The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, May 16, 1918, Image 2

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m BACK HOME I sit upon the deck at dust, Gazing out upon the foam, Thinking sadly of my friends And the folks I’ve left at home. 'YbtflL Never Know JIow Goad, This Coffee Is Until^ouTtyIt- 0)1, if I could only once go back. And look again upon those faces, Fee! those kisses on my cheeks, Feel again those^ond embraces. But now I can only dream of them, And think of them when in harm, But I can’t get off my mind just now The day I left the farm. W ORDS cannot adequately describe the fine flavor of Luzianne Coffee. You’ve'got to taste it yourself. Won't you try Luzianne next time? Luzianne is packed in sanitary, air tight, full-measure tins—impurities can’t get in an4 the flavor can’t leak out It has been made very easy for you ,to get acquainted. You take no chances. If Luzianne doesn’t taste better than any other coffee you ever tried, jlour grocer will refund your money. So, buy that first can today. Lack of Iron in the Blood Means Lack of Appetite, Loss of Energy, rale Cheeks, and • General Deblli- tated Condition of the Entire System. ZIKON Will rat Iron Into Tonr Blood. I see my dear old mother With bitter tears in her eye. And she breaks down in joy and sor- tow, " ’. r As she tell3 her boy goodbye: My father, strong and sturdy, Puts out his brawny hand, ■ v And says, “My lpoy, today I feel That I've raispd my country a mbn” “If you go and fall in battle, And this I hope you never do, , But if they get you, they’ve got a son, And they must get the father too.’’ DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS Modern Musketeer-- AnAaiOMUl Where i3 the chivalry of long ago, when knights fought to the death for their ladies fair? Where is the chiv alry of D’Artagnan, the famous mus- I keteer and gallant? [ Though slumbering all these years it has been awakened in the v person of Ned Thacker (the role played by Douglas Fairbanks), who through pre natal influence inherited the spirit of - * Before he Be physically fit! Guard your health as the most prised possession you have.■ ’ When, you find yourself losing your grip, becoming irritable, nervous, •weak, ancmlo, take inventory. See what is wrong! Tour blood probably does not contain sufficient iron. The red corpnssles may have become diminished, and consequently, your entire system suffers from Insufficient and impoverished blood supply, and the accumulation of liolsonous waste matter. ( ' If you find this to be the case, you will want a remedy that will supply iron, which will Increase tho number of red cerpuscles. Try ZIRON, the new Iron Tonic, which,contains no alcohol, no habit-forming drugs, and is rec ommended as a safe, reliable, tonic remedy for meif, women and chlldrea, Mrs, Lizzie Pennington, of AdamsTlllo, Ala., writes; “About two weeks ego I was In bed with an awful bad cold, and I was awful weak. I had taken purgative medicine, but wanted to try something with Iron to 0*9 If I couldn’t get back my strength. My son thought Zlron would help me, so I commenced 1L My nerves generally run down In the Spring and I need something to build mo up.. .When I got some better and was up and around, we cqpunenced the Zlron and It surely helped me to gain my strength and throw off the *U>OSU*K* . the famous Dumas hero, was born his mother religiously read Dumafe, hoping that the stork would deliver the reincarnation of D’Artag- nan, and her wish was gratified. As a modern D’Artagnan, Fair banks battles for his lady lovo in a manner .to arouse the envy of the de parted D’Artagnan. No whinnying charger carries his doughty rider to the fray, but the modern flivver comes in timely need, and proves much more serviceable in annihilating distances. Many humorous situations are pre sented as the'gallantry