The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, September 05, 1918, Image 6

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✓ OFFICIAL BUSY p GETTING MEN BELIEVED THAT FIVE THOUS AND NEEDED AT BRUNSWICK WILL BE SECURED IN 10 DAYS. m. Atlanta, Go., Aug.—That Governor Dorsey and Federal State Director of Employment H. M. Stanley are do ing everything in their power to se cure the labor to keep essential war industries in Georgia going, is shown by the fact that following the Gov ernor’s proclamation of the twentieth calling upon ail county and municipal authorities and the County Councils of Defense to aid to the utmost the Employment Service to furnish with in a week, as demanded by the War Department, five thousand laborers and mechanics for the completion of , the Government picric acid plant at Brunswick, the Governor on Satur day sent a telegram to the sheriff and chairman of the Council of Defense of every county in Georgia and ithe mayor of seventy-six cities and towns urging them and every loyal citizen to do everything in their power |o aid in sending to Brunswick quickly the men needed to enable the war de partment to complete the plant, on which may depend not only the suc cess of our armies by the very lives of our soldiers. Further evidence of how seriously the situation Is consid ered by the Governor and Director Stanley is given by the action of the Governor in issuing on Saturday proclamation making the "work or Fight” Act effective on September first, and of Director Stanley in rush ing the printing of instructions for the enforcement of the act, from which so much is rightly expected in securing labor for making munitions, harvesting crops, and pther essen tial industries. t y The statement of War Department that the mammoth plant, on which probably (1,000,000 has already been spent, would have to be abandoned at Brunswick and erected in some other state unless the needed five thousand additional men are provided by Geor gia within a week, nnd the splendid efforts of the Governor and Director Stanley and his employes throughout the state, haver esulled in the send ing of nearly one thousand men to Brunswick during the past week, and, as the urgency of the need and their patriotic duty is realized by the peo ple of Georgia, they will respond so unanimously that the five thousand additional men will be at work at Brunswick within another week or ten days, thus saving for Georgia a great industry that, after the war, will be operated permanently as a fertilizer materials and dyestuffs fac tory giving employment to thousands, and at the same time, performing a patriotic servico to our country and our soldiers of value byyond estima tion. The wage scale at the picric acid plant has been raised until, with the free lodging and abundant food at cost furnished by the plant, the work ers make more money than is possi ble for any other industry. New quarters havo bcon erected and fur nished for six thousand men. The restaurant Is pronounced superior to most of the better hotpls. nnd restau rants in the cities. For twenty-five and thirty-five cents a meal can be purchased that is better than can be obtained for double the money in most hotels or restaurants. Many of the office workers who live in Bruns- wlck eat in the plant restaurant In preference!to eating at home, and this is true of all from manager to clerks. The water supply is entire ly from artesian wells, absolutely pure and germless and unlimited in quantity, and is piped to every point for thee onvenience of the workmen. Every dormitory has shower-baths for the men, and all living and eating quarters are screened from flies and mosquitoes. It is true also, that there are remarkably few mosquitoes at the site, which has little fresh water near by and faces on the salt-water har bor. The location is high and dry and the sanitary and health conditions are as nearly ideal as nature and a far- seeing government can make them. Since the urgency of tlje need and the vital nature of thep lent, which manufactures non-explosive ingredi ents for explosives, the final ingredi ents making it explosive being added in France, were presented to the au thorities and citizens of Georgia by Governor Dorsey and Director Stan ley, the disposition to obstruct recruit ing of labor has practically ceased, without necessity of calling attention to the fact that those who obstruct re cruiting for the Government may be liable under therecent Federal Sedi tion Act. The people of Georgia have always been as patriotic as those of any state in the Union, and now that they know how imperative is the need of their aid and cooperation, they will again prove that they are equal to the emergency. COTTON WEEVIL BLOCKED CLAIM GEORGIA FARMERS HAVE PER. FECTED SPRAY WHICH ELIMI NATES BOLL WEEVIL. SUGAR ANSWERS t In exchanging wheat for flour at the mill, how much flour will I be al lowed to take at one time? You are allowed enough to last until Oct. 1st, based upon an allowance of 12 pounds per person per ihonth for each mem ber in your household, if you are a producer of wheat, otherwise you may get only 6 pounds per person per month. Does the Food Administration per mit the use of rye for hog feeding? We have just secured authority from Washington to permit farmers who have rye on hand to grind it for hog feeding only up to September 1st and then only upon the official permission of the State Food Administrator. The State Bureau of Mar kets, State Capitol, Atlanta, is maintained by the State and asks that you fist any Georgia farm products that E on have for sale or wish to uy. A market bulletin ia issued weekly and your name will be put on mailing list if requested. This ser Vice is entirely free. Albany Ga., Aug.