The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, July 04, 1918, Image 5

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Misses Rath ami Ellene Lewis are visiting friends in Hawkinsville. ATLANTA EYE SPECIAL IST TO BE IN UNADILLA lE AS K P [) ! tncrmore ' !t wi " Conserve waste wood K "" ' ; which ouid otherwise not be used, TO USE WOOD 1 : uch as dead trees, fallen trees and 'other aste timber which can be cut i 'mto '/cod timber. Gins could pay SBSSPsSflH?-’ a, «* ... D LABOR jmuncratWe to the producers. 3. Operate’ only at full speed. We furter recommend that each ginnery operate only so many days per week as may be absolutely neces sary in order to liandlo its customers’ cotton, ray four days per week in the beginning. In this way they will put in full dnyr. ginning, thereby conserv ing both fuel ami labor, as their la bor can be otherwise employed on days when the gin is not in opera tion. The scarcity of coal, or rather the demand for coal for war purposes, is increasing so enormously that conser vation of fuel is absolutely necessary in order to carry out te ,war program, and ginneries nro asked to cooperate by following the suggestions made above, in bo far as local conditions will permit. L. G. HARDMAN, Fuel Administrator for Georgia. ■ Every patriotic.American should see "Over the Top” at the DeSoto next Monday, Tuesday and Wednes day. SATURDAY, JULY 13 AT DUNCAN HOTEL FROM 8 A. M. TO 2:30 P. M., THIS DAY ONLY In future there will only be one delivery of ice each day. The Wagon will positively make only one trip. GG6 cures Headaches, . Billiousness, Loss of Appetite, or that tired aching feeling due to Malaria or Colds. Fine Tonic. .9-5 Eyes, Headaches, Nervousness Cor rected and Cross Eyes Straight ened without Knife, Drugs or Pain CONSULTATION FREE a short visit to Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Dr. Kennon Mott, the non-medical Taylor. and optometry specialist of 428 Aug- —o— tell Building, Atlanta, representing Dr. E. P. Whitehead left last week the "Diamond Disc” Lenses and the for Camp Wheeler. He is stationed "Idokure” Remedies, will be at Una- .there for the present, a member, of dilla as above. Dr. Mott is a special! thfe Dental Corps. 1st of long standing and successful —o— . practice and has thousands of satls- Mr. J. S: Barry is in Atlanta attend- Red patients over the South, ing the Rural Carriers State Cohven- In view of thef act that the gov ernment has already made some rifl ings which materially affect the coal supply, of ginneries, we most earnest ly recommend that each gin in this state make an effort to secure a sup- _ .... He is relieving the eyes by new ply of wood'fuel, and that ginneries tion, going as the official representa- methods, even after others failed. a, k and solicit each patron to fur- itivo from the Third Congressional The glasses relieve headaches and nil> b the gin with sufficient wood to District. , give good sight, esse and comfort. Ab- Bin his own crop. —o— sorbing some cataracts and removing 2* This will utilize Waste fuel. LOST-—Monday afternoon oithor growths from the eyes and straighten- This wood can be prepared by the here or in Unadilla $28.00, two ton ing cross eyes, all without injurious customers at times when they would dollar bills pnd one five. Finder will drugs, knife or pain. Some eyes can n °t otherwise be engaged, and fur- receive reward if roturnod to the be relieved so that glasses are not Nows Office or to .1. G. Poole, Unsdil- needed. Women and children given ' la. 7-4-3t special care. ■■■■■■■■■■■■ —o— Don’t forget the date, hours and The “Over The Top Club” will place, Unadilla, Saturday, July 13, _ _ _ - _ meet next Thursday afternoon, July and call early. IIJJ ffg __ --- 11th, at 0 o’clock at the Red Cross Hlfl 111 _ Vk B H fjg (Tn Local and Personal Items of Interest WHERE THE SOUTH BEGINS Down where the welcome is never stronger, Down where the.glad handclasp is given the stranger, Down where the smile dwells a little longer— That’s where the South begins. 