The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, February 14, 1913, Image 4

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SEMI-WEEKLY IIMES-EXTERIRISE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1019. mm*-WZF&i*'' Compounding P rescriptions Is that feature of evrry well reculat«\1 pharmacy which should ho brought to the highest degree of efficiency. For many years the management of this store has studied the products, of the lead ing chemical works, and we urc those .xenerally preferred by critical dispensers, we use only those that have special recognition of a high standard of excellence. In placing orders with wholesale druggists we always specify and in- s'st on receiving original packages bearing la bels that are standard. INGHAM DRUG COMPANY, EVERYTHING THAIS FIT TO SELL. PHONES 9 and 99. AND HIDE’S CUBA fa ■ ■ mM So^ HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID I BH FOR RAW FURS AND HIDES |B l&yp Qf 9 uUT Wool on Commission. Writ* lor ™ ™ list mentioning this ad. JOHN WHITE & CO. LOUISVILLE, KY. Disease? Is Your DR. FARROW THE SPECIALIST WILL BE AT THE Stuart Hotel Tnomasville Ga. COFFIN FICTU ilETS FOB in mis IS ONE OF THE ITEMS UK- PORTED BY TIIE INDUSTRIAL IX HEX FOR THIS WEEK— Mini CONSTRUCTION WORK BEING CARRIED OX IX THE SOUTHWEST. .'olUIUi Just r eek: Feb. 1^.—The In- Index says in its issue for FEBRUARY 19TH.I Will Return in 28 Days WHAT DR. W. R. FARROW DOES * He treats all Chronic diseases of MAN or WOMAN that arc curable, no mat ter how lane standing. 11c treats PILES and other RECTAL DISEASES with out the knife; he treats RUPTURE without resorting to surgery. He invites the most difficult cases to call on him and try this new method FREE OF CHARGE. He removes WARTS and MOLES from any part of the body by a wonderful and painless method that leaves no scar. Why You Should Come Many have asked Dr. Farrow, how it is that he can cure chronic diseases that the general practitioner can do nothing with. The general answer is: Dr. Farrow has devoted his life to the specialty of Chronic Disease. He devotes all of bis time to his given specialty. He does nothing but office work. Instead of naving one office with a practice limited to a radius of a few miles, he has a number of offices, and his practice covers hundreds of miles, lie advertises for the difficult and baffling cases that have been seeking relief sometimes for years, many of which come to him and find health and happiness, through the aid of his diagnostic methods and deep acting blood remedies. His advice is always welcome to you. YOU and deep acting blood remedies. Ins advice is alwavs welcome to vou. PLACE YOURSELF UNDER NO OBLIGATION WHEN YOU CALL. Co once and consult the doctor—next time may be too late. Many of you who have been taking medicine and so called treatments for months will be absolutely cured in a few weeks. Very chronic cases will require somewhat longer time, but it will make no difference; you will be treated, until you can say: “I AM CURED.” Chronic Stomach Trouble “ d * r r ' You arc Irritable in disposition—cas never carry any of them out. You a to accomplish anything. You bccomi symptoms which you know only too deranged stomach. Other symptoms matter from the stomach. Pain, Distn stipation or Diarrhoea. Unhealthy co tongue.#All these symptoms point r< these symptoms, no time. Dr. V d< dis ly angered, re always tired. Vou ■ blue and despondent ed condition of t he body, have plenty of ideas, but Bloat deep, aggravated chronic Catarrh ad have ntal sy Belching of gas, < . Weakness, Palpitation of tin dexion. Changeable s i deranged digestion. K. Farr ■ failed. ppetite, and Coated If you have any of .g remedies will cure His specialty is the curing of Do y ’*Volume as well ns extent of con- -t ruction and industrial operations characterize the reports for the • • Never before was so much 'ipilding in progress and definitely ■•Inlined In the Southeast at this *(.:i of the year as now. A 15-storv ban it and office build ing is to bo erected In Maco.i, Ga., •it a cost of *."00.000 to $0 00,000. At Athens. Ga., a contract has been awarded for the construction of a county courthouse at a cost of $155,- 000. ‘A contract has been awarded at Birmingham, Ala., for the improve ment at an outlay of $100,non of the r :rst of s'x units comprising a new residence section. A Birmingham, Ala., company is to expend approximately $500,000 in extending and Jinproving its min ing operations. “An 8-story hotel building is to he erected in Birmingham. ' T i?