The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, November 07, 1918, Image 7

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HUT ON FRONT LINE TRENCHES REWARD FOR SUCCESS UNITED WAR WORK DRIVE FIRST TEN'STATES TO GO OVER THE TOP IN RAISING/FUNDS FOR ARMY WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS WILL BE HONORED BY HAY- ING IJUTS ON, BATTLE FIELDS NAMED FOR THEM—GEORGIA ' MUST LEAD THE CHARGE. =^=-. F^IR Under Auspices of the Georgia State Agricultural Society “Georgia” may go to Berlin,'at the head of a victorious allied army—pro- France, this .plan originally suggested viding shif is the first, dr one among coign committee and officially an- the first ten states in the nation to go flounced at National Campaign head- "over the top” in the United War These huts are often Work Drive which occurs on Novem- of demonuntable type and may redai- ber 11th to 18th—from next Monday !y knocked down and moved forward through the following Monday. She to, neep pace with advancing Ameri- raay go there in-the form of an army ran army. Not improbable that some welfare hnt for her own brave boys, of honor huts will ■ therefore cross Georgia's quota for this important Rhine if Germany shuld refuse to ac- war work fund is $1,585,785, and one cept armistice terms to be imposed of the most thorough organisations upon her. It. is conceivable that ane ever yet perfected for a public patriot of huts at least may evdn be set up ic campaign is now blazing the way in Berlin and become the home of the through every part of the state, and Yanks patrolling “Unter Der Linden.” judging by reports coming from' all Georgia is ready to respond. She sections, Georgia, by every citizen do- could wish fer no happier tribute than ing his full share/is going to raise her fer her name to be placed above the quota very quicldy. The "important door of an army welfare hut on the thing is for Georgia to exceed her frent lino trenches of Frariee, to quota first among all states, in srder which her own heroic sons might come that she may win one sf the highest and receive generous proof of the honors of the war^ ' love and Ibyalty of the “folks back In a telegram received Friday from home.” New 'York at thq^Georgia Publicity Every .class of people is squarely Department headquarters, it was an- behind the United War Work Cam- nounced that the suggestion recently paign. Among its most active work- made to John R. Mott by Ely R. Cal- ers are the ministers and leading lay- lpway, Georgia Campaign Director in men of all denominations. Men, regard to the nature of the reward women and children are equally enthu to be given the ten states first sub- {siastic in their efforts. Of particular , scribing their quotas in the United inspiration is the interest beng ifhown War Work Drive has been adopted by by the “Earn sndGve” division, com- the national committee. The tele- posed, of VictoryBoys and Victory gram follows: . Girls, many thousands of whom have . "For first ten states ,which shall pledged themselves to contribute 15 subscribe their quota in 'United War each of money actually earned to this Work Campaign for benefit of Ameri- great welfare work. The colored peo- SWITCH STARTS (.ALLEY MACON, GEORGIA Starts Monday, Nov.illth, Closes Thursday, Nov. 21st I ALLEY-LIGHT has . been in actual farm use for six years. That removes it far from ail thought of experiment. Hundreds of farmers know" it is reliable and cafe and low cost to run., Th.v know its light fa bright and steady and un failing. We will give you a free demonstration of Lalley- Light on your farm any time. Call for the book of owners’ testimonials. SOLD AND GUANANTEED BY FORD & CALHOUN, Pin^hurst Friends That Never Fail M OTHER’S love for the little one never fails. The constant, steady heat of this remarkable heater is a never failing friend when economy and even heat day and night are' a necessity. It pays to investigate. can soldiers, sailors and marines, No vember leeventh to eighteenth, five Y. M. C. A. three K. C. and two Sal vation Army huts will be named in We are now prepared to furnish Automo' bile Hearse Service. tlur rates are reason able and our service will be satisfactory., if we can serve you, call •War Camp Community Service Pro vides Numberless Intimate Com-, forts For 8oldlers Lieut. Coningsby Dafason, Fight ing Author, Makes Stirring Appeal for Y.W. C. A. BURNS CHEAPEST COAL CLEAN AND BRIGHT. USES ANY FUEL If nil 13 Why Not Cut Your Fuel Bill In Half HI! oft This Winter? You Can Eaally Do It SaVe# HkSH a. With This Grant Foal- ' an d RSjEjgX yv I Savins Haatar. Aat Serves flfS a. NOWl Club rooms for soldiers, entertain ments for the boys In khaki, outings for convalescent men 1 back from France, small, but appreciated ser vices to soldiers, and their relatives and friendB—these are some of the manifold activities of Jits Wti Camp Community Service. .... The. War Camp Community Set-, support trenches, which lie behind the vice comes closo to the intimate life ‘men's. It asks you to supply them the soldier and provides for his .with munitions of mercy that they mental as well as physical comfort man tin nnssiul nn In . ns ltr« nnnS Wu #nTO(atllnr fbn farilltlni which Unadllla, Ga. Phone No. 91 .