The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 19, 1918, Image 9

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HeateYo* Luzianne. CamT Cordele Georgia sasm ■ fEBTISEI * GEORGIA—Dooly County. tyder and by virtue of oruer fc 3 granted by the court of Ordinary of m 1 !? ld count y at the regular December B erm » 1918, of said court, I will sell g| before the court house door in Vien- wp ,n ^°°ly County, Georgia, on the fit first Tuesday in January, 1919, wth- ■ 5n ’ thel e gal hours of sale at public R outcry to the highest bidder for cash W the following described real estate li! to-wit: 1-2 acres of lot of land No. 193, 1 the same being in the following par- 9$ cels » 30 acres on south' side of said ^ lot and lying west of A. B. & A. Rail- r °ad, 15 acres on south side of said m lot and lying east of said A. B. & A. '% Railroad, a triangular tract of 7 ac- 1 > res in front of residence • of A. A. {GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, Jno. D. Short, has in due form applied to me for permanent let ters of administration on the estate of Mary Jane Harrell, late of said coun ty deceased. Notice is hereby given to ail persons concerned that I will pass upon said application on first Monday in January, next. This Dec. 2, 1918. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—-Dooly County. Whereas, Lula Hamilton has in due form applied to me for permanent let ters of administration on the estate of Jackson Hamilton, late of said county, deceased; notice is hereby given that I will pass upon said aj>- plication on first Monday in January, next, 1919. This Dec. 2, 1918. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. Libel Court, .Ellen Powell It appeamg to cient proof in the above stated case that the defendant does not reside in said county of Dooly, and it further appearing that he does not reside in the said state of Georgia: Ordered by the court that service be perfected on the defendant by the publication of this order twice a month for twom onths before the next term of this court, n the public zette of said county in which Sheriff’i sales are ordinarily published. This 8th day of November, 1918. ’ BUSBEE & McDonald, Petitioner’s Attorneys. CARNAGE GF WAR! bJETJoITTS?:r rt i “PUST want to thank you for Dr. mftnlty Haa Sustained. j X Caldwell S Syrup Pepsin. It is fine. to Unger about n seaport base in 1 1 use it for my baby, my husband and myself, France Is to have more vividly brought l * , 1 • , , , /, , homo to une the uwfui carnage of this and simply can t do without a bottle of it m struggle, Shipload after shipload of j j-Jjg house ” GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, the appraisers appointed Joiner and 27 1-2 acres n the south- j to set apart and ass ' Bn a tweIve , (month’s support out of the estate of v.est corner of said lot; 141 1-4 acres T . ., . - . . , , ... _ J Lovett Engram, lata at said county, of lot of land No. 194 being 100 ac- for hi. being res on the east side of said lot and 41 1-8 acres in the southwest corner thereof, all of said lands lying and be ing in the 2nd District of Dooly Coun ty, Georgia; a plat of 6 2-6 acres and known as the dwelling and lot of Mrs. 5. M. Byrom in Byromvillc, Ga., Lots Nos. 3 and 6 n Block No. 19 South, Lots Nos. 3 and 4 in Block No. |North, (Hotel); A one-half undivided interest in the following lots in the Town of Byromville, Dooly County, Georgia. The Byrom Corporation owning the other one-half ntercst, small strip of lot No. 2.and all except a small strip of lots Nos. 4 and 6 in Block No. 1, North, Lots Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, and one-third of lots Nos. 2 and 9 in Block No. 2, North, Lots Nos. 3. 4 and E nnd south half of lot No. 2 in Block No. 3, North, Lots Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and two-thirds of lots Nos. 2 and 9 in Block No. 4, North, Lot No. 3 n Block No. 5, North; Lots Nos. 3, 4, 6, 8, 7 and 8 in Block No. 11 North, Lots Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block No. 13 North; Lots Nos. 2, V 3, 4, S, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, \ IE, 16, 17, 18,-19 and two-thirds on j east side of lots Nos. 1 and 20 in \ Block No. 30 North; Lots Nos, 2 to 19 ^inclusive and seven-eights of lots Nos. II and 20 (Eastern Side) in Block No. «7 North, Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and S in block No. 1 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 1.10 inclusive in Block No. 2 South, jLots Nos. 1, 2 and 3 in Block No. 3 ('South; Lots Nos. 1 to 12 inclusive in (Block No. 12 South; Lots Nos. 6, 7 8, \< and 10 in Block No. IS South; Lots —.