The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, January 28, 1913, Image 1
Only $1.00 For 1 Years Subscription to 'the Semi-Weekly. SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION Why Wait? Send in Your Subscription NOW. jk ji .«• jt js j» jt jt s * jt THOMASVILLE GEORGIA. TUESDAY, JANUARY US, 101 ■; FARMERS MEETING AT THE GDIIHT'ICE FAGT1V HOUSE WEDNESDAY IND THURSOJir STATE EXPERTS WILL BE IX THE CITY AND WILE GIVE LEC TURES OX TOPICS WHICH ARE VALUABLE TO EVERY FAR- MER IX THE COUNTY—MB. J. A. CHASTAIN WHO HAS CHARGE OF THE DEMOXSTR ATIOX WORK IN THOMAS COUN TY, MOST HEARTILY COMM ENDS THIS WORK TO THE FAR MF.RS AND URGES THEM TO ATTEND THESE MEETINGS. Mr. John A. Chastain, who has Thomas County Farmers’ Institute charge of the Demonstration work Organization. of the County of Thomas, is very: Lecture: “Soil Fertility," Prof, anxious that, as large a number of' J. E. Turlington, Adjunct Professor farmers ae possible attend the meet-j of Agronomy. ing to be held here Wednesday and 1 Lecture: "Butter Maktog on the Thursday of this week. At that'Farm," Prof. J. Win. Hart, Profes- t'.me, experts of the State College of 6or of Dairying. Agriculture will deliver lectures on' Lecture: ’Sprays and Spraying,” pertinent topics of farm value an, Prof. G. W. Firor, Secretary of Ex will give the benefit of the cxper-1 tension Department. fence, both of the State College experiment stations and of the Un ited 3tates Department of Agricul ture, which Is working In co-opera tion with this College. Mr. Chastain attended the meet ing at Athens recently and he says that It was going to school and learning things that it would take years of experience to get and possi bly saving a lot of money at the same time. He wants the farmers of Thomas County to get the benefit of the expert knowledge of these men and to profit by It. He hopes to see many farmers In the. city at the meetings which are to be held at the Court House, Afternoon Session. Lecture: "Lime,” Prof. J. E. Tur lington. Lecture: “Feeding Farm Animals,” Prof. J. Wm. Hart. Lecture: "Peach Culture," Prof. G. W. Firor. Thursday, January UOIli, Morning Session Lecturo: “Vegetable Gardening." Prof. G. W. Firor. Lecturo: "Crop Rotations," Prof. J. E. Turlington. Lecture: "The Care of Dairy Cat tle," Prof. .1. Wm. Hart. Afternoon Session. Lecture: 'Concrete Examples of (Farm Demonstration Work,” Mr. J. FOUR ACCIDENTS PARCEL PDST Till TEMPORARY ORGANIZATION, TO' MR- FRANK CARTER RUNS INTO I THOMASVILLE LEADS ALL C1T- The program for the two days Is 'D. Oliver. District Agent, as follows: Lecture: “Co-Operatlv Wednesday, January SOtli, Morning Session. Invocation: Mr. Thomas Davis. Introductory Remarks: President GET CHARTER AND PREPARE FOR ACTUAL AVOKK IS FORM- ED. At a meeting of some oi the citt- zens of Thomasville, held Friday evening, a temporary organization was perfected to proceed with the erection of another Ice plant In the city. This meeting was attended by representative number of fifty- four citizens who jave agreed to take stock In the enterprise They elected eight temporary di rectors whose diuies will be to ap ply for the charter and attend to other preliminaries and detail work of organization. This body will then select the permanent directors and officers for the corporation. These directors are Messrs. W. J. Up- AVAGON RILLVILLE I MEHIll ROAD—LUKE LANGFORD HAS] NARROW ESCAPE LAST NIGHT. church, A .J. Stanaland, J. T. Dixon,,„ . 