The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, April 25, 1913, Image 4

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SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES-K.Vr-KKE KlfcE, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, J01S. Dont Swat the Fly © Shepard's House Fly Driver and Insect Exterminator Is t'ne only liquid driver and exterminator on the market. It is a disinfectant, deodorizer and prrmiclde, and is harm less to people. Kills flies, mosquitoes, and all o‘hor In sects instantly. Endorsed by your Uncle Sam’s Health De partment. and guaranteed by 1XGRAM DRl G CO. Other seasonable articles of extreme merit are Ashe’s Roach Pepper, the most satisfactory roach exterminator we have ever sold. While Tar paper that takes the place of moth balls. Cedar Dans for storing away furs, suits, over coats, etc. These Hags are moth proof, dust proof, and the article can be taken out and worn any time © INGRAM DRUG CO. ; Phone 9 or 99. | © m ©©© © ©©©©©©©©@ @© ©©© © @@©@@© IS TO GO FREE Los Angeles. April 24 —Ortle Me- j PITTSBURG CHILDREN’ CONGRK. GATE IX FRONT OF BUILDINGS BUT WILL NOT ENTER—TI N PER CENT. AT THEIR DESKS. Manigal. the confessed dynamiter, and who was the chief witness against the McNamara brothers, who has been a prisoner here since April 1911. Will be released some j pittsburr. Pa., April 23.—Scarcely time within the next thirty days. ac-|, en per cent, of Pittsburg’s seventy cording to a statement made today ■ thousand school children are at by an attache at the District At- their desks today. Large numbers torney’a office. j 0 f them congregated about the | school houses but they were dis- Who Stole the Tlmes-Enterprise 1)e rsed by the police. Goose? | The children who wore arrested Everybody who has been in the yesterday while carrying banners, office of the paper lately has stopped I demanding the removal of Superln- to look at and comment on the lit- tendeni S. L. Heeter, were released tie red goose which stood on a ta-Jt day by a police magistrate, after ble near the entrance and which j a sharp reprimand, had been used for a mascot sinco xo announcement has yet been the death of the alligator. Yestcr-1 made whether the citizens selected day, the goose had disappeared, no- by the Hoard of Education to inves- body knows how, or where it has jugate the reflections upon the char- Sone. lacter of Superintendent Heater, will “It must have flew," remarked one accept their appointment, of the copy boys, but though it vas ■ ■ ■ - very lirelike, and capable of turning! its head at will, and fixing its_vyes! HRfjflN FITT119C on all comers, it had never been known to quack and its wings were hardly of the kind to bear it away. That some one might have been impressed with the idea that it was the original goose that laid the golden egg, and afraid that it mlgat lay too many for The Ttmes-Enter- prise, and bo grew Jealous and stole it, is thought possible. It was much company for the members of the force, some of thorn finding its society very congenial, and if it is returned, no questions will be asked and a liberal reward will be given. ***************** ★ WANTS -***«««****«**«*** OLD RAGS WANTED—Clean, rot- ton rags. Apply at thla office. BICYCLE STOLEN—$5.30 Reward for return. Columbia Mo lei 59, Chatnless, black enamel 26-Inch frame, black wheels, red rubber handle grips. Return to Tlmes- Entcrprise. PAYNES flIEUMATOIE FOR RHEUMATISM UP ELMTELY EWS FROM THE COUUT) The recent cold spell did less damage to crops than was first ox- peoted. It looked very probable for a while that the cotton would have 10 be planted over, hut a few days hot sun has made the prospects brighter. The damage to corn end garden truck was very slight. '.Ve haven't been able yet to determine Just how had the black-berry crop is damaged, but we hope It is not seriously hurt. Mrs. M. Philips of Coolidge, is spending a short time with her sis ter, Mrs. A. D. Fleetwood. Miss Kate Parramore who has been quite sick Is thought to be improv ing at hie writing. Messrs. G. W. Kelly and A. J. Fleetwood paid their respects ‘o the cat-tish at Chastain Wednesday night. They reported a good catch. Mrs. S. C. Ferguson is visiting relatives near Pelham this week. Next Saturday and Sunday Is our regular preaching time at Fredonla, and Rev. T. A. White will preach a sermon on Saturday on the subject of the Woman's Missionary Sorlety. Ivet every one come and hear him, and especially all the ladies should hear him. "PATTEI” Barwiek, Ga., April 21.