-yog. 11 and 12'in Block No-15 South; Lots Nos. 1 t^20 inclusive in Block No. 17 South; Lots Nos. 3, 4 and 5 in Block No. 20 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 10 inclusive in Block No. 21 South; Lots Nos. 1 to B inclusive in Block No. 22 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 5 inclusive, in Block No. 23 South; Lots Nos. 1 10 inclusive in Block No. 24 South; Lots Nos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 ih Block No. 27 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 20 in- elusive in Block No. 28 South; Lots Nos. 7 to 15 inclusive in Block No. 30 South; Lots Nos. 6, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block No. 32 South; Lots No. 1 to 10 inclusive in Block No. 33 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 10 inclusive in Block No. 34 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 10 Indus ive in Block No. 35 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 20 inclusive in Block No. 30 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 20 inclusive, In Block No. 37 South; Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, il, 12, IS, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 in Block No. 88 South; Lots 1 to 20 inclusive in Block No. 39 South; Lots 1 to 20 inclusve in Block No. 40 South; Lots Nos.-1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block No. 42 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 10 inclusive in Block No. 43 South, and Lots Nos. 1 to 5 nduslve in Block No. 44 South. Part of Lot No. 20 in Block No. 7 North, fronting 25 feet on Main street and 70 feet on Central Avenue and known as the Byrom National Bank Building. All of said property sold as the property of the estate of the said Mrs. 5. M. Byrom deceased and sold for the purpose of paying tha debta of said do ceased and for making proper distri bution among her lawful heirs. This Dec. 2nd, 1018. W. P. BYROM, Administrator of the estate of Mrs, S. •f. Byrom/ Deceased. deceased, for his widow, Hattie En gram, and three minor children, hav ing made and filedt heir report in of fice; I will pass upon said report, on Erst Monday in January, next, 1919. This Dec. 2, 1918’ J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly CoCunty. Whereas, W. M. Lewis, administra tor estate of Elijah Butts, deceased, shows the court in his petition duly filed in office that he has fully admin istered estate of Elijah Butts. This is to cite all persons concerned, kin dred and creditors to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration of said estate and. re ceive letters of dismission on first Monday in January, next, 1919. Giv en under my hand and official signa ture, this Dec. 2nd, 1918. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. ■ m GEORGIA—Dooly County. . Whereas, the appraisers appointed to set apart a year’s support out of the estate of Bobbie Lee Gilbert of said county, deceased, for his widow, Emma Lee Gilbert and one minor child, having filed their report In of fice. I will pass upon said report on first Monday in January, next, 1919. This Dec. 2, 1918. pd' J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, the appraisers appointed to set apart a twelve month’s support out of the estate of J. B< Watson of said county, deceased, for his widow, Mrs. Lena Watson and six minor children, having made and filed their report in office; I wit pass upon said report on first Monday ifi January, next, 1919. This Dec. 2, 1918. pd J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA MAN HAD QUITE A SIEGE In Hospital, Bui Improved Greatly After Tailing Zfron Iron Tonfc. In a recent statement, J, H. Martin of Mount Vernon, Ga., says: "I was In the hospital with stomach trouble and had quite a siege. It seemed I would never get tny strength back after I came out, I bad been so ill. I ached nil over. I was nervous; restless and yet did not feel like get ting around. My skjn was yellow. My appetite poor. I was in pretty bad shape and began to look around for a tonic. 1 felt like part of the trouble was Isck cf Iron in my blood. I was so easily worried, so easily upset. I beard of Zlron and knew It would help me. I began to take it and the Im provement was great It strength ened me, renewed my nerves and toned up my system." When you feel thst you need strength, remember that Zlron Is a perfected preparation of Iron salts, combined with other strength-giving Ingredients. Try Zlron. ZN3 .