The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, March 14, 1913, Image 4

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v pn * ' SBan-WEEKLY TrMES-E.VfBflritlSE, FRIDAY, MARCH 1-1, 1013. Making a Profit Suppose we had to find a new customer made a sale Trade would soon run out^and have any business, would we? ery time we we wouldn’t We’re agreed on that, so it’s plain the only way to make a profitable busi.iess is to sell again and again to the same customer. NEWS mOM ILL THE COUHTT l BUSTED CllfES SOU NEWS ID VIEWS But the customer want come back to buy again unless he is satisfied the first time. So we find that its giving satisfactory goods, satisfac tory prices, and satisfactory service that brings the cus tomer back, and makes business profitable. Ingram Drug- Co, Fast Motorcycle Delivery. Editor Times-Enterprise; Having closed a deal, with a re- Jpresentataive of your paper, I shall j endeavor to give you a few batehefe of news occasionally from this neck I of the woods As we live out in the sticks, where nothing of much im portance ever occurs, we may some times express a few views on the'is- to learn his name. I sues of the day. We shall try' Mr. Willie Griffin, of Fanlew, Fla.. I however, to he conservative, and j visited 'his brother and family here !should we trample upon anybody’s la8t we * k . This lg Mr . Griffin's old toes—well, I guess if they have no home and his many friends as well "MERRILLVILLE” Merrillville, March 13.—We are somewhat late this week with oui news, but hope we wont be so late 'as to be thrown into the waste bas ket. Mr. J. F. Lindsey left Monday for Atlanta to attend to legal business. He is expected to be <gone tor several days. Of course we have a new agent for this week, but have failed 97 AND STILL WiRK'NG Atlanta. March 13.—In the Per son of Alfred Anderson aged nine- tv-seven years. Atlanta lays claim lo having the oldest man in the world who is enzaeed in actively earning his daily bread by the sweat of his brow. Anderson is a day laborer em ployed by the city of Atlanta. His hair and beard are white and his shoulders tre bent, but he is still s'rong enough to wield a shovel with the younger bucks. White people who have known him for half a century, say that he was a gray-haired, middle-aged man at j oj the time of the civil war. There j ore many older negroes than he, corns it wont hurt much. Allow me to say in the beginning of our acquaintance that any views I may express through the columns of your paper are open to public criticism, by any reader who may differ with me. as relatives gave him a most hearty welcome among them. Mr. Guy Johnson, * of Coolidge, was (calling on his friends here Sat urday evening. Mrs. Crosby of Moultrie, and tie daughter visited her parents, We can't all see things in the same Mr. and Mrs. Chastain and family way, and I never fall out with a, this week, man because he dees not see a I Mr. Dave Jordan visited ing as I do. I friends at Barwick Saturday and You may find a few people who;Sunday last. cording to report, but nowhere one i will say that our public school eys- Dr. Daniels, of Moultrie, made our of approximately his age are stil? Item is a success, and that the pub- f city a special call Monday on impor- emgaged in regular work. What Your Disease? Is Your Dr. FARROW THE SPECIALIST WILL BE AT THE Stuart House THOMASVILLE, GA., THURSDAY MARCH 20th BOSTON MARCH 21st. Will Return in 28 Days WHAT DR. W. R. FARROW DOES * lie schools—the very foundation of an education—are getting all the {'consideration our state can afford. You may find a few people who will tell you that we can stop the toting of pistols, and at the same time al low the manufactures to make them and the dealer to sell them. You will probably find one or two who will say that our present sys tem of road working is giving uni versal satisfaction, and that our '•ounty authorities are endeavoring to give every section justice. Now, on these and many other subjects we may have something to say, in a kind way, at the propei time and at the most suitable place. Well, we look for 'good crops