—dome of the crops in this section have been shifted about among different far mers and the sudden changes in the weather doesn't seem to help them very much. Justice court was in session here Saturday. i A good number of our citizens ited Thomasville this week for the same purpose. j Rev. Hines of Bainbridge filled the nulpit here Sunday evening. ! Rev. O. C. Hough preached at the (Second Baptist Church, of Thoiias- iville Sunday. j Mr. Sim McKenny and Miss Mabel j Marable, hotli of this section, drove over to Thomasville Saturday after noon and were quietly married by ! Dr. Harris, pastor of the First Bap- 'tist church there. Mr. Cullen Rog- ! ers. Miss Annita McKenny and Miss Ethel Green were with the bride and groom. The air seems to catch the music of wedding bells. The school will close Friday, bjt we will not have the picnic, as had been planned. Atlanta, April 24.—That Senator* The farmers claim that the ll*tle cold “snap" we had the first of tr.e week injured their crops a good deal, and some of them are having to plant their cotton again. Dr. Monroe and wife, of Metcalfe, are the guests of their sjster, -Mrs L. W. Boles, for a short time. Quite a crowd of Ozell folks en joyed a fish fry at Dry Lake last Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. I. F. Duncan vis ited their daughter, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Henry Graham, of Morvon was the guest of Miss Wessle Wade last Sunday. Rev. J. r. McCann attended preaching at Boston Sunday. Mrs. T. R. Garbettj of Cairo, visiting relatives here this week. Messrs. Thomas and Ely Barrow were in town Monday afternoon. Miss Julia Ward visited her grandmother, Mrs. John Ward, of Evergreen, last week. Mr. M. C. Boman, of Fargo, Oa., called on Miss Ella Duncan Sunday. We are looking forward to he Bacon, of Georgia, has neither gone plcnlc at the schooI h0UBe next Frl . into melancholy decline nor is con templating anything like retirement for years to come, seems to be pret ty conclusively indicated in a letter from Josiah Carter, who says: “I have said a time or two that Senator Bacon was not broken hearted over recent events. The Senator has fitted up the rooms of the Foreign Relations Committee so they would be coveted by a king. It is said the furnishings cost $10.- 000. No man who is going into a decline Is likely to spend ten thou sand dollars on his office furnisn- int's—even if Uncle Sam does have to pay the bill.** day. Everybody Is Invited to attend and bring well-filled baskets. BLOCKADED Every Household in Thomasville Should Know How to Resist It. “SPRING HILL” The continued good weather of the past few weeks, has enabled the farmers of this section to finish planting their crops. Quite a niimner of the pupils of our school, accompanied by their parents and the teacher, had a very pleasant outing last Saturday, say that all had a good time would express it mildly. A number of young people from this section, attended the all-day sing at Pine Chapel last Sunday. ...” >'°" r bec '* use tbe I Among the leaders in the sinking kidneys are blockaded, 1 You should help the kidneys with their work. were Messrs. Pendergast and Brin son# while Misses Watson, Prince, Tx , .... | James and Sasser rendered beautl/iil Doans Khlney Pills are especially | nnd ap p ro|lrlate organ aC compaai for weak kidneys. | ment Recommended by thousands — • I here’s testimony from this vicinity: | I Miss S. A. Harden, 205 N. Lee j St., Quitman, Ga., say9: *1 confirm) my endorsement of Doan’s Kidney THE GREATEST KIDNEY AND BLADDER REMEDY ON THE MARKET TODAY. Pills given in April, 1938, and I [authorize its continued publication for the benefit of other kidney s.if- | fer«Ts. I had kidney trouble for ! quite a while and suffered intensely from dull, nagging backaches What it has done for others it will ' alns through my loins. My strengtn do for you. Cures and strengthen. *?” , mo " nd J« lway » tasks will become a pleasure Insteicii ; ter taking them, the backache and 9 Will ucuuuiu a jjicoduh; lUBirm | 11 of a drudgery, life will be brighter ° tb £ and your health extended for many years. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price, $1.03 per bottle. For Sale by— PEAOOOK-MASH DRUG CO. (adr.) Tax Notice, First Round. I will be r.t the following places to receive "Tax Returns" on dates given. Barwiek, 1 ueeday April 1st, from 9 to 3. Pavo, Wednesday. April 2nd, from 9 to 4. Patten, Thursday, April 3rd from 10 to 3. Merrillville, Friday, April 4tb, from 9 to 3. Coolidge, Saturday, April, oth, from 9 to 3. Meigs Monday, April 7th, from For sale by all dealers. Prlee 50 rents. Fostey-Mlihurn Co., Buffalo, N. Y„ sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s— and take no other. f*lT.) 8t’a, 9th, 10th, 9 to 4. Oehlocknee, Tuesday, April from 9 to 4. Ellabelle, Wednesday, April from 9 to 12. Metcalfe. Thursday, April from 10 to 4. Cooka Store, Friday, April 11. from 10 to 3. Boston, Saturday, April 12 th. from 8 to 4. Thomasville. all during April term of Superior Court. F. S. NORTON. (adr.) T. n. T. C. Mr. .1. W. Wilson went to town on business last Tucson- Miss Ola Chason accompanied by her two brothers. Messrs. Wesley and Aubrey Chason, went to see their sister, near Cairo, last week. We have had no sickness worthy of mention in this community this year. However, It is repor'ed that a member of the family of Mr. Pryor Rick Is ill, but we hope she will soon recover. There is to he a game of baseball at Center Hill, next Saturday al 2:3ft o'clock. Everybody is cor dially invited to attend. Miss Fannie Mac 'lall took din ner with Miss Maggie Merritt Sun day. Mr. H. M. Hall called on Miss No), lie White Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Spooner dined with Prof, and Mrs. C. E. Dugcar last Sunday. We are goliu to have another ex hibition at Pebble Hill shool house, at the cloee of school, and that will be instructive and interesting throughout is an assured fact. Mr. Ralph Simi'son of Pleasant View was among the visitors to our community Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. William Hill, of Pleasant View spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hill. Mr. R. J. Merritt and Miss Guesle Merritt spent Monday with Mrs. C. E. Duggar. Mr. J. C. Robison is attoadlng court in Thomasville thii week. For The Toilet © WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE LINE OF TOIL ET WATERS, INCLUDING SUCH POPULAR ODOR3 AS AZ- UREA, LA TREFLE, HUDNUTS VIOLETS. I.AZELLS, ETC. ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE LINES OF TALCUM © POWDERS IN TOWN INCLUDING AI.L MAKES. ODORS. AND © PRICES. O IT ” PV YOU W f'- ’V NEED OF ANYTHING FOR © © THE TOILET TO INSPECT OUR LINE AND GET* OUR PRIG- © © E3. © iThe City Drug Store, PHONE 284 - 'mm We are having some fine weather now and the farmers are busy plant ing and some are chopping cotton. Miss Vara Crlsler visited Miss Inez Green in Pavo last week. Misses Nannie Mae and Olive Wil liams, of Pavo, visited our Sunday School last Sunday afternoon. > I- • Winnie Harvov an - nest Harvey, of Coolidge, were pleat* ant visitors here Sunday. Misses Dona and Nellie Robison, of Pleasant View, spent Sunday with their Uncle, Mr. J. C. Robison. Miss Mamie Sasser spent Sunday with Mrs. J. C. Robison. Master Ansley Sasser spent Sunday with his friend, Master Reiner Bul lock. Master Carl Russell spent Sunday with his friend, Master Rerner Bul lock. Mr. Russell Bullock spent Sunday with his friend, Mr. Outler Robison Messrs. Albert and Ira Pullen, were pleasant visitors to our com munity Sunday. Rev. C. E. Dell spent Sunday witn Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Bullock. Misses Mattie and Laura Smith spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. G. W. Davis. Mr. J. T. Bullock made a business trip to Thomasville last Wednesday Messrs. Harry and John L. Pil cher, were pleasant visitors to our Sunday School Sunday. Rev. "Ward, of Meigs, preached an able sermon at Beulah Saturday morning. Prof. T. A. Clower, of Meljo, srpent Saturday with Mr. C. K. Sas ser. •‘MERRILLVILLE” Quite a number of young people attended ft sing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Dyke’s Sunday after noon after Sunday School. Good singing is always enjoyed, and moat especially as fine as we had Sunday afternoon. < Mr. Sam Shepherd of the Fredon- community, and Miss Mattie Pierce, wa, in our town Sunday af ternoon for a drive. Mr. E. R. Brandon, of Thomas ville, was among the well known vlo- Itors here Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Davis, of Camilla, came over Saturday to vis it MrB. Owen. Mr. Davis and little daughter returned 3unday to Ca milla. Mrs. Davis will remain over for several days. Mr. J. W. Wilson is spending this week in Thomaeville, attending ourt. Mrs. Hardy, of Quitman, Ga.. who has been the guest of relatives tor the ; ast week, returned home Suu- day. Miss Mattie Wooten, of Adel, camp over Sunday evening to be the guest of her Bister, Mrs. J. F Lindsey, for a few weeks. Mr. Dave