The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, May 09, 1918, Image 2

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*****- >- r ’""- •Overnight Relief for Constipation T HE mild, pleasant-tasting combi nation of simple laxative Herbs with pepsin that is known as Dr. Caldwell’s 5 Syrup Pepsin, taken just before bedtime, will afford grateful relief next morn- • ing, without griping or other discomfort. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 50 cts. (SI",) $1.00 A trial bottle can be obtained, free of charge, by writing to Dr.W. B. Caldwell, ‘157 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois B—H——t———HBBBa—BBW1—W— 1 DEAN FLAYS HARDWICK IN OPENINC SPEECH FOOD ADMINISTRATOR ISSUES WARNING Atlanta, Ga., May.—The CaiToll-1 ton newspapers have left no oubt in; • the minds of anyone regarding the; sugar USERS MUST CUT THEIR 200 ,bo. Weber 40 long staple cot- A GOOD IVESTMENT nn seed, 50 bo. No. 1 Iron peas, 40 i ICE 1-2 acres of land on main pub- _ »n seea, uu pu. no. pen, ! ,j c road, ISO acres in cultivation. | ™ hands were thmst aloft” Dcan-Hardwick incident in Carrollton ! tho other day. Aftor stating that Senator T. W. Hardwick, who made tits opening od- dress there, refused to meet H. H. Dean, of Gainesville in joint debate and that Mr. Dean who is considering entering the Senatorial race spoke on the public square to al arger crowd than Hardwick had, the Carroll Free Press has this interesting article. “Dean called the Senator 'the little Bantam 'Booster' and proceededra Bantam Rooster* and proceeded with out ceremony first to pick off the ban tam’s feathers, then his hide,- then trimmed his spurs and comb. In fact, this Senator would not hpve known himself had t|e stayed to hear the ar. raignment.” From the Carroll County Times, thef oilowing pertinent paragraph is taken: "Dean purocccded in a manner to flay the Senator and to answer his speech of the morning. He called fir Hardwick men to hold up their haifls and be counted, but evidently they were not in thee rowd, they had, like the Senator, folded their tents and sil ently stolen away, since scarce a doz- CONSUMPTION DOWN TO PER CENT OF NORMAL. in. N. C. home ratted seed peanuts, ...... . . Largo 5-room dwelling, 3 tenant. . . .. .. 60 bu. hardshell *ecd potatoes, 300 houM> on tb u lldings, fencing, etc.' COUNTY WHICH GETS LARGEST t»l-, sealed syrup In one gallon cans, Rented for year 1918 for 8 bales of logs, corn and 90 Day Velvet Beans, j cotton. Must be bought soon or own- WOOD BROTHERS, ' or will take off the market. Easy terms B-21-4t - Vienna, Route 6 D. C. KETCHUM, Vienna. Bmcin North g c Wi as a r ind AT the end of • hard day, just sit down to a cup of Luzianne Coffee. See how you pick up with every savory sip. Luzianne is far, far different from any other coffee. It's got something that all the others seem to lack. And it’s packed in dust-proof, moisture-proof cans that bring Luzianne to your kitchen just tho same as when it left the roaster. Buy a can and try it for yourself. An Iron-clad, air-tight guarantee says that if you are not entirely satisfied with Luzianne^ your grocer will give you back your money. And he will. feoffee "‘When It Pours, tt Reigns** LOAN OVERSUBSCRIPTION TO GET LOVING CUP Every county, city and town which oversubscribes its quota in the Third Liberty Loan drive will be awarded an honcr flag by the government, but some one county of the state Will earn a distinctive honor which will-be n source of pride for generations to come. Chairman W. C. Wardlaw, of tl[e Liberty Loan executive committee, announced Thursday that the Fourth National Bank of Atlanta, will pre sent to tho Georgia county which ov ersubscribes its quota by the largest per cent a handsome loving cup. The winning county will have the distinc tion of leading the state and as the cup will be warded on proportional showing, thes mailer counties have just as much chance ns the big ones to carry" off the prise. The United States Public Health Service is in need of medical offeers for fiolid duty n connection with the sanitation of several civil sanitary district-,. Men physically disqualified from the Medical Reserve Corps are eligible for these positions, providing they arc, not suffering from com plaints