‘‘Carry Op,” says of the War work jwhlch tho Y. W. G A. is doing:, “You ,at homo cannot -fight with yoqr lives, ,but you can fight with your mercy. ,may bo passed on to'us. We need 'such supplies badly. Give generously that wo may the Sooner defeat the Hun.” What Lieut Dawson says of tho X. W. C. A. he might have said of all the national organizations which are com- Ing together for-the biggest financial campaign that organizations have ever beaded. AH the 8170,600,000 to be activities are as unending as the cir cumference of Us insignia. Thou sands of soldier boys take advantage of Its facilities and other thousands •t relatives and friends of the boys In Uncle Barn’s uniform are dally Its various ave- benefited thro nues of effort Sm This Heater At 0«r Store Library Association, War Camps Com munity Service and Salvation Army. American girls In vtrions uniforms ml&gle strangely with picturesque Brittany costumes In France. The American Y. W. a A. has a hostess house In Brittany where the Signal Corps women live and a hnt when the nurses spend their free time.. Both these centers are fitted with many of ■the comforts and conveniences of boms,, i 5 v* “At a'tea given at the nurses’ but ono Saturday afternoon,” writes Miss Mabel Warner, ot Sallna, Kansas, Y. ,W. CL A. worker there, "there was an odd gathering—one admiral, a bishop, a Presbyterian minister, a Roman Catholic priest, a doctor, an ensign, one drillao and myself.” Work Of Jewish Welfare Board Pro. during Splendid Results In Camps and Trenches No more effective work toward maintaining the highest morale among the American troops has been done by any war organization than by the Jewish Welfare Board, which is en gaged in its tusk, of keeping np the lines of communication between the Jewish men in the trenches and training camps and the folks back home. Believing that In the struggle ot morale against "kultur” the American army has every advantage that will Insure success, the Jewish organls*. tlon Is making Its chief issue the stiffening of mental and moral fibre among the soldiers of the Hebrew ruth. The call for workers Is urgent and rabbis, professional assn, Journal Ista, social workers sad others are entering the service of the Jewish Welfare Board to' make up the 4fi0 workers needed to AH tfs ranks. First Victory Boy*» Work. “Say, rm wise to you,, all right,” a Western Union messenger boy whis pered to one of the directors ot the United War Work Campaign In. the New York headquarters. The direc tor’s desk had only just been moved In and tbe work of the big drive had hardly begun. “I’m onto your stunt,” the boy went on as he swung a grimy fist over the desk; “you’re goln’ to give us fellows that ain’t old enough to'go to war a chance to earn an' give to back up a fighter an’ help win the war. Listen; I'm In on this.” The crumpled 85 bill he dropped on the desk made him the first of “a mil lion boys behind a million fighters” who arc to be lined up as Victory Beys during'the week pf the drive. There will be a division of Victory Girls, too, and every boy ami - very girl enrolled will have to eam erery dollar ho or »!,. ri'i" -o ti e »qr work fund. Subscribe for the Vienna News. EA$ihl<j EliEGWiU —a— r - ♦ THE 1918 Georgia State JULIUS H. OTTO. CHAS. B. LEWIS, . President Treasurer / HARRY C. ROBERTS, Sec’y & Gen. Mgr. SganBBBBB •'.I'nVffttyMMBBB—■——■ To the fact we prepared to supply your every need in the turning plow line as follows: Oliver, Avery Chilled, Vulcan and Blount’s True Blue. Any of the above line are wellknown and it is only left for you to decide the one you fancy. Seed drills can also be spen and demonstrated on the lot fronting Bank of Vienna. Our store is loaded with real bargains from top to bottom. / Three of the strongest lines of ranges are subject to your insp/ection and any skeptical eye can easily see the values offered. , Reduced prices oneotton sheets. Calls answered day-or night Farmers Hardware Company . a ’ Vienna : Georgia Three American women physicians have been made first lieutenant* in the French army and awarded the Croix de Guerre ifor American Red Cross work done in a French hospital at the Chateaux d* Ognon, near Sen- lis. They are: Dr. Caroline Finley, of New York; Dr. Anna Sholly, of New York and Dr. Lee Eward. These are the first commissions which the French government haa given American women doctors. Rent Notes for sale at this office. NO SIDE DRAFT The Bates Steel Mule ia built low, with a low cen ter of gravity. And atil! it has nearly 14 inces’ ground clearance. The draft comet squarely in Ihe center—cannot come from the side. Soon hillsides there's no ten dency to work down like in ordinary tractors. Unit construction, Timpken bearings, valve-in-head kcroscene motor and long life crawlers are a few of the other valuable .features. The STEEL MULE plants are working night and day filling orders. We have been able to reserve a small number for early delivery. Better talk the matter over with us new. WILLIAMS m ELLISON* Piaekurst ' v :