The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, September 26, 1918, Image 5

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* *1 IMPORTANT . Conditions have forced make the positive announcement that I will, after October 1st, do a strict!) cash business and will discontinue entirely the delivery of parcels. Please bear this in mind—no credit, no delivery, I thank you. R. H. TRIPPE. DeSoto «p Mr. J. J. Cooper spent Monday. In . Macon. Miss Mae Pearce visited Pinehurst Sunday. - Miss Rosa Brown spent the week end in Cordele. ' Mrs. 0. W. Kimsey is convalescing after a severe illness. ‘ Mrs. Z. T. Crawtford has been vis iting in Cordele this week.* Mr. E. C. Taylor has been in At lanta on business this week. Miss Stella Brown was here from Pinehurst for the week-end. Miss Luettc Calhoun. has returned from a pleasant visit to Atlanta. Mrs. Joe Murphy, of LaGrange was a visitor in the city Sunday. Mr. J. H. Hamrick, of Unadilla, was in the city on business Tuesday. Capt. J. H. Butler is here from Camp Gordon on a short leave. Mr. P. G. Busbee has, returned from a business trip to Atlanta. ■ Messrs. C. H. Turton and L. L. Woodward spent Tuesday in Macon. Mrs. S. A. Sanders is here from Montgomery, Ala., for a short visit. ■Miss Minnie Lee Jordan came down from Macon for the week-end at home Miss Lillian Cooper was at home from Wesleyan for the week-end. Mrs. R. B. Solomon and son, Lloyd, of Cordele, visited relatives here Sun day. Hiss Nettie Kimsey, of Cordele, spent Sunday with Mrs. Z. T. Craw ford. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shell are here from Jacksonville, Fla., for a short visit. Mr. W. B. Lewis is able to be at his business again after a short ill ness. FOR SALE—Second hand safe in good condition. Apply to L. L. Woodward. Miss Blanch Johnson came up from Cordele for the week-end with Mrs. C. A. Powell. Mrs. H. J. Morgan has recently re turned from a pleasant visit to Wash ington, D. C. Private Lillard Taffer, of Comp Wheeler has been a visitor in the city this week. Miss Margaret EVerette left Mon- -* day for Macon ifo enter the Macon business college. Miss Florine Butler spent Tuesday in Macon, going up for the civil serv ice examination. Private Norman Brown stationed at Camp McClellan, Anniston, Ala., vdas a visitor in the city -Sunday. Mrs. Gordon Livingston and chil dren, of Headland, Ala., arc the guest of Mrs. W. I. Dupree. Rev. T. W. Tippett will occupy the pulpit at the Baptist church next Sun day morning and evening. Sergeants Harry B. Cover and John Bryan, of Camp Wheeler .were. the p guests of friends here Sunday. • FOR SALE—A limited quantity of Abruzzi Rye and Fulghum and Appier seed oats, recleaned. Apply to S. F. 'i Owen, Pinehurst. Hiss Oriola Joiner left yesterday for Washington, D. C. to fill an ap pointment os stenographer in the Navy Department Hava your contribution of clothes for the Bel*Ians packed tightly in a 'bundle early Friday morning » *• committee will not be delayed ..when * they call on you that day. Please co- •t operate. •' .. .FOR SALE—50 bushels of Abruzzi Rve for sole. A. H. Brown. 9-12-4t FOR SALE—Some good seed wheat nice and dry, without smut or rust. Apply to J. G. Gilbert, Vienna, Ga., Route S. 8-29-8t Mr. . Howard Bishop of Cartersville has been detailed for duty by the gov ernment as clerk of the Local Ex emption Board. Mr. Bishop was clas sified for special and limited service and called for service in the recent draft to supply the boards with the necessary clerical force. He is an ex pert stenographer, his services will greatly facilitate the work of the board. , UNADILLA DOTS Our school opened with a full corps of teachers. The faculty is as follows: Prof. V. H. McKee: Supt. Miss Bessie Blackmon, Prin. Miss Estelle Finleyson, Mrs. Harry Harvard, Mrs. T. E. Woodruff, assts. Miss