Jordon made a business trip to the city of Thomasvlile Mon day. Miss Erma Jarrett, of Atlanta, was called home last Wednesday to tile bedside of her sister. Miss An nie Mae Jarrett, wno is yet very ill. Miss Jarrett will likely lie at home for several months before returning to Atlanta. Mrs. F, N. Carter, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. -. Boland, at Woodvlne, FIs., for some time, returned homo this week. .Mrs. H. W. Hayes and Miss Veti- -la Dyke spent Wednesday in tho country with Mrs. Hayes' relatives. Mrs. Jarrett. of Boston, is visiting her son, Mr. E. C, Jarrett this week. Mrs. Ida Groover, of Groover- ville, spent Saturday and Sunday nere as the guest of relatives. Mr. J. R. Dyke made a flying trip to Coolidge and Pavo Tuesday. Mrs. Jordon, of Prospect, visited her son, Mr. Cullie Jordon Monday. Messrs. Charlie and Lander Ne smith, and Charlie Parramore, were among the visitors here Sunday from the Fredonia community. Come again, boys; we are always glad to have visitors. Mr. Roscoe McMillan, of Thomas ville, was here Saturday.and Sun day. being the guest of his brother and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lindsey went up to Tlfton Sunday, to visit thalr •nothcr, who is very HI. Mr. I,uke Smith, of Macon, who has been with his brother hofo, for '■ time, returned homo last week. THE FAIR. WILL PLACE ON SALE AN ASSORTMENT -OF- China and Glassware Values from 10c to 25c CHOICE 5c On Sale Friday 9:30 A. M. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY T he Fair. Stein-Bloch Clothes. IS THE COUNCIL FOB ACTION TO BE ACTED OX AT THE NEXT MEETING—WANTS KEST1UCT- KD DISTRICT. iA (petition will be presented to council at its next meeting two weeks hence to form an impound ing line In the city llmts In which cow9 shall be allowed to roam. The people In the district laid off, pre sumably in the majority, agreeing that it is their desire. The line in cludes the territory east ot Hard away street, except tho Malletto Heights lot, which is to be purchased for the schools. The petition was to have burn presented last night by T. A. Teate. ■ but he arrived after the council had adjourned. It Is as follows - 3TATE OF GEORGIA, Thomas County. To the Hon. Board of Aldermen and Mayor City of Thomasville: We, the undersigned citizens and tax-payers of the City of Thomas ville, ask and pray your honor to set aside and relinquish from the) City Cow Impounding Ordinance, | all territory on the north of Harda-' way Street, to Monroe Street, run- i nine thence along Monroe Street to j Hanscll Street, thence along Han- ] sell to Jackson Street, taking in nil | territory from Mr. Andrishoks to Jackson Street, as outlined above, i and shown on the accompanying dla-j gram. This said division to he j known ns being outside of the Im- j pounding district for cows only.! The above-described district ahoirnds with fresh Bermuda grass the year around and has flowing through It several beautiful streams of coo!, spring water. It is agreed tnat said streets nr boundary lines be patrolled daily to prevent nny passing of eattle Into the City of Thomasville. (Signed) R. L. Drew, Lewis Ward, Mrs. J. E. Dickey, Mrs. Sal- lie Green, L. N. Johnson, J. R. Burch, .N. J. Milton, Addle Brown, Mrs. Robert Alexander, Robert Al exander. Mrs. W. B. Brooks'. Mrs. E. C. Freeman, Maggie Olauster, Dina Sutton. Jane Jones, J. C. Grif fin, Mark Maxwell, Alice Anderson, J. C. Dukes, 3. E. Stanaland, Mrs. A. B. Syme9, L. H. Dickey, Thomas Jacobs, W. D. Hargrave, P. D. Phil ips. James Stewart, Francis Es- cridge, T. A. Teate, John Miller, H. J. MacIntyre, John Andrlshok, Geo. Escridge. UBe DARBY’S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID in the house and In the sta ble. It is as good for animal flesh as it is for the human body. It hcais sores, cuts, ragged wounds, colic, dysentery, hats ai.d wonts. There ie haidly any limit to its sefulness about the home. Price, 3ft cents per bottle. Sold by R. Thomas, Jr„ and Peacock-Mash Drug Company.adv. Special Notice! Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad Company; K. M. Atkin son and E. T. Lamb, Receivers. Thomasville, Ga., April 19, 1913. SALE OF REFUSED FREIGHT. There will be sold at public auction May 15th, 1913, at 10:00 A. M., a carload of hay, received in car W. C., 30572, now stored at Neel’s warehouse, billed to order notify Homer Williams, to satisfy charges now assessed against the shipment, same to be sold without guarantee of quality, quantity or value. E. M. FLEMING, Agent Scientists Say No Person Is Naturally Lazy Scientists have found that no person is naturally lazy. Laziness, la Invariably caused from Impaired health In one form or another. Ninety-nine per cent- of Indolence, Ufclcssness, lack of ambh tloe, lack of appetite, is caused by the blood being impregnated with Malarial Germs. These little Germs, ten thousand of which could be held on the point of a pen knife, destroys the red corpuscles in the blood end tt last manifest themselves In the form of Chills, Chills and Fever, Cold and LaGrlppe. No. 101 Tonic is made from a prescription, which 1s guar anteed to drive these little demons from the system and rebuild the whole anato my, This No. 101 Tonte la made (tom a prescription of a physician who bad 30 years experience practicing medicine la one of tbe worst malarial sections In the south. Try It on a guarantee, U It falls to cure you, the money will bo given back. DnggMto and dealers everywhere sell it, or we will send dlredlby parcel poll malL Price 25c. and 50c. per bottle. ,. . ... The G. B. Williams Co., Sole Manu facturers, Quitman, Ga. (adr.) i #v><i % awm PROFITABLE DAILY TITHING. High Art Clothing Miss Bamah Mas Gandy, visited Hancock Sunday. and Mrs. Pliney r were guests at the home of Mr. am Mrs I, p. H a rt Sunday morning Nearly all the McOrawitea wen Misses Annie and Estllla 3mltb, Ashing last Saturday. They repor- of Coolidge, visited our Sjt. largo catch. School Sunday. \ Mra. Fannie Smith and Sira. I. V. Several of the MeGrawItoi at- Golden of the Hobbs district, visited tended services at Pavo Sunday Mrs. R. j. Latter Monday, morning and evening. Mrs. David Kennedy is tick at Mrs. Frankie Williams ami cbil-: tt ‘l» writing. We wish for her n dren of lone, visited Mrs. W. W.) early recovery. Benton Sunday. The many fritnda of Mia* Elvina Mra. Ainnle Proaser, la visiting her 0r »y wlll be very eorry to learn that daughter, la Elnton, for a few days, "he had the misfortune to fall am “• - -Dally Heavenly Manna." This little book is having tbe largest circulation of any of its kind nnd is conceded by Christians everywhere to be tbe most helpful If Christians allow the rush and crush of selflsh ambition to deprive them of their dally portion of heaven ly food, they must not be surprised If they grow spiritually leaner day by day, and if tbe peace of God gives place In tbetr hearts to tbe discontent which to growing in tbe world, not withstanding tbe multiplication of our comforts and privileges. Daffy neatenlp 1/ansa contains a col lection of Scripture texta with appro priate quotations for every day In tbe year. Surely the little tithe of time dally spent in of Its morsels of heavenly eouiwi cannot fall to profit all who pur It to published to do good-not t"i profit Your Fritnur Birth Dates. An autograph aud birthday record feature In tbla book to o great conveni ence. Opposite each day of tbe year are blank lines upon which you can secure the autographs of your friends and lie reminded of tbeir birthdays as they occur. Tills tnukes the book more valuable yearly. In ten yearn you would not sell It for ton dollars. Resides It baa a place for RIrtb Rec ords. Marriage Records and Death Rcc ords Also it has a table showing the day of tbe week of any date for oue hundred and flfty years Primed on bond writing paper, blur rlotb. handsome Price. 35 cents post paid: imitation alligator akin, gold edges. $4.00 postpaid. Order now 111 ble and Tract Society, 17 Hicks Street. Brooklyn, N.'Y. Now that the Fall and Winter rush is over, we are going to give to our friends and patrons, the greatest bar gains in suits of clothes and extra pants ever given in Thomasville be fore. Our stock of clothing is fresh and clean and are well worth the price, marked in plain figures, show ing just what they sold for and what you pay for themjnow. We don’t handle bankrupt stock, neither do we buy from jobbers. We buy directly from the best manufac turers who make up to our order. We haven’t room to quote prices in this small space but you just come and see and you shall be satisfied. Mallard & Varnedoe. £3* => Signs of Spring are now appearing, and this means. If you have a carriage, that the roads are now In condition for you to enjoy driving over them. See us about putting your rig in ilrst-clasa running order for Spring and‘Sum mer use. We are expert repairers, Vet our charges are most moderato. A. W. Palin & Son. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AND TRIMMING (Advertisement.) * ‘ Mdni _ -■ .. _ - -