The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, May 30, 1918, Image 7

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Health About Gone Many thousands of women suffering from womanly trouble, have been benefited by the use of Cardul, the woman’s tonic, according to letters we receive, similar to this one from Mrs.Z.V.SpJI. of Hayne, N. C. "1 could not stand on my feet, and Just suffered terribly,”’ she says. “As my suf fering was so great, and be had tried other reme dies, Dr. —— bad us getCardui. , » 1 began Improving, and it aired me. f know, and my doctor knows, wbatCsr- dui did for me, tor my nerves and heahb wet* About gone.” TAKE She writes further! 4 1 am in splendid health... out do my work. I feel I owe it to Cardul, for I was in dreadful condition.” If you are nervous, run down and weak, or suffer from headache, backache, etc., every month, try Cardul. Thousands of women praise this medi cine for the good it has done them, and many phyridans who have Used Cardul successfully with their women patients, for years, endorse this medi cine. Think what It means to be in splendid health, like Mrs. Spell, dire Carditis trial. An Druggists wm FARM LOANS Get All You Borrow , The commission may be distributed over the period of' the loan, payable on interest payment dates, if desired. We deal direct with the applicant, thus saving time' Ind greatly reducing the usual commission charge. If you w..nt QUICK ACTION and LOWEST COST write us stating amount you wish to borrow and the se curity you have to offer. ATLANTA TRUST COMPANY ATLANTA, GEORGIA k FINE LOT OF GEORGIA HAMP SHIRE PIGS Our blood lines are Cherokee Lad, Walkover by Gen. Tipton, Dudie, Pat Msjoy, md Silko. We believe that we can satisfy, our customers in the best possible manner. 10 weeks old, weigh 62 pounds. 5-16—4t H. H. GRAHAM, Unadilla, Ga. — NOTICE We have for sale all kinds of legal blanks, warranty deeds, Mortgage notes, bond for title, promissory notes etc. Call at the News office for these. FOR SALE— A quantity of feed oats for immediate sale. Apply to Mrs. M. E. Rushin. 5-16-4t A REAL BARGAIN One farm containing 281 3-4 acres, 175 acres in cultivation, about 76 acres good timber. Large 6-room dwelling, two tenant houses, plenty water, springs and artesian well, on main public' road. Rented for 10 bales of cotton season 1918. Easiest of terms. See D. C. KETCHUM, Vienna. A. B. & A. RY. CHANGES SCHED- ULE Effective Sunday, May 26th, A. B. & A. Ry. schedule will be as follows East Bound: Leave Vienna 4:17 A. M.; 1:26 P. M. West Bound: Leave Vienna 11:05 A. M.; 12:10 A. M. W. W. CROXTON, G. P. A. After Grain Plant Corn HELP WIN THE WAR GOVERNMENT MANURE makes the com. Price now one-tenth its actual f. o. b. fertilizer value. A dol lar’s worth of plant food for every dime. Get it quick and have it ready when grain is cut. Sold for cash, or Nov. 1, at six per cent to any grain farmer recommended by his local bank. WE ARE IN TO WIN LET’S EVERYBODY HELP OVER THE TOP WITH CORN TO SPARE National Contracting Co. Distributors of Government Manure FORT VALLEY, GA. Good For Every Crop Good For The Land “Four Ninety*’ Sedan, $10.60 f. o. b. Flint CHEVROLET Everything a Sedan Should Be, at a Price You Can Pay The Chevrolet “Four Ninety” Sedan was brought out so that the average man could have a comfortable all- year motor car. Chevrolet resources enable us to produce a Sedan that compares in beauty of design and completeness of equipment with Sedans priced much higher. And there is no Sedan at any price possessing a more efficient and economical power plant than the Chevro let “Four Ninety” Sedan. It is powered with the famed valve-in-head motor. The Chevrolet Sedan is an all-year car. In winter, a warm, roomy closed car; in summer, an open, easy-rid ing touring car. Simply drop the windows and deposit the posts in a receptacle provided for them. As a Sedan or a Touring Car, it accomodates five passengers in ab solute comfort. P0RD & e»LH0UN PInehurst, Ga. HOW CAN I HELP WIN THE WAR? There is something which every American from oldest to youngest and highest to humblest can do to help win the war and whoever fails to act in that opportunity is not only recreant to his own land but essen tially an ally to the hun. Every day brings its test of loyalty and its opportunity for helpful pa triotism. To be cheerful under the inconveniences that war conditions impose and to refrain from merely captious criticism of the nation’s lead ers who are doing their best; to en courage by both word and deed the sale of Thrift Stamps the saving of food, the work of the Red Cross and all endeavors that make for a strong, efficient and victorious America. To think and act in terms of the coun try’s larger life and its heroic cause, rather than in the narrow ways of self interest and ease this is to be truly loyal, truly patriotic. Girls