The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, June 13, 1918, Image 4

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•‘V ••••>• -v. Don’t wait until the 11th hour to make your purchase, as our supply is limited. 'The world needs feed stuffs. It is your opportunity to help Uncle Sam. " SO SAVE YOUR HAY Call, Phone or Write : wfs?. •: v — LONG MAY SHE WAVE The Vienna News Published Weekly MISS EMILY WOODWARD Managing Editor Entered at the poet office in Vien na, Ga., as second class mail mats- • wording to tho art of Cons March 3rd, 1870. THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1818 German airplanes recently bombed n largo American hospital. These de liberate preraediatatod attacks of the Germans upon our own mercy forces at the front are enough to erouse all of latent indignation in every loyal American. Their brutish methods of lighting strong, ablebodied men equip ped to fight are bad enough, but when they stoop to attack defenseless wom en ministering to suffering humanity and wounded, helpless men, they show themselves to be the most cow ardly assassins. for them. Are we going to let these boys who have an infinitely great er burden to bear than we have, bear it more courageously? Surely not— Dooly must hold her end of the firing line and to do this subscriptions to cover the War Savings Stamp allot ment must be secured. Twenty dollars per capita is the basis upon which the quota is fixed. Of course this does not mean that each individual who subscribes for twenty dollars worth of stamps is-re lieved from further obligations, great many individuals cannot and some will not subscribe for this amount, this is a time when the strong financially, will have to share -the burden of the weak. The man or woman with a large income will of course be expected to subscribe more liberally than those less fortunate. It is useless to discuss tho wisdom and safety of investing in War Saving Stamps, those who can comprehend such matters, are already aware that no safer and better Investment can be made. Every man, woman and child in the county should have a part in this loan to toe government. Un like the Liberty loans, toe denomina tions are so reduced as to - make it easily possible for even the smallest ai^d poorest to have a part in it and purely it is the desire of every man, woman and child in the county lend a hand in this battle for justice, for ourselves and others. ' It will be a great misfortune to the state if Governor Dorsey refuses to offer for reelectlon. Mr. Dorsey has proven himself an able executive. Ev en (jiose who opposed him most strong ly have been convinced that the ma jority voted wisely 'two years ago. Steering tho ship of state when condi tions arc normnl Is no Insignificant task and the responsibility; has in creased many-fold qlnco tho nation has been engaged in’war-^Governor Dorsey has met theso responsibilities with a quiet strength that commands tho respect and admiration of not on ly those who Imposed this groat con fidence in him, but also of those who feared to trust the reins of govern ment in his hands. Under his wise leadership Georgia is lending loyal support to the national government, llis-has been a constructive adminis tration in every .particular, a change in too hand at the helm might result in a deflection from the very satis factory course that is now being fol lowed. It ii earnestly hoped that the present administrative policy may be continued. All Georgia should unite In urging Mr. Dorsey to accept the responsibility for another term. NO PEACE WITHGERMANY UNTILHUN IS ON HIS KNEES (From Manufacturers Record) Until Heaven and hell are synony-. mous terms, America should not toing of peace with unrepentant, un conquered Germany. Unless American men are degener ate sons of noble sires; Unless American women are not of toe stuff which gave, strength to toe men of revolutionary days, and un- i, too, they have less womanhood than the splendid heroic women of toe south and toe north alike, who between 1861 'and 1865 laid their all upon toe altar of their country, and never faltered amid toe sorrows of that fearful four years of civil war, then there will be no word or thought of peace'with an unbeaten Germany on the part of any honest-hearted man or woman loving womanhood more than life. The Son of God might have saved His life, but he chose to die that mil lions might be saved. Judson and Livingston and hun dreds of other missionaries have glad ly endured hardships unto death that others might live. Would Mary have called her son from the Cross? Would toe mothers SPLENDID W. S. S. MEETING TUESDAY DISTRICT FIELD AGEIST. PRES- ENT—LARtjE ATTENDANCE OF COMMITTEE. The meeting of the War Savings Stamps Committee hel4 Tuesday af- irnoori AN IMPORTANT DAY President Wilson has designated June 28th’ as War Savings Day, a day . when all other business shall be laid aside for the one purposo of securing pledges for money that is needed to carry forward the waf, and the ' fact that Mr. Wilson asks this should be sufficient to convinco every Amer ican citixen that it should be done for throughout the part of the war pro gram already completed this great man has never called upon the Amer ican people for any work or sacrifice, that was not essential. Any plan or project endorsed by him is usually safe for any American to support. The sum of money to be raised through the sale of War Savings Stamps seems almost stupendous up on first consideration, coming in the wake of the Bond Sale, Red Cross ’ Fund etc., but after one takes time to give it more deliberate thought taking into consideration the extended period of time that is allowed for raising toe sum, it does not seem such an impossi ble task. - - - • .