in this section this year, The people have prepared their land much bet ter than last year, and. seem to bo in good spirit, regardless of the failure made last year. Almost everybody Ps reftdy to plant, and quite a number have already plant ed corn. More melons are being planted in this section than ever before, which no doubt .means low prices. Well, our section was or.ce eon- He treats all Chronic diseases of MAN or WOMAN that are curable, no mat ter how lang standing. He treats PILES and other RECTAL DISEASES with- out the knife; he treats RUPTURE without resorting to surgery. He invites the j sidered tae dark corner of 1 noma* most difficult cases to call on him and try this new method FREE OF CHARGE, cou’.ty, but it can no longer be epa- He removes WARTS and MOLES from any part oi the body by a wonderful and -^derei thus. We have* two rural loutes from Coolidge, and almost painless method that leaves no scar. Why You Should Come every man’s mail is delivered at his gate. Of the j:ie hunLv.l, or more telephone subscribers of the Gool- ulge ‘.elephoue company there are nearly seventy-five ‘out in the sticks’ There is not a single community Many have asked Dr. Farrow, how it is that he can cure chronic diseases that the general practitioner can do nothing with. The general answer is: Dr.' Farrow has devoted his life to the specialty of Chronic Disease. He devotes all of bis time to his given specialty. Jle does’nothing but office work. Instead of having one office with a practice limited to a radius of a few miles, he has a number of offices, and his practice covers hundreds of miles. He advertises for the difficult and baffling cases that have been seeking relief sometimes for years, manv of which j within several miles of town that come to him and find health and happiness, through the aid of his diagnostic methods I cannot reached by telephone and deep acting blood remedies. His advice is always welcome to you. Y’OU - ... PLACE YOURSELF UNDER NO OBLIGATION WHEN YOU CALL. Come at message. \\ e lia\ e four doctors once and consult the doctor—next time may be too late. with automobiles and telephones; Many of you who have been taking medicine and so called treatments (or y 0U seVf \i j g nothing bitt fool- months will be absolutely cured in a few weeks. Very chronic cases will require |‘ ‘ somewhat longer time, but it will make no difference; you will be treated, until' b*»ness for anybody to get sick and you can say: “I AM CURED.” die. Chronic Stomach Trouble ”” You are irritable in disposition—easily angered never carry any of them out. You to accomplish anything. You becor symptoms which you know only to< deranged stomach. Other symptom: matter from the stomach. Pain, Distrc stipation or Diarrhoea, I’nhca tongue.#All these symptoms point to ; these symptoms, lose no time. Dr. \\ . you, no matter how many doctors havi deep, aggravated chronic diseases. Are your lungs or bronchial tubes Catarrh ny . sed condition of the body. ) items suit the taste of your read - . You have plenty of ideas, but ■ ers> j will endeavor to give all the blue and‘defpontot and°ba« 0 many°oUrer j-‘ ews ° f importance once u ell. These arc the mental symptoms of a t week. You realize the fact that rc: Bloating, Belching of gas, sour or greasy j news conies slow to man who walks ss Weakness, Palpitation of the heart. Con-| plow-handles from nplexion, Changeable appetite, and Coated * a deranged digestion. If you hove any of Monday morning until Saturday . R. harrow’s deep-acting remedies will cure n jght. We have no time to inquire failed. III. specialty is the curinft of' (Q who „ vls | tlng in the neigh . Do you cough and ! horhood, or who Is likely to get ^’ our I married In the near future, veak I The man behind the plow is placed cd mucus? Does your nose stop up? 1 Have you a bad taste in your mouth? you pains in your chest? Arc y<-u bothered with shortness of breath and f spells? Do you have throat trouble with hawking and clearing of your throat? Do j in the positioiv to do some thinking, you have dripping of sticking mucus from the back part of your nose