do not leave school. The very best thing yoir can do for your coun try is to get as thorough education. To grow up an ignorant woman is to become a burden. Every hour in school means fitting yourself in the best possible way to be of future serv ice to the nation. Do not form bad habits. Your country needs girls and women of sound body and vigorous health. Join the Camp-fire girls club, it is the labors and duties of the home. There are several good organizations and by being a member of one of these you will find many opportuni ties to be of service. Learn the Star Spangled Banner and sing it and the rules governing the American flag, how it should be displayed and saluted. Learn the reasons why America is in war and see that the magazines and good lit erature are saved and sent to the soldiers. The War Saving Plan is a plan by which you can lend small savings to your government at four per cent in terest and every dollar that is loaned to the government helps win the war. Do not spend money in self indulgence deny yourself of a few pleasure things and buy Thrift Stamps and War Sav ings Stamps. If you do not get one you will not be doing your part and surely every one wants to do his bit. The War Savings Stamps cost be tween four dollars and twelve cents and four dollars and twenty-three cents, during 1918, depending upon the month in which purchased. The main reason for the purchase of War Savings Stamps is that your country is at war and needs every penny which every man, woman and child can save and lend in order to feed, clothe, arm and equip the soldiers and sailors of America and to win this righteous war in defense of American honor and the cause of de mocracy throughout the world. If we are to win the war we must win it as a united people and the sav ings of every man, woman, girl and boy are necessary if we are to hasten the victorious ending of the war. War savers arc life savers.. A single strand in the cables which up hold the great Brooklyn Supervision Bridge, is not very strong, but thous ands of these strands bound together uphold one of the great thorough- fares of the world. When our fathers sons and brothers were called by our country to take up arms in her de fense you did not hear an individual soldier refuse to servo because his ser vice alone would not win the war. Each man was ready to do his part. The great army thus formed is going forward to face the fire of battle and to risk everything for the safety and security of our homes and families and for the very existence of our coun try. These are the men for whom we arc asked to save and lend our money. A country that is worth fighting for is worth saving for and to save money is to save life. So why not be willing t oput a few dollars and pennies in War Savings and Thrift Stamps. If you haven't enough money to buy a war Savings Stomp buy Thrift Stomps. They only cost twenty-five cents to be applied in payment for a War Savings Stamp. It does not earn interest as the War Savings Stamp. It’s purpose is to enable people to ac cumulate in small sums the amount necessary to pay for a War Savings Stamp. Now do you see not only how Thrift Stamps count but the important nec essity for your purchase of them if we ore to get through this war? Women and girls are very extra va- to make their own hats and dresses, gant in dressing. They should learn Don't buy a new dress every time you want it or get tired of the old one, but make it over and it looks a new one. Out of a great mass of suggestions a few practical ones have been discov ered. First that appropriateness is sacrifice of our own soldier boys and " deepening the shadow that will de stroy the American homeS. Surely the girls of Georgia and tho south with the example of thei.* noble mothers and grandmothers in the iron days of sixties shining upon them will not fail their country in thee hief consideration of the woman this critical hour, and girl who would be well dressed. I But there must be a wider and more Second what she looks best in and! consistent response to the govern- third economy, both in money and de-1 ment's appeal for food saving if urg- tail. The best she can get for tho ent war needs are to be met. There State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, as. Frank J. Cheney nmkes oath that he la senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney * Co., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and Htate aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh t hat cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence, this Cth day of December, A. D. ltSC, A. W. GLEASON. (Seal) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Medicine Is taken In ternally and acts through the Blood on ths Mucous Surfaces of ths System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY Cs CO.. Toledo. O. all dmagUtn. 