The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, November 21, 1918, Image 6

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UfilLMTISEINTS * BORGIA—Dooly County. Under and by. virtue of_an ortter granted by the Court ot Ordinary”of said county at the regular 'August Tern, 1918, of aaid court, I will tell before the court houce door in Vien na rtstthwmt etamrt-crtet of Mm* He. RnMlM MM Dee* Ceerty, In pnnmn W aaid band far title made by It. L. Wile* to F. B. Bto-esk'ta hie lifetime. Hh aaid P. B. Lewie alleginc that he haa fully paid the yurehaae money accordng to aaid bend. TUa ia to notify Alonzo Wil- aen, Clyde Jenldas, Willie B. Jaclcaen, Inez Jenkins, Bdna Jackson and Hay Jackaoa, keiie at law of aaid N. L. ns, Dooly County, Georgia, ea test ^yji Hai deceased, be and appear at Taesday ia December, 1918 ke **®*“ ^Deeember teem, next, 1918, of Court the legal hours of sale to the highest H ^tassy «* Doaly Csnnty and bidder for cash, the following describ ed property to-wit: One-balf undi vided interest in and to 801 acres of land in the 9tb District of Dooly Coanty, Georgia, consisting of the west half of Lot No. 81 and aM of fractional lota, Numbers 47, 64, 96 and 68, also, one acre of land on which the ferry and houses at what is known as Murray’s ferry on Flint llhrer, being a part of Lot No. 62 in said 9th District, with this one acre of land, will be sold, also the fer ry boat, rights and franchise, alas 6-79 interest in real estate in the •ity of Atlanta, Fulton County, Geor- show eatmo if any they fan why said administrator should net be required to make deeds as panged fer by said P. E. Lewis. Nil Mot. 4tb, 1918. J. ». HARGROVE, Ordinary. {AB of said property sold as estat»fJ.J. the property of-the estatWbf J. J. Mur ray, deceased, and sold for the pose of paying the debts and for dis tribution between the heirs-at-law of said deceased. mis Nev. 1st, 1918. V 8. E. STATHAM, Admr. of Estate of J. J. Murray, Dec. •BOKGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, W. W. Conner, adminis trator of estate of Mrs. M. J. Conner, shows thee ourt is his petition duly filed that he has fully administered Mrs. M. J. Conner’s estate. This is to eews;Msoalflwhmaamr<n«raasea*| JOKE FOR MO DEAR BURGLAR end maebiaam’ of smy had e« the said M. E. Barite, eoaamtiag of two I Herring’s Safes, Considered Marvel, and fear-hone wagons, titoesh, hey- olio Years Ago, Would Be Lauded press am> eagtae, biadeas, mowers,! ** ■" ThI * Generation. j? asr TrjsrsziszzKs. hoea, etc., also several kindred sash- p^^bly fja Te a good laugh. For a elr of eern, esc let of bay, sad seven-1 “modern” safeblower must bs a bit al tons of guano and acid phosphate of a scientist with a large knowledge and other commercial fertiliser; also of exploslrei; an old-fashioned safe one Cadillac automobile, 1919 model, 1 would be eeey for him to get lute; but, end ether items of pewonel property I hi those dsys the Herring eafes were not epeeiffmlly meatiosei. Ail the feregeisg eeal aad property io s portsem ed the srihto of i y, Bnd j,j b career ae a grocery die mid M. E. Irnhia aad will be mid this after aoTnTsS marvels and absolutely theft and fireproof. Herring was bore In Shrewsbury, GEORGIA—Dsoly County- ’Phe-sppmisers appointed to set apart aad assign a twelve moath’s support out of the oatata of A. C, Mamas, deceased, for bio widow, Mam 4Mes Msmis, having ftUH their report ia effieesecrihag to law, will pam span mid. ssport oa fiast Monday ia Dec., aezt This Nav. 1st, 19*8. J. >. HAMHtOVE, Ordiaary. l * ,tI clerk. Tiring of thin after some six •»Tunder thatasmsaihlawhiter| years, bo went into the lottery busi ness, saved 810,000 and started the pmpin af dhtaibntiam sms ay lie Isgstam ia aaistihmsi wWh aaM wvB. | wholesale grocery concern The arte win eest day until sampleted. mis Mev. Oth, MU. MRS. MART U ■aemtuhe ef Me vriti ef M. E. Barite In Mew GEORGIA—Deely Ceanty. Te Wham It May Ceacem; Netice is hereby