The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, August 22, 1918, Image 3

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FARM LOANS Get All You Borrow . The commission may be distributed over the period of * the loan, payable on interest payment dates, if desired. We deal direct with the applicant^ thus saving time' and greatly reducing the usual commission charge. If you wantQUICK ACTION and LOWEST COST write us stating amount you wish to borrow and the se curity you have to offer. ATLANTA TRUST COMPANY ATLANTA. GEORGIA LIFTING CURTAIN OF HISTORY Only Once In About • Thousand Year* la Light Shed on Region of thla Persian' Oulf. YEARLY REPORT OF THE Y.M. C. A. SOME INTERESTING FIGURES SHOWING WORK DONE PAST YEAR BY Y. M. C. A. To the world the Persian gulf Is an unknown water, a landlocked arm of the tea where slave trading, gun run ning and piracy survive as legitimate occupations, with a coast of towering' Atlanta, Ga., Aug.—The army and cliffs and desert wastes, where yellow v m r » „« sands rise in waves and float la stifling N,vy V M C ' A ' ot the Southeast, clouds of heat—a region whose ob- taking in the cantonments and naval acurlty and perils guard' aod screen stations of seven states has just been For High-Grade Cem etery Memorials CONFER WITH C. J. Clark: PROPRIETOR CLARK’S MONUMENTAL WORKS ITAMER1CUS. GEORGIA The Firm of Established Reputation mysteries and romances that date back to the beginning of mankind. History lifts the curtain on this strange land only once la a thousand years. In these brief glimpses we see the coast as the cradle of the human race and the waters the most ancient trade route between the East and West and afloat with craft before the Mediter ranean was plowed by the keels of ships. We see the Persians under Gy* rus marching to conquer India, Alexan der the Great Id retreat across the Mekrnn desert, and his famous ad. mlral, Ncnrehus, closely hugging the inhospitable shore; then, after cen turies, the Arabs in the height of their glory marshaling for the Invasion of the East. Again,' centuries pass in darkness. Then come the adventurers of the West, the Portuguese, Dutch', French and English, thirsting for the fabled weath of the Orient, beating for a time upon these shores, then passing on to further conquest, leav ing the gulf a mere backwater ot west ern civilization strewn with the flot sam and Jetsam of humanity, ipo the European statesman, however, the Per- alan-gulf la an Issue fraught with deep significance la the struggle for world commerce and power In eastern poli tics.—Louis A. Springer, in Asia Mag azine. ' GEORGIA SOUTHERN & FLORIDA RAILWAY Schedules to Mecon, Cordele, Tilton, Valdoste, Jacksonville and Palatlu. Effective June 8, 1918. NoTfl No. 2 No. 32 Leave Vienna 9:10 a m....2:28 p m .12:31 a m Arrive Unadilla 9:37 a m....2:54 p m .12:50 a m Arrive Macon 11:10 a m....4:30 p m 4:25 a m Arrive Atlanta .....2:20 p m....8:40 p m 7:45 a m No. 1 No.~5 No. 33 Leave Vienna 1:19 p m....6:ll p m .14.28 a m Arrive Cordele 1:40 p m....6:30 p m 4:42 a in Arrive Ashbum 2:42 pm....7:21 p m Arrive Tilton 3:26 p m....8:00 p m 0:05 a m Arrive Sparks v 4:09 p m 7:01 a m Arrive Adel '. 4:15 p m. 7:06 a m Arrive Valdosta 5:10 p m... 7:56 a m Arrive Jacksonville 9:00 p m... ; 10:55 a ra ’ No. 11 No. 13. Leave Valdosta .V 5:20 p m 6:80 a n Arrive White Springs 7:02 p m 8:10 a ni Arrive Lake City 7:30 p m 8:40 a m Arriv^ Palatka C. 10:30 p m 11:30 a m s NOTE—f indicates flag atop. ~ ~ "j ' ~ ,| Trains arrive Vienna from north 1:19 p m, 6:11 p m, f4:28 a m. Trains arrive Vienna from South 12:31 a m, 9:10 a m, 2:28 p m. Schedule shown as information but not guaranteed. issued the annual statistical report for the fiscal year, July 1, 1917 to July 1, 1918. Thia report will bo a highly prized military document when the war is over. Today It reveals more emphat ically,-more pertinently than anything else, the vast work that is being done by the Red Triangle workers in the huts situate in every military insti tution in the Southeast. Figures arc usually dry and hard to' digest. These figures tell a thous and and one stories of thehelp that has been given to the boys from the North, the South, the East and the West, who have worn the uniform of the American soldier in the camps in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, the Cnrolinns, Missippi and Florida. They show justw hat the V- M. C. A. is doing in the Army and Navy of the Southeast. These figures have been prepared by the statistical de partment and have been submitted to S. A. Ackley, General Secretary of the War Work Council in tho Southeast In a compilation of general activ ities at the camps under Y. M. C. A. direction, it is estimated that the at tendance in the “'Y’ huts for the year' reached 38,866,980 men. That the huts were generally filled with sol- Source of Loyalty. There Is a loyalty which springs from affection that we bear to our na- dier b is . estimate tive soli. This wo have as strong as . / F , " “ , any people. .figure for the buildings although — But it is not the soil alone, nor yet |eraly large are not extremely ao^ the soil beneath our feet and the skies J. W. JAMISON, Agt. F. T. D., Macon, Ga., C. B. RHODES, G. P. A., Macon, Ga. C. T. KILGORE, Tkt. Agt.. Vienna, Ga. over our heads, that constitute onr country. “It Is Its freedom, equality. Justice, greatness and glory. Who among ua Is so low as to be Insensible of an in terest IB them? Four hundred thou sand natives of' other lands every year voluntarily renounce their own sovereigns and swear fealty to our own. Who has ever known an Ameri can to transfer his allegiance perma nently to a foreign power?