The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, June 06, 1913, Image 2

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HU.MI-WEDKLT T1MES-MNTBRPRISE. FRIDAY, JUNE O, 1013 IKE TIMES-ENTERPRISE SEMI-WEEKLY KDITIOX. leaned Every Tuesday sad Friday PECAN POSSIBILITIES . The pecan Industry in this section has attracted settlers front every portion of the country. The inves- WKUUERS ASSOCIATED PRESS. tor s who have put their money in Bally and Semi-Weekly Timea-Ent.7- P«ans will reap an abundant bar- prise Publiabed hy tha Timea-Ea- vest within the next five years and tar pries Company, Thetaaevll't, H so31e aro a)r?ady maklng a - nand . B. R. JERGEH Editor, pome dividend. This immediate W. D. HARGRAVE . Bun. Htfr. »mc« for Tranamisaloa Through U§ Mails as Second Cl«* Mail Mattor. Subscription Rates: Gno Year Six Vontbs a .M Hunters ought not to eat onions— It's liable to put them on the wrong scent. The SupTeme Court of South Car olina is not superior to the Gover nor of the State. Reckless auto drivers are as bigj a nuisance as a rotten umpire and a i bit more dangerous. section is said by experts to be the Entered at th# Thsmaavillo Post best that the world knows for the production of that nut. The nut it self is in wonderful- demand, more so than the growers are able *o sup ply, and the industry has wonderful possibilities. The Albany Herald, discussing the industry says: The statement was recently made by one who had made careful investigation, and who therefore spoke with the au thority given by the knowledge he had gained, that no les3 than $12,000,000 had been spent in pecan development pro jects in Southwest Georgia since the possibilities of this wonderful nut begin to be ap preciated. Many of the pecan orchards in the Albany district are of impressive proportions, for they cover thousands of aores and the land contained in them has been several times multiplied in value as the result of the prospective nut crops which they will produce. Many of the older orchards are al ready producing nuts in com mercial quantities, though the larger pecan tracts are not yet in bearing. Th© great commercial possi bilities of the Georgia paper shell pecan are due *o the fact that it has an unlimited market. It can be shipped by slow- freight to the ends of the earth, and reach its destination in as perfect condition as when taken from the orchard. It is not only the most delightfully flav ored of all nuts, but it possesses remarkable value as a food, and its thin shell makes the meat almost as easily accessible as that of the peanut. The time is near when the growing of pocans in South Georjia will no longer be re ferred to as a “promising” in dustry. The promise is going te be very Bpeedily fulfilled. There were over a hundred thou sand visitors attending ths reunion at Chattanooga last week. Commencement at the University of Georgia is arousing interest all over the state as usual. Ths crops look better and better every day and the pecan trees are just filled with little nuts. They play baseball everywhere and everywhere they want to sse kow they play It everywhere else. That mint bed at the Whit© House it to be used at the President’s dis* cretion, which is quite satisfactory. This section of Georgia has a for tune In pecans, if it will Just plant the treee and care for them for about five years. ‘ ‘ ^ This weather is just the beginning of what we will experience for three months. Cheer up. the best is ye*, to come. ■ 0 i “Kiss Me as I Fall Asleep," Is the title of & new eong. If the thing ever comes this way, hops it will catch vs asleep. There is a man whose name is Bugg and he is building a hotel in California. The comments of tha paragrapfeers don’t va»ry much. The other sensational murder In Atlanta seems to have taken a part of the Phagan case out of the papers. The other is quite as startling a mystery as the *rst. The Senators have got to answer some questions relative to the lobby ist chargee. If there was any lob- d«»*. it must have been with the delate, for the House has al ready acted. THE BLUE RUGS. The following comments on the bug story of a Thomas County far mer are somewhat skeptical in tone. The Moultrie Observer says: A Thomas County farmer walked into his field one day and saw a million blue bugs stretched out like telephone lines. 