The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, April 29, 1913, Image 4

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SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES-EN rKRIRIS E, TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1013. ■ « « 0 0 © 0 0 0 0 0 @ 0 0 0 Dont Swat the Fly Shepard’s Home Fly Driver and Insect Exterminator la t'ne only liquid driver and exterminator on the market. It la a disinfectant, deodorizer and germicide, and Is harm less to people. Kills fllce, mosquitoes, and all o’her In sects Instantly. Endorsed by your Uncle Sam’s Health De partment, and guaranteed by INGHAM DKl’G CO. other seasonable articles of extreme merit are Ashe’s Roach Popper, the most satisfactory roach exterminator we have ever sold. White Tar paper that takes the place of moth balls. Cedar Bags for storing away furs, suits, over coats, etc. These Bags are moth proof, dust proof, and the article can be taken out and worn any time. INGRAM DRUG CO. Phone 9 or 99. 000000000000000©00 0000©00000 GOOLIDGE HEMS Coolldge, April 28.—.Mrs. F. J. Jordau, who has bee;i fciik lor some time, is reported to be but little, it any. better at this time. Rev. J. P. McCann tilled his repii- lar api’Ointnient at the Baptist Church Sunday and Sunday night. Those who stayed away Sunday lost the hearing of one of the best ser mons ever delivered in this town, this SENATOR HOKE SMITH IN DEMAND AS A SPEAKER Atlanta, April 28.—Senator Hoke Smith is in considerable demand as an orator, and has been recently compelled to decline a number of invitations to speak in various part3 of the country. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, •North Carolina cities, and othor ribe is any judge of what (points are among those where the gospel teaches. A double marriage occurred in this community on last Sunday, the contracting parties being Mr. C. M. Eddings and -Miss May Belle Mur phy, and Mr. G. R. Eddings and Miss Amanda Murphy. The grooms ire brothers and the brides are sisters. They were met at the Rocky Ford bridge, on the Oehlocknee river by Rev. H. B. Nesmith and a few Georgia senator has been requested to make speeches during the past couple of weeks. Senator Smith found it difficult to decline an invitation last week to speak at the approaching meeting of the Southern Society in Wash ington, on May 10th. At that meet ing Congressman Richmond Pear son Hobson will preside, and Sec retary of State William Jennings friends where the nuptial tie tint Bryan will be one of the speakers. !Senator Smith was invited to speak •Southern Statesmanship and ly the preacher in a short, but im pressive ceremony. Their friends join in wishing them unbounded happiness on the sea of life. Quite a number of our citizens have been in ThomasviPe the last week and will be this week, in at tendance at Superior Court—some as jurors, some as witnesses and some as litigants. Coolldge seems to always have a full representation at these courts, Southern Ideas. His work In ‘.lie Senate, however, is so heavy tnat it is impossible for him to make any outside engagements of this nature. E WILL PROTEST AGAINST THE EVACUATION OF SCUTAIU TO THE POWERS OF EUROPE—“UNJUST AND CRU EL,** NICHOLAS SAYS. London, April 28.—The formal protest against the demand by the European Powers for the immed iate evacuation of Scutari by the Montenegrins, has been ordered made by the Representative of the Montenegrin Government in London, in instructions received today from Cettinje. The demand is described by the Government of King Nicholas “unjust and cruel.” Montenegrin Army, lied l>y Crown Prince, Marched Out of Scutari Today,, April 28.