7 J. R. Floyd, A. Bennett. B. S. Smith | and M. Sampson. (From Friday'*! Daily.) Four accidents have happened in the past two days in this city and near here, which could have ended very disastrously. Two of them occurred at the intersection of Broad and Jackson street, where there is always danger of death and destruction unless the traffic ordin ances are followed, as they are not, since the police have stopped stand ing there tn the afternoon and com pelling attention. I Mayors Car Hit by’ Bicycle. Wednesday afternoon., at a late hour, Ralph McDonald,] a carrier of The Times-Enterprise, j was riding down Jackson Street, on a bicycle and he struck the rear wheel of it was coming down Broad Street. The Buying end Marketing," Prof. J. E. Tur lington. ' Lecture: "The Cattle Tick,” Prof. J. Wm. Hart. WATER TDD TIRE FILLER ;BASEBALL MEETING WEDNESDAY Manager Moore Finding Himself; Quite a little Intend is being taken Without Air Used AA’ater in n Hi- ! in the baseball meeting which Is to \ I eyclo Tire and Rode to Town. 1 be held next Wednesday evening for Mr. K. K. Moore, manager of the:the purpose of perfecting the or- Thomas Union warehouse has a new! ganlzation. The name of the cor- tlre filler which while not patented | poratlon and the formal acceptance la very effective. While riling aomclof the charter will be given, officers distance from town yesterday he had selected to run the club and other a puncture and after repair ing same matters of importance, found that .he wa-, without a pump. • The committee on organization Is Always ready lit an emergency he composed of Messrs. J. B. Jeinison, want 4o a -nearby.-well and. namped JTheo. TJtus. and O. Qtypyer. The the tire full of perfectly good wat- committee to draft the charter will er. Tha trick worked neatly and he als ° report and Mayor Vicfntyre is rode to town as comfortably as U Chairman. Suhserlpltons will also the tire had been filled with air. jbe reported and work of collecting I will begin in n short time. The com- mlttce which was appointed to go Into negotiations for a manager have: heard from various men and they ; will make their recommendat'ons at I that time. It Is probable that some- Mose Everett 's locked up In Jail, thlng „ ofln|te w|n be done tmvard . reeurln? a good man for that job. . | boy was evidently aot-.nn the luok- Tsiey propoue to erect a plant on I . . «... , / * , . * . out, or ho could \ ave Avoided a col- e of the railroads and begin work • M .. ... J* . , «... , . Mission, ad the auto Was cot going at once . Tho capital stock wll. be . twelve thousand five hundred dol lars .with the privilege of increas ing it as the occasion may demand. They will manufacture and sell ice, both In this city and surrounding territory. THUS COUNTY WHAN SUES fast and had lights. jThe boy was not hurt, but many ipeople were frightened when they-saw him run into the rear wheel of’.the auto, and fall heavily to tho pajveraent. Mr. Langford Thrown-From Buggy. Last night at seven o’clock, Mr. Luke Langford was thfrowa from his buggy when an auto hit one of the wheels of the vehicle. Mr. Lang ford was driving on the left side Her| of Broad and turned Into Jackson. An auto was coming down Jackson street and, seeing that a collision was imminent, started to turn Into Broad to avoid disaster. It was not IKS IN THIS TERRITORY AND MANY IS STATE IN FIRST LIGHT DAYS OF THE NEW SYSTEM. (From Friday’s Dally.) Thomasville takes a good lead over all cities its size, except Ameri- cus, in the number of parcel post packages handled under the parcel post regulations for the first 7 days of the inauguration of this system. Thomasville lead even Savannah, the first day. Figures have been compiled by the Constitution cor respondent In Washington Georgia cities and the result is follows: ''Here is the record of the use made of the parcel post system by Georgia cities during the first week it was in operation, or from Jan uary 1 to January 8: Georgia—Albany. 627; Amorims, 741; Athens, 2,5D7; Atlanta, 28,- 052; Augusta, 3,147; Bainbridje, Brunswick, 631; Carrollton, 196; Columbus, 2,031; Cordele, 523; Dalton, 358; Dublin, 415; El* berton, 463; Fitzgerald. 