the honor of leadership. Since thew ar conference held ii\ Atlanta March 19th and 20th and the meeting at that time of the Georgia Land of the noble free, ■Thy n*me I love; 1 love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills, *My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above. j Healing Remedy. It simply can’t h*\ Let music swell the breeze And ring from all tho trees, . Sweet freedom’s song; Let mortal tongue^ awake, Let all that breathe, partake, Let rocks their fHence break, The sound prolong. beat by any salve or liniment mad*, j And see what you get—a full pint for j not over,GO cents. Farris Healing ! Remedy b sold by us on the Money | Bad;- Plan. ! O. L. ARNOLD and J. P. HEARD & SONS, Local Dealer* [/■ I i tion which he must have in Georgia’s part ot the war program, through the Council ot Defense. There could not be a better organi zation than that proposed by the Geor gia Council of Defense, which gives TAX RECEIVER'S ROUND FEB- I Krent <le “’ ol hard work and untirinK cve vycotinty an opportunity through RUAR.Y, 1918, n^-April d. ,0th District—April 10, 'TiipeWB‘ '* it's Store—April 11. listr 3rd District—April 12. Plnohurst, April 13th. Findlay, April 10th, .[zeal-on the part of the members. Ev- j cry county council should be so organ- I ized that it will take chargo of all | matters sent to it by the state council ! or to committees of the State Council of Defense certain men in tho coun- its organizations, to put forth flje best there is in it at the present moment. Ofentimes when thero is a desire on the part of a state or largo groups of people to do some specific work for their country, there is no medium —From Tho New Evangel. I ty to assist in any plans for enlarge- through which to do it, but the State Vienna—Aprit Yl***!5 ‘>0 27 29 ment activities on the part of Georgia ( Council of Defense comes as a wise and 39 P ' ' ' ' ' ' n tko P rosecut ' on °f war. AH the well worked out organization that J J WILLIAMS , threads of authority, however, should gives every individual in every com- Studebaker WAGONS SUMMERS BARNESVILLE BUGGIES Frazier Road Carts and Harness SWAIN PINEHURST, GA. state’s regular routine of work not 1Counc „ o{ Defens there has been a neglected. A volunteer forcethert-1 most coramendable change on the part fore >s the one through which the gov-1 of count chairraen , Not onl is this f crnorexpects ^patriotic: co-opera-' on the part of those who wert . Author of liberty> leading prcscn t a t the meeting but those who To theo we sing; have heard since the messages which iLong may our land be bright were brought to tho meeting, by men i With freedom's holy light, not only knowing the conditions as 'Protect us by thy might, they presented themselves in this »Great God our King, country today, but those messages brought by men who have -been in foreign service and who know the horrors of the war and who know that i£ is of the utmost importance that every man,-woman and child in every community of the nation should be working with utmsot strength for the winning of the war and the quick ending of this horrible human tragedy which the war at the present moment represents. At the present moment there is nothing more important than the suc cess of the Third Liberty Loan Drive, j Tho government asks the governor of; the state to push this drive through his county councils of defense, they, being asked to co-operate with the Liberty Loan committee in their county, in every section of the state. It has been well said by Major D. F. Carmac of the U. S. Army, who has been lecturing In the state on the Liberty Bond, that money alone can not win the war, but that money must be forthcoming now. Therefore un til the end of this Third Liberty Loan Drive, the county councils of defense have no more important work before them than to work for the success of the Liberty Loan drive, and the final success of the U. S. War Savings Cam paign, now being successfully pushed In Georgia. fltate ot Ohio. City o: Toledo, Lucas County, bu. Frank J. Cheney mites oath that he is senior partner cf the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm wIP pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and (.-very case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in 1886. . A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken In ternally and nets through tho Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of tho System. Send for testimonials, free* F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 73c. Hall's Family nils f — - i for constipation. For' High-Grade Cem etery Memorials CONFER WITH Q. J. Clark . PROPRIETOR CLARK’S MONUMENTAL WORKS AMERICUS. GEORGIA Thef Firm of Established Reputation POTATO SLIPS FOR SALE I will have a good many Potato 'Slips for sale, mostly Portorico Yams, n few Hardshell and Triumph. Prices made upon application. S-28-tf A. J. SHELL, Vienna. 209 bu. Weber 49 long staple cot ton seed, SO hu. No. 1 iron peas, 40 bu. N. C. home raised seed peanuts, 50 bu: hardshell seed potatoes, 300 gat., sealed syrup in one gallon cans, HI■ elvc • hogs, corn and 90 Day Velvet Beans. WOOD BROTHERS, 3-21-4t Vienna, Route G A full and complete line of Caskets, Collins and Burial Robes always ready for your inspection. The experience of twenty years in this line enables us to offer unex celled service. , J. P. Heard & Sons Company Funeral Directors Marble Vaults Furnished Upon Proper Notice a F. C. RIES GUY ARMSTRONG When in Macon Take Time to See Ries^ Armstrong Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware RELIABLE GOODS ONLY 315 THIRD STREET FINE ENGRAVING AND REPAIRING MACON, GEORGIA