*p|. Fla.. Is to have an office '•undine of seven or eight stories. a tor^l of twenty-one new eorpo -ations have been organized during the week, with minimum capital stocks aggregating $1,494,500. Among the items of construction work to be done as reported this •eek. are: Bank buildlnr. Minette. Ma.. and St. Petersburg, Fla.: club- muse. St. Petersburg, Fla.: court house, Madison, Fla.: church bulld- inss. Birmingham, Tuscaloosa and Attalla. Ala., Kissimmee. Fla.: three stories to be added to build ing, Atlanta, Ga.: paving. Opelika. Ala., Punta Gorda, Fla., and Macon. Ga.: school buildings, Bessemer and H rmlngham. Ala.: and Dade county, Fla.‘ theater building. Mobile. Ala.: warehouses. Augusta and Commerce r -n., Demopolis and Jacksonville. Ma.: apartment houses. Atlanta, Ga., and Birmingham, Ala.: city halls, .Tasner and Leeds. Ala.: fac tory buildings, Americus. Ga.. and Jacksonville and Sanford. Fla.: ho tel. Homeland. Fla.: twelve pn*?en- ~er stations In northwestern Flori da and southern Alabama: road con struction. St. Johns county. Fla rnnstructlon contract® have been -warded *s follows: Fraternal build- in*. $17,974. Tamo*. Fla.: bank quarters. Hawklnsville, Ga.: bridge, "rfsn countv, Ga.: paving. 3t. Augustine, Fla.: paving and sewers. T> ’rminehnm. Ala.: theater bulldtnj, r, WTwater. ^ln. “Industrial plants will be estab- Bahed as follows: Gas nlants 9t. "etprshure. Fin., and Tti&caloosa, Ala.: light and power plant, Met- *er. r i.: "inner'es. Demonolis, Ala.. •»nd Leesburg. Ga.: ice plants, En- ♦ or*'»-iop n-id Svlecauga. Ain., and r in : oil mill. Clanton. M? • ’ ettlipe "lanf extension. San ford. Fla. coffin factory. Valdostn a.: brewerv, Jacksonville. Fla.: imbpr n’ant. VidaHa. Ga.* electric i'Iwrv extension. Macon. Ga. BanV«« will V>p pst^MlshPl at ’"r '!•».. and DoughlnsvIMe, Ga. V f ndlsou eonntv. Flor’dn, voted 50.000 of bonds for building ronr*- nnd Gulfnort. Fin.. voted 10 000 0 f municipal Imnrovenient (Bv Associated Press.) New York, Feb. 13.—The Cotton Market opened steady at an ad vance of six to ten points on rela tively firm cables, and covering by some of Tuesday's late sellers. The advance, however, met a great deal of cotton and prices soon lost their early gain. The unsettled conditions in Mexi- o and the Balkans, combined with the nervousness of the financial mar kets, apprehension of the railroad strikes and continued poor export demand, seemed partly responsible for the set-back. The bulk of the selling seemed to come from Wall Street. Prices eased off to a net loss of three to eight points. Covering checked this decline and caused rallies of four to five points from the lowest around the noon hour. The market was comparatively quiet during the afternoon, but rul ed fairly steady with prices net un changed to two and three points net higher. The close was steady. Xnval Stores Market. (By Associated Press.) 3avannah, Feb. 13.—Turpentine was firm at 42; Rosin firm, type F., 625; G., 630. Drives Off a Terror. The chief executioner of death in the winter and spring months is pneumonia. Its advance agents are cold and grip. In any attack by .one of these maladies no time should be lost in taking the best medicine ob tainable to drive it off. Counties* thousands have found this to be Dr. King's New Discovery. “My hus band believes it has kept him from having pneumonia three or four times," writes Mrs. George W. Place. Rawsonville, Vt., and for coughs, colds and croup we have never found its equal.” Guaran teed for all bronchial affections. Price, 50 cents and $1.00 at all drug- cists.