gives that D. L. Headereon, aa admiaistrater of Milts Angely, deceased, having applied to me by peUtioa for leave to oell the es tate ef said Mills Angely, deceased; and thnt an order was nude thereon at the November term, 1918, for cita tion, and that citation issue; sil the helm at law and creditors of the said Mills Angely, decessod, will take notice that I will pass upon laid appli cation at the December term, 1018, of notify ell persons concerned, kindred ‘ he Dooly coun- and creditor, to show cause, if «„ y ty; and that unless enuso is shoum to they can. why said administrator th « at mid toe, mid leave should not be discharged from hi. ed- wil > b « 4th d »* ot N °- miniitration end receive letters of member, ^1918, GEORGIA—Boely Ceuaty. To'aIi Whom it Hay Goaeora: Netic# is hereby gives that W. F. | ," t No on# got It Byrem, Administrator ef th^ estate ef Mrs. 8. M. Byrem has filed his appli- compiles would.laugh. at these old , , . , , , square safes. The “burglar proof” cation for leava to cell *11 Mw land* I safe today 1* round like a ball, and has and real ertate belengiag to the es-l a door that screws In, leaving no tote of mid deceased fer the purpose I cracks for explosives. Even If any of paying the debts ef mid deceased I were poured Into the hinges, the ex- and for making proper distribution plosion would only drive the door more among the lawful heirs of the .aid I firmly Into the casing of the safe, Mrs. S. M. Byrom deceased aad that the same will be heard ea the first) Monday in December, 1018. This MANY VARIETIES OF SUGAR Nov. 4th, 1018. Those Which Are Contained In Dried Fruits Are Recommended as of Very High Food Value. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Will be sold before the court house dismission on Arst Tuesday ia Be* eember, next This Nov. 4, 1918. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly County. To All Whom it May GoCncem: M. P. Morris having made applica tion in duo form of law to bo appoint ed permanent administrator upon the estate of A. C. Morris, notice is here by given that mid application wilt be heard at regular term of the' Court of Ordinary for the mid county to’ bo bold on the first Monday in Decem ber, 1911. ' «| Witness my hand and official signa ture, this ths 4th day of November, 1919. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly County. .Whereas, Leah Perry, Administra trix of Fannie Brown, represents te the court ia her petition duly filed and entered on record that she has fuky administered Fannie' Brown’s tots. This is, therefore to cite all pessom esneerned, kindred and cred ited to show cause, it say they can, why mid administratrix should not be diasharged from her administratioa aad recoiva letters of dismission aa tha first Moaday in December, 1918. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordnary. GEORGIA—Dooly Coanty. Whereas 8. D. Thompson, Admin istrator estate of Mrs. Slnthia L. Clewis, deceased, has in das form ap plied to me for leave to sell fifty ■harm of capital stock of Bank of Pinehuret, with accumulated surplus of 86,000.00 also 28 shares of stocn of Planters Warehouse Co., ot Pine hurst, Ga., belonging to estate of mid Mrs. Slnthia L. Clewis, deceased, and ■old for purpose of payment of debts and for distribution among heirs law of mid deceased. Notice ia hereby given to all persons interested that will pam upon mid application first Monday in December, next. Giv en under my hand and official signa ture, this Nov. 4th, 1018. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. shown by the registered map of sur vey of the town of Byromville, Dooly | County, Ga. Said property levied on a* the prop- j co^or^dext‘“g^p^ erty of S. L. Webb to satisfy an exe-1 “fructoseor "levulose,” or •‘fruit cation issued from the Superior court I sugar;” “lactose,” or "inilk sugar;' of Dooly Gounty in favor of Mutual I and “maltose,” or "malt sngnr, ,j, deceased, ntery before the 6B0RGIA—Dooly County. M. P. Morris, residing in mid State end County, having applied to tha ua- denigaed te be appointed Guardian ef the parson and property ot Viola Morris and Albert Morris, minor ohldraa under the age of 14 yean, residents of mid county. This is to cite all persons concern ed to bt end appear at the Court of Ordinary to be held on the First Mon day ia December. 