\bur Blood Needs TABLETS—On account of the great demand rfom the public for ZIRON in tablet form, we are now putting it up in this way. Each $1 bottle contains 75 tablets. Can be sent by parcel post Chattanooga Drug ft Chemical, Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Will be sold before the court house door in said county on the first Tues. day in January, 1919, within the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, the -following de scribed property to-wit: Lot of land No. eight (8) in the 2nd Land Dis trict Dooly County. Gaorgia, contain ing 202 1-2 acres mbf^or less. Said land levied on as the land of Mrs. Ed na A. Braswell to satisfy an execu tion issued from the superior court, Dooly County, Georgia, in favor of M. H. Leggitt against Mrs. Edna A. Braswell. This'Dec. 4,1918. H. O. DAVIS, Sheriff. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, S. S. Hudson, Administra tor estate of Mrs. Celia L. Hudson de ceased, shows the court in his petition duly filed in offee, that he has fully administered Mrs. Celia L. Hudson’s estate. Ths is to cite ail persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator ahould not be dscharg- ed from hia admniatratlon and re ceive letters of dismission on first Monday in January, next, 1919. Thia Dec. 2, 1918. pd J. D. HARGROVE, Ordnary. Libel fo rDivorce in Dooly Superior Court, Nov, Term, 1918. Mose Outlaw vs. Carrie Outlaw. It appearing to the court by siffl GEORGIA—Dooly County. l/nder wnd by vrtue of an order dent proof in the above stated case .granted by the Ordnary of said coun- that the defendant does not reside in ty, on first Monday in Dec., 1918, I said county of Dooly, and it farther will sell at pubic outcry before the appearing that abe does not reside in courth onse door in said county on thoa aid State of Georgia, first Tuesday in January, 1919, the following property belongng to estate of Mrs. Smithia L. Clewis, deceased. Fifty share* of stock of Bank of Pinebnnt, Ga., with accumulated sur plus of 95,000; also 28 shares of stock of Planters’ Warehouse Co., of Pine- hunt, Ga. Sold for distribution among heirs of said estate. Terms of sals cash. Ws Dee. 2,1918. A D. THOMPSON, Adatiaiatrstor Mate of Snilhia L. CTswis, deceased. pd Will Master You If You Don’t Master Pam If you suffer from any Ache or Pain, take One or Two of They seldom fail to Relieve and do not contain any Habit-forming drugs. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, lad. Blake godd yonr promise to Undo Ssm. Buy those War Savings Stamps now. FOR SALE—Four milk cows, one Jeney Bull, 2 cows, IS Duroe Jeney Gilts 9 months old, one mule colt, 19 months old. Elmore E. Williams, Vi enna, Route 1. 11-21-21 The time for buying War Savings Stamps is growing short. Get yoase today. $100 Reward, $100 Ortltied by the court that aerrices p i25d r S%!rn a tbffthB? # l5 !t least be perfected on the defendant by the Sne dreaded disease that science baa publication of this order twice a j tSIf teeetsSrlk”Catarrh month f&two months before the next gggj* %i 0 uuuSSa 0 r* 1 SSSSSS term of thia court, in the public ga- Mi Catarrh Cera ia taken,internally zette of said county in which Sheriff’s sales are ordinarly published. Thia 8th, day of November, 1918. busbee a McDonald, Petitioner’s Attorney. And it is so ordered. ’ D. A. R, CRUM, J. S. C., C. C. men and material are ever discharging, and trninloads of wreckage are ever returning. As a boy in the pink of health swings down the gangplank at one end of the pier, the stretcher bear ers are carrying another boy now limp j nnd broken up the gangplank to a lios-1 pltal ship at tlio other end of the pier. One steamer is discharging new guns j and limbers, nnd shining equipment, | while another Is loading all kinds of wreckage which the salvage corps has gathered from the field of battle; bro ken gun carriages, torn uniforms caked with mud and gore, rusty rifles, worn boots, bayonets, filthy blankets, belts, knapsacks, shattered shell cases, and a thousand other mute reminders of the tragedy of-war. From the seaport base the newly ar rived troops march to the rest camp, situated several miles outside of the town. A rest camp Is the strangest form of hostelry imaginable. A great camp of tents and huts, affording mo mentary hospitality to the troops en route to the front, n mammoth hotel where 10,000 may arrive In the night and move off In the, morning. • The commandant of the rest camp at Havre said to me once, “I’m the big gest hotel keeper In the world. Last night I was the host to nine regiments, all of whom were registered for n pe riod of less than twenty-four hours. One night my hotel may be almost empty and the next I may count my guests by the thousands.