305; Gaines, ville, 431; Griffin, 531; LaGrange, 515; Macon, 5,570; Marietta, 346: 'lilledgeville, 441; Moultrie, 334: Newman, 508; Quitman, 387; Rome, 1,162; Savannah, 5,128; Thomas ville, 637; Tffton, 257; Valdosta. G19; Waycrosa, 4 52.” y.M.C. A. SCENE DIRECTORS INSTALLED FOR THE COMING YEAR AND PRESIDENT WATT APPOINTS THE COMMIT- TTES FOR THE YEAR. The installation services at the Y. M. C. A. yeserday afternoon were very interesting. Mr. J. II. Merrill delivered the charge to the incom ing directors and administered the oath of office, which was very sol emn and beautifully worded. Im mediately after these ceremonies, President Watt appointed tho com mittees for the year, which are as follows; Finance Committee—W. E. Bev erly, Homer Williams, Lee Neel, J. L. Turner, H. W. Hopkins. Religious Work—Louis Moore, George Neel. McNeil, Fred Smith, Milton Fleetwood, R. L. Wylly, A. G. Robinson, C .S .Mallard. House Committee—A. P. Harley, H. Merrill, W. I. MacIntyre. Boy’s Work—J. L. Turner, Geo. Neel, W. E. Beverly. Membership—J. E. Cratgmlles, Pat Smith, C. N. Neel, Clyde Stana land, S. W. Fleming, W. Palin, W. A. I’rinKle, Jr., II. S. Hyrnson. Athletic—H. Watt, Rob Balfour, H. Neel. T. L. 3poWe, C. A ns- 1NY GUESTS IT THE TOSCO FIRST NIGHT OF OPENCU FINDS FIFTEEN REGISTERED—FIRST MEAL SERVED TODAY—SOX AND MOON FIRST TWO NAMES ON REGISTER. IlccHiiN, Dm-lor Operated on anil Hemi.v.Ml » lYrfecily Sound Orjrnn—Cano From Court of Appeals of Hadden Vs. Cliero- ’ kec. Reversed anil Sent Rack to Loenl Court. . Atlanta. Jan. 2J.—-As tho result j enough and the wheel of the of a ruling Just handed down by the buggy was hit and Mr. Langford State court of appeals, a Jury in j thrown to the pavement. Thoraasville will shortly be ■railed] He managed to keep the line, In oa to decide how much Mrs. .Nettie.. . . . .. . . t Edwards, a young widow, was dam-] 1 s band and the horse, frightened, aged by a surgeon who cut into her, i began to Tun. Night Sargeant on the operating table, and re- j Woodward was on the Job and 5!SS5i- he . Y r0Pg r 0 - l r i??’ ta V ng out j grabbed the animal..before it could get away and probably saved Mr. TO BE BUILT (From Saturday’s Daily.? , The Tosco Hotel was openeJ for business last night, after supper and fifteen registered the even ing, fourteen of whom wera assign* ed rooms. Mr. W. P. Sparks waa the first local man whose name ap pears on the register. The future of the hotel, is bright, indubitably stabllahed when the register shows the first two names; Jack A. Son, New Orleans. R. G. Moon, Jacksonville. V Breakfast was served this morn ing, beginning at seven o'clock, and about twenty partook of the meal. seived with dispatch and the menu wae delightfully prepared. The register at dinner today show ed a number of local people taking the first meal at tho hotel. . To morrow at six o’clock P. M., the management has decided to serve a special dinner ad it is expected that tho guest list will he composed of many people of this cPy. There are still a mimoer or things uncompleted in the lower fioor, but Auditing—J. E. Robison, W. N. j these will all be installed within the Hamilton, C. M. Heeth. .week. The grill for tho book-keep- Sooial—D. R. Pringle, It. S. Par-j‘*r, the desks in the writing room, dee, E. It. Jerger, S. W. Fleming, f and other small details of that char- ' W. B. Williams,/C. C. Smith, Luten I acter have not yet been installed. To? to. < LEG IN Crawford Street Lot Will be Used For Building to Cost Five Thou sand Dollars, in u Short ) Time. NEGRESS IN GUTTING SCRAPE r^r«6fi-'of her- ’Tnirmr not diseased at all. The state court or appeal, holds | , '‘ lnKford v - ry Berlou » '"Juries, as that, under Georgia laws, a surgeon j horse Was dragging him andjThe lot which must exercise a reasonable degree j rearing and plunging. Mr. Lang- chased tor th hr > i« B l t tahlei ,0rd B ° l a:,d ,0und that ho wss tain Maclean is located on Craw- and that fating to do so, he is liable | . j „ . _ . . . for civil damages. j on ‘> bruised and no bones broken, j ford street, and the papers have .