•. Borne one to whom, has boon assign ed a part in tho work of raising this money may in a moment of weakness think, or even say that the task is too great A good antidote for such a feeling is to pause and consider whether our boy* who are offering their all on toe other aide, stop to say or even think, when the order comes to face the enemy, that the sacrifice asked of them is too great They do not hesitate—If they should, think what would it mean for ml And if we hesitate think what it win mean ternoon at the court house was anoth er testimony to the patriotism of Dooly ciixens both mep aiid women. Every district in the county was rep resented in the audience from several districts there were numbers of men and women, all manifesting an eager interost in the preparation, for the Big Drive to be made on the 28th. The District Field Agent, Mr. Munn of Columbus was present and stated in toe short talk he made: that the mooting was the most auspicious of any he had attended in the entire fif teen counties in the district It was unanimously agreed that each district committee should have entire charge of the work in their re spective districts, making the ments and using wjiatever.means to secure pledges they deem advisable; this was done in view of the fact that these committees are better acquaint ed with conditions in their particular localities than the county' officials therefore art more capable of judg ing oftho best plans to follow. The i mooting was presided over by Mr. L. L. Woodward, County Chair man. At the conclusion of this hour meetings of the chairmen of toe men's and women’s committee were held at which definite plans for launching the rdive were discussed. NOTICE SCHOOL TRUSTEES ELECTION Notice is hereby given that there will be an election in each school dis trict June IS, 1918, for the purpose of electing trustees to succeed those whose term has expired. 90YAL. C. & S. Wire Fence Prices will advance July 1st, orders received by the 20th filled at follow ing prices any time by Sept 1st 26x6 32x6 f .—..46 8-4 39x6 81 47x6 .68 1-2 48x12, 18 lines 56 48x6 . —69 3-4 Heavy Cattle Barbed Wire —•—5.10 Heavy Hog Barbed Wire 5.85 Light Hog Barbed Wire —■■■3.76 F. O. B. Vienna, Ga. CEO. D. MASHBURN, HawklaevUIe, Ga. Scripps-Booth FOR SALE BY Heard & Grace of all the heroes who have died like Judson and Livingston for others, have called them from the sacrifice and saved their lives at the expense of others? To ask'this qupestion answers it Our loved ones are offering their lives that others may live; that wom anhood may be saved; that children may be kept from the power of the unhung brutes; that civilisation and liberty may not perish from toe earth. Would we call them back from such superb heroism, such Christ-like sac rifice made that others may be saved? The question answers itself- thousand times. No I False to God’s greatest gift to man, except that of His own Son, woman hood and babyhood, wifehood and motherhood, false to all humah liberty for all time to come is even a thought of peace with an unwhipped Germany, Then put away from toe innermost thought of every soul any suggestion of peace, any desire for peace except that peace which can come unly over the unconditional surrender of Ger many and her allies, over toe dead bodies of their leaders and over the vileness that has made Germany stench for all time to come in the nostrils of God and Man. HAND A QUARTER to the POSTMAN He is making it easy for you to buy 25-cent Thrift Stamps and $5 War Saving* Stamps. You don’t have;to step outside your door to begin buying War Savings Stamps. When he calls tomorrow have a quarter ready and buy a Thrift Stamp. Or better still have $4.17 ready and buy a FTVfc DOLLAR WAR SAVINGS STAMP. IS THIS advertisement written Georgia’s position in the Hat of state* according to amounts subscribed for War Savings Stamps is second from the BOTTOM! At the close of day, June 28th, if Georgia has not redeemed herself— if Georgia has riot pledged her quota, you and me and every other Geor gian will hang our head in shame. BE READY TO MAKE YOUR PLEDGE NATIONAL WAR 111M P SAVINGS DAY JUHL 4,0 Walton Bros. Tell him to bring yours tomorrow! < * * * For your country’s sake and for the sake of humanity—GET STARTED! BE READY TO MAKE YOUR PLEDGE NATIONAL WAR MIME 9A SAVINGS DAY JUnC. 4,0 W. F. Newby VIENNA, GEORGIA _ VIENNA, GEORGIA Place your orders early for ypur Palmer=Jones Company “The Machinery People Cordele, Ga.