The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 12, 1918, Image 3

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\ GEORGIA—Dooljr County. Under nnd by virtue ot an order granted by the court of Ordinary of said county at the regular December Term, 1918, of said coart, I will sell before the court house door in Vien na in Dooly County, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in January, 1919, wtk- in thel egal hoars of tale at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate to-wit: 79 1-2 acres of lot of laud No. 19>, the same being is the following par cels, St acres on south side of said lot and lying west of A. B. A A. Rail road, IS acres on south side of said GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, Jno. D. Short, has in due form applied to me for permanent let ters of administration in the estate of Mary Jane Harrell, late of said coun ty deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that I will pass upon said application on first Monday in January, next. This Dec. 2, 1918. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, Lula Hamilton has in due form applied to me lor permanent let ters of administration on the estate of Jackson Hamilton, late of said county, deceased; notice is hereby given that I will pass upon said ap plication on first Monday in January, next, 1919. This Dec. 2, 1911. J. B. HARGROVE, Ordinary. Libel for Divorce'in Dooly Superior Codrt, Nov. Term, 1918. Ellen Powell vs. Sam Powell It appearng to the court by suffi cient proof in the above stated case that the defendant does not reside in said county of Dooly, and it further appearing that be does not reside'in the said state of Georgia: Ordered by the court that service be perfected on the defendant by the publication of this order twice a month for twom onths before the next term of this court, n the public ga zette of said county in which SheBfTs sales are ordinarily published. This 8th day of November, 1911. busbee & McDonald, Petitioner's Attorneys. lot and lying east of said A. B. k A. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Railroad, a triangular tract of 7 ac- Whereas, the appraisers appointed res ia front of residence of A. A. to set apart and assign a twelve Joiner and 27 1-2 acres n the south- month’s support out of the estate of west corner of said let; 141 1-4 acres Lovett Engram, late af said county, of lot of land No. 194 £eiag 199 ac res on the east side of said lot and 41 1-8 acres in the southwest corner thereof, all of said lands lying and be- , ing in the 2nd District of Dooly Coun ty, Georgia; a plat of 6 2-5 acres and known as the dwelling and lot of Mrs. S. M. Byrom in Byromville, Ga., Lots Nos. 3 and 6' n Block No. 19 South, Lots Nos. 3 and 4 in Block No. 6 North, (Hotel); A one-half undivided interest in the following lots in the Town of Byromville, Dooly County, Georgia. The Byrom Corporation owning the other one-half nterest, small strip of lot No.' 2 and all except a small strip of lots Nos. 4 and 5 in deceased, for his widow'; Hattie En grain, and three minor children, hav ing made and filedt heir Teport in of fice; I will pass upon said report on first Monday in January, next, 1919. This Dec. 2, 1918 J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly CoCunty. Whereas, W. M. Lewis, administra tor estate of Elijah Butts, deceased, shows the court in his petition duly filed in office that he has fully admin istered estate of {Dlijah Butts, This i3 to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditor? to show cause if , v, , it r . it „ , , any they can why said administrator Block No. 1, North, Lots Nos. 3, 4, 5, shouId not be discharged from his 6, 7, 8, and one-third of lots Nos. and 9 in Block No. 2, North, Lots Nos. ' 3. 4 and 5 and south half of lot No. 2 in Block No. 3, North, Lots Nos. 3, 4, ** 5. 6, 7, 8, and two-thirds of lots Nos. 2 and 9 in Block No. 4, North Lot No. 3 n Block No. 5, North; Lots Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block No. 11 North, Lots Nos. 2, 3; 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block No. 13 North: Lots Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, C, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,.14, .16, 16 ; 17, 18, 19 and two-thirds on east side qf*lots Nos*. 