The Vienna news. (Vienna, Ga.) 1901-1975, December 26, 1918, Image 3

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pimaiM RGIA—*fcoly toiiGIA—Dooly County. ■Under and by virtue of an order p nted ,} y the court of Ordinary of Jd county at the regular December ■ rm » 1918 * of a*aid court, I will sell ord the court house door in Vien- in Dooly County, Georgia, on the kt Tuesday in January, 1919, wth- I thcl egal hours of sale at public ^GEORGIA—-flfcoly County. j- : Whereas, Jno. D. Short, has in due form applied to me for permanent let ters of administrated on the estate of Mary Jane Harrell, late of said coun ty deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that I will pass upon said application on first Monday in January, next. This Dec. 2, 1916, J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. ; tcry to the highest bidder for cash low! « e following described real estate ■wit: <9 1-2 acres of lot of land No. 193, l* same being in the following par- jj|ls, 30 acres on south side of said - and lying west of A. B. & A. Rail- S ad, 15 acres on south side of said and lying east of said A. B. & A. JJilroad, a triangular tract of 7 ac- t in front of residence of A. A.' GEORGIA—Dooly County, iner and 27 1-2 acres n the south-! GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, Lula Hamilton has in due form applied to me for permanent let ters of administration on the estate of Jackson Hamilton, late of said county, deceased; notice is hereby given that I will pass upon said ap plication on first Monday in January, next, 1919. This Dec. 2, 1918. J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. HbePfor Divorce in Dooly Superior Court, Nov. Term, 1918. Ellen Powell vs. Sam Powell. It appearng to the court by suffi cient proof in the above stated ease that the defendant does not reside in said county of Dooly, and it further appearing that he does not reside in the said state of Georgia: Ordered by the court that service be perfected on the defendant by the publication of this order twice a month for twom onths before the next term of this court, n the public ga zette of said county in which Sheriff’s sales are ordinarily published. This 8th day of November, 1918. busbee & McDonald, Petitioner’s Attorneys. Whereas, the appraisers appointed 3st corner of said lot; 141 1-4 acres to set apart and assign a twelve lot of land No. 194 being 100 ae- month’s support out of the estate of on the east side of said lot and 41 acres in the southwest corner reof, all of said lands lying and be- g in the 2nd District of Dooly Coun- •, Georgia; a plat of G 2-5 acres and. town as the dwelling and lot of Mrs. . M. Byrom in Byromvillc, Ga., Lots b.«. 3 and G n Block No. 19 South, ots Nos. 3 and 4 in Block No. G th. (Hotel); A onc-half undivided iterest in the following lots in the >wn of Byromville, Dooly County, orgia. The Byrom Corporation •ning the other one-half nterest, a all strip of lot No. 2 and all exeept ■mall strip of lots Nos. 4 and 5 in lock No. 1, North, Lots Nos. 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, and one-third of lots Nos. 2 (1 9 in Block No. 2, North, Lots Nos. 4 and 5 anil south half of lot No. 2 { I Block No. 3, North, Lots Nos. 3, 4, , G, 7, 8, and two-thirds of lots Nos. and 9 in Block No. 4, North, Lot No. n Block No. 5, North; Lots Nos. 3, , 5, 6, 7 and 8 in Block No. 11 North, ots Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 i Block No. 13 North; Lots Nos. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 5, 1G, 17, 18*, 19 and two-thirds on ast side of lots Nos. 1 and’ 20 in ilock No. 30 North; Lots Nos, 2 to .19 iclusive and seven-eights of lots Nos. and 20 (Eastern Side) in Block No. 7 North, Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 n block No. 1. South; Lots Nos. 1 to 0 inclusive in Block No. 2 South, jQta Nos. 1, 2 und 3 in Block No. 3 i South; Lots Nos. 1 to 12 inclusive in llock No. 12 South; Lots Nos. 0, 7 8, and 10 In Block No. 13 South; Lots fos. 11 and 12 in Block No. 15 South; ,ots Nos. 1 to 20 inclusive in Block ; o. 17 South; Lots Nos. 3, 4 and 5 in llock No. 20 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 10 nclusivc in Block No. 21 South; Lots 4os. 1 to 5 inclusive in Block No. 22 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 6 inclusive, in Hock No. 23 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 