The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, July 25, 1918, Image 6

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BIG VALUE FOR ' •YOUR MCNa MOW What you NEED and desire right now. We still have left lots of our A-l Goods, up-to-the minute in style and we are simply selling out our summer goods, the very best for very MUCH LESS than they can be replaced to-day. It always pays and makes you feel proud to be handsomely dressed and it cer- .. u ..... —- Co“- ! “ tainly pays big to buy at our store NOW. can’t last long. and Our snaps J. J. COOPER’S Telephone Number, 121 VIENNA, GEORGIA BY FOR RUSSIA jPIG CLUBS AND PATRIOTISM • Soldiers Useful With the Government at Washington prepared to lend economic and philanthropic nupiurt to Russia, the National War Work Council of ths Y. M. C. A. i.i actively recruiting to reinforce tho Red Triangle worker* already manning huts over there. Agricultural experts, physical direc tors an! regular Y. M. O. A. secretaries as well as other men familiar with welfare work In communities are being sought. A further consideration of a definite policy toward Russia has served virtually as a “go-ahead” order to the association. The Y. M. C. A. through all uncertainties of the past few months, has kept 100 of its secretaries In Russia. These men have been kept busy day and night In an effort to build up the morale of the cltlaens and soldiers of the unfortunate coun try. The secretaries today are In all parts of Russia. In the dark days of Russia the American secretaries "stood by” all over that country to serve the people in every way poisible. Thousands of invalid prisoners were taken care of as thsy returned from Germany. Most >11 the men were broken In health. They died, almost without sxcsptlsn, with curses against Germany. But greater even than their hatred was their wonder that their countrymen could have made “peace” with suoh .an MEMBERS OF PIG CLUBS WHO WON LIBERTY BONDS AND W. s. s. Pig club members who had been sue cessful found their money handy in the big War Savings Stamp cam. paign. A letter was sent out to- the county agents informing them of a new Roll of Honor for club members. The conditions were that members of 1917 who sold pigs this year of their own raising and invested all or a part of their money in bonds, or Stamps or gave to the Red Cross, would be eligible to this new Roll of Honor. If they gavo of their prize money from 1917 winning, they were also eligible. No doubt a great many participat ed in this drive whosen ames have not The plan is top lace the Roll in the hall of tho State College of Agricul ture where all the students of the Summer CoCurses may see them and to send a copy of the Roll to Wash ington, D. C. Thcf ollowing members have so far reported. Commissioner s’ Report for July Pauper List $207.50 J. M. Brown, Potatoes 10.05 V. M. Waters, Dental Work 1.00 B. M. Wood, Court Papers 223.00 B. M. Wood, Court Papers 16.00 J. C. Slade, Pay Roll _ 647.75 J. C. Slade, Freight, Fish and Express 45.60 S. A. Slade, Three Cows _ 30.00 Cobb Melton, Night Watchman 40.00 J. D. Hargrove, Clerk 33.33 Dr. V. C. Daves, Medical Services 60.00 B. M. Wood, Treas. Salary 41.66 J. B. Walton, Commissioner 16,67 W. E. Ford, Commissioner 16.67 J. D. Lester, Commissioner 10.67 C. R. Morgan, Repairing Adding Machine 1.60 Walton Bros., Merchandise 161.79 L. L. Woodward, Legal Services 37.50 Miss Leta Wood, Extension Work 26.00 L. Patrick, Preaching to Convicts 8.00 R. E. White, Farm Demonstrator 62.50 C. C. McKinley, Auto Repairs 11.65 been sent in and whos hould share in l H 0 Davis, Jail Expenses ; 346.20 this honor. If they will give their jvienna News, Printing and publishing. 14.90 names to the county agents or send B . M , W ood, Gas and oil 2 8.12 them to the State College of Agricul-i E< HiU> C i ork for Tax Equalizers 18.00 ture, they will be added. E . R. Kirkland & Son. Shop Work 14.00 Jones-Butler Furniture Co, 4 cot pads 14.00 Vienna Hardware Co., Hardware 98.26 T. T. Thomblinson, Commission on 9Mules 22.50 Empire Cotton Oil Co., Guano .... 36.00 Vienna Shoe Store, Merchandise .... , 8.00 Fennels Hardware Co., Hardware 118.02 S. M. Thompson, 'Nails 91 Women, as ar eal war service, must prepare themselves to prevent need less illness, to care intelligently for th sick in their homes and thus t* hasten recovery arid return to useful ness. Miss Lila Adkins, Cordele, $60 bond j. j. Cooper, Sheets • 6.16 Wll.v riln.