The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, October 24, 1918, Image 3

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HHB DON'T DRINK SHIPS! Vienna Hardware Company. SWITCH STARTS (.ALLEY has been called v'.he remarkable fuel saving secured with Cole’s Original Hot Blast Heaters. Coal prices are soaring—why be a slave to an extravagant heating plant or stove that is a demon for fuel. Joi/i now in the great army of 1 satisfied users who have found relief from high fuel bills with the great fuel saving Say: have you caught the flu? with its .aches; and kerchoo? Then do you cough and wheeze? And sneeze, and sneezb, and sneeze? Do your eyes flow like a river? Are your nerves all aquiver? Do your bones feel, like they’d break Have you a sick headache? Have you a scorching fever? And does your whole frame shiver? And nothing please you? Then you have the Spanish flu. ’ Atlanta, Ga.—The flfteen constitu tional amendments to be voted on by the people of Georgia in the general election November 6, will be printed on a separate ballot for convenience. One of the most important of these is the amendment relating to the state treasurer’s office. It permits the Blast Burns cheapest ccai clean and hrf&t. Uses any fuel Everybody is searchingfor away to save fuel and food. Here's your opportunity to :. cut your Coal bills square in half and gain a perfectly heated home as M ns. well. Investigate now. Our Store & N&. is Fuel Savers Headquarters. JW Phone No. 91 A. B. A A. CHANGES SCHEDULE Effective Sunday, Oct 20th, A. B. & A. R. B. schedule will be as fol lows: West Bound Leave Vienna 11:28 s. m. • 1 Leave Vienna 11:41? p. m. East Bound \) Leave Vienna 8:55 a. m. . Leave Vienna 1:10 p. m. W. W. CROXTON, G. P. A. 10-173t WHAT GENERAL PERSHING NEEDS |J "Give me nine men Jj n who hove a hot and ^ 3 Jj will have a more effec- 3 * tive fighting force than • M if I had ten men with* at £ out it” 5 —Genera/ Pershing. * PECAN TREES Our pecan trees bought from J. B. Wright at Cairo in 1015 are bearing true to-name. If yiu need any treps see us fir prices. ' , . • POWELL BROS. FOR SALE—Hastings’ 188-buak- ela Seed Oats. A. Waiters, Vienna it The twin trawlere of the Bates Steel IMle font n firm runway on soft ground. Twenty-four eleate prevent slipping, and the ground pressure ia less than 3-12 pounda per square inch. So aoft ground ia no different from hard, ss far sa pull ia con cerned. And the non-slip feature saves fuel. Unit construction; Timkin roller bearings; hardened cut-steel gears running in oil and heavy duty, vaive-in-head kerosene motor also contrib- nte to the Steel Mule’s efficiency. We are anxious to have you compare the-Mod el “D” STEEL MULE with any other tractor built. Seeing is believing, 10 come and inspect the machine we have on exhibition—and oonvince yourself. .. . WILLIAMS A^LLISON, Pinehurat Farmers Hardware Company Vienna Georgia Six Years In Use ’ALLEY-LIGHT has been in actual farm use for six years. That removes it far from . oil thought of experiment. i-drcds of farmers '.v it is reliable and and low Cost to run. bright and steady and un failing. We will give you' a free demonstration of Lalley- Light on your farm any time. Call for the book of. owners’ testimonials. SOLD AND GUANANTEED BY FORD & CALHOUN, Pinehurst Hearse Service We are now prepared to furnish Automo bile Hearse Service. Our rates are reason able and our service will be satisfactory. If we can serve you, call The I. H. Gregory Company Unadllla, Ga. To the fact we prepared to supply your every need in the turning plow line as follows: Oliver, Avery Chilled, Vulcan and Blount’s True Blue. Any of the above line are wellknown and it is only left for you to decide the one you fancy. Seed drills can also be seen and demonstrated on the lot fronting Bank of Vienna. Our store is loaded with real bargains from top to bottom. . . v Three of the strongest lines of ranges are subject to your inspection and any skeptical eye can easily see the values offered. - - Reduced prices on cotton sheets. Sails answered day or night An you ahookad to no th» lady drinking ihlpa? 