10 inclusive in Block No. 24 South; Lots Nos. 3, 4, 6, 6, 7 and 8 in Block «o. 27'South; Lot* Nos. 1 to 20 in- iusivc in Block No. 28 South; Lots -Jos. 7 to 15 inclusive in Block No. 0 South; Lota Nos. B, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block No. 32 South; Lota No. 1 :o 10 inclusive in Block No. 33 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 10 inclusive in Block No. 34 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 10 inclus ivc in Block No. 35 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 20 inclusive in Block No. 36 South; Lota Nos. 1 to 20 inclusive, in Block No. 37 South; Lots Nos. 1, 2,-3, 4, 5, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 in Block No. 38 South; Lots 1 to 20 inclusive in Block No. 39 South; Lots 1 to 20 inclusve in Block No. 40 South; Lots Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block No. 42 South; Lots Nos. 1 to 10 inclusive in Block No. 43 South, and Lota Nos. 1 to 5 nclusivc in Block No. 44 South. Port of Lot No. 20 in Block No. 7 North, fronting 25 feet on Main street and 70 feet on Central Avenue and known as tho Byrom National Bank Building. All of said property sold as the property of the estate of the said Mrs. 5. M. Byrom deceased and sold for the purpose of paying the debts of said de ceased and for making proper distri bution among her lawful heirs. This Dcc..2nd, 1918. — W. F. BYROM, / inis AdministrSv . M. Bgrom tm Lovett Engram, late af said county, deceased, for his widow, Hattie En gram, and three minor children, hav ing made and filedt heir report in of fice; I will pass upon said report on first Monday in January, next, 19191 This Dec. 2, 1918’ J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly CoCunty. Whereas, W. M. Lewis, administra tor estate of Elijah Butts, deceased, shows the court in his petition duly filed in office that he has fully admin istered estate of Elijah Butts. This is to cite all persons aoncerncd, kin dred and creditors to show cause if any they can why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration of said estate and re ceive letters of dismission on first Monday in January, next, 1910. Giv- under my hand and official signa ture, this Dec. 2nd, 1918. • J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, the appraisers appointed to set apart a year’s support out of the estate of Bobbie Lee Gilbert of said county, deceased, for his widow, Emma Lee Gilbert and one minor child, having filed their report In of fice. I will pass upon said report on first Mbnday in January, next, 1919. This Dec. 2, 1918. pd J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, the appraisers appointed to set apart a twelve month's support out of the estate of J. B. Watson of said county, deceased, for his widow, Mrs. Lena Watson and six minor children, having made and filed their report in office; I wll pass upon said report on first Monday in January, next, 1919. This Dec. 2, 1918. pd J. D. HARGROVE, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, H. A. Howard, guardian for Ellcne Howard, both of Dooly county, has in due form applied to tho undersigned for leave to sell the 1-10 undivided interest in and to sev enty-five (75) acres of land more or less in the 6th land district of Mon roe county, Georgia, bounded on the north by public road from Forsyth to Barnesville, Ga., and lands of L. P. Goodwyne; east by lands of Persons and Persons; South by lands of S. Rutherford and west by lands of A. A. Sappington, formerly Mrs. M. B. Bush, belonging to his said ward. To be sold for the purpose, maintenance, education and support of said ward, and division of estate among heirs. I will pass upon said application on first Monday in January, 1919. This Dec. 11, 1918. J. D. HARGROVE. Ordinary. Will Master You IS You Don’t Master Pain If you suffer from any Ache or Pain, take One or Two of . They seldom fail to Relieve and do not contain any Habit-forming drugs. EOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS MILES MEDICAL CO.. Llkhart, 1,1(1. (( Y” To Use Candy To Fight Alcohol •fc ‘ “Over There Association Men WCJ1 Fight Demon Rum With Proper -The £ Mcthod- i Sweet Tooth Compete Against Wine Shop GEORGIA—Dooly County. Will be sold before the court house door in said county on the first Tues day in January, 1919, within the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, tho