The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, November 07, 1918, Image 5

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VJV.\\V.V//AWW,W.W/. , WAW.'AWAW.W//.WW r ij • Local and Persona11tems of Interest Judge U. V. Whipple, of Cordele, was here on business yesterday. The regular services will bo obsei ed at the Baptist chufch next Sund RESOLUTIONS ON THE DEATH I OF MRS. M. T. LYTLE I On September 25th, 1918, ^he [Death Angel visited our town and j took to her celestial home our beloved jsister' and friend; Mrs. M. 'T. Lytle, i Inasmuch as our Heavenly Father j claimed one qf our purest and best, ] we feel that his visitation wait in love | and not in’Wrath.' . * i She Was in her 69th year and had ' v -iked with God for many years, hav- I ing joined the church inearly life at j Travelers' Rest. She moved to Vicn- PLEASANT VALLEY NEWS j Come to the Mirror for bargains in j millinery for ladies and children. Buy ■ your ^iair ribbons at actual cost. Mrs.. Mery Goodman Sheffield. pd Miss Mildred Lasscter has returned to Tifton to resume her school duties. We have wintertime with us again. We aro still having quite a lot of sickness in our community. Mr~. j. G. Cole, of Macon, vb'.ted relatives hero last week. Mi-'r.cs Lila and Dollio Le„ Smith were in Macon Saturday for tile Civ il service examination. I Mr. and Mr3. Ham Swearingen wqre Buesto Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mr. Frnnn Barrow, of Camp Gor don inert the week-ond with honse- folks. Mr. J. B. Smith spent Saturday in Macon.' Mr. and Mrs. G. W, Smith, Messrs. Rufus and John Sid Smith attended tbo funeral of Mr. Smith’s neicc at Wcnona Saturday. TWO FORD CARS FOR SALE One Touring car ana one Roadster, both in gqod condition. Inquire at Vienna News office. THE RED TRIANGLE Daniel M.vHenderson Lift up the Rial Triangle Beside the thundering guns— A friend, a shield a solace To our toil million sons. Go build a hut or dugout By billet or by trench— A shelter from the horror; The cold,'*the filth, the stench! Where boys we love, returning From out the gory loam Cab sight the Red Triangle And find a bit of home Lift up the Red Triangle Against the things that maim! It conquers Booze, the wrecker! It shuts the House of Shaihe! Go mane a friendly corner, . So lads can take the pen £nd get,in touch.with mother And God’s dean things again! ■Where Hell’s destroying forces Are leagued with Potsdam’s crew, , Lift up the Red Triangle— And help our boys “come through!’ ■ Miss Mattie Windsor Robinson left last week to accept a government po sition in Macon. ^ MORCAN-POWELL 1 J Mi£S r Bessie Morgan and Irieut. j Grady.Powell were married'last Fri- j day afternoon in Americus. They re. turned here after the marriage !and | left for' Atlanta Friday night. Lieu- j tenant Powell is stationed at Camp Gordonfor the present. He has re cently ,finisher a course in special Ian's Missionary Society and for a technical training at Georgia* Techjnumber of years was our president, find-received his commission., Mrs..Her. gentle mannqv and consecrated Town'll enjoys the ndmimtioiy of an h'fe were ever an inspiration to the extensive circle* of friends, because of organization. Therefore be it bar gentle, sweet nature. She will*re- Resolved, First, that the W. M. S. main, in Atlanta with Lieut. Powell has lost one of its most useful nnd be- untll lfe receives further orders. - loved members and that while we miss WANTED TO BUY- -A sufficient quantity of gooso feathers to make a feather bed. Mrs, E. F..Powell. Theipicture show will reopen Sat urday and continue from then on in regular , order. See next week’s pro gram in "this issue. * ... i For life insurance, see what the' j Mutual Benefit has to offer you. Guy B. Morgan. . 11-7-41 Mrs. J. J. Heard and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Heard. Mrs.- W.* F. George, of lhas been the guest of , Mrs. Heard the past week. Mr. R. S. English, of Dooling, was visitor in the city yesterday. JUNIOR RED CROSS MAKES STORY BOOKS FOR SOLDIERS | ‘ Messrs. J. N. Hargrove and L. L. | Woodward went to Americus Tuesday ' on business. , A hew work which hns been begun by the Junior Red Gross is the mailing of story books for sick or convalesc ent soldiers. . Theda boons are partic ularly useful to the soldier who is confined to bed as they are light, easi ly handled and more entertaining be-, cause Uonglor and more cimsocutivo than tho joke books which have been Mr. and Mrs. R. B.' Sojomon and- Miss. Ada Powell visited Macon last week. Messrs. J. B. Walton and J. D. Rey nolds made a busines trip to Boston [yesterday. Mm. J. M. Whitehead and Mrs. C. S. Whitehead spent Sunday irr Pine- hurst. Mr. E. CkTaylor has returned from I a business trip to Atlanta. Mrs. I. —o— ' iLucile M Mr. John Marshal, of Eufaula, Ala., • Tuesday, has been a recent .visitor here. j Mrs. Guy Amspoker, of Macon, was here for a short while last week. also much used. The plan for a story book