*’ At the rest camp the troops are Is sued trench supplies and equipment. If It Is winter they get goatskin body Jackets, and, parading In this rig, they resemble a mass of Arctic explorers. ( From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written by\ Mix. John W. Christensen, 603 So. 2nd 1 East, Brigham City, Utah J LAUNDRY WAGON TO RESCUE Lowly Peace Equipage Inatrumental in Rendering Aid to Son of Mara • in Misfortune. Armored motorcar with half a dozen artillerymen aboard whirling along up per Broadwny. Crossing nn Intersect ing street, n sharp gust of wind blows off the hat of one of the artillerymen and sends it spinning upward into the air, as if it had been knocked off his head by a bit of shrapnel. *A moment later, of course, it drops to the street pavement to be promptly picked up by n passing citizen, who Is naturally anxious to return It to the soldier. But so swiftly was It moving that the armored car got two blocks away before It hnlted. The citizen, however, was quite equal to the occasion. At this moment there came along over this crossing nnd bound in the same direction laundry, delivery wagon and to the driver of this outfit the citizen in trusted tho hat. ‘Sure!’’ said the driver, and a min ute later—an odd juxtaposition ol peace nnd war—laid the laundry wag on alongside the armored motorcar and handed the hat over to tho artillery- mnn.—New York Tribune. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (SS) $1.00 Efficiency. Joel Dudley, n teacher at Shortridgo high school, haa a friend and old classmate, Rudolph Harle, who la .pending tho winter In Dcland, Fin. Harle sent him a large eoconnt, a lit tle larger than n man', head. It came without any artificial covering, bnt wna wrapped In Its natural enveloping shell. The address wns written on this shell with Ink. The stamps were stuck nbove It. The nut Is about nine inches long sod seven and oho-half Inches wide. It to shaped something like n three-sided pyramid. Mr. Hadley has not yet opeoed tho outer shell, for, he says, It make* a sood souvenir for future geo- total an a. -tolling of the efficiency and higher development of the' United Shttsipastal system In the twentieth OBPtUiJT*—InfliBntpcgto News. PfooadDly Again. a was at Puzteaeg that an officer f tin 8—a hod an amusing expert- along a corn- trench with a party ol bam bees when In met a regular pro- ccftflao at Roches, all holding their ‘ ‘ “—«n op, and led by one who an enormous cigar-box over Ms hand. The British officer sue- otne sort of foul play, of The Boches have played so many dirty tricks. But the fellow whipped open the big box nnd show ed It bad nothing In it but cigars, and explained as well as he canid that It won by way of being a sort of pro- pltltoEJ offering. He, wound up by •aytnff: This war no good; no good at nil, sir. Piccadilly again soon, now, sir!"—Mont real Herald. Commanding Respect -Are you going to town In your vorklpg clothes, Hiram?" exclaimed “Winer Corntoaseya wife. —That's what I am. Whncn I walk up High street I don't want to be tfySook -lor any city chap. I want to Sim She I hod a barrel o' potatoes or a toad o' hny that I might condescend somebody if I took a fancy to Pjfclt —srOccwr ia MpftTBat ->ft osn b* .terribly toward wA Gp jrt off a sfTeet ear backward} Quickly corrects disorders of the intestinal tract, relieves the congestion and restores nor mal regularity. It is gentle in action and does not gripe. A trial bottle can be obtained by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington St., Monticello, Illinois. Subscribe for THE NEWS $1.50 PER ANNUM A POT of steaming; stimulating Luzianne .Coffee set before “■ gentleman and a judge of fine coffee." A finer hot beverage than good, old Luzianne never existed. Luzianne tastes ail the way down and you say “Set 'em up again." Buy a can of Luzianne Coffee. I£ you can’t honestly say that it’s the best cup of coffee that ever passed your lips, tell your grocer you’re not satisfied and he’ll give you bade your money on the spot Please try Luzianne. Tool! like it, you will. In dean, air-tight tins. When a Pours; lit Reigns CO GRAIN DRILLS Are you going to help feed the starving: people of Europe? The world is looking to YOU for food, so prepare NOW for a bumper grain crop by equipping your farm with a No. I Grain Drill—-either the Hoosier, The Farmers Favorite or The Van Brunt. SOLD BY Palmer-Jones Company The Machinery People