that wonld interfere with the performance of heir duties. The allotment of meat purchases for the Army, Navy, and Marine Corps and the allies has been consoli dated .in a single bureau with head- qnarters in Chicago. Studebaker WAGONS SUMMERS BARNESVIUIBUBSIES Frazier Road Carts and Harness TOM SWAIN PHONE 42 PINEHURST, GA. The Most Beautiful Gar in America” When you buy A PAIGE you are assured of KEAL-- S E R V I O E WE HAVE AN UP-TO-DATE SERVICE STATION AND OUR WATCHWORD IS “SERVICE" ASK YOljR NEIGHBOR HOW HE LIKES HIS PAIGE AND ALLOW US THE PLEASURE OF SHOWING YOU BEFORE YOU PURCHASE YOUR SPRING CAR. WE HAVE SOME BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED CARS. LET US SHOW ’EM TO YOU DORT-PAIGE SALES AGENCY R. A. Collins, Mgr.—■Unadilla, Ga; Atlanta, Ga., May 1.—Soldier boys in camps and cantonments are asked to join in the conservation of sugar.' Mothers, wives and sweethearts who have been making and sending great quantities of sweets .to/their absent sons, husbands and lovers are earnet- ly requested to use only molasses and other sweetening. These are pa triotic regulations promulgated to day by Dr. Andrew M. Soule, federal food administrator, in his determina tion to guarantee an adequate eupply of sugar for the canning and preserv ing season, the success of which is re garded by. him as vital to the cause of the fod suppply. Manufacturers of candy, soft drink and other confections, who have en gaged in this business since January 1,1918, in the foce of discourage ment from the federal food adminis tration, may as well prepare to get in to something else, Dr. Soule says- For they" will be denied sugar no matter what disposal Is being made of their output, and no exceptions will be made. Bottlers and manufacturing con fectioners who have been in business for n longer period will, be required to buy on a schedule, make regular re ports of purchases and of supply of sugar on hand. None will be permit ted under any circumstances, to con sume more than 80 per cent of their j last year’s requirements. Penalties for hoarding will be enforced for ev ery violation of these regulations dis covered, says Dr. Soule. Dr. Soule is advised by the sugar division of the food administration that after full and careful considera tion of the numerous claims from manufacturers of less essential prod ucts, from every section of the coun try, it has been determined there will be no exceptions made to permit of 80 per cent of a normakusc of sugar. Manufacturers have been advised that they must not expect protection for their businesses or property, even though they nre supplying army camps with soft drinks, candy, etc. The nrder stands the foot? adminis tration declares, though it may imply bankruptcy for those who cannot make a profit on 80 per cent of their normal sugar consumption. Tho food administration answers the argument that the continued use of soft drinks and sweets “arc essen tial to the very life of the communi ty because prohibition and non use of alcohol have made sugar a vital nec essity,” by pointing to tho health Standards of England and France where the use of sugar for such pon- essentials or less essentials has been reduced 75 per cent without injury to the.people and with little complaint except from those who might have profited by commercial enterprises. For Weak Women TRACTOR OWNERS URGED TO KEEP MACHINES BUSY In uxeforover40yeais! Thousands of voluntary letters frofn women, tell ing ol the good Cardui has done them. This is ihe best proof of the value o! Cardui. It provestbat Cardui Is a good medicine for women. There are no harmful or Mbit-forming drugs la Cardui. It 1* composed only ol mud, medicinal ingredients, with no bad after-effects. The Department of Agriculture au- a thorizes the following: Owners of tractors, which are not kept busy through the spring plowing and seeding season, will perform a patriotic neighborly duty by granting use of these outfits to neighbors, who may be short of labor or hands to pre pare scad beds. A reasonable rate of hire for tho tractor would enable the tractors to make a return during otherwise idle periods, but, most im portant, will make it possible for oth ers, at reasonable expenditures, to have a full acreage and add to;the* Nation’s