1 and 20 in Block No. 30 North; Lots Nos, 2 to 19 inclusive and seven-eights of lots Nos. 1 and 20 (Eastern Side) in Block No. 87 North, Lots'Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and in block No. 1 South; Lots Nos. 1 td 10 inclusive in Block No. 2 South, Lots Nos# 1, 2 and 3 in Block Nq. 3 South; Lot? Nos. 1 to' 12 inclusive in Block No. 12 South; Lots Mos. 6, 7 8, 9 and 10- in Block No. 13 South; Lots Nos. 11 and 12 in Block No. 16 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 20 inclusive in Block No. 17 South; Lots Nos. 3, 4 and 5 in Block-No. 20 South; Lots Nos:~Lto 10 inclusive in Block No. 21 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 5 inclusive* in Block No. 22 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 5 inclusive, in Block No. 23 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 10 inclusive in Block No. 24 South; Lots Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, \7 and 8 in Block No. 27 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 20 in clusive in Block No. 28 South; Lots Nos. 7 to 16 inclusive in Block No. 30 South; Lots Nos. 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10* in Block No. 32 South; Lots No. 1 to 10 inclusive in Block No. 33 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 10 inclusive in Block No. 34 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 10 inclus ive in Block No. 36 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 20 inclusive in Block Np. 36 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 20 inclusive, in Qlock No. 37 South; Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 in Block No. 38 South; Lots 1 to 20 inclusive in Block No. 39 South; Lots 1 to 20 inclusve in Block No. 40 South; Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 in Block No. 42 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 10 inclusive in Block No. 43 South, and Lots Nos. 1 to 6 nclusive in Block No. 44 South. Part of Lot No. 20 in Block No, 7 North, fronting 26 feet on Main street and 70 feet on Central Avenue and known as the Byrom National * Bank Building. All of said property sold as the property of the estate of the said Mrs. S. M. Byrom deceased and sold for the purpose of paying the debts of said de ceased and for making proper distri bution among her lawful heirs. This Dec. 2nd, 1918. W. P. BYROM, ' Administrator of the estate ot Mrs. S. M. Byrom, Deceased. administration of said estate and re ceive letters of dismission on first Monday in January, next, 1919. Giv en under my hand and official signa ture, this Dec. 2nd, 1918. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, the appraisers appointed to set .apart a yeaWs support out of the estate of Bobbie Lee Gilbert of said county, deceased, for his widow, Emma Lee Gilbert and one minor child, having filed their report in of fice. I will pass upon said report on first Monday in January, next, 1919. This Dec. 2, 1918. pd J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. / AFTER ILLNESS ZIRONJRON TONIC Win Your System Needs StrensOi, After a Sick Spell, Try Zlron. Tour blood must have Iron to give your body strength. Lack of Iron makes many people pale, weak and languid. To put Iron Into your blood, tajte Zlron Iron Tonic. Especially af ter a severe Illness do you need Zlron to bring back appetite and build -un weakened vitality. J. E. Clifton, of R. P. D. 3, Lyons, Ga., writes: "Last summer I bad ty phoid fever and had hemorrhages ot the bowels and my health was wretch ed. I seemed to be unable to get my strength back. I had no appetite, I had .no energy, I didn’t think I was over going to get well. My knees were weak, my flesh felt clammy, I was In • pretty bad condition. I heard of Zlron and what a good tonic and strengthener It was, and -I sent for It at once. It helped me. I began to Improve and soon felt much better amf stronger." All druggists sell or can get Zlron for you. Get a bottle today. It la guaranteed.. ’ • ^ 2 GERMAN TOYS MADE OF WOOD Makers Forced to Use That Material .Because Better Stuff Is Now Almost Unobtainable. The German toy industry Is showing the effects of three years of.war. Sim plicity Is the rule In toy shops at pres ent Wood, which formerly was wed only .for dumper sorts of toys, is now the chief material employed. The man ufacture of new dolls is becoming lm ; possible through tbe lack of floor (osed with .cement In making the bodies). Wax, which Is employed foe the heads of the better class -dolls, to almost un obtainable; the same Is true of the stuffs and lace used for making dolts’ shoes, hats, dresses, stockings, etc. These are obtainable only at prior* four times higher than before tbs ' consequently the prices of toys mo higher. The simple, cheap toys that townealy could be bought In the stores otr tn street venders for 10 pfennigs noW eost 20 pfennigs or more. Jumping jaeha of paper and cheap