—; ("<' ,lrove off In the vehicle after «(already been made and the title to . few moments. It has been impos Yesterday, tho meUiGer? of the Jewish congregation in this city made plans for the immediute erec« tlon of a Synagogue in Thomasville. was recently pur- purpose from Cap as the result of a cutting scrape In which he indulged Saturday nijht. ” The object of his attack was Ed. | IMPORTANT DECISION IN Tripp and they were fighting about REGARD TO LIQI'OR. ono Louotte Rowan. In the melee, Washington, Jan. 27.-Liquors * j the property is goguo. These member Ing to cost appr sand dollars. Tin Hadden Vs. Cherokee Saw Mill < pnny Will ho Tried Here. jsible to determine the Identity of In the Court of Appeals on yes- the man the auto, but It was terday the case of Wm. S. Hndden L. . .. . .. against the Cherokee 5a* Mill Co.,| tho " Bh ,hat " waa "" out-of-town of Thomasville, was reversed. About ,( ’ nr - a year and a half ago Wm. S. Had- Mr. Frank Carter His Collision, den, who at one time lived In this | Mr. Frank Carter, while diivlar. his uuto to Thomasville last night, ran Into a wagon on tho road, near, n ., . , , • , , lie lot ii en machinery and complained to the ( oon (reek. The smash-upi came! fur , (]i j superintendent of the mill about I before either party could prevent it 1 ° 1 le they arrive Just the same as liquors; it. The sm>erlntendcnt promised Vet in Atlanta Punched Hole in Glass Pavement With His Ap- I>emlago and Got Mad. Atlanta, Jan. 21.—Old Major Andy Flynt, a popular Confederate Veteran, who left one of hie legs at Gettysburg and has a peg In its stead, was hobbling along Pryor Rtrcet this me riving when his wood en leg suddendy punched a hole In the sidewalk and suuk straight down until it reached five wooden jw. C stump, while the major gesticulated { wildly and eventually fell over on!.’ his face. j burst The wooden leg was smashed in I tho process, and the major with one! tlie Jewish Syna-»ieg in his hand, hopped angrily, Mr» (with the aid of passers-by. to a jm, p i.fdnig »Iore and telephoned for a. jtaxl. His wooden leg had pn»»' , *»«‘* i 41 mately five thou- through one of the glass bull are making plans that are used on Atlanta pave I Those who have visited the place I pronounce it the most attractive hos- i fiery Jn any small town in Che 3tatv. | The list of arrivals on Friday, the • first night it wns opened, is as foj- ilows: t -’j Jac A. Son, New Orleans; R. 0. Moon, Jacksonville; E. P. Rand, Jr., Memphis; W. W. Frazier, 3rd, Phil adelphia; W. M. McCormack, New York; E. E. Peden, Franklin, Ky.; . W. A. Vassler, .New York; S. E. Bayless, Atlanta: I. N. Johnson, Manchester, (in.: H. M. Spitz. H. V. Hall, Atlanta; F. G. Volz, Chicago; Mayrell. Atlanta: William w York: W. if. Ellis. Ffazle- iV. I*. Sparks. county, was at w'ork for the Chero kee Saw Mill Company. He ai- was cut pn the face, nerost the imported Into the United States be-1 tlmt 1,0 '"«covere.l some hrok- chest nn J on ton of the leail. The come subject to the state laws, when Rowan woman got cut In the thigh, " but not severely. The negro Tripp ; f rorn other states, according to a de-jto repair the same, but failed to do is severo injured, but It Is expected j tI „ lon i, andcd down by the Supreme!* 0 - an<1 Mr - Hadtlen was Injured. that ho will recover. (Court toilav In UDhoIdlne ’he val-' aued the company for darnaBcs ,r ourt ln “Photuing .he the Clty Collr t of Thomasville. The .-.her:.. - arter Mose and, idlty of a New Orleans or linnnce. Thp Judge of that court held that he caught him yestorday. . j which laid a tax upon tho business I had no cause for notion and dis- :of Frederick DeEarry & Co., insofar I "‘“ed the suit. Mr. Hadden's at. - •„„ , t fonslsted of gelling imported ‘ orne , JS ! h t" ca T rled , th0 ra! '° to th(! Mr. Harry Garber, of Fitzgerald,jwlnei In unbroken pnekages of Ie»<j d °y’they reversed 't JC * t<r ' spent Sunday in the city. {than five gallons each. We will have two expert demon strators of the famous Durham Duplex Safety Razor You will have an opportunity of seeing this safety razor hand led by scientific demonstra tors, and their special deal will be worth while in vestigating. SEE QUR WINDOW DISPLAY. - 77 - ‘ • > * .