—WUUam Henry Seward. The State Bureau of Mar kets, State Capitol, Atlanta, is maintained by the State and asks that you list any Georgia farm products that J on have for sale or wish to ny. A market bulletin is issued weekly and your name will be put on mailing list if requested. This ser vice is entirely free. GUY ARMSTRONG When in Macon Take Time to See Ries ^ Armstrong' Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware RELIABLE GOODS ONLY 316 THIRD STREET FINE ENGRAVING AND REPAIRING MACON, GEORGIA “jF\R. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is all ■L' that it is claimed to be and I will always keep ft in the house as it is all that I need for my children, and. grown folks as well. I do not hesitate to recommend Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin to my friends.” ( From a letter io Dr. Caldwell written by\ Mn. Either Porter Harrebon, George-1 town, S. C. / Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin „ The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (l:«) $1.00 ' A mild, pleasant-tasting combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that acts easily and .naturally. Children like it and take it willing ly. A trial bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington Streep Monticello, Illinois. I Have Just Received Two Cars of The Southern Fence Wire I Have it in The Following Sizes: 48-IN. HIGH, 6-IN. STAY—14 STRANDS FOR GENERAL USES 36-IN. HIGH 6-IN. STAY—12 STRANDS FOR HOG AND CATTLE USE 60-IN. HIGH, 6-IN. STAY—21 STRANDS EXTRA HEAVY FOR * CHICKENS The customer will find this wire more heavily galvanized than any class of wire on the market that sells on the same basis. The Southern Fence Is a Southern product and is honest goods. It is the best fence that I have ever sold in my 25 years of business and 1 have sold all kinds. It is a class of fence wire that will give entire satisfaction and the life r of this wire is its own salesman and that is the best sales- . ..See my wire and it will sell itself. THOMPSON It is also stated that 32,889,202 let ters werewritteh by soldiers in the Y. M. C. A. Huts and in almost every case upon the “Y” stationery furnish ed free to them en. The report collected from all tho camps in the Southeast further shows that “Y” workers in the huts here wrote out 32,403,744 worth of money orders for American aoldier boys, This means that the splendid men sent back home to relatives practi cally this amount. The educational activities cover ed a wide field, and Including every thing from kindergarten classes in English for foreigners to University French courses. Just 4005 lectures of an educational, vein were given by the Y. M. C. A. in Red Triangle build- ings, with an attendance of 1,291,243 The educational classes of various kinds aggregated 64,813 and the at tendance was 978,046. Books circulated by the “Y” to sol diers numbered 704,710, education al cluba formed among the men were 649 and the attendance at these clubs metings attained a numerical figure of 25,179. Phyaical activities conducted by the Y. M. C. A. in the Southeastern camps during they ear vaulted to an amnz. ing figure. It is estimated 3,683,360 participated in the various physical activities, such as baseball, track and field meets, volley ball etc. The spec tators, the 'majority of them soldiers, at these “Y” physical activities arc estimated at 6,646.318. Those fig ures are significent for they tell not only of the great number of men the “Y” interested in healthful athletics but also show how millions who look ed on were amused and had their minds taken off harmful influences not tending to upbuild the morale of the army. Perhaps one of the major aims of the “Y” in the Army and Navy has been to show thes oldier boy that he should not forget to nurture his spir itual needs-. Not only does the year ly reportp rove that the “Y” has not neglected to look after the religious side of the men’s lives, but conclus ively shows that religious Influences have been exerted with a telling ef fect that might not have been achiev ed in civilian life. The resume of religious activities shows that 3,461,451 persons attend ed 16,468 religious meeting under “Y’ auspices in the Southeast, the 21,288 Biblcc lasses went ormed among the soldiery with attendances ranging at 395,348, that 223,232 scriptures were distributed that “Y" workers had 167,633 personal Christian inter views with soldiers, that the boys made 43,09^ Christian decisions and that 72,693 signed the Religions War Roll. The, attendance at the racial activi ties in ths huts was phenominal, 3,713 609 attending 8,190 entertainment!. The attendance at “Y” movie shows in tho hnts was even larger, the at tendance being eetimated at 4,678,- 530 for 8,222 performances. With the Army and Navy contin ually growing in aise, indications are now that then ext fiscal year will per haps nearly doable these really collos- sal activities. PINE... We have a fine lot of No; 1 and 2 Pine Shingles for imme diate delivery. Now is the lime to purchase these as the prices are gradu ally increasing and will be very much higher by early fall. See us for prices. Farmers Hardware Company Vienna : A full and complete line of Caskets, Coffins and Burial Robes always ready for your inspection. The experience of twenty years in this Une enables us to offer unex celled service. J. P. Heard & Sons Comps Funeral Directors Marble Vanlts Famished Upa* taper Notice Subscribe for THE NEWS *'*•«» Hi i aai’i - I II ■ I i r|» Av>.v. - U :