The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, August 15, 1918, Image 8

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CONVALESCENT SOL DIERS REMEMBERED ADMINISTRATION ORDERS HOLD UP UNTIL EVERYBODY GETS EVEN START FOR WINTER. We will unload thte week two shipments of (Atlanta Constitution) Georgia woman are finding time in the midst of their numerous duties to can and preserve good things for the soldiers in the military hospitals of the state. Their Interest is illustrat ed by the fact that they have already made requests of Mrs. Nellie Peters Black, state prssfdont for 22,000 of the official labels that are to go on each can put aside for the soldiers. PLEASURE AUTOS . PLACED UNDER BAN MANUFACTURERS NOTIFIED TO CONVERT PLANTS TO 100 PER CENT WAR WORK NOT LATER THAN JAN. 1. The fuel administration anticipates another ahortago of fuel this year, as seven if not more severe than that of lastw inter, and thop re caution now taken is to see that no one enjoys an excess amount of fuel at the expense of another consumer. The restriction applies only to lump coal. Run-of-the-mine may be purchased as desired. Industrial plants are prohibited purchasing lump coal for the con sumption of their employes. Dr. Hardman’s order received yes terday by the local administrator is asfollaws: On and after August 19, 1918, no dealer or distributor of domostic or lump coal shall deliver to any custom er more than 26 per cent of his or her requirements (as stated by said customer in application filed in ac cordance with regulation, prescribed in executive order) to Mafth 31, 1919, until all ouch customers shall haveb een supplied with 26 per cent ,of their requirements to March 31, 1919. It is further ordered and directed that if any consumer has already re ceived more than 26 per cent of his or her requirements to March 31, 1919, no further deliveries shall be made to such customers until nil cus tomers (whose applications are on The price on Pleasure Cars' on account of their scarcity will advance rapidly. Let us seH you yours at the old price. ' You can get yours now before the advance - in price, which is bound to come. January 1st, 1919, all plants making pleasure cars will be converted to war work exclusively Pleasure cars will be scarce. GET YOURS NOW. Washington, Aug. 9.—Manufac turers of passenger automobiles were advised by the War Industries Board today to convert their plants to 100 rper cent war work as raidly as possi ble and to place them on that basis not later than January 1, 1919, in a letter addressed to the National Auto mobile Chamber of Commerce. In no other way the letter stated, could they be assured of the continuance of their industry or the preservation of their organizations. The letter was in response to a pro posal made yesterday by Hugh Chal mers, on the part of the manufactur ers, voluntarily to curtail the passen ger car industry 60 per-cent The War Industries Board declared that the present situation regarding steel and other materials needed for war work gaye little assurance of mater ial required for the manufacture of passenger automobiles, even after providing for war requirements. Pending receipt by the board of sworn inventories of materials on hand required last July 16, no ma terials will be permitted passenger car manufacturers, the letter states. filo with said dealers) shall have been supplied with 26 per cent of their re quirements to March 31, 1919. No dealer, shipper or distributor of domestic coal shall make shipments or deliveries of lump coal to Indus trial plants for the use of the employ es of said industrial plants. Except: that shipments or deliver ies may be made to Industrial plants for the purpose of supplying the em ployes of said industrial plant when said industrial plant is unable to sup ply the requirement, of its employes by forking the lumps from the mine run coal, and on written approval of the local fuel administrator. PINEHURST, GEORGIA. SOFT DRINK TAX PLACED IN BIL Washington, Aug.—A ten per cent tax on all softd rinks sold by dealers and a tax of from one to two cents on soda fountain drinks were written in to the 18,000,000,000 revenue bill by the House ways and means commit tee. Thep roposal is to put a tax of two cents on each ten cents paid for all sofe drinks sold at soda fountains and of one cent upon sales of seven cents or less. Near-beer and similar fer mented beverages would pay ten cents per gallon. Save Your Tires and Tubes REMEMBER THE SLOGAN \ Boys of the U. S. A., • This is what I have to say: Never think the victory won. Remember our slogan “It Shall be done.” Nor once at cases it down, 'Til thou hast gained the Kaiser’s Crown. Then my boys, be at ease, For then we can do just as we please. We all know Wilhelm la sore, For the Sammies are near his door, Our boyi know how to handle tl|e ma chine gun; Proof is, the Bochcs are on the run, The Germans do not have time to bury For-we have passed Chateau Thierry. Elchcrnes death was very sad (to others); Theb omb was thrown by an allied lad. We arc on our way to Berlin, And soon will be sheltered therein, And all theb ullets have not been thrown. Til Gen. Pershing sits on the Kaiser’s throne, For the Americans will gain the day, And show the nations the right of way We havo donned the kahki pants, Crossed the deep to help out France, All her troubles well help to mend. For she proved to be our friend. When all sow the righteous seed. We will all befriends indeed. When all I* OTOr aru ' tho air is cool. Let us remember the Golden Rule. —By H. R. Broxton, A. C., 121 San. Tn. 106 Camp Wheeler, Aug. 1, We are now Fully Prepared to do The Georgia Council of Defense calls particular attention to the gov ernment exhibits which will be made this year at the Southeastern Fair in Atlanta, Ga., and the Macon State Fair. The Southestcrn Fair holds in Atlanta October 14th to the 19th, and the State Fair holds in Macon Octob er 14th to the 19th, and the State Fair holds in Macon October 30th to November 9th. BUY NATIONAL TIRES SNELL & SPEAR'S GARAGE. The man in charge is a Graduate from a School of Vulcanizing, he also has the advantage of two years actual experience. PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ' , ON IMPROVED FARMS FOR FIVE, SEVEN OR TEN YEAR TERMS J. D. COBB AE. F. STROZIER CORDELE, GA. 7-26-18-tf. Your Unde Sam wants you to econ omize and save your mousy and whan you buy your auto tiros then do a pa triotic duty und go to Snell A Spears and buy the National Tiro and thus LET US GRIND YOUR WHEAT Bring us your wheat to grind, we can give you immediate service. We will grind twelve months supply, at once for parties who raise the wheat on their farm. We will boy your sur plus of whest UNADILLA MILLING CO. 7-26-4t Unadffla, Ga. At the cell of Preeldent Wilson, ex- President Taft gave np congenial work at Yale university to servo the nstion on the war labor board. Ex- Justice Hughes as readily abandoned s lucrative law practica at the presi dent’s request and it devoting aU of his time to the aircraft investigation. We do not know that Colonel Rooee- velt would be willing to assume the leadership of a Russian mission, with out question the most difficult non- military enterprise In the entire war. Hit appointment would win the ap plause of ell the allied powers, and would be hailed tn this conntry as clinching the president's declaration that “polities is adjourned." DISSOLUTION NOTICE Walton Bros, have bought C. S. Farris’ interact in the Vienna Milling Co. and will operate same in the fu ture. All bills against former com pany most be presented at one# for payment and all accounts dus the com pony must be paid promptly. VIENNA MILLING CO., C. S. FAROES, WALTON BROS. • July IML We Solicit Your Patronage Dr. J. M. Whitehead & Co werlt is guaranteed. ..Always go to