- - ~ ' Peacock-Mash Drug Co. . and Mr. Carter was thrown the car, under the wagon. The man ijv the wagoi was aj’so hurled trom his seat and fell near the front fender of the auto. The wagon was demolished. biB tho auto was prac tically' unhurt. Mr. Garter found that the man The effect of fn the wagon was unhurt and hurried the decision of the Court of Appeals to town believing that he had been I s that the rnse will now go back , erlollsIy , nJlireU . An exanl | nat | on to the City Court of Thomanville, fort, trial on its merits before a jury, j >y I»k>s.clans showed that he had Mr. Hadden ln h!s petition, clalma ,,0 «n bruised in several places, hut j to have been severely Injured. The no bones broken. His neph«*w was suit Is for 115.000 with him, both comin- •for the building and will begin work to cover cellars tb-’t j as soon as tlx* matter of detail has ^ e P av i n 8» j been detlnttvly settled. J i bought and paid j Mrs. S. Rosemerg. nation has raised! The Officers are; an addition to that an anrtmnt on} W. Feinberx fro,u | which the *»rojo rily, | Mrs. .1. W. L. Yates left lor Tam- i l»H. Fia., this morning on account hed!°^ f ‘ 10 s '‘ r * 0,,s illaees of her sister, jayps. Mrs. W. H. Blake. Mrs. Blake Is L'nf.s' well-known here, having TjsJted ider Tiiomasvilie on several occasions and hvr many friends hope for a speedy will start building. The contributions yesterday were from the following: H. Fein berg $200.00 W. Feinberg I 00.00 B. Shomiig loO.oo sident: fl. Fe .1- I berg. Treasurer: I. Levitt, Financial Secretary, of Building Committee, j These gentlemen will go around »<»Si:VEI.T DELIVERS spi.Et H TilROlGII TELEPHONE TODAY Shipp & Kllnt of ‘Moultrie, jriilvllle where Mr. Cartr. brought the suit for Mr. Hadden, I , mercantile establishment. while the defendant saw mjjj com-! pnny is represented by Roscoe Luke, iTelegriiph Mes^engei* Break of Thomasville and Little & Powell, bone. , A telegraph messenger. I Parramore, MI from his hi . | Clay Street one 7iiglit this v ^ am * sustained severe bruises.. ily are spending the winter a* larbone was broken. lie Rockledge, Fla., is In town for a few medical attention at once, days. getting along nicely. of Atlanta.—Moultrie Observer. T 1) Winn, who His col- received and is ! M. Rosenberg 50.00 j J. GJldli >rg 50.00 ! H. NanU n 50.00 L. K<det«ky i.Y.OO T. Doad/ y 25.00 A. Rosolio 2 3.00 A. Bennett 25.00 B. Egnoli 25.00 S. Zager 15.00 I. Silverman 5.oo H. Goldstein ;,.o0 M. At tell 5.00 H. Wise 50.00 Mrs. W. Feinberg .. .. IO.Oti Mrs. lx. Kolesky. . . . 10.00 Mrs. II. Feinberg. . . Mrs. A. Rosolio. . . . 5.00 Mrs. B. M. Zangwill. . . 5.00 Mrs. A. Bennett 5.o0 asking for donations tou cause within a few days their hope that the peoph iibern! in assisting them i ivnagogue tii*' only one i ard this and it is New York. Jan. 27.— r ol. Theo- ^re Roosevelt will deliver an ad- ress. probi‘ !v In the quiet of his brary. at Oyster Bay today. It will i» heard, however, through indivld- al telephoned l»y two hundred nests at a dinner in honor of Jacob •bongut. a local Progressive leader, a Broadway restaurant. Fertilizers Fertilizers MANUFACTURED —by— Thomasville Fertilizer Company THKSK FFHTILI/KRS ARE MADE WITH THE GREATEST CAKE AMI EVERY INGREDIENT IS THOROUGHLY' TESTED AND MUST COME FULLY UP TO THE RE QUIRED STANDARD REFORE BEING USED. Ol R FERTILIZERS ARE COMPOUNDED OF PLANT I'<H>1 IS THAT WILL MAKE UROIJS GROW'. .. ALL KINDS AND BEST BRANDS —For Sale— Cash or Credit THOMAS UNION WAREHOUSE COMPANY! Office Thomas Union Warehouse, Thoma*vll!e, Ga. t K. K. MOORE, Mir. New “Patriot (Brand” THE KINO THAT DON’T FADE with White and Striped Collars $1.00 and $1.25 P. S. New line of French and Persian Trimmings LATEST PRODUCTIONS. The Shop of Quality, on the Corner LoUis Stcvctanan. ■, _ _ ~ -