picture books no long er can be lmd except where old sup plies are still In stock. Metul toys are few In number. The pretty toy train* nnd mnglc lanterns which used to be so common have been turned out Only by ttjbse manufacturers who also were enguged in munition work nnd so com manded supplies of the necessary ma terials. Toys which were Intended for ex port, but which could not be shipped owing to the war. made a welcome ad dition to the supply for home consump tion, largo quantities of the better class of toys thu3 being put at the service of the home dealer. Great difficulties stand In the way of conveyance from the maker to the largo towns, nnd only after long delay do toys reach the re? taller. ‘T FEEL that I must write and tell you the great benefit I have ex perienced from using Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pep sin. I had always'suffered from indigestion but since taking Syrup Pepsin I am no longer troubled in that way, and I cannot praise it ■ too highly as a laxative,” ■ . :h 1)1 /From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by\ [Mr*. Geo. Schaeffer, 1103 Weft Ave. [ V Utica, N. Y. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin The Perfec.' l^axativs Sold by Druggists Everywhere ‘ 50 cts. (52) $1.00 • A combination of simple laxative herbs with lepsin, mild and gentle in its action, that re- ieves constipation quickly. , A. trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr, W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington Street, Monticello, Illinois. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, the appraisers appointed to set apart a twelve month's support out of the estate of J. B. Watson of said county, deceased, for hts widow, Mrs. Lena Watson and six minor children, having made and filed their report in office; I wll pass upon said report on first Monday in January, next, 1919. This Dec.*% 1918. pd J. D. HARGROVE,' Ordinary. \bur Blood Needs- TABLETS—On account of the great demand rfom the public for ZIRON in tablet form, we arc noW putting it up in this way. Each $1 bottle contains 75 tablets. Can be sent by parcel post, Chattanooga Drug St Chemical, Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. GEORGIA—Dooly County. , Will he sold before the court house door in said county on the first Tues day in January, 1919, within the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following de scribed property to-wit: Lot of land No. eight (8) in the find Land Dis trict Dooly County, Georgia, contain ing 202 1-2 acres more or less. Said land levied on as the land of Mrs. Ed na A. Braswell to satisfy an execu tion issued from the superior court, Dooly County, Georgia, in favor of M. H.< tyeggitt against Mrs: Edna A. Braswell. This Dec. 4. 1918. H. O. DAVIS, Sheriff. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, S. S. Hudson, Administra tor estate of Mrs. Celia L, Hudson de- ccased,*shows the court in bis petition duly filed in offee, that he has fully administered Mrs. Celia L. Hudson’: estate. Ths is to cite all persons con corned, kindred and creditors, tc show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be dscharg- ed from his admnistrstion and re- ceive letters of dismission on first Monday in January, next, 1919. This Dec. 2, 1918. pd J. D. HARGROVE, Ordnary. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Under and by vrtue of an order granted by the Ordnary of said coun ty, on first Monday in Dec., 1918, I will sell at pubic outcry before the courth ouso door in said county first Tuesday in January, 1919, tho following property beiongng to estate of Mrs. Smithia L. Clewis, deceased, Fifty shares of stock of Bank of Pinehurst, Ga., with accumulated sur plus of 85,000; also 28 shares of stock of Planters' Warehouse Co., of Pine- hurst, Ga. Sold for distribution among heirs of said estate. Terms of sale cash. This Dec. 2,1918. S. D. THOMPSON, Administrator Estate o^ Smithia L. Libel fo rDivorca ia Dooly Superior Court, Nov. Term, 1918. Mote Outlaw vs. Carrie Outlaw. ‘It appearing to the court by siffi- eient proof in the above stated case that the defendant does not reside in said county of Dooly, and it further appearing that she does not reside in the* aid State of Georgia. Ordered by the court that services be perfected on the defendant by the publication of this order twice a . u month for two months before the next JOHN WHITE • CO. term of this court, jn the public ga- LOUtaVILL*, KV. zette ot said county in which Sheriff’s sales are ordinarty published. This 8th, day of November, 1918. . busbee & McDonald, Petitioner’s