of the youth is misunderstood, and his impetuosity in succoring females in real or* fancied embarrassing Oh, I must pause a moment, * To wipe away a tear, Then my thoughts turn back again. To the scenes I love si» dear. "When It Fours, It Reigns 1 I tell my sister farewell, And start off down’the road, My brain is working swiftly, And my heart it has a load. cold...I have used only about a halt bottle of Zlron hut feel bo much better and stronger that I may, not have to take any more for awhile.” SPECIAL OFFER:, Buy a bottle of ZIRON, today, at your druggist’s and give it a fair trial, according to directions on the bottle. If. after using up one bottle, you find It has not benefited you, take the emptjf bottle back to the druggist and he will Tetund what you paid him for It. We repay him, fo thebe la no reason why he should mot repay you. This Offer only applies to the first trial bottle,• CAD The following letter has been re ceived by Mr. H. R. Fenn fpom Leon SCHOOL CHILDREN WIN HONORS Trif>pe, a Dooly county boy, member of tho 151st. Somewhere in.France, March 12,1918 Just a few lines to let .you all know that I am well and doing fine and think of yon often and long to see’yon all. 0$ course it will be sometime some Atlanta, Ga.—Several hundred At lanta, school children are today the proud possessors of commissions be stowing pilitary rank and issued by the governor of the state over his hand and seal -in due and ancient form. The young folks won the com missions for enlisting savers in thg American Thrift Army in connection with the great War Savings Stamp movement, and they were conferred this week at special exercises held at the Auditorium. Atlanta school chil dren have done splendid work in the W. S. S. campaign, buying and selling more- stamps than those of any other city of Atlanta’s size in the country. As I gaze in front of me I see a maiden fair, And her blue eyes seem to strengthen me | To go bravely “Over There.” A JDurlesque W eddmg Unadilla Auditorium, May 17th 8:30 O’CLOCK Featuring a Cast of. Unadllla’s Most Prominent > Business Men before I; can. fine spring weather now, but it is a little cool every night, sure am glad to see it, we are so tired of hiking through six or seven inches of snow. Frank Adkins died the othet day from pneumonia, I surely did hate to lose him for he and Col. Lumsden are the only Vienna boys here with be. I living in Cordele this I kiss the girl I’ve loved so long, I cut a lock of her hair, I gave a long last look at her, Then I left her standing there. distress places him situations. Ned finally meets his fate, and in scenes of super-heroism, done in dashing Fairbanks style, he saves the girl from a horrible fate and wirs a brde. • Oh, God, I love those people, And how I love that land, And for those friends’ of mine ’’back home,” I’d die just like a man. guess you are year as I heard you were going to move. -* / The army life is not so hard after all. I am enjoying every day of it. we received mail from home yester day and the boys are all writing let ters. Saw a few air battles the other day. Have not had a Vienna paper since I have been over here, ( how about sending be one. Must close, will w$lte again soon with a long let ter. Write soon. With love to all, I am LEON T^IPPE. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, , Lucas County,’ as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business In tho City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said Arm wiP pay tho sum of ONE. HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every c’aq&of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by tho Esc of HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A. W. OI.EA80N. (Sea)) Notary Public. Vail’s Catarrh Medldno is taken In ternally nnd acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surface* of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all druggist*. 