The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, November 07, 1918, Image 3

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- . - - - IJW ' I.. |l ^ — A BOX FROM HOME The following letter from Miss Dor othy V. Bimey, of No. 334 Grand Av- lew Horen, Conn., whose broth er Harry E. Birney, is a prisoner of war at Camp Limburg, Germany, has been received at Red Cross Headquar ters: “Mother received a very cheer- ful'ictter from my brother yesterday. He said that the Red Cross has'broght the onily joy and liappiney into the lives’of the prisoner*. He receives food arid smokes regularly and feels that if the people of the United States knew of Red Cross work among the prisoners of war that every person in America would become a member. Ho said he little thought when he joined and contributed to.thtvRed Cross four years ago he would now b'e receiving its aid. Mother has given his letter for publication she feels so happy labout it” rmm “VJI7E are never without Dr. Cald- yy well’s Syrup Pepsin in ^our home and never will be as long as we can get it. We have used it for the past four years and it has saved us many a doctor’s bill. It is fine for the^children and they love to take it.” ( From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by\ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robbins, 2207 So. 1 A St., El wood, Ind. / Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere >v .' 50 cts. (sh£) $1.00 V ■ I ■ Constipation makes children uncomfortable, cross and irritable, just as it does older people. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin acts easily and naturally and promotes normal regularity. A trial bottle can be obtained free oi charge by writing to Dr. W. B. .'Caldwell, 458 Washing, ton St., Monticello, 111. enue, Your contribution to- the United War Work Campaign is the mite that maintains the morale of the American soldiers and sailors. For Weak Women Drawn by Qaar William*, Division of Pictorial Publicity. Food savings of millions of Americans during'our first year of war enabled this govern* ment to send enormous food shipments abroad for our fighting forces and the Allied nations. Our savings in cereals—out of a short crop—amounted to 164,900,000 bushels; all of which was shipped to Europe. We increased our meat and fat shipments 844,600,000 pounds. This was America’s “box from home” to our army abroad and the civilians and military forces of the TO THE PUBLIC Prom this date I will quit buying cotton from tho board as I will be- in future a warehouseman only. The. cause is namdly: It cost too much money to carry a bale of cotton away from the railroad, then have to haul It back. Thep resent cost, is as fol low.. v ness and am telling you facts this you cannot deny, and more, I will not In useiorover40yean! Thousands of voluntary letters from women, tell ing'of. the good Cardul has done them. This is the best proof of the value of Cardul. ltprovesthat Cardul Is a good medicine - those will bem y principle sales hours os it is after tho opening and close of tho contract markets. Remember I will not buy your cot ton unless you so desire then I will resell it to tho first buyer that comes unless tho markctc hanges, at the samep rice paid for it. I will make sixty cents a halo without ever samp ling and underweighing and save you time and interest. This is the timo to cut opt. all ex tra expenses and handle your crops to tho best advantage"to your coun try and yoursolf. Do not expose this the South’s greatest crop to tho rain to rot. I will house and protect every bale of cotton I weigh, i September 9,-1918. 8t D. B. THOMPSON. lows: / Sample at present price :....60 Hauling to Warehouse .-. 10 From warehouse back to railroad .15 Warehouse charges 66 BRITT ATTEMPTS TO END HIS LIFE There are no hartnhd or Mbit-forming drugs In Cardul. it is composed only o! mild, medicinal Ingredients, with no bad after-eticcts. Total i 81.30 Kind friends who pays this? Lis ten! you pay it. If this was all I would stop and say no more, but it cost 3 days time on account of poor service to ^et your baio of cotton out of the warehouse on account of the Atlanta, Ga., Nov.—All persons in j Georgia handling sugar in any way, I whether consumers or dealers, should ! carefully "read the following and it would bew ell 'to clip and post in a handy place. 1. Use aubsztitutes wherever pos sible, but remember saccharine (coal tar sugar is not allowed.) * '2. The allotment for s^ft drink and ico cream manufacturers is ’re duced by order of the Federal ' Food Administration in Washington. 3. -All other manufacturers In cluding druggists receive the same al lotment as for October. 4. All persons, whether living In thee ountry or city may have, if avail able, two pounds each for every.niney meals. A thirty day supply may be purchased at one time. The consum ed should keep in mind tha date of purchase inasmuch as he is responsi ble for making the limited supply of sugar last through tho month. 6. When households entertain vis itors sr have extra help, additional sugar may bs obtained, If available, for the dealer, basing the purchase on then umber of meals served at the rate of two pounds for ninety meals. 8. The sale of sugar for home can nine is no longer allowed by order of the Federal Food Administrator in Washington. 7. Those serving less than twenty- five people daily must buy of their dealer, those serving twenty-fire peo ple er more daily must secure certifi cates from the ’ Food Administrator. All hotels, clubs, canteens, camps and like palcee must secure ceKificates no DESPONDENT FOLLOWING ILL NESS FROM INFLUENZA CUTS 1 TfiROAT WITH RAZOR. Despondent and with his mind tem- 1 porarily effected fallowing sickness ' from influenza, T. C. Britt, 20 years 1 'of age, attempted to end his life early Tuesday morning by slashing his i throat with a razor. The attempted ’ suicide occurred at the home of Britt’s half brother^-R. A. Bullihgton, i who conducts a grocery in the west ern portion of the city.