^11. COft ofnmno «... .. . . enemy. '•The Y. M. C. A. leaders In Russia,- said Dr. W. W. Alexander, direc tor of the War Personnel Board of the Southeastern Department, National War Work Council, ••hay# never doubted the essential soundness ot the Russian people. Despite all difficulties and inevitable losses and discour- elements, the Y. M. C. A. has remained In Russia, seeking to ssrve and watching for a better day. The day is now evidently coming.- Fifteen new secretaries, with ability to contribute tome constructive (dement to the Russian life of the future are being searohed for throughout the Southeastern Department Some agriculturists are wanted, seme business men, but the call comes stronger for men skilled la rural Y, M. •. A. and Community work. All are to go with the purpose of helping Russia htlp herself. American Woman Furthest Front (By Delayed Cable from Chateau Thierry Front With American Foret# la Franco.)—Mrs. Clara Simmons. Grafron, Mass., woman Y. M. O. A work- ar furthest front, placidly runs canteen while shells drop In adjoining Hakes hot chocolate and distributes cookies to men going Into as- tlsn. Military polloeman killed by sh*U near her hut Husband with T. M. O. A forces In Vladivostok, Russia. CROIX DE GUERRE GIVEN .TRAINING AT EMORY COLLEGE Jfl u as n a Uinnurn I Atlanta, Ga.—By the action of the IU I. Hi. U. A. nUKAhK'government in creating an army train ing center at tho achool of Liberal Taking hit Croix do Guerre from j Arts of Emory University located at hla own breast, a French' army cap- [oxford, Ga., the state of Georgia has tain, by orders of his gensraL plnnad t |ecured ano th er training center. It sn tk* coat of Edwin Ely, of No. W The SccrcUr/ of War announced West Elghty-elghtbstreet, that the government waa assigning aborting to a cable^m Just rrertved ^ initrucU „ the .^l for two reasons: first, in order to utilise from overseas. Mr. Ely Is n T. H. C. A seerstary of a Foyer du Boldst Ely was later Invited to dinner by the Commending General. When he eatcred all tbs officers stood at salute until ha was seated at tbs aid* ot tbs Omani. Ths General mad* aa ad orns thanking Ely end th# T. M. C. A for their work In France and ox- preHed regret that ho was not abl* to confer an official decoration. FOR 8ALE—Registered Hale Pol- and-Chlna, Also black tow and nine pigs at abargain, for cash or term*. Apply to T. A. Adkins. for military service the yonng men of tiio state and second, to prevent the useless early enlistment of students. Those taking the training course at Emory will have the came rank as the student officers sent oat from other training camps and will become a part of the Officers’ reserve Corps. Mae Kelly, Ellaville, $20 stamps. Eleanor Wall, Ellaville, $10 stamps Herman Herring, Ellaville, $20 stamps. Dorothy Dawson, Ellaville, $60 bond. Bertha M. Dawson, Ellaville, $50 bond. Alton Cowart, Summit, $5 stamps. Ira Chance, Swainsboro, $15 stamps Henry Wight, Cairo, $50 stamps.- Guthric Bodifoid, Ochlochnee, $15 stamps. Joseph Jones, Cairo, $15 stamps.- E. W. Childs, Omaha, $20 stamps. Green Perry, Americus, $60 stamps J. J. Kemp, jr., Blackwell, $10 stamps. Verne Johnson, Carrollton, $50 stamps. The first pig club convention to be held in the South will take place Thursday, August 15 near Carters- ville. It is the first convention of the kind and is for the purpose of mixing a lot of fun with a reasonable amount of knowledge and information about growing god hogs. At Meadow View Farm, the home of Rougs Pyron, one of the well known hog raisers of Georgia, five miles north of Cartersville on tho Ten nessee road, the meeting will be held. Experts will give information on breeding, feeding, exhibiting, select ing, judging and killing hogs. Noth ing to sell. On Saturday, August 24, pig club members of Worth county will have a eate of purebred, registered, cholera Immune duroc-Jersey hogs. CoL In- gleheart, whoc ried the big Peacock A Hodge sale, will have charge of this sale. Of the oneh ondred to be told, all will be cholera immune and have been railed by ap ig club member. It is the first sale of purebred, chol era immune registered