Florence Smith, Music Teacher •With'enrollment of 180. The election passed off very quietly. Unadilla polled a very good vote con sidering the rush of the feason. Registration was both patriotic and pathetic, many fathers and sons registering at the same time. No slackers or shirkers, all seemed will ing to respond to thee all of the cal- ors. Quite a number of boys left Mon day to join tho different colleges to be better equipped educationally as well as to be trained in militarism to be more efficient in service for gov ernment. A number of our girls left for va rious colleges . We hope they may all, boys and girls make good in the future in a safe democracy, may build homes worthy of their opportu nities. We had a red letter day at the Baptist church Sunday, preaching to good crowds morning and evening. Morning service was in charge of Rev. Frank Culpepper of Macon, rep resenting Georgia Industrial Home. After a thrilling discourse, congrega tion responded with a splendid offer ing to the delight of all. Miss Jones of Elberton has accept ed a position as trimmer for Mrs. Griggs. Girls and^ioys off to college are: Miss Corean Settles, G. N. & I. C. t Miss Nancll Coney G. N. & I. C., Miss Florida Graves, G. N. & I. C., Miss Ruth Sheppard, Shorter, Miss Amelia Wooten, Shorter, Miss Lyde Pate, Shorter, Miss Zeph Pate, Shorter, Mr. Kenny Peavy, G. M. C„ Milledge- ville; Mrs. Feagin Kelly, G. M. C., Mr. Warden Brooks, Tech, Atlanta; Mr. James Duncan, Tech, Atlanta; Mr. Harmon Beddingfield, Mercer, Macon; Grayden Bridges, Camp Wheeler, Ma- WEDNESDAY, OCT.?, 4:30 to 10:30 Metro presents Bushman end Bayne in “A Pair af Cupids” , Also s Big V Comedy—“Dukes end Dollars” THURSDAY, OCT. 3, 4:30 to 10:30 World Film Corporation presents Madge Evans and Johnay Hiaes in “Neighbors” Also a Keystone Comedy—“Are Wives Unreasonable” Admissission 10 and 20 cents, includ ing war tax FRIDAY, OCT. 4tb, 4:30 to 10:30 Fox Film Corporation presents Wm Fmrnum in “True Blue” Also Toto, the Movie Dummy In Do Husbands Deceive?” Admission 16 and 26c SATURDAY, OCT. 5, 3 to 11:00 “House of Hate” No. 12 Also a Mae Sunnett Comedy— Athletic Girls” Also a War Picture Admission 10 anc’, 2tc Pictures Coming—“Why America Will Win”; “Inside the Lines”; ”18 to 45”; “Prussian Curse”; “America’e Answer** TO THE PUBLIC From this date I will quit buying cotton from the board as I will be- in future a warehouseman only. The cause is namely: It cost too much money to carry a bale of cotton away from the railroad, then have to haul it back. Thep resent cost is as fol- fcSB Sample at present price 50 Hauling to Warehouse 10 From Warehouse back to railroad .16 Warehouse charges 56 Total $1.30 Kind friends who pays this? Lis ten! you pay it. If this was all I would stop and say no more, but it cost 3 days time on account of poor service to get your bale of cotton' out of the warehouse on account of the scarcity of labor, as on account of the warehouses being full it takes four men to get a bale picked up and out of a pie!. I say cut it out. I will weigh, class and put your cotton f. o. b. the G. S. & F. Railroad for sixty jents per bale against $1.30 it is flow costing you. A saving of one-eight of a cent per pound, not only this, but I will save you three day’s interest as well as loss in weight for this time to the buyer. Friends: I know the cotton busi ness and am telling you facts this you cannot deny, and more, I will not keep you waiting all day to sell your cotton. I will operate a free automo bile to carry you and the buyers twice a day at 9:30 a. m. and 3 p. m., these will fcem y principle-sales hours as it is after the opening and close of the contract markets. Remember I will not buy your cot ton unless you so desire then I will resell it to the first buyer that comes unless the marketc hanges, at the samep rice paid for it. I will make sixty cents a bale without ever samp ling and underweighing and save you time and interest. This is tho time to cut out all ex tra expenses and handle your crops to the best advantage to your coun try and yourself. Do not expose this the South’s greatest crop to the rain to rot. I will house and protect every bale of cotton I weigh. September 9, 19X8. 