1018, next to show muse, if any they can, why H. P. Morris should not be entrusted with the guardianship ot the person and ; property ot Viola Morris end Albert Harris minor children of A. C. Mor ris. Witness my hand and official signa ture this tha 4th day of Nov.,' 1918. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Under and by vlrtao of authority granted me by the will ef M. E. Rush- In late of mid coanty. will sell at public oui court house door in mid county, be tween the legal hours of ml# en the first Tuesday la December, 1818, for cash to ths highest bidder thTfollow- ing described lands to-wit: A tract at land in ths city tf Vienna, mid coun ty and state, treating 167 feat more or leas en east Unioa St on the eouth, and running back northward to an al ley 200 feet, mid tract bounded north by a lot formerly owned by C. T and M. W. Stovall and sold by them to M. C. Mitchell, oa the east by the Geo. C. Sima lot; on the aouth by eoit Union St. and on the went by Will Wiggin'a lot; being specifically de scribed in deed of C. T. Stovall and M. W. Stovall to M. E. Roshin dated Nor. 16th, 1911, recorded in Deed Book 18 page 38, in the clerk’s of fice of Dooly Superior Court; also a farm containing 188 acres of land, more-or less in the 3rd .land district of raid county, being known as the M. E. Rushin home piece and being nil the lend owned by mid M. E. Rushin in mid 3rd district and being parts of lend lots Noe. 186,181 and 137, the samp being specifically described in the following deeds and to which ref erence it made; deed from W. B. teat iha dip 6b York city. A fire and a panic ruined bis business, so be obtained the agency for the Salamander safes—so named, probably.‘because they were able to some through fire unhurt.. He got the right to manufacture them later,' and kept op Improving and Improving them each year. Ha once put 81.000 in tha drawer of one, amt It to tho world’s fair and offered the money to any one who could get Into tbe safe and get But nowadays big banks and trust Herring died In 1881. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. , , ,. . _ ■ When you ray sugar, you mean that door in raid eounty on the first Tues- wWte crystamne material which day in December, ( 1018, within the le-| comes originally from the sugar cane gal hours of mlc, to the highest bid-1 or the sugar beet. And that substance der for cash, tho following described I is u pore sugar. But it is not the only property to-wit: House and lots, I sugar, by any means. Noe. 1, 2 and 3, in Block No: 18 as| U you were a chemist you would coll that sugar "sucrose,” and you would remark quite casually that, ot course, there are other sugars. Some of these other sugars nre “glu- against Alliance Trust Company Swraringan & Webb. This Nov. 4th, 1918. H. O. DAVIS, Sheriff. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Will be sold before the court house I tain sugar of one kind or another. Honey, corn sugar, maple sugar maple sirup, corn elrup end many oth er sirups contain one or more of them "other sugars.” In this sense, all the anger inbstltntes are not really sub stitutes at ell, but ere sugars Just as cane auger la sugar. All fruits con- door in raid county on the first Turn-1 Dried fruits—prunes, figs, apricots, day in December, 1918, within the Ie-| dates—contain a great deal of sugar, gal hours of mle to the highest bid-1 They can be used by themselves as der far oesh, the following described “urces of fuel for home fighter*. property to-wit: Whole lots of land| 144 and 146, containing 802 1-8 ac- AH these sugars have a very high food value. That ia the' second fact to keep In mind. They are energy rt *’ Dist. Dooly County, Georgia, I fooa , Bnd ot particular value In that and 1011-2 acres of lot 118 in the 1st | they act very rapidly In producing District Dooly County, Ga.; whole lots I energy fbr the body to use. 174, 1*0, 166, 164, 161, each con- tainlng 202 1-2 «««more or less;i B , neflecne . wlt houtAmbition. 