—Crown Prince Danilo, of Montenegro, and troops have marched *out of Scutari toward the north, says an official bulletin received here. Only five batteries of Montenegrin artillery now remain in the city. Mr. J. M. Linton, of Pavo, passed through Thomasvi’le Saturday, on route to Grady county, where he vlll spend a short time with his daughter. MEMORIAE DAY OBSERVED (Continued from Pago 1. Again,'* was given as a closing number. The Children of the Confederacy placed flowers upon the graves of the soldiers and upon those of members of the old Memorial Asso- iation, composed originally of some of ThomasviJle's most prominent women, several of whom have gone to Join the Great Majority. The stores were an closed for the afternoon and the postoffica, banks and other public buildings closed throughout the day. FIR-fUG IS RENDERED BY SUPREME COURT TODAY—CREDITOR OF COR- 1*0RATION, MAY HOLD SUC CESSOR FOR DEBT. pened to be in attendance on 'ast Monday, and was very much inter ested in the noble charge of the Judge to the jury. I wish that ev ery citizen of this great state could have heard it. So plain, pointed and to the very point, no one could help but see the great principle under lying the law, which is intended for the protection of all our citizens. The oat crop in this section seems to be very greatly damaged by rust. Some of the best pros pects are now looking very much ns though they would be almost a com plete failure. The blackberry crop, however, promises good. Unusuul Ruse to Capture Negro. Policeman Scott made an w.-rost under most unusual circumstances one night not long ago. Mr. Sco f t noticed a negro man standing in front of the post office several times during the early part of the night. About midnight the officer went to the negro who was still standing on the same spot, and demanded to know his business. "Don’t bother me, Cap’ll,” was the substance of the negro's rep'y, Tse waiting here for Gov’nor .Toe Brown. De Gov’nor owes me over nine thousand dollars and lie’s to come here tonight to ; ay me.’’ It only took the officer a minute to make it out that the negro was crazy and to decide that the easi -si way to deal with him was the l.ea\ j "You are Just the man I am looking! for. Gov. Brown is waiting tor] you in one of the back rooms in that I brick house at the end of this street! He sent me to show you *he way," was the reply of Mr. Scott. j Without any further pursuasionj the crazed nezro followed the offl- Mr J . M. Brannon, of Oainesvll'e memo,HAL DAY FITTINGLY passed through Thomasvllle Satur- OBSERVED AT CAIKO FRIDAY, day. en route to Cairo, where he goes to spend a lew days on busi- The writer hap-, ness. Cairo, Ga„ April 28.—Memorial day, Saturday, was appropriately ob- ] served In Colro. The orator of the I day, Hon. H. D. Twiggs, of Savav cer on to the jail and Into the cell.! nah, arrived here on the evening After they were once in -he cell Mr.; train Friday, A reception was ten- Scott Jumped out and fastened the was happening. The crazed man took on terribly for awhile, moaning that he “didn't think that Gov'nor Brows would fool him that way." He was carried to Thomasvllle next day.—South Georgia Home. »*+**»»*******»*» ★ * * ★ *««*+«****««**««* WANTS 1’IANO FOB SALE OR RENT—Ap ply to S. Sampson. 2S-tf. MACHINISTS AND LABORERS— Wanted to erect saw mill at Met calfe. Apply to Monroe & Co., Metcalfe, Ga. 19-8td-ltaw BICYCLE STOLEN—»o.DO Reward for return. Columbia Mo lei 69, Chnl-nless, black enamel 26-Inch frame, black wheels, red rubber handle grips. Return to Times- Enterprise, ▼ turin* and nr-f retina Engines. None esn sur- ,<a*s lb? liyb-^.ade service the Schofield Engines render today. r»«fj e-«*ino hotvllr construct*! —nil dtatri- can be used. All tizen. r. iiter Crank type--12 b-re»p—«T to 100 Kor*- raon raCTomr ESSEttiHJi ar. f all kin.ts •( ■jjcWnwrr.