'Next day when he took his friends to show them the bugs they were not there. It is doubtless another brand they are introducing down in Thom as county. The Wnycross Herald in like vein adds: The Thomasville Timeg-Kn- terprise is authority for the statement that a prominent | farmer of that county dlscov- | ered millions of blue bugs along | the roadside. The Times-En- terprise is wise, however, be- I cause it did not print the far mer’s name. Had it done so, I it would probably have been made defendant in a $10,000 damage suit. Editors cannot accuse a man of indulging with out getting Into trouble. The gentleman who saw those bugs saw them, and we know saw them because he said he saw them. And further than that, there isn't a man in Moutlrle or Way- cross that would dare come < » j and tell him he didn’t or that he They are planning to give Taft a I wasn’t in condition to tell whether Job as cornerstone layer at the cele-jhe did or not. And, furthermore, brations at Yale. Judging from the | unlike Teddy, of the temperate tqpor of bis lectures, it would seem | habit, this gentleman does not that this kind of work is more in i touch, taste or handle. tl f i ilie I The city’s new auto fire truck o will soon be here. Pa- Mayor Luke is getting right on! " ' the sanitary ordinance. It will! The defenselessness of work out to the beat advantage ofjCiflc coast Is pitiful. Uncle Sam every person In Thomasville. The j ought to send a few thousand bat- ■ext thing will be to screen the sta- j tleshlps and a few million soldiers Mw. , ; . . * j I so the Jingoes would not get scared o * ; over night. If some women were as eager and j a ■ as zealous and ms happy deing things that would make their homes - more attractive, as they are playing bridge at some other woman’s! home, this world would be better} Sf The relief will be unspeakable when they get the Phagan murderer In Jail ar on the gallows and the papers quit talking about the affair and Leo Frank and the negro Con ley. Andrew Carnegie has done a splendid thing when he gav e a mil- Jim Ham Lewis has already got- lion dollars to Vanderbilt Univer-lten the mitten but it esme from a ally Medical College. Two hundred J manufacturer of weolen goods In thousand is available at ones for | the West. Jim may use the siits buildings and laboratories a’nd the I next year in the cold weather alnut other la in the nature of an en-jthe capitol. dowment fund for maintenance. - —a Perhaps the most disgraceful epi sode of the past year happeaed in the little town of Hampton, S. C., a few days ago when a dead negro’s body waa hanged to a telegraph pole In the public square before the Court Houbo. Th© act was Inex- cssable and without the semblance of use or vindication. The Thomasville victim makes fourteen who have taken corrosive sublimont since the Macon case. When some people get down to brass tacks they are perfectly will ing to rise without further ado Ever ■©• a fellow that drank only on a doctor’s prescription? Ira Carlisle and Itoscoe Luke for plaintiff. Theodore Titus vs. So. Express Company; I/uke for plaintiff; Mer rill for defendant. Savannah Guano Co. vs. Janies Williams; Titus for plaintiff; Craig- nules for defendant. Hazard Lead Works vs. Peacock- Mash Drug Co.; Craigmiles for plaintiff; Titus for defendant. Titus vs. Tallahassee Sawmill Co., Defendant; Kirby Planing Mill Co., Garnishee: Luke for jlalntiff; Merrill and Snodgrass for Garni shee. L. Y. Gibbs Sons & Co., vs. Baker & Daniel: L. Dekle for plaintiff; Luke & Moore for defendants. Schneider & Brother vs. M. N. Pearlman; Snodgrass & Macln’yre for plaintiff; Luke & Moore for de fendant. W. B. Camp vs. Town of Pavo: Luke &. Moore for defendant; Snod grass & MacIntyre for p'aintiff. Aaron Slater vs. Mose Kearce; Titus for plaintiff; Luke & Moore for defendant. Calvert Mortgage Co, vs. A nr. re M. Williams; Shipp & Kline lor plaintiff; Craigmiles for defendant. Bank of Pavo vs. K. D. & D. C. Cannon; Snodgrass & MacIntyre for plaintiff: Titus for defendant. British-American Mortgage Co., vs. Annie M. Williams; Shipp & Kline for plaintiff; Luke & Moore for defendant. E. M. Beckham vs. J. t\ Lamb; Luke for plaintiff; .Merrill for de fendant. H. J. Blalock, vs. J. A. Sarret; Craigmiles for defendant. Cable Piaao Company vs. R. R. Parrish; Moor« for plaintiff. J. T. Dixon vs. J. D. Holland; Titus for plaintiff. Louis More vs. W. T. Crocker; Luke for plaintiff. Georgia Fertilizer & Oil Co., vs. W. d. Gill; Craigmiles for plaintiff. Snodgrass & Company vs. Carrie Dunbar; Titus for plaintiff. M. N. Wertz vs. H. A. Wheeler; Craigmiles for plaintiff. •Norvell-Shapeleight Hdwre Co., vs. R. R. Parrish; Luke & Moore foe plaintiff. Drewry Hughes Company vs. 'A. Stein and M. N. Pearlman; Whig- ham Dry Goods Cmpany; Moore for plaintiff. W. H. Culpepper vs. S. K. Eason; Titus for plaintiff. J. M. Brown, Governor, vs. Alf. Parrish; Jt C. Vann and A. L. How ard, Bond Forfeiture; Luke for the plaintiff. B. D. Slack Medicine Company vs. Schreiber; Moore for plaintiff. H. K. Mulford Co. vs. Schreiber; Moore for plaintiff. Thursday, June 10th. W. W. Boyd vs. Floyd & Lee; Mitchell for plaintiff; Titus for de fendant. Merchants Publishing Co., vs. John Schreiber; Moore for plaintiff. R. L. Redfearn vs. Annie M. Wil liams. defendant; Mose Williams, Jr., Charlie Williams and Li!la Mills, Claimants; Mitchell for plain tiff; Craigmiles for claimants. R. L. Redfearn vs. Annie M. Wil liams, