The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, July 25, 1918, Image 5

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PITA JOUVET in "LEST WE FORGET'' DeSoto Theatre, Tuesday, August 3 “Lend Me Your Name” is a sure enough laugh, see it at the DeSoto next Wednesday. —o— Hackney Wagons and Buggies. Heard & Grace.. Mrs. M. A. Hill is visiting relatives in Atlanta. —o— Mrs, IJ. R. Fenn and little Elizabeth Woodw^d are visiting relatives in Savannah. Mastor Harold Hill is spending a few days with relatives in Cordele. TENT FOR RENT—My tent at the Camp Ground is for rent this year H. R. FENN. A PRETTY PARTY The prettiest affair of the season for the younger set was the Prom Party at which Miss Ada Powell en tertained on Thursday evening last in honor of Miss Lala Lambright, of Atlanta, the attractive guest of Miss Julia Lennard. She was assisted in entertaining by Miss Lucile Morgan. In tqe living room and reception halls were seen vases of lovely cut flowers on the attarctive porch punch was served from a huge watermelon bowl a unique idea of the hostess. The ev ening passed very pleasantly with se lected music and prom. Later in the evening a delicious ice course was served. Those invited were: Misses Ellene Lewis, Willie Mae Mathews, Lois Shell, Grace Woodward, Louise Davis, Franks Smith, Reba Campbell, Japie Hi'tier, Oma Taggart, Carolyn Mob ley, Ruby Joiner, Clara Mae Davies, Mamie Jordan, Mildred Horne, Lovie Lee Taylor, Lala Lambright, Messrs. Fred Jordan, Willie Smith, Basil Morris, Davis Hamilton, James Wof- fard, James Brown, Lloyd Solomon, Mrf. Taggart, Mrs. Brown. Reported. THEATRE PARTY Miss Ola Lee Peavy entertained with a party at the DeSoto Theatre Wednesday in honor of Miss Eliza beth Sloan, of Atlanta. Those pres ent were Misses Helen Hamilton, Leila Morgan, Annie Neal Howell, Gladys Davis, Mary Smith, Ruth Shep pard, Dorothy Jernigan, Martha and Gladys Taylor, Lois Shell. G66 cures Headaches, Billiousness, Loss of Appetite, or that tired aching feeling due to Malaria or Colds. Fine Tonic. 9-5 Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan of Fitz gerald, spent the week-end in the city with relatives. Messrs. T. P. and Jeff Busbee, of Lilly, were in the city on business Monday. 666 Cures Bilious Fever. Would you trade places with a bur glar? Sec what happens when Har old Lockwood doer, this at the DeSo to Theatre. LOST—Pair of nose glasses. Find er wil pleaser eturn to T. G. Wood ruff and receive reward. tf Misses Lucille Joiner, of Byrom- ville and Ruth Sheppard, of Unadilla, have been recent guests of Miss Mar tha Taylor. 3 good milk cows with young calves for immediate sale. T. C. Carlisle, tf Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Powell and chil dren spent the week-end at Jay Bird Springs. Miss Audrey Newby is visiting rel atives in Albany. 666 cures Malarial Fever. 9-5 Be*Sure to see Harold Lockwood in “Lend Mo Your Name” at the DeSo to Theatre next Wednesday. Miss Mary Nfewby is the guest of friends in Dublin. Miss Lala Lambright has returned to Atlanta after a pleasant visit to Miss Julia Lennard. Corporal Roy Butler was at home from Camp Wheeler Sunday. v _o— | PROM PARTY Corporal Edmund Porter of Camp I 0ne o£ the social events of the Wheeler spent several days here this week was the prom party given by week. Miss Martha Taylor in honor of her visitors, Misses Ruth Sheppard, of Unadilla and Lucile Joiner of Byrom- ville. The house was beautifully decorat ed with palms and cut flowers. Punch was served on the spacious veranda throughout the evening by Misses Ola Lee Peavy and Bertha Bullington. At a late hour delicious refreshments were served. Thosep resent were. Misses Eliza beth Sloan, Dorothy Jernigan, Atlan ta; Audrey Newby, Neita Burke, Ori- ola Joiner, Annie Neal Howell, Mittie Wallace, Gladys Davis, Mary Lou Gramllng, Julia Lennard, Mary Smith'* Gladys Taylor, Thelma Walton, Genie Morgan, Ola Lee Peavy, Clara Mae Dvies, Lovie Lee Taylor, Bertha Bul- lington, Ruth Sheppard, Lucile Join er, Otto Trippe, Basil Morris, Wil liam Gregory, Willie Smith, Jamie Walker, Lamar Thornley, Wayland Morris, Fletcher Forehand, Vienna; Joe Bridges, Grayden Bridges, Har mon Beddingfleld, James Duncan, Henry Peavy, Unadilla; Howell Adams Homer Jones, John Bray, Walter Coney, Cordele; Dewey Dorminey, Sa vile; Aonzo Forehand, Lillyy; Sam Al lison, Montezuma; John Darby, Al bany and Mr. Johnson of Atlanta. 1-ywrd ,oaaR ringorlpnyg’oetaoin thard Mr. J. J. Barry attended a singing 9-5 j at Irwinville Sunday. Mr. E. F. Stovall, of LaGrange, is spending the week here the guest of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. T. Sto vall. Lieut. Grady Whitehead arrived in the city Sunday night from Washing ton, D. C., for a two week’s furlough. Col. J. M. .Busbee visited Atlanta last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Robinson and children, of Montezuma, are visiting relatives in the city. Mrs. Carrie Heard some time in Atlanta. spending Hackney Wagons and Buggies. Heard & Grace. The members of the “Over The • - - Top” Club are requested to attend; TO REGISTER FOR NURSING the regular meeting at the Red. 1- Cross Room Thursday afternoon C o’clock. 666 Cures Chills and Fever. The WomanVCommittee Council of Defense has been called upon to as sist with the registration of young women for nursing service. If there are any young women in Dooly who wish to answer this patriotic appeal they are requested to send their names to or call upon any of the fol lowing: Mr. Willard Forehand is visiting MRS. T. C. BUTLER, Vienna, friends in Moultrie. MISS EMII^Y WOODWARD, Vienna MRS. C. C. pUNCAN, Unadilla. Harold Lockwood is everybody’s favorite, be sure to see him at the DeSoto next Wednesday. ... FRIDAY ... Money - Saver SEVEN BARS OF OCTAGON SOAP, WITH 'Jc, A ONE DOLLAR PURCHASE - - - Final Clearance nf Summer Goods 1000 yards good Voile, Friday only, the yard, 10c Wash Skirts, slightly soiled, values to $1.50, at 89c Children’s Dresses, the $1.50 grade - - 89c Corsets, a few odd and ends, Madam Grace, t and Lorine, values to $3.50, choice - - 89c 50c Gingham, all new and up-to-date patterns, Friday - - - 39c We are Agents for McCall Patterns in Cordele. We sell Gossard Corsets, they lace in front and are reccommended by all leading doctors. Coat Suits for Fall are here. Buy Now. Mar Hoff Middies, limit two to a customer, Friday - ..... $139 Don’t forget our Remnant Counter. Crochet Thread, all numbers, per spool - - 9c — ■-——— — We Want Your Mail Orders LOUIS MILLER’S DEPARTMENT STORE Eleventh Avenue, Cordele, Ga. The fore of public sentiment was never more strikingly displayed than in the very rapid disappearance from view of the self-styled rcd-bloodod American who mado as the test of ev erybody’s loyalty that' they agreed with him. Paper thread is a Denmark war substitute for use in binder twine. To keep our Sammies in smokes, the American Y. M. C. A. canteen in France must be supplied with 200, 000,000 cigarettes and 4,500,000 cig ars monthly. In a single order tho Red Triangle recently shipped 1,877 tons of tobacco from an American port. At one time there was a single shipment of 900,000 cigars on the high seas. The Y. M. C. A. established a mo tion picture circuit for tho transpor- Each transport is provided with,. | 40,000 to 60,000 feet of film, the crew and tho soldiers enjoy tho pic tures going over and the wounded ' , coming back. -, Hope is a poor paymoster only to those whose accounts pro open to die- The Fordson Tractor Sergeant Tillman Smith was a visi tor in thee ity yesterday. Sergeant Smith, when n small boy resided in this city. He has been in the army for several years, having served in the Philippines. He i3 now stationed at Camp Fremont, Cal. Mi-. J. T. Hall has returned from a pleasant vacation in Florida. —o— Miss Gertrude Floyd, of Fitzgerald, Mrs. J. M. Busbee has returned | t ), e (jucst of Mrs. J. T. Tippett, from Atlanta where she has been for j —o— some time at Nobles’ Infirmary. Mrs. ( Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Noble, of Cor- Busbee is very much improved. I o e l 0( were the guests of relatives —o— here Sunday. Miss Thelma Sparks, of Headland, Ala., is the guest of Miss Ruth Lewis. Mr. Clayton Gilmore, of Dublin was a visitor in the city Sunday. 066 Cures by removing thee ause 9-5 666 contains no alcohol, arsenic, nor other poisonous drugs. i Miss Lillie Trippe left Saturday for Macon for a short visit before go ing to Atlanta where she will make her home in the future. Lieut E. P. Whitehead was at home from Camp Wheeler Sunday. you like a good farce comedy to see Harold Lockwood in Me Your Name” at the De- next Wednesday. Wagoms and Buggies. Mrs. J. .1. Heard and daughter, Francis, are spending the week in Douglas. Miss Lois Hill is visiting relatives at Tippcttville. Mrs. W. G. Williamson has return ed to Alston after a visit of several weeks here. RED CROSS MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the Dooly County Red Cross Chap ter will be held at Pineharst Friday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Everybody ir.vited and enrged to be present. MRS. J. O. TF.ASLEY, Lilly. MRS. S. F. OWEN, Pinehurst. MRS. JOE PAGE, Byromvillo. MRS. M. R. SINGLETARY, Tippctt ville. NO REST-NO PEACE There’s no rest and little peace for the one who suffers from a bad back, and distressing urinary disorders. People around here recommend Doans Kidney Pills. Be guided by their ex perience. Mrs. Jennie Kendall, Ninth Ave., Cordele, Ga., says: “About five years ago I had an attack of kidney trouble. My kidneys were irregular in action and I felt tired and languid all the time. My back was very sore and lame and I would get such sharp, shooting pains in the small of my back, I couldn’t sleep nights. I read about Doan’s Kidney Pills and decided to take thorn. Several boxes of this medicine completely cured me and I haven’t had a return of tho trouble since.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Kendall had. Foster-Miibum Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED FARMS J. D. COBB *E- F. STROZIER CORDELE, GA. 7-25-18-tf. G. S. & F. RY WILL DISCONTINUE PARLOR CAR ON TRAINS 1 AND 2 Effective July 25,1918, G. 8. A F. Ry. will discontinue the operation of Parlor Cars on trains 1 and 2 be tween Macon and Jacksonville. ' C. B. Rhodes, G. P. A. 7-25-Jt We are pleased to announce that we have been appointed dealers for the new Fordson Tractor, made by Henry Ford & Son, Inc., Dearborn, Mich., which without doubt will revolutionize farming, and solve the labor problem. This wonderful Fordson Tractor will exceed the the greatest expectations, and every progressive farmer will be invited to attend the Fordson dem onstration to be held at Macon, Ga., by McCord & Satterfield, State Distributors, the first part of August, exact date to be announced later. For full particulars and information, call up or write. ■ , i- '• Dr. J. M. Whitehead & Co. Vienna, Georgia