The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, May 02, 1918, Image 2

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is an ideal remedy for consti pation. It is a combination of simple kxative herbs with pepsin that acts in an easy, natural manner, and is as safe for children as it is positively effective on the strongest constitution. Expert* in Sheafing Train M» at Camp* in U*a of Rifle* The National Army and many or- Swindler*' Trick Takes Money Sent to Soldiers Relatives and friends of Sold in Drug Stores Everywhere 50 cts. (a) $1.00 A trial htitlt tan it titaifuJ, frn tf char it,, iy writing M Dr. W. p. CaUmtU, 4S7 Watkingttn St., UntialU, ninth 200 )m. Weber 49 tong staple cot- j A GOOD (VESTMENT ton teed, GO W No. 1 iron peas, 40 182 1-2 acres of land on main pub- bu. N. C. homo raised seed peanuts,ronij ISO acres in cultivation. . . .. . . . _ ’ i Large 6-room dwelling, 3 tenant 50 bu.hardriiell seed potatoes, 800, hougell> ouU)U . ld . ngl( fencI|lg> etc . gal., sealed syrup in one gallon cans, Rented for year iflig tor 8 bales of hogs, corn and 90 Day .Velvet Beans.; cotton. Must be bought soon or own- WOOD BROTHERS, • er will take off the market. Easy terms 3-2£4t Vienna, Route 6 j D. C. KETCHUM, Vienna. UVEB DIDN’T ACT DIGESTION WAS SAD Says 65 year Old Kentucky Lady* Wio Telia How She Was Relieved Alter a Few Dues of Black-Draught. Mesdorsvlll*, Ky.<—Mr*. Cynthia Higginbotham, of this town, says: "At tny age, trill cH Is C5, the liver does not act so well as when young. A few years ago, my stomach was all out of fix. X was constipates, my liver didn't act My digestion was bad, and U took so little to upMt mo. My ap petite wu gone. I was very weak.. I decided 1 would cIto Black- Draught a thorough trial as I knew it ms highly recommended for this trouble. T began taking it I Mt tetter after a few doses. My appetite improved and I became stronger. My boweb acted naturally and the least trouble was soon righted with a few do*a* of Black-Draught" Seventy years of successful use fiat mads Thedford'o Black-Draught standard, household remedy. Every member, of every family, at times, need the help that Black-Draught can give in cleansing the system and rs- Bering the troubles that come from constipation, Indigestion, lazy liver, etc. Ton cannot keep well unless your stomach, liver and bowels are la good working order. Keep them that way, Try Black-Draught It acta promptly, gently and In a natural way. If you feel sluggish, take a dose tonight Ton win feel fresh tomorrow. Price 25a s package—One cent a dose AH druggists. J. U sanitations of tbs National Guard having been equipped with the United 'States rifle, model of 1917 (modilled Enfield), it becamen ecessary to de- Mae some plan whereby troops could be efficiently trained in the use of this weapon in short time. A statement authorised by the Ordnance Department tells how ex perts in (hooting many of then mem bers of United States teams which won interactional shooting matches, were commissioned and seni to va rious camps to instruct officers and 'men in shooting and in the operatioa and'care of the rifle. In one camp officers under instruc tion from these men gave a demonstra tion in dismounting and assembling this rifle while blindfolded, the rec ord time being 7 minutes for dismount tng and 22 minutes for assembling. There are 86 parts to the rifle. These oidfers in . turn instruct mechanics classes being trained to make repairs to rifles in the field. Frequently they Iwill have to do their work at night, when they will not be allowed to use lights and therefore they must be thoroughly trained in taking down the rifle and putting in new parts by tense of touch. ■Communal Kitchens Save Food In * Groat Britain Communal kitchens are being es tablished throughout Great Britain and nrc proving successful in saving food and fuel, according to reports to the Department of Commerce. An ar ticle from a recent issue of an Eng lish newspaper ia quoted. "The war has brought home to the ■public that the communal or national kitchen is n necessity and can be made a success. Within a compara tively short' period there probably Will he installed many hundreds of fheso establishments throughout the country. The national kitchen was originally Intended to supply poor people with nourishing and attractive ly prepared food at low prices, but there is considerable prospect—cer tainty in fact—that the mo^s prosper ous will form a fair proportion of the customers. 