-mill. •ilppllee. pnlvaoUad iwlsg Schofield Iron Works Dept. ■ Macon, Ga. Scientists Say No Person Is Naturally Lazy Scientists have found that no person is naturally lazy. Laziness is invtriably caused from impaired health in one form or anolher. Ninety-nine per cent, of lodolcnce, Ufclcssueu, lack of ambi tion, lack of appetite, Is caused by the blood being Impregnated with Malarial Germs. These little Germs, ten thousand of which could be held on the point of a pen knife, destroys the red corpuscles in the blood and at last manifest themselves in the form of Chills, Chills and Fever, Cold and LaGrlppe. No. 101 Tonic is trade from a prescription, which fa guar- dered him a*, the City Hotel Friday evening. The reception parlor was moat beautifully garland with pot plants and fragrant flowers. Mrs. B. M. Johnson received and wel comed the guests and Dr. L. C. Graham and Col. J. S. Weather pre sented them to Judge Twiggs. Mrs. L. C. Graham presided at the i punch howl, and Misses Hurst and Dunn Berved the punch. The punch, however, was not slege-artlllery punch. The hotel was brilliantly lighted, making the place very In viting. Mr. George W. Hurst and his charming wife were declared to bo royal entertainers. Saturday mornlg was not a cheer- ful looking morning, but Mr. W. B. Roddenbery, who is proud of his town and county hnd determined to give Judge Twiggs a view of the adjacent country. Despite the rain he placed the Judge in his hand some car and took him for a rido into the country. Judge Twiggs ex pressed surprise at the excellent lands surrounding the city of Cairo. At noon the good ladles gave the Veterans an Inviting repast, which 'hey enjoyed to their fullest ex tent, and the old hoys deeply re gretted that they could not extend further thanks for the dinner. At 1:30 P. M. the Veterans, un der command ot Capt. J. W. Clif ford, with E. A.- Parrish, a V teran, knocking the step on a kettle-drum, marched to the High School Audi torium and occupied front seats, which had been reserved for them. When the orator entered the audi torium the Vets stood and gave *ho old Rebel yell, as they did In their younger days. They continued to cheer the speaker until he was upon the stage. As soon as the assemblage was called to order. Capt. Clifford an nounced that Dr. B. D. Ragsdale would Invoke Divine blessings. After the opening prayer, a male quartette sang "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground.” The speaker was then Introduced. He was received with long and loud cheers. He held hts audience spell bound until the last word was said. The npplause he received during Washington, April 28.—A mo- mentoue decision, especially to rail roads, was rendered today by the Supreme Court, holding that a credi tor of a corporation, who was not a party to Its re-organizatlon, may hold the successor for his debt. Justice Lurton dissented In the decleion, calling it alarming. The decision today held that the Northern Pacillc Railway Company was responsible for the judgment against the Northern Paciflc Rail way Company, which It succeeded. No Decision In Other Important Cases. Washington. April 28.—The Su preme Court today announced no decision In the 3tate rat case, and other Important suits pending be fore that court. Missouri state Supreme Court Itcn* tiers Important Decision. Jefferson City, Mo., April iS.—The State 3upreme Court today Issued an Injunction restraining 182 Are Insurance companies from termi nating their contracts now in force In this state. The court did not restrain the companies from ceasing to write new business in this state. New Books at Library. The library has received from Congressman Roddenbery a number of interesting volumes of the Pan- American Union magazines, which is a most interesting and Instruc- tlve magazine, treating as it does of South American countries, their in dustries, business and social life. Miss W. A. Towe rof Bos’on, be fore leaving lor her home, present ed the ThofnaevlUe library wltn thirty-five volumns of popular fic tion. This act Is much appreciated by those interested in the library Ten new volumes of the