—While Govern ment agents are experimenting with a powder for poisoning boil weevils, two citizens of Decatur County claim to havep erefeted a spray which mini mizes thed amage from this pest and enables the making of a full cotton crop under boll weevil conditions, and in substantiation of their claims they havo growing on their respective farms cotton which is fruited from the first limb to the very bud with grown fruit and that is still putting in new bolls and blooms, none of which are suffering from boll weevil attacks such as menace cotton in nearby fields. These men, H. J. Bruton, a mer chant and fanner of Bainbridge, and Nelson Cox, a farmer of the Kendirck district, having been experimenting with this spray which is a liquid, for the past three years, and last year succeeded in making a top crop, de spite the fact that the boll weevil en tered Decatur County before any oth er Georgia county, and has perhaps donemore devastation there than else where in the State. This year Mr. Bruton has on his place north of Bainbridge and Mr. Cox, on his farm west of that city several tracts of cotton which bear.all appearances of having entirely re sisted the boll weevil, and they claim this is due entirely to the spray with which they have treated it. These places, which have been thrown open to the public and skeptics in particu lar are now veritable show places for agricultural agents and representa tives of fertilizer concerns and imple- ment houses, nil of whom declare that the treatment has beeif successful. The owners of the formula have not announced what they propose to do with it, but they state it is cheap enough to be used profitably on 10- cent cotton. Some have suggested that they arrange to dispose of it -to the United States Department of Ag riculture, in order that fnrmers may have the formula, which is said to be simple, without cost. FOR SALE—Some good seed wheat nice and dry, without smut or rust. Apply to J. G. Gilbert, Vienna, Ga., Route 5. 8-29-8t Pay your subscription to the News. GOODTOTHE LAST DROP MAXWELL MOUSE COFFEE ASK YOUR GROCER V.W.',WiWAWMWAWiV.WAW.V.V.\\mV.V,WW; War Saving Stamps For Sale =AT= j. P. Heard & Sons’ Bank TvVSfVVWWUVWWWSfV>mVWWWVVWVWWAAMW«N^ THIS YEAR'S COUNTY FAIR In the interest of economy and ef ficiency as well as of giving everybody a good time the Children’s Bureau of the U. S. Department of Labor is urging that the local child welfare committees secure the eoopyration of thee ounty fain, state fairs, and grange meetings in staging the Patri otic Play celebrations with the Recre ation drive to conclude. At the county fair the audience is already gathered, and it will be an audience greatly interested in attrac tions such as Play Day could offer. For yean county fain have been in the habit of having some soft of child welfare exhibit. Earlier there were baby contests with prizes for the win ning mothers and children. It is ex pected that Play Day will bring an even larger audience to the fair if the plans are carried out so as to have an exhibit which is indicative of all that is being done in the neighborhood to make children well and happy, and keep them out of mischief. War food conservation and canning,'garden pro duce raised by the School Garden Army, Red Cross articles—all can be displayed. Children are being urged by mothers who are interested in the progress of the Children’s Year to plan exhibits illustrating interesting historical facts about places in the neighborhood, and to collect speci mens of trees, shrubs, and plants that grow near their homes. Such collec tions can be displayed and judged in connection with the fair as part of thee hildren’s exhibit. Many places are making prepara tions to give tho Patriotic Pageant which was especially written to give every one in the community who has. taken any part in making the summer vacation happier and more wholesome for the boys and girls in it a chance to show what he has done; and for the boys and girls themselves to give a living demonstration of their abil ity to work together in the interest of patriotism. Studebaker Wagons Summers Barnesville Buggy Frazier Road Carls. Harness! If you are going to need anything in the above lines, you had better buy them now, for they are hard to get. I can save you money, having bought my supply last fall. TOM SWAIN PINEHURST, GA. MWViMMWWVVVWilWAVrf Pay your subscription to the News by October 1st. OUY NATIONAL TIRES AT SNELL & SPEAR’S GARAGE. Electric Light is the best light Electric Power is the best power Your Uncle Sam wants you to econ omize and aara your money and whan you buy your auto tires then do a pa triotic duty and go to Snell & Spears and buy the National Tira and thus save your money. ..We guarantee these tires for 3,500 miles and save you at least 25 par cant on regular standard prices. We also handle the Republic and United States Tires. We will ex change ne wtires for your old ones and allow you a good price for them. We have our running in machine now and are ready to overhaul that old worn out Ford and make it as good as new. Remember that all our work is guaranteed. ..Always go to SNELL & SPEARS The Busy Garage You can have electricity right in your home. This plant brings you the many labor saving devices the city dweller enjoys. It gives you light—ready for use every hour of the day and pight. The snap of a switch floods the house and barn with as much light as you could wish for. Snap another switch and the motor turns thfi washer and wringer. It’s easier to snap a switch than it is to fill and clean oil lamps. It’s tafer and heller light, and it saves a vast amount of work when electricity does the washing and the other distasteful tasks. Install Western Electric 8 POWER AND LIGHT I CHT— Begin right now and enjoy this boon of electricity. Western Electric Power and Light can be installed on. your place with little trouble and small expense. You-owc it to yourself to know just what electricity will do tp help make the day’s work lighter and the evenings brighter. Gruif.Hall Schools, etc r-POWER—t Washing Machlno Dishwasher Sawing Machine Fan Electric Iron Running Water Churn Fanning Mill Crlndatone feed Cutter, Ace. SEE WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU H. D. Sturdivant, Sales Agent, VIENNA, GEORGIA. lWEVE got those' to MATERIALS YOU WANT FOR YOU WILL JUST LOVE TO HEAR THE HUM mine of the sewing machine a-working the new fall and winter complex will be no discord in your clothes’ color scheme. Dressing well is an art. WE keep the BEST, but sell it for LESS. The Allies and our own men are dependingon the courage and loyalty of the Americans at home. J. J. COOPER’S Telephone Number 121 VIENNA, GEORGIA ‘ M Hi HUB