1 ' "As an example of the outfit of a people’s kitchen thqt at Hammersmith (London) may be taken as a model. This supplies about 6,000 customers a week, which probably represents 12,000 to 15,000 consumers, os a ■customer commonly purchases for his family. soldiers in Army camps have been vic timize!) by swindlers who wired or wroth for funds under soldiers’ names In each instance it was requested that money be sent by wire waiving iden tification, or by mail to general de livery, the customary explanation be ing that the soldier had been discharg ed and would have no way of secur ing identification, nor of getting mail addressed to his company. The following is atypical telegram sent to the father of « soldier ia southern camp: "Have been discharged. Coming home. Going to Atlanta through the country tonight. Please wire me 880 at Atlanta so I may pay for oniform and come home direct. Waive identi fication as I am not known in Atlanta. Wire caah quick so I can get it tomor row morning.” Before being complied with, any re quest for money to be sent under such conditions should be verified by a let ter or telegram to the commanding of ficer of the camp in which the man whose name is signed to the request is stationed. A POT of teaming stimulating , Luzianne .Coffee set before i gentleman and • judge of fine coffee.' A finer hot beverage than good, old Luzianne never existed. Luzianne tastes all the 4»jr down sod you say “Set ’em up aga|y," Buy a can of Lozfanaa Coffca. S m .fra# mW*? yvar Him, gf&cer you’re not satijjjfieg and tuft give yon bade yoor mogey on the spot. Please try LuzUnoe. \ TooH Ute it, you will. In dean, air-tight ting. Studebaker WAGONS SUMMERS BARNESVILLE BUGGIES Frazier Road Carts and Harness TOM SWAIN The officers and crew of the Ger man submarine captured November 17 by the U. S. S., have been brought from. England to the United StateB. The Minister of Agriculture Brazil has been authorized to estab lish modern experimental farms and agricultural colonies, especially for the education of orphan and abandon-, ed children. Millions of dollars, it is estimated by revenue officials, will be added to the Government funds in penalties as a result of the round-up of income-tax delinquents by tha Bureau of Internal Revenue. Reports received from State and Federal employment bureaus by the United States Employment Service Department of Labor, indicate a shortage of woman labor in 34 cities. The greatest demand is for domestic and, next, factory workers. Twenty of the 34 cities report a scarcity of domestics. Nine report a demand for factory workers. Two per cent of the enlisted per sonnel of the divisions and detached units of the Regular Army, National Guard, and National Army, excepting the Coast Artillery an dvarious staff ■corps, will be designated to attend tho fourth series of officers’ training schools, which will open May 15. Ad mission has also been granted to some men who have had at least one year’s military training under Army officers at educational institutions which have earned Government recognition. AUTO RACES IN ATLANTO TWO DAYS THIS WEEK Lakewood Park, theh ome of the Southeastern Fair, will be formally 'opened Memorial Day and will havq some big auto racing on Friday and Saturday, May 3rd and 4th, with such noted racers as the Chevrolet broth ers, Louis Disbrow, George Clark and a number of others whose perfor mances on the dirt track has that ta- hasco tang that holds the grand stand occupants breathless at times because of the narrow escapes from disaster. The purses and bonuses which are dangling within the grasp of tho suc cessful pilots aggregate $5000 which will assure the patrons of the park some thrilling tarns on the big track at Lakewood. ’ MULES FOR SALE Four good mules for sale. Apply to J. H. JORDAN. GOODTOTHE LUST DROP MAXWELL HOUSE ASK YOUR GROCER flt&te of Ohio, City of TilcCo, “Draft 258“ Is another one of those high class Metro pictures which will be shown at the DeSoto next Wednesday. This picture is the suc cessor to the Slacker, and is said to be one of the best one’s produced by this company. Cheney A Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and Stato aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED — * Don’t forget “Draft 258” at DeSoto next Wednesday. PINEHURST, GA. CHEERFUL WORDS For High-Grade Cem etery Memorials CONFER WITH C« J. Clark PROPRIETOR- CLARK’S MONUMENTAL WORKS AMERICUS. GEORGIA The Firm of Established Reputation A. V/. GLEASON. ternallr and net* through the Bleed on the Mucoua Surfaces of the E/stcm. Send' For m.ny a Vienn* Household To have the pains and aches of a t had back removed—to bo entirely free from annoying, dangerous uri nary disorders, is enough to make any j kidney sufferer* grateful. The fol- j lowing advice of one who has suffered will prove helpful to hundreds of Vi enna reader*. E. M. Bozeman, grocer, Third and Washington Sts., Albany, Ga., says: “About a year ago, I noticed my kid neys were getting weak. I first be gan to have’a tired, drowsy feeling. Then my back started to ache. I knew these were symptoms of kidney trouble and a* I had heard Doan’s Kidney Pill* were good for this, I got. a box. They did me a whole lot of good and I am glad to tell others about them.” Price 60c at all dealers. Don’t sim ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—tho same that , ! Mr. Bozeman had. Foster-Milbnrn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Winifred. Allen, martyr to tho rouse of patriotism in "For Valor” at the DeSoto next Thursday. A full and complete line of Caskets, Coffins and Burial Robes always ready for your inspection. The experience of twenty years in this line enables, us to offer unex celled service. J. P. Heard & Sons Funeral Directors ••arid* Vault* Famished Upon Pr*»*r Notice GUY ARMSTRONG When in Macon Take Time to See Ries ®n Armstrong Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware FINE ENGRAVING AND REPAIRING PHONE 806