666 Cures Bilious Fever. Mrs. W. M. McDonald is visiting relatives in Cordele this week. Miss Bessie Calhoun is'here from Atlanta for a stay of several weeks. Mrs. D. F. Rogers and children of Macon, are visiting Mrs. A. E. Jordan. Down where the roses bloom all win ter; And tile water sparkles a little bright- Miss Mary Hawkins, of Amerlcus, is the guest of Miss Cortez'Whitsett. Robert Jones left my placfe Wednes- j day morning. He is a tall, black ne gro and left wearing a cap, overalls and blue shirt, no shoes. Any. infor mation as to his whereabouts will be Notify A. M. BELL. MONDAY, JULY 8TH, 3, 8,'7 and 9 P. M. "Over The Top” With Guy Empy Admission 28 and 85 cento TUESDAY, JULY 9, 3, 5, 7 and 9 P. M. "Over The Top” With Guy Empy Admission 28 and 88 cents WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 3, 8, 7 and 9 P. M. j “Over Tho Top” With Guy Empy Admission 28 and 85 cents FRIDAY, JULY 12, 8 to 10.30 P. M. William Fox presents Theda Bars I in “Rose of tho Blood.” An exciting story of a woman foil- II ing a Russian plot for separte peace I with Germany. Also a Lonesome Luke Comedy I Admission 15 and 25 cents | i SAT. JULY 13, 3 to 11 P. M Tho Last Episode of “Vengeance and Tho Woman.” Also a S-reel Triangle Feature Admission 10 and 20c All those attending the last chapter of “Vengeance and the Woman” will r be given a ticket to see the first chap ter of "House of Hate,” with Pearl ! White and Antonia Moreno. *' Cbmlng—Pearl White In "House of ! Hate.” And the bonds of home are a wee bit tighter— That’s Where the South begins. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Crlbb of New ton, are visiting relatives in the conn- appreciated. Down where thea kies are a trifle bluer, Down where the friendship’s a trifle truer, And hope and faith and love ehdure, That’s whUre the South begins. Mrs. Lionel McKenzie, of Monte zuma, was a visitor in the city Tues day. SINGING NOTICE On account of the singing' at the court house in Cordele on . the first Sunday, the singing at Hepzibah has been postponed until first Sunday in August. ’ H. D.ROYAL. Special Pricef on Men’s Hig Grade Sum me Clothing fiv^ now on. See Theda Bara and a Lonesome Luke Comedy at the DeSoto next Friday. Down where a velvet breeze is blowing Where there is music in every wave floing, And the golden fruit is ever grow ing— That’s where the South begins. Theda Bora in "Rose of the Blood” at the DeSoto next Friday, be sure to see her. All who have finished comfort bags, please send or phone Mrs. E. C. Taylor. Down where the South is now awak ening, And fortunes are in the making, And there’s more and leu of taking— That’s where the South begins. Last • episode of "Vengeance and the Woman” at the DeSoto next Saturday. . - “Over the Top” Monday and Tues day and Wednesday of next week at the DeSoto. Where there is more of laughter and les3 of sighing. And more of giving and less of buy- -*ing; '' «■' ... n Tnd you all make friends without half trying. Thajti where the South begins. —J. H. Several hundred No. 2' cai sale quick at 4 1-2 cents each. E. Whitehead. Mrs. J. L. Taffcr and Mr. Liliard Taffar have returned from a short visit to Atlanta. How's ThlsF W« offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward ’or any cace of Catarrh that cannot b# mred by Hall', Cniurrh Mcdlclne.Nfc Hall's Catarrh Medicine, has been taken 3 r catarrh sufferers for tho past thirty- ’• yearn, and Use beeoms known a. the 666 Cures Chills and Fever. 9-5 Mr. A. M. Bdl spent Friday in Dub- MISS LEWIS ENTERTAINS Miss Estelle Campbell left Sunday for Athens, to attend Teachers’ Sum mer School. itertained her guests, Misses Elizabeth Watson and Annie McGriif at a prom part Jr last Frida; evening at her attractive home on Union street. Several interest ing games and music afforded amuse ment for tho evening. Deligtful Mr.' end Mrs. P. G. Bjssbee leave * nnch f nd wnfe ™* cre «'•'*<!. Those today for a stay of several days at|W*E nt JTJk u Indian Sorim? Mattie Nell Wood, Reba <- Campbell, ** ’ • Xfwrmipaf Wwlnht Ranlnfi TjhiHi Plihv Miss Ida Morgan is visiting rela tives in Master Louis Taggart Is visiting in Atlanta. a National Watchword Mrs. P. C. Everett is visiting rela tives at Rebecca. Miss Mattie Noll Wood is visiting, friends in Rebecca. Severalhundred No. 2 cans salo quick at 4 1-2 cents each. 1 E. Whitehead. Lovie Lee Taylor, Leoline Trlppe, Edith McGrlff, Annie McGriff, Eliza beth Watson, Ruth Lewis, Edward Be sure to see Theda Bara at the DeSoto next Friday. Just received car of Hickory wag ons'. Heard & Grace. Mias Minnie. Jordan, of Douglas, has been the guest of Mrs. Gertrude Taggart this week. | To My Auto Friends : I have entered the auto garage business on my own ‘hook” and am in it to stay. I have associated with me Prof. F, C. Snell of Cordele, who will have charge of the books and sales department. /We are carrying a full line of auto accessories, making a specialty of tires and tubes. We are exchang ing new tires for old ones, allowing a good margin on old tires. We are putting in an up- to-date running m machine and are now. prepared to overhaul and make your car new. My long experience as a Ford mechanic is a Wright, Willie BynW, Davis Hamilton,- J: B. Ryner, jr. , nation’s you should look to the defense of your farm property. WIRE FENCING Is the most effective ally in de fending your property against invasion and marauding. IT IS SCARCE But we have just received a New Car Load and Just received car of Hickory wag-' is. Heard A Grace. Miss Sara Paschal, of Jacksonville, Fla., has been therecent guest of her sister, Mrs. M. M. Grace. Just received car of Hickory wag ons. Heard 4 Grace. 666 Cures by removing thee ause 9-V GOG contains no alcohol, arsenic, nor other poisonous drugs. Mount school house for a patriotic celebration. A largo crowd was pres ent Col. T. Hoyt Dsyis made an ex cellent address which brought imme- Mr. and Mrs. Snell announce the arrival of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Tnrton and children have been in Atlanta foT a. short stay this week. diet* and tangible results, many ad ditional pledget to buy stamps being made despite the fact that ihe dis trict had already oversubscribed the amount alio ted to it The. people of Miss Carol! Kctchum it spending some time in Atlantn. Miss Minnie Lee Jordan leaves to morrow for Macon to take a three months’ business course. Private Morton Fort was here from Camp Wheeler Sunday. Mr. Edgar Morgan is at home from Atlanta for a short stay. this district are a loyal and liberal people, they prove this by the man ner in which they respond to all calls Alt- U-J Mrs. J. H. Butler and Miss Bessie Butler left Sunday for a visit to rel atives in Lumberton, Miss. Lieut. A. L. Crawford, of Camp Wheeler, was the guest of Miss Mar garet Ererette for the week-end. Mr. 0. W. Hern, Misses Margaret Wright and Mildred Horne spent yes terday in Crawford County. Hisses Florence Gammage, Pearl Locke, Mae Pearce and Mr. M. C. Pearce spent Sunday In Albany. can save pioney. Come and Get Yoors Before another Advance in Palmer-Jones , LOCAL DRUGGIST APPOINTED , B. F. Forbes, the Rexall druggist, . of this city, has been appointed an enrolling agent for the U, S. Ship ping Board, to enroll young Ameri- ; cans, from 21 to 39, for service in the . Merchant Marine. Hereceived notice recently of his appointment. Company from a shorts tay in Waycroia. Hiss Willie Owen, of ByrowviBe, is the guest of Hiss Lurile Slade. Judge W. H. Lasseter was hers from Atlanta for the Week-end. The Machinery People everything is gui anteed. JOHN l>. SPEARS. Cordele Georgia