The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, July 25, 1918, Image 7

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Oh! The joy, the eagerness, the L happy expectations of the young wife's first baking day—in fact, her every baking day. Thing* mu«t be *‘ju«t*o'* for HIM. The cooking time la always the happy time with the woman who haa an .wj RANGE . mZZL in her kitchen. It haa so many convenience* and advantages over other range*. Aabeato**llned —■ |2 jpp^ * FARM LOANS Get All You Borrow The commission may be distributed over the period of the loan, payable on interest payment dates, if desired. ^ We deal direct with the applicant, thus saving tune^ and greatly reducing the usual commission charge. If you want QUICK ACTION and LOWEST COST write us stating amount you wish to borrow and the se- t curity you have to offer. ATLANTA TRUST COMPANY ATLANTA, GEORGIA Wl GOING ACROSS FOR YOU I’m going across for you, Mother, I’m,going across for you— You never thought when I was a kid And played at soldiering too, And drew my little tin saber out To capture a pirate crew. ‘ That I would ever a soldier be. So far away from you— But I’m going across for you, mother, I’m going across for you. For High-Grade Cem etery Memorials CONFER WITH C. J. Clark PROPRIETOR CLARK’S MONUMENTAL WORKS ITAMERICUS. GEORGIA The Firm of Established Reputation LEGISLATURE WILL ADJOURN IN VERY SHORT TIME Atlanta, Ga.,—The time for ad journment of {he Georgia General Assembiey is but a few days off; and a- usual, toward thee lose of the leg islative session the volume of busi ness is increasing steadily. So far the present Assembly has introduced remarkably few freak bills such as may be usually found in the completed calendar. The urgency of war measures and the need for ser ious consideration of current condi tions resulting from the war seems to have given a tinge of gravity to the proceedings that is sometimes lacking. More than ever before the time and discussion had dealt with bills of general rather than local interest, and also several measures that have been hanging in the balance for a number of years hgve passed at this session. I' m going across for you, mother. One of the bills was to raise the going across for you, age of consent in Georgia from ten And day and night 1*1 dream of home I’m going across for you, Mother, I’m going across for you— The Germans talk of their Fatherland, I love my father too. But Motherland it is to me Whenever I think of you. You gave me life, you gave mo heart, And I give them back to you. For I’m going across for you, Mother, I’m going across for you. to fourteen years. This bill was pass ed by both branches of the Assembly, and is now become a law. It provides that the jury may recommend in cases arising out of the violation of the measure, that the defendant be sen tenced for a misdemeanor instead of a felony, and also provides that no convictions he based upon unsupport ed testimony. FOR SALE—One 1418 Indian, twin, electrical equipped, three speed forward, if you want a real machine at almost your own price write me at once. Postmaster, Pine- hurst. ; 1 ■ ■ ■ i - A true patriotic spirit of any business cannot be less than to tell their customers the facts of the situation of their line, so don’t fail to read these facts. , Until my dreams come true, And in my heart neath the midday sun And under the starlit dew There’ll be an echo of your prayers For . I’ll be praying too, I’m going across for you mother, .I’m going across for you. I’m coming back to you mother, I’m coming back to you, And won’t we laugh at my little tin swoiyl And the things I used to do? And your Baby just think a Veteran (With maybe a medal or two), And the Prince of Peace, yes Christ, Himself, Will bless the earth anew— And I’m coming back to you Mother, I’m coming back to you —Charles Cotesworth Pickney, Camp Lee, Virginia, in Pittsburgh Gazette-Times. gn made and guaranteed by the manufacturers, F. J. Cooledge & Sons, to the home dealer and by your dealer and manufacturer to jrou, so you cannot do better than use a product like this, and this is the very best time to paint. Summer Best Time to Build WAITING MEANS COST MORE. Warm weather and long days is the time you get best results building. If you have something to build why wait for building material is harder and more expensive to produce all the time and we therefore cannot expect it to bo cheaper but to be higher and only a short time until it can hardly be had. I can furn ish almost anything in builoing material promptly now at reasonable prices, so do not wait until the rush and lose money. If you have a shingle roof leaking, see me, I can solve it for you. Call and lets talk it over-my experience and advice is free. L. T. WILDER,-Vienna, Qa. > The Buildino Material Man l you the great benefit I have ex perienced from using Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pep sin. I had always suffered from indigestion' but since taking Syrup Pepsin I am no longer troubled in that way, and I cannot praise it too highly as a laxative.”