following de scribed property to-wit; Lot of land No. eight (8) in tho 2nd Land Dis trict Dooly County, Georgia, contain ing 202 1-2 acres more or less. Said land levied on ns tho land of Mrs. Ed na A. Braswell to satisfy an execu tion issued from the superior court, Dooly County, Georgia, in favor of M. H. Loggitt against Mrs. Ednn A. Brnswoll. This Doc. 4.1918. H. O. DAVIS, Sheriff. GEORGIA—Dooly County. Whereas, S. S. Hudson, Administra tor estate of Mrs. Celia' L. Hudson de ceased, shows the court in his petition duly filed in offee, that he has fully administered Mrs. Celia L. Hudson’s estate. Ths is to cite all persons con cerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be dscharg- ed from his administration and re ceive letters of dismission on first Monday in January, next, 1919. This Dec. 2, 1918. pd J. D. HARGROVE, Ordnary. r the estate of Mrs. S.: GEORGIA—Dooly County. Under snd by vrtue of an order Libel fo rDivorce In Dooly Superior Court, Nov. Term, 1918. Moso Outlaw vs. Carrie Outlaw. It appearing to the court by siffl “tld’bv the Ordnary of said coun- cient proof in the above stated case £ on first Monday in Dec., 1918, I that the defendant does not reside in pubic*outaiT e b«fore l0 ’the said county of Dooly, and it further courth ouse door in said county on first Tuesdsy in January, 1919, the following property belongng ttl estate of Mrs. Smithia L. Clewis, deceased. Fifty shares of stock of Bank of Kniu/st, Ga., with accumulated sur plus of *5,000; also 28 shares of stack of Ptantcrs’^ardiouss burst, Ga. smosr heirs of m u l gash. This Dec. 2,1918, “ , & D. THOMPSON, jtj r t«iriratar Bctata of Smith!* L appearing that she does not; reside in thes aid State of Georgia. Paris.—(By Mali.)—A hu^ar-coated American Expeditionary Force Is the Ideal now being striven for in tho mark-time period of the armistice and demobilization, with fighting gone and the American fighting men suddenly turned into a uniformed tourist-seeing Franco. Peace, as has been quoted often, has victories, and one of them is to be the victory over the evil in fluences which besiege an Idle array. In this campaign the Y. M. C. A. has planned the drive and the sol diers are executing it Incidentally, the Y. M. C. A. has gone Into compe tition with the wiue shop, as this story will relate. During the period of demobilization, the Y. M. C. A. will havo an oven greater responsibility than it baa had while tho war was on. The soldiers then had the inspiration of being in the fight—or backing,up the fighters— to apur them on. They also were ex tremely busy and their time for recre ation and for spending money was limited. But there has been a let down since the armistice was signed, and the men In olive drab are wait ing for transportation home. the government litis no idea of dump ing hundreds of thousands of men back into the United States after they have had nothing to do but loaf for months. To do this would be to cre ate a very unhealthy social and Indus trial condition in our own country. There are drills and discipline and, for many, the work of helping to put France on her feet again. At tho same time, tho men have more lei sure and more chances to buy things than they had before. One of the most important things the Y. M. C. A. expects to do during the demobilization period is to enter Into active competition with French wine shops. No, the Red Tri angle is not going into the saloon busi ness. It is planning to fight alcohol with sugar. According to medical ex perts, this is the best kind of ammu nltlon to use in a battle against the Idlenees always means troublo anil | lion of alcohol very materially. more or loss well-known Demon. Heavy drinkers don't care for sugai and heavy consumers of sweets usu ally pass up tho "booze.” So by ply^ ing the soldlere with candy, chocolate chewing gum and cookies, the Y. 11 C. A. expects to reduce the consump “A TOTAL WRECK” SAYS TENNESSEAN GOODTOTHE LAST DROP no Sijs No Nov Feels Fine, Since Taking ' ZIron Iroo Tonic. David Jones, of Foebui, Tenn.. writes: "1 sot a bottle of Zlroa and will ear that I never had anrthlnc to coma In ao good a time aa I wu think ing of gtvtng up, I was ao weak. I cannot tell you; bow bad I felt; Had stomach trouble, toes of-appetite, couldn't sleep, to fact wea c total wreck all over, aa I am subject to weak spells ta tb»-Spring of the