into your . an d to think he must. We have let throat? Call and have the doctor examine you. There is no need for you to have Catarrh. our best people—Consumption. Dr. Farrow’s treatment daily. No need of expensive office treatments. ‘ u fieri ng from early abuses, lost vital power, losses and drains, have the doctor examine you. mere is no neeu ior jou iu | It often leads to that dreaded disease that is killing thousands of the other man do the thinking now r home P 11 backache, weak back, shooting pair.s in the neck, chest, back and limbs, ^ ** palpitation of the heart, restless nights, bad dreams, loss of ambition and mental activity, nervousness, irritable temper, bad blood diseases which have been neglected or mistreated? No matter how chronic your trouble may be or how many have treated you, consult the master specialist, Dr. W. R. Farrow. He cures 99per cent, of all these cases that appeal to him. His medicines are quick acting and curative. Don't let false modestv keep you away. These diseases are just as legitimate a branch of medicine as any disease of the stomach, etc. Be a man amongst men before it is too late. Are you suffering from pain in the back of your neck, on top of your YYQlQgQ head and in the small of jour back? Do you havepain down in Do yc have >t y front of your thighs? Congestion of Ov lcucorrhoea, painful menstruation, too profuse menstruation or irregular menstrua tion? Do you have sediment in your urine? Doyouhaye bearing down and hot flashes?» Are you dizzy and nervous? Are you alwavs tired and weak. Do you have numb spells? Many women have been saved from the operating table by Dr. W. R. Farrow’s deep-acting medicines. DR. FARROW JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Poultry Raisers For the most effective way to keep your poultry free from mites and lice use Tobacco Dust Jusl sprinkle it in your ne»ts and poultry houses and you will bejrid.of the pests, only 7 l-2c a pound at The City Drug Store, PHONE 284 i FULL LINE Of FIELD SEED JUST BECEIKE until we are deprived of many rights, whirh are justly ours. There fore, 1 shall give a few with the news. H. R. BANISTER tant business. Messrs. E. W. McMillan and A. Dyke made a visit to Thomasville Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Golden and Miss May Belle Marable, of Patten, attended preach ing here at the Methodist Church Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Vann, of Thomasville, is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. Young. Among those who went over to Thomasville shopping Saturday were Mrs. A. T. Joiner, Mrs. L. M. Wil liamson and Misses Vetitia and Alma Dyke. Mr. Peter Murphy, of Boston, vis ited his aunt, Mrs. Parr, who is very ill this week. We are glad to welcome Mr. an! .Mrs. Cullie Jordon Into our midst. They have moved here from near Coolidge. Mrs. McMath, of Meigs, was call ed to the bedside of her sister, Mrs. Parr, who is seriously ill at this writing. We hope for her a speedy recovery, although her case seems to be very unfavorable. Mr. F. N. Carter and Mr. Lum Giles made a business trip to Thoni- asville Monday. Mr. Lee Duren was among the tisltors to Thomasville Sunday af ternoon. Messrs. Olive Giles and J. R. Dyke made a business trip to Coolidge Tuesday. Dr. Crow, of Coolidge, was here one afternoon this week. . “CENTER HILL” tX considerable check has been put to the usual progress of the farmers of this section, in conse quence of the recent rains, hauling guano being about the main order o-f the last day or two. There was a quiet marriage at the home of Mr. Bruce’s, near Man sell, on the 11th inst., w'hen Mr. Lonnie Weeks and Miss Katie Bell Bruce were joined in the holy bonds of wedlock, Rev. R. J. Jackson per forming the ceremony. There will be a considerable shortage in the syrup crop this year in this part of the county, on ac count of the drop in the syrup mar ket and the damaged seed cane. One man in this immediate section has ten thousand seed cane to sell at fifty cents per hundred, and oth ers have some to sell and can’t get buyers for it. -A very fine grade of lews j South