The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 12, 1918, Image 8

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This used to be —and many a jolly afternoon they had, too, with their aces, and hearts, and jacks, and trumps. Then the war came! Brothers, husbands, sons, sweethearts left home to be aces of the air, jacks of the navy or trumps of the American Army. The afternoon meetings 'continued — but the scenes changed to Red Cross workrooms. And serious, busy fingers of hundreds of thousands of patriotic Amer ican women worked day in and day out to alleviate the suffering of their loved ones, and yours, too, who responded so gallantly to the country's needs. They gave their time, and energy, and devotion to the Red Cross cause of hu manity, without stint or murmur—their work has been one of the finest, most enduring examples of unselfish service of America’s whole war experience. ~ Those wonderful women have made the foundation of future Red Cross work, in a big way, possible. That work must go on, of course—as long as American soldiers are over the sea the Red Cross is neces sary—as long as emergency relief work needs to be done. And now comes your turn to make the carrying on of the Red Cross worjc a certainty—none of your time is asked for no special effort—just the support of your membership. join the Red Cross fj all you needisa heart and a dollar THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY For High-Grade Cetai- etery Memorials CONFER WITH C. J. Clark ^ 'PROPRIETOR CLARK’S MONUMENTAL WORKS AMERICUB. GEORGIA The Firm of Established Reputation T*XCOU^CTO»S,0 U »l„K»l WHYTHtT NOTICE December 18th, there will be held a Democratic Primary for the election of two Aldermen for the city of Vi enna. Rules governing the general election will control the said primary. The said primary will be held at Coun ell Chamber. W. V. HARVARD, Chairman Executive Committee. 1918 3rd Dia. Sep. 30; Oct. 25; Nov. 29th. Dooling—Oct. 1st; Dec. 2nd. Byromville—Oct. 2nd; Oct. 29th; Dec. 3rd. Lilly—Oct. 3rd; Oct. 30th; Dec. 4th. UnadlUa—Oct. 4th; Oct. 3let; Dec. 6. Plnehurat—Oct. 7th; Nov. 4th, Dec. 8 Findlay—Oct. 8th, Nov. 6th; Dec. 9. 6th Dia—Oct. 0th; Dec. 10th. Jno. R. Barfield's—Nov. 11th. Vienna Every Saturday. After Dec. 20th, interest at 7 per cent will bee harged on all unpaid taxes. Books close Dec. 19, 1918. C. R. MORGAN. T. C„ D. C. 9-26-tf GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, H. A. Howard, guardian for Ellene Howard, both of Dooly county, has in due form applied tjO the undersigned for leave to sell tie 1-10 undivided interest in and to sev enty-five (76) acres of land more or jbeas in the 6th land district of Mon roe county, Georgia, bounded on the north by public road from Forsyth to Barnesville, Ga., and lands of L. P. Goodwyne; east by lands of Persons and Persons; South by lands of S. Rutherford and west by lands of A. A. Sappington, formerly Mrs. M. B. Bush, belonging to his raid ward. To be sold for the purpose, maintenance, education and support of said ward, and division of estato among heirs. I will pass upon said application first Monday in January, 1919. This Dec. 11,1918. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. Make godd your promise to Uncle Sam. Buy those .War Savings Stamps THIRD AND LAST CALL The Thombley place 3 miles of Vi enna on three prominent highways, 262 12 acres all red pebble land, 176 acres in cultivation, large six-room dwelling, 3 tenant houses. Can be bought on easy terms. See D. CT KETCHUM, Vienna. Have you read “The Riders of the Purple Sage!’’ See It in reel life at the DeSoto tomorrow. to, do moot le Rben. "When It's too hot fob do robin te sing de locust hollers all de time,'* Just Received I have Just received a car of CYPRESS SYRUP BARRELS. Get them while you can. D. B. Thompson That morning lameness—those sharp pains when bending or lifting, make work a burden and rest impos sible. Don’t bchandicapped by a bad back—look to your kidneys. You will make no mistake by following this Macon resident's example. Z. T. Stanley, 847 Hazel St., Ma- con, Ga., says: “About-eight- years ago I was troubled with' my kidneys and back was so bad I could hardly do my work. My back was lame and sore and my kidneys were sluggish, My head ached, I had nervous spells and was very dizzy at times. The kidney secretions were too'frequent in passage, scanty, scalding and con. tained abrick-dust-like sediment ! felt tired and languid too. Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills, I bought box and am glad to say they entirely cured me." Price 60c, at all dealers. Dop’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Stanley Had. FosterMilbum Co. Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. advt • » • • YOU ARE WELCOME ALWAYS , AT THE VIENNA BAPTIST CHURCH V-. . * • • • '• • • t Make god£ your promise to Uncle Sam. Buy those War Savings Stamps COWS FOR SALE—Several nice young cows with young calves for sale J.D. Taylor, U-14-4t Nature Always Supreme. If be had slept more and regularly all his life. Napoleon would have been able to stay awake and attend to the battle of Waterloo, Instead of falling asleep In spite of himself. Nature eas ily conquers ell conquerors. GOODTOTHE LAST DROP . ¥'• ^ A full and complete line of Caskets, Coffins and Burial Robes always ready for your inspection. The experience of twenty years in this line enables Us to offer unex celled service. J. P. Heard & Sons Company FuneraPDirectors Marble Vaults FarmUhod UpouPrapei Notlc. TO THE PUBLIC MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE ASK YOUR GROCER After Dec. 1st our Chevrolet Parts and Service Station will be operated on a strictly Cash Basis We do this for the benefit of our customers and ourselves. 1 ■ - We ask for your cooperation, Please do note? pect to be favored. This applies to all. Ford &. Calhour . *--«• - ; 'r- •- •*. - Jidi