The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, June 27, 1918, Image 5

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vmwwwwwiw Local and Personal Items of Interest —■————— : To Ice Consumers In future there will only be one delivery of ice each day. The wagon will positively make only one trip. , - 1 ' A J. B. BUTLER ROWLAND. PENNY The articles appearing recently in the Athens papers, will be of interest to the many friends of Mr. Penny in this city where he was horn and' rear ed. These friends are congratulating him upon his successful career in college and the happy culmination of his stay in Athens—his marriage to Miss Margaret Rowland a very charm ing and attractive young woman who though a stranger to Mr. Penny’i friends here, is remembered as a baby by many, being the daughter of Mr. Albert Rowland, at one time the effi cient head of the Vienna Public school Mr. DeSoto Program MONDAY, JULY 1, 6 to lOtJO P. M. Triangle presents Wm. Desmond in ‘Society for Sale.'’ Also “A Daughter of Uncle' Sam" WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 5 to 10i30 ^tetro presents Bert Lytell in “The [Trail to Yesterday" Owing to being falsely accused of crime goes West There he meets with many adventures, romance and drama of an unusual sort are happily combined. Also s2-Reel Keystone Comedy Miss Margaret Rowland Weds Dennis Penny Yesterday afternoon at 4:15 at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Rowland on Prince avenue, occurred the marriage of Miss I Margaret Rowland and Mr. Leonard |l A Metro super production with Mr. Dennis Penny, of Vienna. An ele- Arnold Daley, gant simplicity marked all the details ' This U not aw or picture but THURSDAY, JULY 4, 4 to 10:30 (Special) , ‘My Own United S*at< RECIPES (From the Humanitarian.) i Take a word or two of kindness, > Season well with some good deed, •Add a charity of plenty, And of hope a generous meed; And if you will mold them rightly. Which may be no easy thing, You will find you have a dainty Fit to serve to any king. , 'Take a brimming pint of patience, And of faith an equal share, , Stir them thoroughly together In the crystal bowl of prayer; Mix with these a cup of wisdom, And a dash of self-control, 4 And ‘tis yours to quench the craving Qf a famished human soul. 'Take of happiness full measure, From the Granary above. Knead thew hole with inspiration, Leaven with abiding love; And some day you may be able - To supply, with gentle art. All the bread that is required By one hunger-stricken heart —Ralph Methven Thomson. Dr. E. P. Whitehead spent the week end in Fort Valley. Miss Eula Joiner visited relatives in Cordele this week. Mr. Sam Cohen has returned from a short stay in Sandersville. Mr. J. R. Horne, of Pinehurst, was a visitor in the city Tuesday. Miss Myrtie O’Steen, of Douglas is the guest of Miss Lucille Slade. Miss Ethel Gilmore, of Rebecca is the ^uest of Mrs. P. C. Everett Miss Jamie Joiner, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mrs. T. G. Woodruff. Miss Lucille Slade has returned from a pleasant stay in Fitzgerald. Don’t forget “My Own United States” at the DeSoto next Thursday. I Mrs. J. B. French and children, of Columbus are visiting Mrs. M. E. Pen- Mrs. Walter Kirkland left last week for an extended visit to rel atives in Atlanta and Alabama. Rev. T. W. Tippett has accepted the pastorate of the Cordele Baptist (church for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Turner, and baby, of Macon, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Grace this week. Misses Edith and Annie McGriff, and Elizabeth Watson, of Hawkins-, ville, are visiting Misses Ruth and Ellene Lewis. There is no better way to celebrate the 4th than by going to see “My Own United States” at the DeSoto next Thursday. The Civic Improvement' Club will meet this afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. H. Turton. All members urg ed to be present. 0— The resignation of Mr. H. D. Stur divant city electrician, takes effect August 1st, instead of July 1st, stated last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Heard, Mrs. Ger trude Taggart, Mrs. Jewel Brown Misses Bessie Butler and Leta Wood visited Americus Sunday. Mr. Robert Newby left last week for Brunswick to accept a position in the ship yard. Mrs. Newby will join him there in the near future. of the pretty wedding, the entjre lower floor being tastefully decorated in fragrant summer flowers. In the living room where the ceremony was performed the bridal tones of white and green were used. An altar was formed of ferns and potted plants, flanked on either side by slender Marie Antoinette baskets of Queen Anne’s lace, thehandles tied with but. terfly bows of yrhite