year. After “ will ear I using ZIron will say 1 now ted fins and can do a fins dare work, t think you havo a good medicine, and I can surely recommend it to any one who needs a tonic**. Medical authorities and text books agree that Iron Is needed to keep ths system In good condition. Investiga tion shows that polo, weak, tired peo ple generally lack the necessary a- mount of Iron In their blood. Ths strength that Iron gives may be ob tained by taking Zlrod Iron Tonic. Try It Ask your drnggtst about bis gbarantoo on ZIron. ZN 4 TABLETS—On account of great demand rfom the public ZIRON In tablet form, we arc now Ordered by the court that services putting it up ln thl , way . Ea C h |i be perfected on tho defendant by the. . . K - publication of this order twice - bottle <:onUin, 76 Ubl * U C,n be month for two months before the next ternt of this court,.in, the, public ga rotte ot said county in whichSheriff's sales ON ordinarly published. This Tsnni 8th, day ot November, Mty.. BUSBEE A MCDONALD, Fetitloscr’e Attorney. And it is as ordered. . D. A.B.CBCM.J. aC.,C. C. sent by parcel post. Chstunoogs Drug A Chemical, Co., Chattanooga, Ts,n. 4 t Iffy “ II . i i ! r* * Fouymilkeowi, one, Jersey Bull, 8 cows, li Duroe Jersey Gilts 9 months old, one mole colt. months old. Bbnors E. Williams, snna, Boats 1. U-K*« MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE RSK YOUR GROCER v A Thing of Beauty. The plume* of tin* ostrich Is like noth ing eldo in nature. The nearest resemblance is to be found (a aa ephemeral thing—tho foam of a break ing wave. It must be unthinkable nges since the wings of this bird sub served any use hut that of beauty; their function In the matter of cov ering the eggs during Ineubation Is quite secondary nod could easily be dispensed with. The perfectly even Imrbs are soft us gossamer and, con trary to the rule among birds that fly, quite disconnected and Independent one of the other. ■ The quills, from their point Of emergence from the socket, becomo increasingly flexible nnd lithe. Tho plumes convey suggetions of luxu riant ductility, of «ffortlcss grace, of sumptuonsness. and above all. of pur- lty.—William C. Scully, In Atlantic. Women and Housecleaning. When a woman returns from a month’s visit she says, "Oh, how I dread to begin cleaning up thl* house.” But she doesn't. You cun tell by the glue with which she seizes the broom and the duster and stirs up a great cloud of dust thut she Is now realizing that which the has engeriy anticipated alt the-thne she wns away.' Thera la nothing a woman enjoys, ao much as kicking log up a dust For the dual la to cotpe' down again, and the of fun la never exhausted.— City Star. A -Swoauaisi “T/\7’HAT I particularly like abd • 7 Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsir its inild but thorough action on the bowel It has been very helpful in relieving my nine- year-old son, who had been constipated since a baby.” ( From a letter to Dr. Caldwell written byV Mr. C. L. Jaffray, 51 Madison S‘.r*et f 1 Brooklyn, N. Y. / Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin The Perfect Laxative Sold by Druggists Everywhere 50 cts. (g) $1.00 Free from opiates and narcotic drugs and pleas ant to the taste, it acts easily and naturally and restores normal regularity. A trial bottle can be obtained free of charge by writing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Washington Street, Mcnticello, Illinois. 7 ' ; Subscribe for THE NEWS $1.50 RER ANNUM HT, I-'-' You’ll Never Know How Good This Coffee Is Until YouTry It- 9 ' f XX TORDS cannot adequately describe • V V the fina flavor of Luzianne Coffee. YouWgot to taste it yourself. Won't you try Luzianne next time? Luzianne is packed in sanitary, air tight, full-measure tins—impurities can’t get in and the flavor can’t leak out It 1 baa been made very easy for you to get acquainted.' You take no chances. If Luzianne doesn't, taste better than any I other coffee you ever tried, your grocer will refund your money. So, buy that first can today. "When It Pours, It Reigns’ DRILLS GRAIN Are you, going to help feed the starving people of Europe? is looking to YOU for food; so prepare NOW for a bumper grain crop by equipping your farm with a No. I Grain Drill”--either the Hoosier, The Farmers Favorite or The Van Brunt. SOLD BY j- » i’*- * r*. Palmer-Jones Company The Machinery People Cordele •