75c. Hall's FanUly Pills for constipation. So if they love us back home. Do helpthem find a way, To join the boys who afe on the front And help us win the day. Mr. S. C. Palmer .. Mr. Otis Rogers Groom Maid of Honor Mr. Ernest Shepherd Brides Maids—Messrs. A. R. Ware, Claude Graham, Gordon Pennington, Feagin Kelly,' Dr, Perry Holliman, Verna Carroll Ushers — j, Mr. Milo Moore, Mr. Chauncey Manuel Flower Girls Messrs. J. C. Pickren, R. A. Collins ■Mr. G. N. Vinson They know that we need more money, They know we must have food, So show the people, we’re fighting for To save our sacred blood, By Buying Liberty Bondi. JACK TAGGART. > Ring Bearer Train Bearer Mr. Drake Mr. Jack Bridges Person GUESTS A beautiful assortment of Jardi nieres. Jones-Butler Furniture Co. Mother of tho Brido Mr! W. T. SpraiUey Mr. S. J. Shepherd, Sr. MONEY TO LOAN Without commission on realty, also by notes. , lA. A. SMOKE, l-3-6mo. I Perry, Ga. FOR SALE—Two-chair barber shop fixtures. Cash or terms. Apply to Perry G. Tucker, Plnehurst 6-2-4t Grandmother of tho Brido Mother of the Groom ... Little Slaters of Bride—Me Ernest Holland, Gcorgo Ellington, Gcorgo Robertson. Pres. Wilson ;. ...... Mrs. Wilson i .‘. For High-Grade Cem etery Memorials CONFER WJTH : f You Are Shown A Way Out Clegg Griggs Harmon Beddlngfield ..... Mr. A. C. Pato Lewis Graham Sant Silverstein Mr. Sidney Williams Thc^e can be no reason why any reader of this who suffers the tor tures of an aching back, the annoy- Count of No Account —J.. Mrs. Vernon Cnstlo Charlio Chaplin Geraldine Farrar l“ V ' NOTICE M:.: , We have for sale all kinds of legal blanks, warranty deeda. Mortgage notes, bond for title, promissory notes etc. Call at the News office for Mr. Henry Manuel ...1tfr. Amory Speight .... Mr. S. W. Bobbitt Mayor C. B. Morgan Douglas Fairbanks Gen. Pershing PROPRIETOR CLARK’S (MONUMENTAL WORKS j AMERICUS, GEORGIA . - The Firm of Established. Reputation Mr. Carl Clements Butler Mr. L. Lowery ORCHESTRA .Mr. Ivey Maxwell Mr. W. B. Nichols Pianists . Violinist great relief. I haven’t had any trouble for quite awhile now. You Aro Mott Cordially Invited to ba Prei.nt •ALL PROCEEDS BENEFIT OF LOCAL Price COc at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that A full arid complete^ line of Criskets, Coffins and Burial Robes always ready for your inspection. The experience of twenty years in this line enables us to offer unex celled service. \{ '' . ’ Mrs, Bales had. Foiter-Milburn Co. D. C. KETCHUM, Vienna. Buffalo, N. Y. PATRIOTIC DAY AT MT. VERNON We have en route two cars nitrate of soda. Empire Cotton Oil Co. 2t 48x6, 13 Lines ...69 cts rod 32x6 46 cts rod 39x6 511-2 cts rod 47x6 _.. '..58 1-2 cts rod 48x12,13 L>pe Wires....54 1-2 cts rad Poultry 60" 86 Line Wires, 66 cts rod , BARBED WIRE Heavy Cattle, 80 rads $6.10 Heavy Hog, 80 rods 5.86 Light Hog, 80 rods : .’. 8.76 F. 0. B. Vienna, Pinehurat s or Cordele’ Geo. D. Mashburn HAWKINSVILLE, GA. 4-25-4t The Most Beautiful Car in America When you buy A PAIGE you are assured of REAL -- SERVICE Funeral Directors Marble Vault. Furalihad Upon Pr.,.r Notice WE HAVE £N UP-TO-DATE SERVICE STATION AND OUR WATCHWORD IS “SERVICE" ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR HOW HE LIKES HIS PAIGE AND ALLOW US THE PLEASURE OF SHOWING YOU BEFORE YOU PURCHASE YOUR SPRING CAR. WE HAVE SOME BARCAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED CARS, LET US SHOW ’EM TO YOU R1ES j GUY ARMSTRONG - When in Macon Take Time to See Ries Armstrong' Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware 1 RELIABLE GOODS ONLY FINE ENGRAVING AND REPAIRING HIRD STREET ' PHONE 806 r MACON, GEORGIA DORT-PAIGE SALES AGENCY R. A. Collins, Mgr.—Unadilla, Qa. GOOD TO THE LAST DROP MAXWELL MOUSE COFFEE ASK YOUR GROCER