tulle. Against a background of greenery, innumer able unshaded candles cast a soft glow over the pretty scene. Miss Rosa, mond Eppes presided at-the piano, playing Mendelssohn’s wedding march for the entrance of the bridal party and during the ceremony, which _ was impre'ssively performed by Dr. S. R. Belk, of the First Methodist church, Meditation was softly render ed. The bride was a charming figure in a stunning traveling suit of navy blue taffeta. Her hat was a Frenchy com bination of blue and grey and she wore grey shoes and gloves. Her corsage was of pink roses showered in swansonia. Immediately after the ceremony an informal reception was held, as sembling only the friends and rela tives of the young couple and the graduating class of the University of which the groom was a prominent member. The dining room was entirely" in pink and white, the table being cov ered with a handsome cluny piece from the center of which i;ose a mound of ping rose buds. Cut glass compotes held dainty mints and a de licious ice course was served by Miss es Dorothy Rowland and Gertrude' Parham. Mr. and Mrs. Penny left during the Afternoon for Vienna to visit his strong Red blooded American drama, depicting various incidents and im portant events in the history of our country. 8 Reels—Admission IS and 25c eluding War Tax FRIDAY, JULY S, 5 to 10 P. M. Marguerite Clark in “Babs Burglar” This story was read by thousands in Saturday Evening Post. Bob’s ef fort to marry off her older sister is screamingly funny and her attempt to dignify thes pices of puppy love through which she is passing a force. Admission 15 and 25c .... SAT. JULY 6, 3 to 10:30 P. M. “Vengeance and the Woman” No. 14 “The Hand at the Window” A five- reel Triangle featuro with Margery Wilson. Also Lonsome Luko in “The Non Stop Kid.” N O T 1C E Special Prices on Men’s High Grade Summer Clothing from now on LILLY NEWS Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Rodgers and little son spent Tuesday afternoon in Lilly. Misses Louise West and Alberta Lilly attended the B. Y. P. U. Con vention at Dublin last week. Miss Burnice Turner of Byromvillc spent the week-end’ with Mrs. T. B. McGough. Miss Rubye Forehand spent last! week with friends and/ relatives at Cordele. Mr. Robert Lilly left Monday to at tend summer school at Mercer. , Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Dickson and Miss Jewell Forehand attended the League conference at Macon. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lockerman and Misses Ruby Joiner, Mattie Nell Wood, Alice Newby, Reba Campbell, Emma Adkins, Mary Newby and Ed ward Wright visited Cordele Sunday. Miss Lonnie Gilbert of Byromville will return soon to her home from Gilbert. She-has been astudent at W. V. U., Morgantown W. Va., for the pastn ine months. Judge and Mrs. W. H. Lasseter and children uredn Atlanta. Mr. Las seter is there for tho legislative ses sion. Mrs. Lasseter and children will remain through the summer. mother, Mrs. Mary Dennis Penny. Vi- ^ Sunday with her father, enna is also "the birthplace of tho. w - ' bride though she has never visited there since her childhood. Mrs. Penny is an unusually attrac- Mrs. I. W. King and Miss Maude Morgan spent several days in Macon last week. “My Own United States” is a spec- lal picture secured for the 4th of July. Messrs. 0. L. Arnold and John .k Tippett spent several days in Atlanta this week. Miss Mary. Shirah, of Helena, was the Week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Johnson. Messrs. C. H. Turton and N. A. Powell have returned from a short stay in Atlanta. *. Mrs. C. P. Ponder and Mrs. B.’ B. j -Barker, of Unadiila, were visitors in /the city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Woffard have from a stay of several in Cartersville. Hamilton is here from the Naval Hospital, Chelaia, Mass, a ten days’ leave. true hearted American should Own United States” at the next Thursday. Jack DeLesseline, of Atlanta, week for a Mr. S. A. Forehand spent Saturday and Sunday in Lumber City. Mr. W. K. Ingram is working in Marshallville. Miss Jewel Forehand spent a few days in Hawklnsvillc the guest of Miss Sarah Fountain. Mcsddmes J. E. Coxe and W. A. Ingram spent a few days at Mionu Springs. Miss Gladys Taylor is at Jay Bird Springs where she is being delight- fuly entertained as a member of house party. The guests being the 1017-18 members of the Junior class at Bessie Tift. ICE NOTICE The ice house will be closed prompt, ly at 9 o’clock Sunday morning, no deliveries made after that hour. J. B. BUTLER. Miss Francis Walton, of Atlanta, will arrive this week to be the guest of Miss Audrey Newby. Miss Audrey Newby spent last week in Pinehurst. tive