Attorney. And it is m ordered. D. A. R. CRUM, J. S. C., C. C. The strain of modem bus iness life is Joo much for the nerves. You need nerve sedative. Try A Nerve Sedative that is recommended for Nervous ness, Sleeplessness, Epilep sy, Hysteria, Chronic Head ache, Nervous Irritation, and for use by those ad dicted to the Alcoholic or Drug Habit SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind, RETURN TO ANCIENT METHOD War Gradually Forcing Countries tc Go Back to the. Primitive * Custom df Barter. Predictions by some? economists that the time gray come if the war last? much longer thfit money would cense to have nny value, are gradually coming true, they contend. They point out that shipping denis being made by both belligerents are virtually a return tc the old system of bartering goods. As nn illustration, the ense Is cited of the United States dickering with Japanese for tonnugc to transport and maintain the 1,600,000 troops Secretary Baker expects to have In Europe by thf end of this year. Ship plntes for the Jnpnnese have been heW up In thl? country for several' months by with holding export licenses. If the United Stages can obtain the tonnage the .lap-’ nnese may get the plntes on the has!? of qhout two tons of shipping for one ton of ship plates. v In Germnn.v the iden has been forced to a greater extent. In Erfurt nnd elsewhere It has long been the practice of doctors, dentists nnd other profes sional* men to Insist on pnyment la kind.’ * . Luzianno Coffee is always in cluded in Southern hospitality because it tastes so good. Fra grant hot coffee for people who knowwhat's good—that's Luzianne. Bread From Acorns. Acorns are commonly thought to be fit only for feeding hogs, hut many kinds of them are either sweet enough to eat or can be made edible from nn Indian standpoint nnd havo been used as food, particularly when other fowl? were scarce. The Indlnn custom was to pound or grind the noorns up and by treating the pulp with .water leach out the tannin, which makes most sorts unfit for eating ns they grow. The re sulting flour, which contained tonsld- ernble starch, was made either Into porridge or baked In smnll cakes, I dlnn acorn bread Is dnrk In color nnd to most of us would ndt seem palata hlo. As a rule the acorns of the vnrl ous white oaks having less tnnnln are the ones best suited for food, but In dians also used those of the black oaks, even though they contain much tannin. The ncorns of tho basket or row oak, the chinquapin oak, shin or Rocky mountain onk, live oak. and of several other species, are sweet enough to be eaten like nuts. Make godd your promise to Uncle Sam. Buy those War Savings Stamps now. FOR SALE—Four milk cews, ene Jersey Bull? S cows, 19 Duroe Jersey Gilts 9 months old, one mule colt,, 19 months old. Elmore E. Williams, Vi enna, Route 1. ll-21-2t Tke time for buying War Savings Stamps is growing short. Get yours today. Clewis, deceased. pd taw-f-tm) Redeems your War Savings Stamp pledge. The Fourth Bridge.- There Is nn nmuslng story going round the British grand fleet; Just the kind of joke which Jack Tar likes give and take with his friends. Is quite seriously aflirmed that .when an American squadron consisting the U. S. S. Delaware, New York and Wyoming, with destroyers and other cruft, came up the Firth! the British flagship signaled to them: M You are to anchor west of the Forth bridge." But the Americana passed under the bridge and sailed on. Shortly the Brit ish admiral made another signal: "We signaled just now that you were tc anchor west of the Forth bridge; why don't*you stop?** And the American flagship immediately signaled the re ply: "Well, I guess we have only pass’ ed one bridge as yeti" How’s this? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for m turn or Catarrh that cannot be cored by IMTs Catarrh MedicineWR Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken by catarrh sufferers for the past thirty- five yean, and has become known as tbe most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hairs Catarrh Medicine acts thru tbe Blood on the MOcous surfaces, expelling the Pol- After you have taken HalTs Catarrh Medicine for a short time you win see a great Improvement In your general health. Start taking Hall’s Catarrh Medt- GRAIN DRILLS Are you going fo help feed, the starving people of Europe? The world is looking to YOU for food, so prepare NOW for a bumper grain crop by equipping your farm with a No. 1 Grain Drill—either tbe Hoosier, The Farmers Favorite or The Van. Brunt. SOLD BY — Palmer-Jones Company The Machinery People Cordele Georgia SI'