is to se lect some bright jhccrful and interest ing story from a good magazine, clip it carefully with a few illustrations, and paste on solid card hoard. The grey card boards used by steam laun dries to keep shirts uncrcaaed, are al ways to be had in families nnd the stories can be pasted on tho lettered side, leaving theb lank side free These 1 pages cut to a suitable size should be joined by cord of contrasting color or by brnss paper pins. They areD (light, easily handled and very Vel- Mr. T. G. Woodruff is in Albany on business today. j The DeSoto Theatre will open Sat- returned urday with Charlie Chaplin in 'a four reel feature—“Carmen”—a burles- • que. This is said to be one of the sard an- most laughable pictures, ever made. W. V., 1 jr. be sure to see it e Death of mrs. ellis, Mrs..E. E. FJlis, of Cordc)e, daugh ter of Mrs. A. C. Dorough was bom March 1888, died October 10th, ,1918. Mrs. Ellis had been a member of the Methodist church since early child hood, She was a devout, humble Christian and was loved by all with Mrs.' Ellis had Mrs. M. M. Grace has from a visit to Walden. Mrs. Gertrude Taggart and Mrs. I.eila Huff visited Pinehurst Sunday. Mm. S. M. .Thompson spent Friday in Macon. WEDNESDAY “Why America Will Win’’—The Life Story of Gan. Pershing. , j Also a Big V Comedy—Dukes and Dollars” Admission 28 and 56 cents 1 THURSDAY \ "Hook or Crook”—World Picturo Also a Koyatone Comedy. Admission 10 and 20 cents FRIDAY “The Soul of Budha”—A Theda Bara Production- . Admission 15 and 25 cents SATURDAY- “House of'Hate” No. 15. Official War Raviaw \ •* Also a 2-rael Mac Sannett Comedy , Admission 10 and 20 cents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Slade announce the arrival of a daughter. —o-r Mr. A1 Joiner, of Byrofhville, was here on business Tuesday. Sergeant Harry B. Cover, of Camp Wheeler, was p visitor in the city Sunday. . * Mrs. U. V. Whipple, of Cordele, visited friends in the city last week, Mrs. A: L .McArthur, of Cordele, was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Whitehead ’ost Tuesday. whom she associated, been a sufferer from tubcrculosisCfor several years, an nttack of influenza was the immediate cause of ker. death. She leaves a huqband and five children the youngest a babe of ten (lays, her Don't fail to see the Charlie Chap lin imitator,who will appear on tho streets here Saturday advertising “Carmeii,” at tho DeSoto for that day mother nnd several sisters and broth ers survive her. ' , • The funeral and interment occurred at the Dorough cemetery, Rev. Stan ford, of Cordele, officiating. “Why America Will Win” will be i— shov/n again at the DeSoto next Wed- CARD OF THANKS nesday. This picture was presented We wish to thank our neighbors here somi time ago but on-account of and friends for the kindness shown us the “flu” very few saw it. It is 'a during our recent bereavement. May picture that everyone should see and God's richest blessings rest on each has be’en brought back in order that one who so k'indly lent us a helping all patriotic Americans may see why hand. America will win. ' MRS. J. M. SPEARS and CHILDREN LOST—On road between Vienna and my home, a Stetson hat. Finder please notify A. H. Brown, Vienna, 6 2t-pd. / . '“Carmen” is a, four reel comedy and is a scream from start to finish. It is said to, be the finest picture ever made by Charlie Chaplin. Be sure to see it at the DeSoto Saturday. Think of your own son—your own daughter—and give to tho United War Work Campaign. j Fifty tons of books a month aro fad ing skipped to the American forces over seas. Rally at Albany yesterday. CUTS PRICES TO HELP STIMULATE BUSINESS Best Quality Children’s E-Z Union Suits in sizes 2 to 18, per garment - - - - One lot Ladies Coats o£ the [newest styles, best workfnanship and material. Prices ranging from Best Quality Outing, per yard One solid rack to select from at One Lot Ladies Coat Suits. Prices' /II nil ill ranging from ' - - . - - Tll.IlU 1 ill On Sale Special. One solid rack to select from Dress Ginghams Best Quality Dress Ginghams, guaranteed fast colors, per yard - Ladies Street Dresses of the newest, made of Serge, Serge and Silk combined, Duchess Satins com- Ell t|fj bined with Georgette. Dresses up to - - uu.UU Good Cotton Flannel, bleached or. unbleached Peryard - - Fr - Good Yard Wide Bleaching Per Yard One solid rack to select from at - lua This is an opportunity for you to buy the best gar ments at a great deal less than I can replace them for Devonshire Cloth Per Yard We have a nice line’ of LADIES FURS Neckpieces, Extra Muffs and Full Sets. They are the kind that are now being worn by the most fashionably dressed, and you can get them at the price ytyi used to get them at. They are the Red Fox, Japanese Minx, Taupe and Black Fox, Coneys and Lynx. Wool Plaid Double Blankets, worth .$12.00 Special - - OUB MAIN OBJECT IS TO PLEASE YOU ROOBIN WANTS AND AP- PRRECIATES YOUR TRADE CORDELE, GEORGIA INDISTINCT PRINT