- :r. Caldwell written by) ilcr, 1103 Weit Ave. N. V. 'From a lotto: Ceo. A V Dr. C aid well's - Syrap P-i' The P.r/j;; y.'zctive Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (sis) $1.00 A combination of simple laxative herbs with f iepsin, mild and gentle in its action, that re- . ieves constipation quickly. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to • Dr. W. B. Caldwell; 458 Washington Street, Monticello, Illinois. When in Macon Take Time to See Ries (Si Armstrong Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware RELIABLE GOODS ONLY 315 THIRD STREET FINE ENGRAVING AND REPAIRING MACON, GEORGIA GUY ARMSTRONG PHONE CHILDREN MUST PLAY TO BE HEALTHY AND STRONG A children’s recreation drive is on to continue during July and August, under the auspices of the Children’s Bureau, Department of Labor, and the Woman’s Committee of the Coun cil of National Defense. It will cul minate in “Patriotic play week,” September 1-7, iq which the work' of 11,000,000 women in organizing rec reation in 10,000 communities will come to an end. To be strong for victory the Na tion must let her children piny,” said Charles Frederick Weller, associate secretary of the Playgrounds and Rec reation Association of America. No time nor money can be srared from war-winning activities, but tho win ning of thew ar depends on man power, and man power can not be 'substituted in any nation without health and wholesomcncss in the chil dren. Par worse than exhausting Auer ica’s financial capital would be tho ex haustion of child life, which is power capital. England and France began U3 th United States has been tempted to b< gin—by letting thee hildren pay t« heavily fyr teh war in child labor, in- n cased delinquency, overtaxed nerves weakened bodies, and premature deaths, but England and France turn ed to lift war burdens from the chil dren by giving thorn a chance to play. There is urgent need to give our boys and girls an American square donl— their safety valve of play.’’ I Have Just Received Two Cars of The Southern Fence Wire • , * ! Have it in The Following Sizes: 48-IN. HIGH, 6-lN. STAY—14 STRANDS FOR GENERAL USES 36-lN. HIGH 6-IN. STAY—12 STRANDS FOR HOG AND CATTLE USE ! 60-IN. HIGH, 6-IN. STAY—21 STRANDS EXTRA HEAVY FOR CHICKENS The customer will find this wire more heavily galvanized than any class of wire on the market that sells on the same basis. The Southern Fence is a Southern product and is honest goods. It is the best fence I have ever sold in my 25 years of business and I have sold all kinds, a class of fence wire that will give entire satisfaction and the life durability of this wire is its own sidesman and that is the best sales man on earth. ..See my wire and it will sell itself. . B. THOMPSON MASONS MAY MEET WITH MASONS IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES Atlanta, Ga.—Raymond Daniel, chairman of the committee on Foreign Correspondence of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Georgia, has made a special report in which he states that Georgia Masons will bo allowed to visit tho lodges and hold Masonic in tercourse with members of tho Grand Lodge of France, the Grand Orient of Belgium and tho Grand Orient of Italy. This action was taken so as to per mit members of tho Georgia Craft in service overseas to secure Masonic privileges abroad; and is as mall part of ad efinite and extended plan of work for the Masonic soldiers. The Mason’s Annuity, a benefit der for Muon’s only, is also enlarging its work for Masons since the war be gan, and Masonic soldiers are particu larly interested in thep Ian of the An nuity. Over a million dollars con stitute the present assets of the com pany. oven heats evenly top, bottom ana corn ere, in- earing perfect baking and roasting. The only Warming Closet that really keene food freah and hot, Thie feature patented, ripe back of the wanning closet aeatires cooking comfort and keeps Jhc heat out of your face. Hot Bleat Firebox, between oven end _ hot water reservoir, beets both at the r same time. Heavy nickel finish nuked E= It a beauty to look aL 8peeial copper* E bearing Iron le easy to keep clean. I Farmers Harare Co The Army Medical Department has developed a mobile X-ray outfit to be carried on the ctandard Army ambu lance to thof ront-Iine trench for the benefit of wounded soldiers. It is de sired by Army surgeons to lose no time in ascertaining the extent and conditions of wounds. The outfit is made up of the Deice gas-electric set, the high-tension transformer, and thes pecial type of Cooiidge tube. COLLIE PUPS FOR SALE High grade Collie pups for sale, two males and two females. Price $7.50 and $10.00. pd-7-18-tt D. E. THOMPSON. Scripps-Booth FOR SALE BY Heard & Grace Subscribe for THE NEWS I'ffSiuM