15c. hmily Pius lor constipation. least money. Girls, you do not know how much you can save by dressing on less. No woman or girl living near tho camp should ask this question. What can I do to help win this war? She could open her house to the boys in Khaki or blue and see that the clubs near and other girls and women near were doing the same thing. Let every one in the family do his share. Entertain them with social parties and make them feel at home. Give a dozen boys a home meal and write a mother of some of the boys at tho camp to visit you and let her cook something for her boy. In the Red Cross work the girls are giving valuable service. Many girls have organized Red Cross Auxiliaries of their own and are making the same articles as the older women. The Red Cross has increased its number of chapters from three hun dred and eighty-two to three million, three thousand and six, and has ship ped. abroad over thirteen million sur gical rejsings and hospital articles since April 1, 1917. It has established thirteen divisions of civilian relief for the giving of help to families of soldiers and sailors and the morale of our army is far bet ter because of the Red Cross and the responsibilities it has assumed. It is maintaining in whole or in part five hospitals in France and four in England, supplying surgical dressings drugs, apparatus, and other needful supplies gathered from all over the United States. It has opened refuges and hospitals for the French orphans and other sick and neglected children in France and Belgium. They . are caring for the babies while their fathers are in the trenches and the mothers who are worn out from hard work and need rest. The Red Cross is helping to care fer half million of tuberculosis victims in Franco main taining its sanatariums and giving re lief where needed. Most of this is under the supervision of women in spectors to see that they are treated welL Tho Red Cross represents the blood of sacrifice and ministers to the maim ed, the dying, the hungry? the bereft and the shivering. Every one in the city or country can help the Red Cross organization. All tho nations hold the work of the Red Cross sacred except one, that is Germany. Her aviators spy out the Red Cross hospitals in tents and hous es, drop bombs and destroy them. We should not only be willing to nnihilate n dollar to become a member but should be willing to knit and sew and help every spare moment wc have. If each home saved one shovelfull of coal each day it would mean a to tal saving of fifteen million tons a year, comfort for seven million, five thousand soldiers in army canton ments. Enough to send a fleet three thousand miles across the Atlantic to guard our transports. Girls and worn- can save fuel in cooking. Turn out your lights early. In additi.n to wheatless and meatless days we should have lightless lights. These are big fuel savings. * There are important ways of cook ing which are not only fuel savers but savers of labor for the busy house wife. These are fireless cookers and steam cooking, thee mean reduction of fuel and food bills. Girls should not only help in food saving but should help in producing food, especially fine opportunities to have gardens. And even in the towns and cities the girls could have a small garden. They should learn to can the things they raise in their gardens and this ^rould be great help. Another form of service lies before most girls right in their own homes in helping Hoover in the food problem of the country. Most of the girls do not order and plan the meals but they can take personal pledges in regard to the food hich they themselves eat and preach the gospel of clean plates ev ery day. In the matter of food waste girls are in the right place to keep food from being thrown in the garbage pan because it is left over and only a small amount. Our soldiers must be fed if they are to fight and our allies must be kept from famine If they are to stand with us to the end. It is only by earnest food economy in every household of this land that we can provide the ex port surplua of wheat and other sta bles necessary to enable our allies to hold out. . Anyone therefore who fails to do a loyal part is taking food from men •who are fighting our battles and from half famished women and children is adding to the war's grim cost prolong ing its agony, is piling higher the red must be general and steadfast adher ence to the program of wheatless and meatless days, there must bo definite and actual recognition of the fact that these measures are essential to thew inning of the war and that the homes in which they are not faithfully observed are false to the flag. Let every home keeper and every girl who has thought upon the an guish of Belgium’s women and chil dren who has thought of what would befall them, who have thought of the American boys, her own brothers