latest fic tion have also been added to the reading matter of the library. i if THE FAIR. RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT -OF- Ladies Skirts VALUES $1.75 $2.50 and $3.00 For $1.39 $1.69 $1.98 NOW ON SALE SEE WINDOW DISPLAY The Fair. Stein-Block Clothes. Special-Notice! Atlanta, Birmingham & Atlantic Railroad Company; H. M. Atkin son and E. T. Lamb, Receiver*. Thomasvllle, Ga„ April 19, 1913. SALE OP REFUSED FREIGHT. There will be sold at public auction May 15th, 1913, at 10:00 A. M., a carload of hay, received in car W. C., 30572, now stored at ^Neel’s warehouse, billed to order notify Ho-mer Williams, to satisfy charges now assessed against the shipment, same to be sold without guarantee of quality, quantity or value E. M. FLEMING, Agent. anteed to drive these little demons from the system and rebuild the whole anato my. This No. 101 Tonic Is made from) his talk and the vociferous cheering a prescription ol a physician who had 30 fR •** conclusion certainly must yean experience practicing medicine In one of the wont malarial sections in the south. Try U on a guarantee, If It falls to cute yon, the money will be given back. DrugglAs and dealen everywhere Soutland, came upon the st< .... ... j rma f. have convinced him that his marks were highly appreciated. Immediately after tho conclusion of the address, Mrs. M. H. Burts, one of the best singers In all our Jtage and sell it, or we will send diredt by parcel. sang, "Dixie.” .Miss Inner Powell, poll malL Price 25c. and 59c. P«f |®“ . of l ., th L“ 0 Ji t . m ^!i‘ bottle. ! For The Toilet 0 WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A COMPLETE LINE OF TOlL- ® ET WATERS, INCLUDING SUCH POPULAR ODORS AS AZ- 0 UREA, LA TREFLE, HUD NUTS VIOLETS. LAZELLS, ETC. 0 ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE LINES OF TALCUM 0 POWDERS IN TOWN INCLUDING ALL MAKE3, ODORS, AND 0 PRICES. Jj? IT WILL PAY YOU WHEN IN NEED OF ANYTHING FOR *? THE TOILET TO INSPECT OUR LINE AND GET OUR PP.iC- " •- " • City Drug Store, PHONE 284 .clans in Georgia, accompanied Mrs. , . I Hurts on the piano. Mrs. Burts The G. B. V, Ilhams Co., Sole Mann- always sings charmingly, but fadturera, Quitman, Ga. I this occasion Bhe was certainly at tadv.) i her be,t - Judge Twiggs could not — — . j retain hla seat. The old Vets and [everybody Joined In tho chorus. During the singing the tears crept down the cheeks of'many of the old heroes. At the conclusion of “Dix ie,’’ Judge Twlgzs stepped quickly to the front and In a loud and In spiring manner called for three cheers. The cheers were freely giv en and with much animation. Col, J. S. Weathers, who Is a Southerner In every fibre, thea 0 | sang the song composed by the old 0 | hero. Capt. Tip Harrison, namelyx ijl ’’The Old-Time Confederates.” The a entire assembly Joined In the cho ke ru.a Col. Weathers Is an excellent 9 songster himself, and was very 0 highly complimented. 0 Rev. Mr. Wright, of the Metho- K dlst Church, pronounced thb . be:ie- Z diction. ', S ! The Veterans then marched to tbs 0 ; cemetery, where the graves of the 0 j sleeping heroes were beautifully 0 decorated. Thus ended perhaps the jmoit complete and Impressive Mc- I mortal ceremonies aver held In (Mfe A Successful Specialist RELIEF FOR THE AFFLICTED If He Cannot Cure Yon, Tell Yon So. FOURTH VISIT TO .THOMA8VILLK , AT THE Stuart House] THURSDAY May 15th • ii'l "Tfaii Dr. Farrow has certainly done al most wonders for the great nun hers who havo consulted him and started hts treatment. The one sub ject most discussed among the many chronic sufferers la how Dr. Farrow has been able to do so much for them when others have failed num erous times to even relieve. So many have been benefitted that there is tho utmost confidence re posed In what the Doctor tells his patients. Even the most skeptical are convinced, ns tho many being cured hare satisfied them that he Is a doctor to be relied upon, and Is not like the many who hare vfilted this city and hare called themselvea Sp claltsts when, In reality, they were only Imposters looking for the people's money. Dr. Farrow la considered by many former patients among America's leading stomach and nerve special ists, and la an expert In the treat ment of chronic diseases. According to hts system, no more operations for appendicitis, gall stones, tumors, goitre or certain forms of cancer, he was amtng the first In America to earn the name of "Bloodless Surgeon.’’ by doing away with the knife, with blood, and with all pain in the successful treatment of these dangerous disease*. If you have KIDNEY or BLAD DER trouble* bring a two-ounce bot tle of urine for chemical analysis and microscoplal examination. DEAFNESS has also been cured In sixty days^ No matters what your ailment may be, no matter what others have told you, no Blatter what experience you may hard-liad with other physi cians, it will he to your advantage to see him a ; once. Have It for ever settled I your mind. It your case fa Incurable b will give yon ■uch advice a§ may relieve and stay the disease. (•Jr.) pure hone FOR RHEUMATISM THE GREATEST KIDNEY AND BLADDER REMEDY ON THE MARKET TODAY. What It has done for others It will do for you. Cures and strengthens the kidneys and freeB the system of uric acid. By Its use your daily tasks will become a pleasure Instead of a drudgery, life will be brighter and your health extended for many years. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price, 91.0J per bottle. For Sale by— PBAOOOK-MASH DRUG CO. (adv.) A SURE REMEDY FOR LAZY LIVER. Go to Peacock-Mash Drug Co., For This Safe, Reliable Remedy and Get Your .Money Rack it It Falls- There are very few remedies that gain the confidence of druggists as Dodson’s Liver Tone does. Thv Peacock-Mash Drug Company sell it and back up the sale ot every but tle with the money back guarantee that the price will be refunded It It fails to give complete satisfaction. Dodson's Liver Tone costs 50 cents a bottle. It Is the safest and best remedy (or torpid liver, con stipation, biliousness, etc., that has ever been told In this city. It takes the place o( dangerous calomel and does not lay you up aa a dose of calomel often does. A bottle in the house le as good as fifty cents In the bank. If you or your family need a liver tonic, you hare the medicine ready. If It falls you ?et your money back. Be sure you get Dodson 7 ** Ltvei Tone when you ask for It. There are Imitations of it that may disap point you.ndv. BIBLE STUDY COUPON. Bible and Tract Society, 17 Hicks Street. Brooklyn. N. Y. Kindly send me the Bible Studies marked below:— “Whirs Are ths DsadP* ’’Forgivable and Unpardonable Sins.” “What Say tho Serlpturoo Re- opocting Puniohmontr* “Rich Mon In Hell.* “In tho Crou of Chriot Wo Glory.* “Most Precious Text*—John 3:16. “End of tho Ago lo tho Harvest* “Length and Breadth, Height and Depth of God’o Love.* “Tho Thief In Paradise." “Christ Our Pataevor le 8aorl- ficod." “The Risen Christ” “Foreordination and Election.” “Ths Doslre of All Nations.” “Ptrsdlts Rogslnsd." “The Coming Kingdom.” ”8in Atonement" *8ptrltuil Israel — Natural Is rael.” ■Tho Times of ths Qentlloo.” “Gathering the Lord’s Jewett.” “Thrust In Thy *3 ckleJ* “Weeping AH iht” “What lo tho Saul I” “Eloetlng Kings.” “Tho Hope ot Immortality.” "The King’s Daughter, the Bride.” "Calamities—Why Permitted." “Pressing Toward ths Mark." “Christian Science UnselsnUfio and Unehrlotlan.” “Our Lard’s Return." “The Golden Rule.* “Tho Two Salvations." Name Street .... City and State. ...» '.. Upon receipt ot the above cou pon we will send any ons ol these Bible Studies FREE; any three ot them for S -cents (stamps) or the entire 81 tor 23 cents. SEND AT ONCE TO BIBLE AND TRACT SOCIETY, 17 Hicks St, Brooklyn. N. I.