— (ndv.) flRGELS POST EXPENSES WOMAN CONVICT UNO IMBECILE Are Borne by the Railroads Says th Rig Gnn—Four-Y'ear Cost Seem* to Have Struck Uncle Sam Just Bight. Mens and im Hats VALUES UP TO $1.50 TIDE FAIR. WANTS FOR RENT—Furnished room, 20b E. Jackson 3t. D. F. Woodward. 4-it. HIGHEST PRICES—Paid for Furs Hides and Wool. J. B. Watkin ft Co. Atlanta, Feb. 13.—Hitchcock li the guy who put the O in Parcels, so far as the railroads are concern ed, and it is a great big O, a regu lar Goose Egg in fact, for the roads are getting no pay at an for hand ling the parcels post business. This fact, at first not understood by the newspapers or the public, ha3 been made clear by the statement of leading railroad officials. With the railroads it is not a question of doing the larger volume of business at an unprofitable rate, but of do ing the entire parcels nost business without any rate at all It is this way: tne government weighs the mail once In four years to fix the rate of nav for the next four years. They did the weighing before there was any parcels post, and the railroads are now forced to haul the nnrr*els nost on the pay fix ed for only the mall Even before the comln r of the reel* nost. the railroads had a very -nal and Interesting grievance, and 'Bit the additional burden now nut n them they feel that they are be lt? deenfv wronged. FOR SALE—Secoud. hand Piano; good make and in good condition. Write ‘ S.." cfo this office. 6-tJ LOST—Gold engraved buckle or main streets. Return this office for reward . 8-2t. Doctors Use Tills for Eczema Dr. Evans. Ex-Commissioner of Health, says: “There is almost no relation be tween skin diseases and the blood/' The skin must be cured through the skin. The germs must be washed out. and so salves ha vs long a*o been found worth- s. Tho most advanced physicians of this country are now agreed on this, and are prescribing a wash of wintergreen, thymol and other ingredients for eczema and all other skin diseases. This com pound Is known as D.D.D. Prescription for Eczema. Dr. Holmes, the well known skin spe cialist writes: “I am convinced that the P.D.D. Prescription Is as much a specific for eczema as quinine for malaria. We prescribing the D.D.D. remedy for years. We. ourselves vouch for the DJXXX Prescription for eczema and absolutely guarantee that it will take away the Itch the instant you apply It. If you are suffering from any form of skin trouble we would like to have yon como to our store, for we have bad tha agency of this remedy f„r so many E iara that we can tell you all about .D.D. prescription and how it cures eczema. In fact, we are so sura of what D.D.D. will do for you that wa will bs glad to let you have a 91 bottle on our. guarantee that It will cost you nothing unless you find that it does the work* For that matter a trial bottle for 25o ought to be enough to absolutely prove the merits of the remedy. Drop into our store anyway and wa greati Will tall you all about this f R. Thomas, Jr., Druggist,—(adv.) FARMS FOR RENT—Several good one and two-horse farms for rent. Apply at Times-Enterprise, hr J. R. Burch, Thomasville, Ga. LOST—On A. C. L. train, ring with large cornelian sotting. Liberal reward for return to this office. 10-41. FOR SALE-gA big, sound, hand some horse, with buggy an1 harness: outfit. $130. A bargain 431 East Monroe St. 7-3*. SALESMAN WANTED—Bor terri tory in South Georgia. Apply In person, if possible, to G. E. Schu mann, 110% Broad 3t.„ Thomas* ville, Ga. 13-2t til the Parade of the Sufira- s to Show How the Women i* finked When it Comes To Voting. HSillCIATEfl CHARITIES SIARTEft brc. throat? Call and ha have Catarrh. It < our best people—C«*n daily. No need of e> of stu Men backa diseases. cough and . p? Is your iimVv? Have you a bad taste* in your mouth? Have re y«.u bothered with shortness of breath and weak rouble with hawking and clearing of your throat? Do ; minus from the back part of your nose into your loctor examine you. There is no need for you to ds t>> • hat dreaded disease that is killing thousands of i. I >r. Farrow’s treatment can be used in your home office