1 v Too drink ahlpa ovary tlma you uze sugar unnecessarily, ia • SsTSnty-flTS par cent of ths auxizr used in this country has to bo brought bars in shtsa Every pomthle ship is needed for tha traps portaiion of troops and supplies to tha other aide. Eliminate sugar as a luxury, and you release many ships for war " mMDber thls - reeeerea hr r«Se«al rose idalalStaUosgH dweeb There is no chance for the housewife to relax In regard to food con servation. Just aa the wheat altuaUon begins to look brighter, she has now to turn her attention to a more intensive sugar saving program. Last year’s temporary shortage serevd to point the way. Means were discovered of cutting down on sugar and using other sweetening. That was a mere ap prenticeship, however, compared with the conservation campaign which now becomes necessary. For the burden of maintaining ths Allied sugar auppUea falls on us. There Is not enough sugar available for us all to live In accordance with our .peace time habits. We must share with them. Our great war program lias reduced our sugar carrying fleet; the. sugar requirements of our over seas army are vary large; our domestic crop is less than we expected; we liar* directed 50.000 tons of sugar shipping in order that Belgium should have food; Germans have destroyed sugar beet Helds and foctorist in northern France and Italy; more than fifty thousand 'pounds was sent to the'bottora of tha ocean off our shores recently. It by. our own selfish use of sugar we should forco the Allies to send to Java for 260,000 tons to piece oat their meager sugar ration for next year, it would take eleven extra ships. These eleven ships could transport and keen 160,000 to 200,000 soldiers in France “The Crimes of Germany” Ti The Most Astonishing -end *{£& /"• Horrifying Book ever Published tHE Crimes of Germany” is an authentic record of - Germany’s atrocities. It describes in the language of eye-witnessea scores of hideous German crimes. Anton;* the illustrations are reproductions of actual photo graphs 'of victims, living and dead. Every case covered could be proved in any civilized court of law. Sworn statements of onlookers are on file in the archives of Belgium, France and England Created a Furor in England Sir Theodore Cook, a great English editor, compiled this book. Millions of topics were circulated among recruits in Ent land. The American Defense Society seeks to sell enjiiKh -copies of the American edition to pay for a wide distribution of “The Crimes of Germany ” among our troops. WE WISH TO CALL YOUR ATTENTION x . ' * Will you do your share toward letting oar boys know what kind of an enemy they are facing by purchas ing a copy of "The Crimes of Germany"? Use the coupon below. AMERICAN DEFENSE SOCIETY HONORARY PRESIDENT HON. THEODORE KOO*KVRI.T, Ex-President the United Suits HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS HON. DAVID JAYNE II1LL, E x-AsnUssader te Gtrmnny HON. ROBERT BACON, Ex-A nstnunder te Emms HON. PERRY BELMONT, VLe-President News Ltegne iion. Charles;, bon apart r. Ex-Attorney Genet*1, U. S. JOHN CRIER IIIBBBN, LL.D., President Prineeten University HENRY B. JOY, Ex-President Lincoln Hifkvmy Assist CHAS. S. FAIRCHILD, Ex-Setrstnry U. S. Trtsstnry CHARLES STEWART DAVISON, Chninssnn Menrdef Tmstess HENRY C QUINSY, Cheir man Executive Cemmittse ROBERT APPLETON, . . Trtneurtr H. D. CRAIG, ..... Secretmev American Detente Society, National Headquarter* 44 Eut 23rd Stmt, Hr* Vwk Gty Matt chtch fajnUi /. Rriert Afphlox, Trnturer | □ Enclosed is S.v.nty-fiv. Cm,. S.nd u» a copy of th< paper covmd edition : of "Tha Crimesof Germany.” * Q Enclosed find On* Dollar (or yeu’a du.s in tha Amarican Dafarwe Society. Send m. mtmbatfhip button and certificate, and add any nanit ty tha Prop, . aganda Ccomittae. , ' ( ,, • r, r’~OTrwrrwmirwr ~ ■POWERFUL ON SOFT GROUND ■ Plant b Z7 Incite, lone 14 Inches wide 1 SI Inches high