97 1-2 scree of lot 163 and 110 aero* r xt present we behold only the rising of lot 162; all of lots 171 and 168,1 of our sun of empire—only the fair be* which lies west of the public road I glunlugs ot a great nation. Wo do- leading from Montezuma to Drayton I parted early—we departed at tbe be- all In the Oth District of Dooly Coun-| ftotnf—from tho beaten track of am- ty, Ga., and aggregating 1876 acres, ~ “ ^ more ar less. I bltton. Our lot was cast In the age of revolution—a involution which ia . .... bring all mankind from n state of aerv- . “J*™ ,^™ °* ** to property I itude to the exercise of self-govcrn- of O. B. DoVaughn to ratiefy an ex-1 ment—from under the tyranny of .pby- ecution issued from the Superior I s ical force to tbe gentle sway of opln- Court of Macon County, Ga., in favor! Ion, from nnder subjection to domln- af tha Coe Mortimer Company against I Ion over nature. O. B. DeVaughn. This the 4th day of Nov., 1918. H. O. DAVIS, Sheriff. Start theDdyRigk with aCup or Two of Luzianne- H AM - AND-EGGS and a cup of steaming, stimulating^ Luzianne. What better start could anybody have for the day’s worki The sanitary, air-tight tin locks the flavor inl Buy a can of Luziahne today. If you don’t agree it’s the best hot beverage that ever passed your lips, your grocer will give you back what you paid for it, and ask ho questions. So, there. “When It Poore, It Reigne" GEORGIA SOUTHERN 6b FLORIDA RAILROAD Schedules to Macon, Cordate, Tifton, Valdosta, Jacksonville and Patetka. v Effective October 20, IBIS. Leave Vienna No. 6 No. * .- A . »«M - 2:40 a m Arrive Unadilla Arrive Macon Arrive Atlanta 2:29 p m....8:55 p m 10:6# a m Leave Vienna No. 1 No. 5 Arrive Cordele Arrive Ashbnrn 2:42 pm....7:21 pm . Arrive Tiftbn Arrive Sparks 4:09 p m Arrive Adel Arrive Valdosta ... 6:10 p m Arrive Jacksonville ... 9:00 p m ....9:88 a m Leave Valdosta No. 11 No. 18. Arrive White Springs — 7:02 pm Arrive Lake City , 7:30 p m Arrive Palatka — 10:30 p m ... ...... 11:30 • m NOTE—f indicates flag stop. Trains arrive Vienna from north 1:19 p m, 8:09 p m, 3:06 a a Traina arrive Vienna from South 3:42 a m. 9:10 a m, 2:28 p m Schedule shown as information but not guaranteed. C. B. RHODES, G, P. A., Macon, Ga. C. T. KILGORE, Tkt. Agt, Vienna, Ga. GEORGIA—Dooly County. To All Whom it may Concern, M. P. Morris having in proper form applied to me fer permanent letters of Administration D* Bonis Non on!Cone, Sr., to H. E. Rushin, dated the estate of Mrs. E.L. Morris, late of .Dec. Oth, 1884, recorded in Deed mid county decerned. Book 86, page 888, deed from Neu- Thla is to cite all and singular thaible Vinson to M. E. Roshin, dated creditors and next of kin of Mrs. E.|Nov. 10th, 1886, recorded in Deed L. Morris to be and appear at my of-'bookK, page 411, daed from W. B. fits within tha time allowed by law Cons, Sr., to M. E. Rushin, dated Feb ead show cause, if any they can, why ruary 4th, 1888, recorded in Deed permanent administration Da Bonis book K, page 482, and deed from Her- Men AwM not be granted to H. P. bert Rushin, Mr*. Lida Rushin MeKen- It was ours to toad the way—to take up tbe cross of republicanism and bear It before the nations, »« fight its earliest triumphs, to Illustrate its purl- . tying and elevating virtues, and by GEORGIA—Dooly County. i I our courage end resolution, our mod* Notice is hereby given that the ap- eretlon and magnanimity, to cheer and praisers appointed to set aside and mwtatn Its "future followers through and minor children of Aaron Dowdell denuul(U . (e nerous and self- Into of mid coanty, decerned, out of denyln _ enthusiasm. Our greatness the property of said deceased, have j u t0 be woa by beneficence without made their return and that mid re-| ambition.