treatments. from carlv abuses, lost vital power, losses and drains, ck, shooting pains in the neck, chest, back and limbs, heart, restless nights, bad dreams, loss of ambition and mental activity, tier vou ness, irritable temper, bad blood dinguses which have been neglected or mistreated? No matter how chronic your trouble may be or how many haw treated vou, consult the master specialist, Dr. W. R. Farrow, lie cures 99 per cent, of all these cases that appeal to him. His medicines are quick acting an.: curative. Don’t let false modesty keep you away. These diseases are just as legitimate a branch of medicine as any disease of the stomach, etc. Be a man amongst men before it is too late. w»r Arc vou suffering from pain in the back of your neck, on top of your WnmPTl head and in the small of your back? Do you have pain down in II UIUCU fr i t of your thighs? Congestion of Ovaries? Do you have leucorrhoea, painful menstruation, too profuse menstruation or irregular menstrua- e sediment in your urine? Do you have bearing down and hot liz/.y and nervous? Arc you alwavs tired and weak? Do you spells? Many women have been saved from the operating table ’ Dr. \V. R. Farrow’s deep-acting medicines. DP. W. R. FARROW orrhoea, pa ? Do you ics? ♦ An JACKSONVILLE, FLA. ■ KKI> eOTAWKS. OMOV SKTS, ItlTA IIAO.l, CABBAGE. A Fresh Shipment —of— Garden Seed RECEIVED TODAY The two “Q” kind Quality and Quantity. He.slnnln, Saturday Fob. 1 at. our store will bo open every day, except Sun lay (rom 6 o’clock In tho morning until 12 oclock at night. The City Drug Store, The Seedmen. Phone 2S4 Atlanta, Ga., B’eb. 13.—Atlanta women are discussing tho suggestion •( having a beautiful woman, an ex-convict and a male Imbecile to inarch side by side in the “inaugu ration” puraue of the Suffiragettes at Washington, and volunteers may be asked for the three roles. They ')!! represent. of course, the alleged injustice of denying.the ballot to women when the only other class generally disfranchised Is criminals and lunatics. The beautiful woman is expected to donate her services free. The ex- f'onvict and the Imbecile, if they can be found, will have their expenses to Washington paid. If their ser- ices are accepted. If you feel your self going crazy, here’s a fine to make capital of It. A number of repegentutives of vai.ous churches met at the Y. M. v. a. last night, called by Messrs. George Neel and W. A. Watt, to make plans for the formation of an Associated Charities organization. The meeting appointed Rev. S. L. .McCarty, Rev. J. B. Johnston, Mr. Neel, Mrs. BLans and Miss Bowne to make plans and submit them to a meeting to be held Monday night. Then a public meeting will be called and explanations of the work will follow. , t f MEN AND WOMEN—Sell guaran teed hose. 70% profit. Make $10 dally. B’ull or part time. Be ginners investigate. Wear Proof. 3038 Chestnut 8t. ( Phlta. Pa. ON THE TOP ROUND OF THE LADDER of carriage and '.wagon repairing we &!t complacently, but not idly. There is alwaye “something doing" here because w© do it so well. Neverthe less, we’re ambitious to do more, and you can help to keep us busy by bringing your carriage cripples to the door of our shop. We wen’t cripple your purse If you do. A. W. Palin & Son. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AND TRIMMING. ro.MMITTKKS BfSY. THIS LADY’S GOOD APPETITE Mrs. Hansen, In a Letter From Mobile, Tells How She Gained It Mobile, Al».—“t suffered for seren yeare, with womanly trouble," writes Mrs. Sigurd Ilansnn In a letter from this city. "I felt weak and alwayi had a headache and was always going to the doctor. At last, I was operated on, and felt better, but soon 1 had ths same trouble. My husband asked mo to try CarduL 1 felt lie! ter after the Drat bottle, and now, i hare a good appetlto and ileep well. I feel line, and the doctor tells me I am looking better than he ever eaw me.” If you are tick and miserable, and euffor from any of the pains due to womanly trouble—try Cardul. Cardul Is successful because It Is composed of Ingredients that hare been