8t D. B. THOMPSON. .COLORED MEETING There was a meeting at the C. M. E. church last Thursday for the pur pose of organizing a committee for Dooly county to assist in Hie work or fight movement. Rufus T. Bennett, tho state organ izer gave an interesting talk along the line ef work or tght movement, and how important it is for each one to encourage work throughout * the country during such a crisis. His talk was received with much interest and each hearer ' seemed to have caught a new vision and Inspiration. After the meeting wb went into organization and the organization was named the "Self Preservation Loyalty League,” with the following as committee: Rev. W. H. Jackson, Chairman, Prof. N. B. Lavender, Sec., W. E. Leonard, W. H. McKepzie, J. W. Williams, Z. H. Gilbert. Reported. • * • • RICHWOOD NEWS Rev. Greer filled his regular ap- poitnment at the Richwood church Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith spent the week-end in Rfchwood last week. Mr. H. W. Pollock, of Cordele spent Sunday evening in Richwood with homefolks. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons spent Sun day in Richwood. Quite a few of our farmers are making syikip. Miss Allene Dorough visited Cor dele Sunday evening. Mr. and Mm. W. T. Turner vdcre visiting near Richwood Sunday. Mr. Jim Truluck spent a few - days last week in Tumor county. Miss Berta Conner viaited - Rich- wcod Sunday. Jwenty-nine years ago the iron con, Dr. Holliman, Camp Hancock, | was laid through Richwood and a Augurja, Ardelle Manuel, Wesleyan, | train was as big show then as an air- Miss Elizabeth Duncan, Macon. plane is now. Richwood was then on the edge of one of the largest NOTICE GAS USERS I have secured the gasoline and oil station in front of the Formers Hard ware Co., You can get clean gas, oil and water from me anytime you need it Will appreciate your business very much. 9-19-2t J- J- MORGAN. tracts of timber in Georgia, quite a few of the old citizens have died out since that time. Sunday school at Shiloh next Sun day at 2 ^0 o’clock, preaching at 3:30 by Rev. Stanford, of Cordele. NOTICE TO FARMERS I have for service at my farm If you fail to get your paper next .large registered Tennessee Jack, al- week you will law die reason w*y. Uo e five-gaited, registered saddle- . A. K. BILL. ■A Wm\ ■a—n—■mbmw DISTINCTIVE MODELS IN HATS FOR MEN The last shipment contained some beauties. ' The blocks and ail the new shades of brown, grey, etc. We have them in Felt and the popular Velour. WE WANT YOU TO SEE THEfl The Vienna Shoe Store VIENNA. GEORGIA /V-i / ‘frog }$ Kiel 6avii^ Guaranteed Relief From Big Fuel Bills S AVE at least 1-3 to 1-2 your coal bill this winter. At the high price of fuel this saving should more than pay for this won derfully efficient Why bo a clave to an extravagant heating plant when Cole’. Hot Blxit will give you perfect ■eti.fection for practically 1-2 your pretent feel bill. Cole’s Original Hot Blast Heater For Hard Coal, Soli Coal, Slack, lignite, Wood and lighter Fuels 1-3 Fuel Saving Guaranteed Bums the cheapest grade coal clean and bright Remember that soft coal is half gas. This valuable half of your fuel money escapes up the chimney and is wasted in other stoves. Cole’s Hot Blast Fuel Saving combustion (see open cat) stops this needless waste and saves and utilizes the gas half of the coal wasted by other stoves and turns it into warmth and cheer for your home. m * ■- . v . •v; ' ,