- It was only after a desperate strug gle with Mr. Bullington, who succeed ed in preventing the young man from completing his rash act. .Mr. Bulling ton had himself been confined to his bed from influenza and was in a very weakened condition. The scuffle for the possession of the razor continued for fifteen or twenty minutez bqfore Hr. Bullington finally succeeded la ov- . erpewering Britt The young'man slashed his throst seysral 'laches almost,to the hollow, barely missing the jugular vein. Dr. S. F. Williams was summoned snd reached the home about 4 o’clock, tak ing ten stitches in the wound to sew it «p. From the actions of the ’young man during the day Mr. Bullington anticipated that he meant te do him self bodily harm. He concealed his ■ reyelver* where Britt could not find it and upon retiring locked the door to the room in which he and Britt slept to keep him from getting out during, the night. During the night, howev er, the young man searched the room aad. found Bullington’* razor. Mr. 'Bullington in the meantime waking. American Library Aeaoclatlon Pro viding Reading Matter for Boys On Battle Fronts Despite the fact that -the ocean transportation facilities are being tax ed'to the utmost, the task ot provid ing reading matter for the, boys In the trenches is being handled with an efficiency and dispatch that is sur prising even to those who are closely In touch with tho situation. The American Library- (Association, which* has shouldered the responsibil ity of collecting books, magazines and newspapers by the millions In every city and town throughout the country. Is distributing this huge quantity of reading matter to the men In France through the Y. M. C. A., the Red Cress, the Knighta of Columbus and the Salvation Army, TAKE men to get a bale picked upland out of a piel. I say cut it out. ✓ I will weigh, class and put your cotton f. o. b. the G. SI *F; Railroad I for sixty cents per bale against 81.30 It is now costing you. A saying of one-eight or a iccnt per pound, not lie Woman’s Tonic Keep their hearts strong, their spir its bright and their courage high for tho gruelling task over there! Give liberally to the United War Work Campaign. , You can rely on Cardnl. Surely it will do lor you what it has done-'lor so many thousands oi other women! It should help. “I was taken sitk, .seemed to be . . . ,” writes Mra.MaryE.Vesle, oi Madison Heights, Va. “I got down so weak, could hardly walk ... ]ust staggered around. . . . I rtad of Cardnl, and after taking one bot tle, or before taldng'qulte all, I felt much better.’ I took 3 or 4 bottba at that time, and ms ablejo do my work. Itakettln the spring when run down. I had no'appetite, and I commenced eating. H it the best -tonic I over saw.” Try Cardul. Friends: Why You Should Give Twice What You Did Before The government has fixed the sum needed for the care of the men in the service at 8170,600,000. Unless Americans give twice as much ta ever before our soldiers, sailers and marines In IMP may not snjoy their '[ 8.000 recreation buildings 1.000 miles of movie films 100 stage state . 2,000 athletic directors 2,600 libraries supplying 3,000,000 books 85 hostess’ bouses 16.000 “Big Brother" see- retariea Millions of dollars of home comforts Give to maintain the morale that ii winning the war now For High-Grade Cem etery Memorials CONFER WITH PROPRIETOR. • CLARK’S MONUMENTAL WORKS SAMERICllS','dEORG(A | {The Firm of Established Reputation matter how few served. 8. No public eating place shall use or permit the use of tile sugar bowl on the table or lunch counter. Nor shall any pnblic eating place serve in- gar or permit it to be served unless the guest makes request and in no event shall the amount served to any one person at any one meal exceed one teaspoonful or its equivalent 8. No public eating place shall use or permit the use of an ampurit of sugar in excess of two pounds for ev ery ninety meals servqd, Including all uses of sugar on tho table and in cooking, excepting such sugar as may be allotted by the Federal Food Ad ministrator to hotels holding a banery license. No sugar allotted for this special baking purpose shall be used for any other purpose. 18. For dinners and suppers for Subscribe for THE NEWS W and before he qould' determine what i the young man was about,' Britt stretched himself across his bed snd i slashed his threat. After Mrs. Bui- i lington who heard the scuffle, though, i charitable work each guest must bring his own supply of sugar. 11. - Merchants shall treat all their customers on a like boats in re gard to tha gelling of sugar to them. There haa been considerable criticism in the past that certain grocera show partiality in the sale of sugar. 12. Rptail grocers who sell sugar to merchants holding certificates on Statements A, B, C and D, should use such certificates to buy more sugar eould riot determine then ature of it, not being able to enter the room on account of the door being locned ran A full and completes line of x g?^/> Caskets, Coffins and Burial Robes always ready for your inspection.. The experience of twenty years in this line enables us to offer unex celled service. to nearby neighbors and summoned them to-the home, Britt made anoth er attempt to end his life with a pock et knife, though thia time was over powered by then eighbora. Britt was removed to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Britt, near Vienna, Wednesday and reports are that he will recover unless com plications set In from the wounds. Since the early part of September young Brlss has been'employed by Mr. Bullington, assisting him in the grocery store.—Cordele Sentinel. Will say that I nover bad anything to. come In so good a time ss I was think ing ot giving up, 1 was so weak. I cannot tell you bow bed I felt’ Had stomach trouble, loss of appetite, couldn’t sleep, la fact was a total wreck all over, as I am subject to weak spells In tha 8prlng ot the year. After using ZIron will say I now feel fine and can do a fins days work, f think you’ have a good medicine, and I can surely recommend it to any one who needs a tonic".' Medical authorities aad text books agree that iron la needed to keep the system la good condition. Investiga tion shows that pals, weak, tired peo ple generally, lack fbe necessary a- mount ot Iron la their blood. The strength that Iren gives may be oh- talned by taking ZIron Iron Tonic. Try it Ask yocr druggist about hla guarantee on ZIron.zM4 from the jobbers to replinlsh their own snpply since grocers are only supposed to furnish enough sugar for their retail trade on the two pound F. C. RIES > ' GUY ARMSTRONG < When in Macon Take Time to See R i e s CSL Armstrong' Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry and Silverware RELIABLE GOODS ONLY • FINE ENGRAVING AND REPAIRING 816 THIRD STREET , PHONE 806 MACON, GEORGIA Funeral Directors Your Blood Needs: Let us have your subscription. $1