The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 19, 1918, Image 8

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Like Tennyson’s Brook, the activities of the American Red Cross will go on, and on, forever. A victorious Allied Peace, is but the beginning of a new administra tion of this Humanitarian organization. The world war has ceased, and the horrors of bloody battlefields are a thing of the past; yet a new and mighty draft on the resources of this immortal society has begun. Imagine, if you can, just what the relapse into Peace means to the hurt and homeless of those war-ridden countries that have borne,' heroically, the brunt of the devastating scourge of a foe whose only a;m was to destroy. Countless thousands of refugees and deported will return to deso lated homes; penniless, broken in spirit, wasted in health, who must be fed, housed, clothed, and administered to in every way; materially and spiritually. They must be helped to help them selves. Homes of France and Belgium are sickening ruins of brick and mortar. Sites unrecognizable; environs obliterated. Men, women and children arc returning to chaos, where once roses bloomed, and fields and orchards fruited. Fields have been laid waste. Forests have been shell tom till nothing but stumps and shreds remain, the mute example of war’s devasta tion. Orchards have been barbarically hewn to the roots; the pitiful spec tacle of incarnate savagery. Care of sick and maimed; merciful ministering to human L wrecks, reclamation of lands, restoration of homes, these are the problems that Peace leaves as a heritage of the Red Cross. There terribly broken countries now call aloud for the uttermost help, financially, morally and spiritually; and the Red Cross Christmas Roll Caii devised for “UNIVERSAL MEMBERSHIP”, must be the rock of salvation on which fratemalism, comradeship, and the humanitarianism of this supernal organization must pledge support. Your allegiance to the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call will be the INDI VIDUAL support, that multiplied by millions will aid this organiza tion to reach the glorious goal set for UNIVERSAL MEMBERSHIP. Your enrollment calls for two things. Your Heart and a Dollar. The world knows that your “heart” is in the right place; now see to it that your Red Cross Dollar is in the right place. Spiritualize your Dollar. Consecrate this contribution to the highest motives that have ever actuated mankind. • You are not asked to contribute ail you can; but simply the LEAST that can be asked, to contribute to the greatest good. 100,000,000 members are wanted for the American Red Cross. The universality of the solicitation is its great est appeal. The individual tax is negligible. No member of your family can be overlooked. The young and old alike. Every member able to understand just what the cost of Victory means is an AMERICAN PATRIOT, and every American Patriot can alone sustain the full efficiency of the term, by being a member of the Am erican Red' Cross. >w«n«iBiBiJiiBviflmBini (■nils \This page contributed to the success of the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call by Dooly 'County Chapter American. Red Cross i