hogs raised and owned by pig club members ever held in the South and, so far as is known, in the United States. The hogs will bes old to the highest bidder without reservation. City Market, Fish 12.60 Williams & Ellison, Hammer and Nalls 2.45 W. B. Woodruff, Corn , 180.90 L. T. Wilder, Lumber 4.56 Heard Gro. Co., Provisions - 86.00 H. Wallace, Cutting Tree out of Rood 2.00 Powell Bros., Medicines' 6.66 R. H. Trippe, Meats 2:67 H. E. Griffin, Shop Work 6.16 S. Manuel, Shoes 3.60 Cordele Sash Door and Lumber Co., Lumber 224.17 - Geo. Hawkins, Cutting Tree from road 1.76 Leo Frank, Harness 116.50 The C. C. Paint Mfg., Co., 2 bbls of Paint 78.00 J. D. Adams & Co., Tools ' 1.50 Tomblin-Horris Machlno Co., Gauge Cocks 3.90 W. F. Newby, Merchandise 1.25 Mrs. Isaacs, Bread and Cake* 6.60 Vienna Telephone Co., Rentals 8.40 R. S. M. Lilly, Repairing Bridge 1.00 J. C. Slade, Labor 48.00 J. H. Porter, et al, County Registrars 21.00 J. W. Napier, Com 66.25 Vlotti Morgan, Hay 66.41 PEAS FOR SALE A, quantity of No. 1 Speckled Puss for sale. 7_4-2t D. T. WARDS Total $3,31.6.01 J. B. WALTON, Chmn. J. D. HARGROVE, Clerk. The strain of modem bus iness life is too much for the nerves. You need a nerve sedative. Try Hem A Nerve Sedative that is recommended for Nervous ness, Sleeplessness, Epilep sy, Hysteric, Chronic Head ache, Nervous Irritation, and for use by those ad dicted- to the Alcoholic or Drug Habit. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Sand Dune* in Gascony. One of the most Interesting and re markable of the many regions for the observation of sand dunes ties between Bordeaux and Bayonne, In Gascony. The sen here throws every year upon the beach, along a line ot 100. miles In length, some 6,000,000 coble yards ot Band. Tho prevailing westerly winds continue picking up the surface parti cles tram the westward slope, where they an again deposited, and the en tire ridge by this means alone movee gradually Inward. In the coatee of years there has thus been formed a complex system of dudes, all approxi mately parallel with the coast and with one another and of ell altitude* up to 280 feet These are marching steadily Inward at a rata of from three to Mx feet a year, whole village# hav ing aametimes been tom down to pre vent burial and rebuilt et a distance. Every sick civilian worker means waste of war power. Every sick child withdraws adult from needed work. Grave Diggers Strike. Shamoktn, Pa.—Grave diggers em ployed In the fihsmokin cemetery sqy that $2 a day U too tittle for their sfork, and they have gone on strike for'an increase in wage*. Saws for Cutting Metal. Not so very long ago the discovery was made in ilermsny that metals could be sawed easier and quicker with rapidly revolving smooth disks of steel, than with toothed Circular saws It waa found that the cutting was done by the heat generated by tbe friction of the edge of the disk against the laetaL Tbe metal la melt ed at the point of contact, while the steel of the disk, being cooled^ by the air, does not reach the melting point Ths disks need no Astpmlag and not wear out so quickly as the toofl saws heretofore used for cutting n aL The faster the disk revolves, < greeter the amount of heat general and the quicker the jolL—Popular I ence Monthly. A SMALL FARM—FIFTY ACRES Large three-room house, 35 acres in cultivation, all new land, fall of red pebbles, 5 1-2 mile* of Vienna, asms distance to Cordele. Price right Owner preparing to go to war. D. C. KETCHUM, Vienna. NEW JJARAGE To My Auto Friends : I nave entered the auto garage business on my own T *hook” and am in it to stay. I have associated with me Prof. F. C. Snell of Cordele, who will have charge of the books and sales department. We are carrying a full line of auto accessories, '* making a specialty of tires and tubes. Weareexchang- : ng new tires for old ones, .llowing a good margin on old tires. We are putting in an up- to-date running in machine and are now prepared to overhaul and make your car new. My long experience as a Ford mechanic is a guarantee in itself that all work along this line will ive complete satisfaction, o when your ’doctoring” or need tires or come to Snell & Spears where everything anteed. JOHN D. FOR SALE—Good ping Mule s good 2 3-4 two-horse wagon. Ap ply to Empire Cotton 00 Co