girl, the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Rowland. She was a student of the State Normal School and by her sweet winsomencss has en deared herself to a large circle of friends. The groom graduated yesterday from tho law department of the Uni versity, he was president qf the Senior class, president of the Dem- j Most people in the country, despite ostheninn Literary Society, a member j the fact that wo are at war, are mak- of the Gridiron Club and of numerous j ing morem oney than ever before, ether college organizations. He en-! That is all the more reason why we listed recently in the Marine hospital j should save now and buy War Saving service and expects to be called into Stamps. We have the opportunity to acttveservice at an early date.—Ath ens Banner. OVER THE TOP CLUB The young ladies of the city had a very enthusiastic meeting of the club last Thursday afternoon. The aim of the club is three-fold; war work, National defense and Civ ic Improvement; while a great deal of pleasure will be derived from it also. - Over the top was the name chosen and we hope that in each task under taken we will do justice to our name. Mrs. O. W. Horne and Miss Emily Miss Margaret Rowland Becomes Bride of Leonard Dennis Penny A wedding of unusual interest marked by simplicity befitting the war times yet very beautiful, was that of Miss Margaret Rowland and Mr. Leonard Dennis Penny which took place this afternoon at 4:15 o’clock at the home of the bride’s pa rents on Prince avenue. Dr. S. R. Belk performed the cere mony, the wedding guests including a throng of old friends and relatives. To announce the coming of the bridal party, Miss Rosamond Epps played Mendelssohn’s wedding march and during the impressive ceremony “Meditation” rendered very soft ly and sweetly. * The living room where the mar riage took place was very attractive in its decorations of green and white, the bridal party standing in front of a beautiful altar arranged of palms and ferns flanked on each side by tall pedestals holding Marie Antoinette baskets of Queen Anne’s lace hand kerchiefs. Fluffy tulle bows graced the slender handles and gleaming candles about shed a softened glow over the lovely scene. The dining help the Government and top rovide for our own future. V ARNOLD DALY in DeSoto lar in a circle of sincere friends. Mr. Penny was graduated in law tdoay from the University of Geor gia and a young man of decided worth, held in cordial esteem by friends innumerable. He is president of this year’s law class of the Uni versity, a member of the gridiron club and president of the Demosthen- inn society. The bride was most charming in her wedding suit of blue taffeta, tailor made. Her hat was a pleasing combination of blue and grey and she wore grey shoes, Her corsage was an exquisite arrangement of pink rose buds and swonsonia. Immediately after an informal re ception Mr. and Mrs. Penny loft for Vienna, the home of the groom, to visit his mother, Mrs. Mary Dennis Penny, who was unable to make the fatiguing trip to Athens. They will be her guests until Mr. Penny enters the marine hospital service in which he enlisted recently.—Athens Herald. Woodward met with the club and pre- sented the subject of War Savings j room held the attraction of the guests Stamps and how we could help in this after the ceremony, brightly colored campaign. All present showed a fine spirit of duty and loyalty. After several business matters had ourned which at the ock. nasturtiums in huge bowls further adding to its charm. Here refresh ments were passed by Misses Dorothy Rowland and Gertrude Parham. The petite blonde bride is a daugh ter of Hr. ana Mrs. Albert's. Row land and is a sweet and gracious young girl, lardy of face, and popu- How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any esse of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hairs Catarrh Mcdldns.gR Hall’s Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty- Ore years, aad has become known as the most reliable remedy for Catarrh Haifa Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, expelling tbs Poi son from the Blood and healing the dls- After you have taken Han’s Catarrh Medicine for a short time you win see c groat Improvement In your general health. 8tart taking Hall’s Cstarrh Medi cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send DEFENSE Is a National Watchword MR. FARMER: For your own sake and for nation’s you should look to defense of your farm property. WiRE FENCING Is the most effective ally in de fending your property against invasion and marauding:. IT IS SCARCE But we have just received a New Car Load and can money. Gome and Get. Yours Before another Palmer-Jones Company The Machinery People Cordele Georgia