found to act curatlrsly on ths woman, ly constitution. For mors than fifty years. It has betn used by woman of all ages, with great success Try It. Tour druggist sells It. .Mriulicr»lil|> Campaign of the Y. M C. A., to Begin Next Week., The committees which are plan ning the membership campaign lor bance j the Young Men a Christian Assocla- [ tioti are busy this week preparing lor the light. The enthusiasm that . i« being sowu by some* of the com- | mittees piomises a very heated com test. During the four days, from Tuesday to Friday night, of next week, an attempt will bo made to see every man and boy In the city available lor membership In tho Association. In tho meantime, each committee is -planning some sur prises for the other In their meth od of work and ways of advertising for their respective sides. A splendid work la being started at the building along all lines of As sociations! activity and as the mem bership grows the enthusiasm of the men grows. •Nightly now the gymnaelum Is filled with men, some playing bas ket ball, others dolnt Individual work on the apparatus. In the af ternoons the boys' classes fill the floor. It Is expected thla class will be divided aa the numbers Increase. WMtfc, Lshn* ASvbwy D«st., HriMwCo, OmunogcblM,.. tar Inttnuttmj, u4 M-motMT * Horn Ti « Wssm.” ami is iiiia inffw,« n«MS Highest Grtadc Autohiobllo Oils, Grosses Soaps, Metal Polish etc. Special Oils and Greases made if required. ,/ (ALL GUARANTEED. REED OIL CO. Taylor H. Mitchell, Agfc GENUINE seed potatoes— Spaulding Ra»e No. 4, per 150-lb ba^ $2.65; Red Blisa Triumph, per 150 lb. bng, $2.65. Can furnish seen grown either in Maine er New York Stale. VV« guarantee our seed to b» the best and true to noma. 10 yea - in the seed business, not a dissuti- fled customer, American Produ* Co.. Jacksonville. F!a. DR. SIMMONS Squaw Vine Wine A Pilitable Medicine especially prepared to relieve end care Ike diseases which tiled wines This excellent medicine is not only successful in conquering the pain ful and prostrating diseases that [ attack the female gsnsrative system but it is exceptionally pleasant to take. The usual rule that ths nastier the medicine the more effective it is. is reversed in the case of Squaw Vine Wine. is one of ths pleas antest of i dicinet. The fresh juice ofaw i. ripened sweet orange Is not me - .ireeable. It is indeed a happy combination of tweet herb* compounded with just enough spirits to keep it fresh and active in its medicinal effect Poor, tired mothers, worn out with the caret of a family and household, and suf fering from those distressing'aches, bearing down pains and nervousness which women only know, revive wonderfully under its strengthening and exhilirating influence. It ease, pain, strengthens weakened parts corrects irragularitiet builds up a strong, vigorous body, testores brightness to the eye and color to the cheeks. W a ter melon Extra select Tom Watson Watermelon Seed, flfty cents per pound. Theee send were saved from large shipping melons of my own growing. No seed were saved, from culls. Ill-shaped, or off-colored melons. The ends of melons were clipped off so as to avoid saving faulty seed. M y supply of these select seed Is lim ited. Send In your order at once. W. B. RODDENBERY, CAIRO, GA. Sold by DruggUlt and Dtaltrt Price $1 Per Bottle C.F.SIHM0NS MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI High Art Clothing For sale by R. Thomas and Pea- C0Ck-X*«b Erug Company. „ , Now thatfthe Fallfand Winter rush is over, we£are going to give fo our friends and patrons, the greatest bar gains in suits of clothes and extra pants ever given in Thomasville be fore. Our stock of clothing is fresh and clean and are well worth the price, marked in plain figures, show ing just what they sold for and what you pay for themjnow. We don’t handle bankrupt stock, neither do we buy from jobbers. We buy directly from the best manufac turers who make up to our order. We haven’t room to quote prices in this small space but you just come and see and you shall be satisfied. Mallard & Varnedoe.