important food supplies. The same plan might be followed, Depart ment of Agriculture specialists point out, with regard to horses and various farm machines which should not be allowed to remain idle when a food- producing neighbor can keep them busy on victory crops. ,4 V IS YOUR LAND FOR SALE? LIST IT WITH A. B. & A. RY. TAKE CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic "The fact of the matter is that un til about the middle of next October there will not be enough sugar to go around and conservation must be practiced, not only by the ordinary household consumer (who has been restricted to a ration of S pounds per month) but by the manufacturer of any commodity of which sugar is an Ingredient" says Dr. Soule. The Washington sugar order says: “It is in our opinion useless to con tinue arguing the question with ev ery manufacturer as you as state food administrator, and your deputies will be besieged by applications for ex emption and' special consideration. In our opinion you must be adamant and rciylcr your decisions in accord ance with thee onclusions that have been reached here at Washington.” A certified system has been arrang ed for the use of sugar in many com munities of the state, and in other states, with the approval of tho food administration. The primary purposo in this is to guarantee the home Con ner and preserver enough sugar to meet the season’s needs. Retail dealers will provide the certificates which consumers will be required to sign in order to obtain supplies guar anteeing the purpqse and quantity on hand >to be in conformity with the food administration’s program. Youcan rely on Cartful. Surely it will do for yoa what it has done for to many thousands of other women! It should help. "I was taken risk, seemed to be . . . ,” writes Mrs. Mary E.Veste, of Madison Heights, Va. “I got down so weak, could hardly walk . . . just staggered around.. ... 1 read oi Cardui, and after taking cue bot tle, or before taking quite all, I felt much belter. I t&ok 3 or 4 bottles at that time, and was able to do my work. I take It in the spring when run down. 1 had no appetite, and I commenced eating. It is the best tonic I ever saw.” Try Cardui. If your farm is for sale, or if you have any undeveloped (wild) land for sale, list it with the A. B. & A. Ry. .We are preparing n list of farm lands for sale along <mr line, for distribu tion, to be sent out when we receive a letter asking about farming oppor tunities in the territory ributary to our line. The data which you furnish will be classified and printed in a pamphlet form for distribution. If you or your neighbor, will list your lands It will assist us in finding desirable locations for many good in dustrious families who want to buy, If they can find a place to suit them at a price they can afford to pay. Ask any A. B. & A. By. agent, for a blank to be filled 6ut, giving detail ed description of lands offered for sale, or if more convenient, drop the** undersigned a card, asking for such a blank. No charge is made for listing your land. Such information, if you so suggest will be treated as confidential. NOTICE AD Druggists I have instructions for the Comp troller General to turn over all names of parties to tho Grand Jury who have not paid their state taxes, for indict ment. So if you have been selling automobiles -or soliciting sales or ex-. changing new ones for old ones you had better get busy and send in check for $50 before first Monday in May. ' This April 27th, 1918. C. R. MOftGAN, T. C., D. C. For High-Grade Cem etery Memorials r CONFER WITH * C. J. Clark PROPRIETOR CLARK’S MONUMENTAL WORKS AMERICUS. GEORGIA The Firm of Established Reputation Winifred Allen, martyr to tho w&usc of patriotism in “For Volo**” ft? the DeSoto next Thursday. A full and complete line of Caskets, Coffins and Burial Ttobes always ready for your inspection. Thu experience of twenty years in ihia line enables as to offer unex celled service. J. P. Heard & Sons Company : Funeral Directors IhitM VanlU FiumlsW Up— Prapsr Nolle. F. C. RIBS GUY ARMSTRONG When in Macon Take Time to See Ries © Armstrong' Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware RELIABLE GOODS ONLY FINE ENGRAVING AND REPAIRING 316 THIRD STREET 'PHONE 806 MACON, GEORGIA