The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 12, 1918, Image 4

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tically impossible to give the town’s highways the attention they, so very much needed and recently the way of the traveler in Vienna's borders has been indeed hard. Therefore the force now in action is a most welcome sight. The Vienna News Published Weekly MIBB EMILY WOODWARD fManftffing Editor Entered at the post office in Vien- no, Qa., as second class mail m«ti- >according to the act of Cong March 3rd, 1876. .THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1918 A report says the Kaiser has at tempted suicide. Wonder if he does not know that he has been a dead ’un since November the eleventh. NEWS OF WILSON'S SAFE ARRIVAL . OVER SEAS itorial staff. History is in the making! The map of Europe will change from day to day! Keep In constant? active touch with the greatest meeting the world has ev er known through the Atlanta Geor gian and American. See the Geor gian and American news-agent in your city, and get him to enter yonr subscription.adv. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Eraser receiv ed a telegram Saturday from Atlan ta Btating that their neice, Mrs. J. R. Smith, was dead. Mrs. Smith was be- r .... fore her marriage, Miss Lpcy Fraser. Vivid' Description of Arrival of tho has a number of relatives here George Washiogtob At French „ ho he>r of h „ de>th . In spite of the objections that have been voiced hy both his friends and foes, President Wilson will be pi ent at the great Peace Conference. Whether he should have gone or not he has demonstrated by going that same spirit of determination to do what he thinks to be right irrespective < ___ .... .... of. the criticism of others, which, In-1 (c4n you j n ^ tduch with cldentally has made h m a figure un- Ui, hUtory-maklng meeUng at Ver- rivaled in history. It is a safo proph ecy that the United States will puffer no evil results from his going. Port Will Appasr in Atlanta Georgian. " • “The Atlanta Georgian, “The South’s Greatest Newspaper" will contain a most complete and vivid ac count of the arrival in France of President Wilson and the American delegation, and the rousing welcome given them by the French people. By virtue of an arrangement with the London Daily Times—conceded to be the greatest of all European newspapers—The Atlanta Georgian and American will receive daily cable service from this great newspaper cov erittg the Peace Conference. The London Times will have a staff of international fame to cover the Great World Conference, and by read jlng the Atlanta Georgian and Amor- It is said that those members' of Congress who opposed the President’s policies in war are now looking to Tom Hardwick to take up their fight again against the legislation Which thoy then opposed .with all the sgen dee at their command. If the Junior Senator baa no Better luck accomplish ing this purpose than he did In'.picking a plum from tiaorgia’a political tree for himself, those opponents of the President will he no nearer the ob ject of their desire when he has spent his ability than they are at present. ► .‘J < The Mayor has let it ha known, in no uncertain terms that the use of fireworks in the city limits will not he permitted during the holidays and the days preceding them. A strict order prohibiting this appearing elsewhere in this issue. The issuance of this or der is a wise proceeding on the part of the Mayor. In the first place fire works are dangerous and the expendi ture of money for them is the most flagrant prodigality. It seems that the experience of war" would have been sufficient to impress the older heads with the Importaiice of conser vation. Sural y the pinch has not been so hard upon those who are al lowing thalrjhKUdren to spend money for fireworks. How much hatter it woold be if this money were spent in some of the many wan that- are now offered for benefltting humanity. The children are net so much to be blam ed for wanting the fireworks, it is a child’s nature to want things, he does not stop to reason about the wisdom of his desires, this is the parent’s re sponsibility. The average child how ever is easily appealed to when prop erly approached, there is doubtless not wne In Vienna who would not forego the momentary amusement af forded him by several dollars worth of fireworks if hja parents would present intelligently to his understanding the folly’of such extravagance. The Mayor’s order is a timely one, should be rigidly enforced, hut coer- atva measures should not be necessary the parents should put the ban on Iff addition to the arrangement with the London Times, the Georgian and American will also be served by the International News Service, whose sporiel sorrpepondent'. pcconypanied President Wuson, and iwU carry a di- ^st of tha proceedings by its own ed- MG. 17,TH 1 O’CLOCK, KEUY PUCE, EAST « VIENNA The street force Js at last again on the job. A succession of irremedi able circumstances has made It prac- Misses Pearl Fraser and Frances Means spent the week-end in Macon last week. You can’t afford to miss “The Rid ers of the Purple Sage" at the Do So lo tomorrbw. FOR SALE CHEAP I have a nice pony horse for sale cheap, will sell at a bargain at once. See J. J. Barry, Vienna. MRS. W. H. BARRY. COWS FOR SALE Few good milk cows, .1 registered Jersey bull, 18 months old. Will ex change these for fat beef cattle. 12-12-St Jr E. HORNE, Pinehurst NOTICE rfUNTERS. On account of the numerous quests for permission and the tress passing of thoso who do not ask the privilege, I find it absolutely necess ary' to not permit any hunting west half of lot of land No. 58, lots Nos. 57, 68,871108. forties hunting or cutting wood alter this notice will Corn, Potatoes, Horse, Colt, Cows, Hogs,-Some 35 Head, Thoroughbreds and Grades Hampshires, One Suit of Fur= niture==All for Cash, Irnmedi* ate Delivery-A Bargain For You, Come and See. J. M. KELLY AGT. FOR C. J. K. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT 1 very much appreciate each customer I have and want to always make any sale mutually profitable | CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED . I now have to pay Cash for Haterial and therefore must insist on doing a strictly Cash business and therefore be able to give you better service. I have the goods—Will sell you lumber or will contract your building u T. WILDER YOUR BUILDING MATERIAL MAN Vienna, Georgia THE FORDSON fl If Yon Want A Tractor, And You Will Eventually YOU HAP BETTER PLACE YOUR ORDER EAR LY. IF,.YOU HAVEN’T SEEN ONE WORK, YOU SHOULD SEE IT. WE CAN TELL YOU WHEN AND WHERE YOU CAN SEE ONE IN OPERATION' YWBSnWLY, DR. J. M. WHITEHEAD & GO. W' Abundance of : ' P O TiA For the 1919 Croft We are prepared to supply users of ROYSTER’S FERTILIZER With any grade of Potash goods desired Pro/. B. W. KILGORE, director N. C. Agricultural Experiment Station Says: "The lack of potash with us has been shown especially in cotton, tpbacco and pota- loes m coastal plans returns.Thu hag been especially true of cotton and potato^, more potash having been used on tobacco, relatively than on these two crops!’’ Dr. H, W. BARRE, director of S. C. Agricultural Experiment Station Says: “I will say that siMwy recently made of the cotton situation in South Carolina leads us to believe that at least 25 per cent reduction in the cotton cron h.. thi. year from lack of potash. In some case, not mSeXThS? produced on light land that is very deficient in potash. Tho appearance of tin?* indicates that what is known as patash hunger is responsible We are, therefore, recommending that liberal amoimtsOf potashbe used £ fertilfelri for cotton next year. At the u.u«lr.te. of application I feel that it !£llpTy wTm much as 3 per cent of potash at the present prices.” ** Enquire of Royster Dealers. Place orders early. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO. Norfolk, va.