—William Henry Seward, turn will be passed upon at the reg ular Dec. term, 1918, of Dooly Court I Nervt , 8 »es Differ, of Ordinary to be held on the Anti The late Professor Unnstorberg of Monday In December, 1018. This Harvard believed that tbe sensory Nov. 4th, 1018. I mechanism of women Vrorked quicker J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. I than that of men. He took the Illus tration of two seta of wire*, corre sponding to tbe nerves of the human JOT IT DOWN That we do the very best line of Commercial Printing and at reasonable prices. Give us your nexi order and let us prove our assertion. Bear in mind, we want your business, and we pro pose making ourselves de serving. Are you with us? THANK YOU TAX COLLECTOR’S ROUNDS FOR I body, conducting a current of de* 1918 tricity to a certain point. The wires of 3rd Dta Sep. 30; Oct 26; Nov. Bvranraiite!^^’ **.' 2l ji. .... I brain, tbe current much more quickly ByromvUte-Oct 2nd; Oct **th; erttipntantand.tettert _ , ' I more, reacted to currents too faint for Lilly—Oct 3rd; Oct 30th; Dee. 4th.I m , n ', wires to take up. The addition Unadilla—Oct 4th; Oct Slat; Dec. 6.1 of them subtle stimuli produced In the Pinehurst—Oct 7 th; Nov. 4th, Dec. 61 receiving center an entirely different Findlay—^Oct 8th, Nov. 5th; Dec! 9. “ * 6th DIa—Oct 9th; Dee. 10th. Jno. R. Barfield's—Nov. 11th. R. L. Scarborough—Nov. 20th. Vienna Every Saturday. After Dec. 20th, interest at 7 per ■ Harris an tha estate of Mrs. E. L. Morris, deceased. Witness ay hand and official signa ture this tha 4th day of Nov., 1918. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly County. P. E. Lewis of mid county, having applied to me asking that W. T. Sprad lay, adaiaistrator af estate of N. E. Hikes, late af aaM coanty, illlftili bo required to nuke to him a deed te 88 3-8 acres at land lying and being ate and Mrs. Elizabeth Rushin Tiaon to H. E. Rushin, Dated Dee. 84,1818 and recorded in Deed book 16, page 314, all paid records being in office of citric of Dtfely Superior Court; Also at thes ame time and nnder the and conditions at tha place of the lata M. E. Roshin, in the city tf Vienne, I will sell the follow ing personal property to-srit: . 81 males, 76 hags, mostly Hampshire, 6 registered Hampshire sows, SO puro- Uunsterbcrg argued.—Chicago Exam* BATTERIES ... I am in the battery business. I sell cent wfll bee barged on all unpaid the Willard Rubber Thread, bert taxes. Books close Dec. 19,1818. a R. MORGAN, T. C., D, C. 9-26-tf Mere Chltd’e Play. "What’s all that cheering in •tart?" “Don't bother, dear. Ufa . w “T Jumping off tbs roof with blooded Hampshire pig* and 1 ar mare ‘ Boraehute* I made. I am prepared to charge your I battery. ' Inspection free. ServTS I batteries supplied while owners are j being charged. C. M. STANLEY. WANTED TO BUT—One hnndred Icords of 4 or 8 foot wood V. T. Wilder WATCH YOUR HEART! Work-shop Strains result in HeartTrouble when you least expect it. is a Tonic and Regulator for the Weakened flearb SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, ln<L Professional Card*. F. E. WILLIAMS, M E. Physician and Snrgeon. Vienna, Ga. Office over Walton Bros. Store t. r. Bivins, M. it. ■. a. Mobley, M. o BIVINS & MOBLEY, Physicians and Surgeons. toll Promptly Answered. Vienna, ... Georgia. L. L. WOODWARD, Attorney-at-Law. Vienna, . . Georgia. V. 0. DAVES PhvsJclau and Surgeon Office in COOPER BUILDING OtIIs promptly answered OHA8. 8. GURR Insurance Office in Vienna News Building PHONE 181 DR. T. E. BRADLEY SPECIALIST Diseases of Eye, Ear, Ness aad Threat Westbrook Bldg., Cordate, Go. DRS. ELLIOTT ft ELLIOTT OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS CORDELE, GA. PLENTY OF MONEY ON IMPROVED FARMS FOR FIVE, SEVEN OR TEN TERMS J. D..COBB AE. F. SYR OORDELE, GA.