among those who are in tho trenches or are training to go, let every girl of this mind and heart resolve anew to do her tumost in saving food win and shorten the war and influence others to follow her patriotic example. MARY HETTYE ROYAL. ACT QUICKLY Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of danger. In time of kidney danger, Doan’s Kidney Pills are most effective. Plenty of evidence of their -worth in this vicinity. Mr. H. Collins, printer, Eleventh Ave.,.CordeIe, Ga., says: “I had a dull pain in my back and could hard ly get out of bed in the morning. It was all I could do to dress myself. I could hardly get to sleep and I had to get up often the pain bothered me I always felt tired and languid and had to ait down several times dur ing the day to rest. The kidney se cretions were highly colored and burned in passage. I suffered from dreadful headaches and dizzy spells and black spots often floated before my eyes. Two boxes of Doan’s Kid ney pills cured me of all these troub les.” •60c, at all dealers. Foster-Mil- burn Co., Mfgr., Buffalo, N. Y. BIG COLLEGE CLOSES WITH LITTLE CEREMONY Atlanta, Ga.—War conditions were strikingly reflected in the recent com mencement exercises of Elizabeth Mather College, a fashionable school for girls in this city, of which Miss Blanch G. Loveridge is president. The utmost simplicity was observed by the girls in the matter of dress, only white organdie being worn and most of the dresses being made by tho girls thcmsplves in the practical arts department. They asked that flowers he sent, requesting their friends to make them presents of war savings stamps instead. Tho commencement ended with nn impress ivc flag raising on tho beautiful cam pus on Peachtree street, the flog polo being presented to the college by tho student body. FOR SALE—60 bushels, good clean speckled peas; 3 sows and pigs, nnd young calf. Apply to Jno. F. Lane, or Mrs. M. M. Lane. 6-23-2t Hie Woman’s Tome REGULATIONS AFFECTING WATERMELON SHIPMENTS “As a matter of information, please be udvised that we have instructed our Law Deportment, to publish the following rule regarding the loading of this commodity: ’Watermelons, average weight 25 pounds, or less, five tiers high; Water melons average weight, more than 25 pounds, four tiers high. (Signed) United States Food Admin istration. More than 2,000,000 members of American fighting farces are now in sured by the United States Govern ment, and approximately 11,000 appli cations are being received daily. Ap plication for insurance must be made wit) ‘n 120 days after Joining tho service. TO PALE PEOPLE— YOUR BLOOD MAY BE STARVING FOR IRON!| If Your Blood Needs Iron, It Needs ZIRON, the New Compound of Iron, Which Acts as a Strength ening Tonic. Enriching the Blood ana Building up the System. When your blood lacks Ihc proper proportion oi red corpuscles to give you* , complexion Ihe "rosy hue of health” and your complexion is pale, "pasty-look ing”, perhaps even greenish-tinged, you arc probably of an anemic or chlorotic nature, and your blood needs Ziron, to bring back the rich, red flush of heailh. Ziron, the new compound cf iron, the hypophosphltes of lime and soda, and other tonic, strengthening ingredients, has been found oi great value in conditions of simple anemia, chlorosis, debility, nervousness, lack of ambition, loss of appe tite, dyspepsia, etc. It i? a valuable, reconstructive tonic, in cases of weakness, and helps build up ihc constitution alter severe illness. Mrs. Mae Bcltc Perkins, of Adairsville, Ga., writes: "About iwo months ago I got to feeling badly. My back hurt me badly, and my tegs and arms hurt too, and 1 didn’t have any appetite at all to eat. About two weeks ago 1 commenced taking Ziron, according to directions on the bottle... By the lime 1 had taken the medicine fora week, I could see it was doing me good. I had been weak and nervous, and it made me feci stronger, and I’m not a bit nervous now. My back is all right, and my arms and legs do not ache. And my appetite is good again. Before I started using ZironJL wouldn't rest at night, I was so Bred feeling and felt worn out I have used nearly the whole bottle cad now I sleep flue every. night. It sure is a fine medicine, and I am glad I tried it” I • Ziron is non-alcoholic, contains no habit-forming drugs, acts gently, has no bad after-effects, is good for men, weraen and children. It is a medicine oi genuine merit, composed of ingredients prescribed by eminent physicians. Try it SPECIAL OFFER: Bar a bottle of ZIRON, today. atyoar dmxtst'o and the UafatrtrtoLaa. coniine to directions on the label. After taint np one boats. If youfind It has not benefited roet. take* back to the druggist and he silt refund what you paid him far It. We near Mm, so there Is no reason why he should not repay yoa. This offer only applies to Us first trial bottle. lUU