Georgia syrup is produced in this part of the county, but the far mers cannot raise it for 25 cents per gallon. We see signs already of more prosperous times as, siniee the instal lation of Democratic Executives a Mr. and Mrs. Jini Singletary were ’ matrimonial w f ave seems to have WILL PLACE ON SALE Thursday March 13th 1 LOT OF Ladies Tailored Shirt Waists $1.00 Values from to $2.50, for. The 69c Fair. "METCALFE” at Metcalfe. • ! Some of the farmers are having j ' to plant their watermelons over onj ® i account of so much rain. ® Metcalfe, March 13. Mrs. F. B.. \y e are sor ry to know that Mrs. Clarke of Quitman, 1s visiting her | Vinnie Thompson is sick with lagrip- daughter, Mrs. J. H. Connell. I pe a t this time. .Mr. A. M. Swift was a visitor to i Our school is progressing nicely WANTS § Tb'omasville yesterday Monday, March 10th, was ob served as Clean-Up Day by the High School, and when the day closed, quite a change had been wrought upon the building and grounds. Mrs. S. A. Peel, of Jennings, Fla., is visiting her son, Prof. J. T. Hol land. The many friends of Mrs. H. A. Hartsfield will regret to learn that she is very sick. Dr. S. Y. Jemlson, the distin guished President of Mercer Uni versity, was among the visitors to our city last Sunday. Several carloads of rail, switches, etc., have arrived for the Upmago Lumber Company, and just as soon at the present. SCHOOL BOY. The farmers of this section are very busy planting cane, and Messrs Wiley and Luther Singletary have planted their melons; and several others are preparing to plant; and some are preparing to plant corn this week. Miss Bessie Sasser and her broth er Mr. Anon Sasser attended Sunday school in Meigs Sunday. Mr. W. H. Benton was visiting in the Coast Line has finished put-! the Pebble Hill community Sunday, ting in siding for the company, the ( Prof. W. H. Chandler was visiting laying of rail upon the new road in Grady county Sunday. ill begin. The company also has tie of Its locomotives here, ready to haul building material for • the road. Ir. C. A. Dasher, of Thomasville was in town attending to business today. Miss Bessie Dunn, one the high hool teachers, spent the week-end visiting her parents in Cairo. The .many friends of Mr. Edwin Home, will be pleased to know that he is rapidly improving after having ndergone a slight operation at the City Hospital in Thomasville. Ir. H. T. Cotton has just re turned from a visit to her parents In Chalres, Fla. Col. R. L. Wylly, of Thomasville, was In town on business today. Miss Ola Chason made a call on her sister Mrs. N. H. Sasser Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wilson are improving after a spell cf lagrippe. Mrs. A, f* Thompson who has been sick, for several weeks at the %>®® ®®®®®®®®@® MEN AND WOMEN—sen guaran teed hose. 70% profit. Make )13 dally. Full or part time. Begin ners Investigate. Wear-Proof, 3038 Chestnut 3t„ Philadelphia, Pa. BAKERY FOR RENT—New, eaii to be the best oven south of At lanta. Apply to J. H. Jenkins, 2*2 West Jackson 3t., Tbomae- vllle, Ga. 22-tf. WANTED—A large tract of good land (timbered land preferred) Must be a bargain; give full de scription and lowest price first letter. L. A. Wood, Carrollton, Ga. , 25-tf. WASHINGTON IN ADVISES CHINESE Pekin, March 13.—Frank John son Goodnow, of Washington, was today appointed chief adviser to the Chinese Government In the reform of its constitution. ter at this writing. Mrs. O. P. Griffin of Thomasville spent a few days with her father home of her son In Cairo, is no bet- Mr, J. P. Chason this week. High Art Clothing "FORKS IF THE RIVER" seen going to Thomasville Tuesday. Mr. Tom Ellis made a business trip to Ochlocknee last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rehberg atten ded to business in Thomasville last Saturday. They came back and struck the country and it to no respects of persons, for we know of several young couples, ranging from fourteen to eighteen, and then we know of some old ex- Confederate soldiers making inquir- spent the night with Mrs. Rehberg’sfies about certain widows. From the uncle, Mr. Homer Carter, wh'o lives (latter we expect to hear of devel- near Thomasville.’ i opments later. Money seems to be Mr. Os:ar Bustle, was in Ochlock- nee Saturday afternoon. Another of Ochl^cknee's Satur day’s visitors was Mr. Lorenza Reh berg. Mr. Thad Goff went ever to station Saturday on business. a little scarce just now, but the raise recently made on marriage certificates doesn't seem to cut any figure at all Some of our neighbors went down he to Mr. J.,0. Newton’s, near Fre- donla, this week, to get some of the Miss Clevie Hand and Mr. Her-(famous Newton seed corn, and from bert Rehberg visited MLu Ethel j the looks of the amount they bought Stringer,, a former teacher at this Mr. Hastings will not do much place, at her home la Pine Park business In seed corn In these parts last Saturday and Sunday. They this year. That’s right, Oscar; let’s report a very pleasant trip, !> (show' them what we can do If we Mr. Floyd 3ingletary .was seen try. over at the station last Saturday. Mr. C. F. Rehberg visited Meigs In a business capacity Tuesday. Improvement* are being made In ed of some, and even that will likely do good. Mrs. Johnnie flay of Thomasville, the community, Mr. Lorenza Reh- visited her sister, Mrs. Don Rehber* berg Is repairing and building on I |ag t Saturday and Sunday, to hi* bouie. I Mr. A. R. Rehberg, went to Thom- Owing to the unfavorable weather asvllle on bushiest last Saturday. Monday, Cleaning Up Day could Also Mr. E. E. Rehberg attended {not be observed here as It probably to bailneM In Tbomasvlllo last Bat- would have been. It bad been talk- urdsy: Prof. C. E. Dugger, made a busi ness trip to Thomasville Saturday. Mr. R. J. Merritt made a business trip to Thomasville Thursday. Master Paul Merritt spent Satur day night with his sister Mrs. A. M. Pilcher of Ochlocknee. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill spent Sun day with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hill. Master Rufus Bulloch spent Sun day with Master Paul Merritt, Miss Bernice Robison spent Sun day with Miss Pearl Dugger. •Mr. J. B. Bonds made a business trip to Meigs Wednesday. Mr. and 5frs. H. C. Taylor is all smiles over the arrival of a baby girl. Miss Nellie White visited th? school Friday evening. Prof. C. E. Duggar lost his nice horse Monday. He was sick of pneu monia. • Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Bulloch spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bulloch. Mr. W. A. Rogers left Monday for Blue Ridge, Ga. We are sorry to say that Mrs. J. W. Russell is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. U. K. Braswell are also on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Thompson spent the week-end with relatives USE ALLEN’S FOOT-EASE.s anticeptlc powder to bo ■htken Into the shoes. - .w want rest and comfort for tired, acblofc, swollen, awiattsf feet, use Allen’s Foot-Esse. Itre- lieves corns snd ban Ions of all pain and prevents blisters, sore snd callous spots. Just the thing for I Dancing Parties, Patent leather L „ F Breaking In New Bhoeo. It la thooreatestcomfort discovery of tbeagfc TryStfed*. doUotor^^H DonVaecyt Now that the Fall and Winter rush is over, we are going to give lo our friends and patrons, the greatest bar gains in suits of clothes and extra pants ever given in Thomasville be- fore. Our stock <lf clothing is fresh and clean and are well worth the price, marked in plain figures, show ing just what they sold for and what you pay for themjnow. We don’t handle bankrupt stock, neither do we buy from jobbers. We buy directly from the best manufac turers who make up to our order. We haven’t room to quote prices in this small space but you just come and see and you shall be satisfied. 4 Mallard & Varnedoe. GOOD ENOUGH FOR A WHILE YET before sending It to the repair., !s the mistake that Is often madt the mnn that Is given to procrasti nation. Why run the risk of acci dent when It may cost you to dear when you can have your carriage or wagon over-baulel and made Bound at so little expense by A. W. Palin <& Son. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AND TRIMMING.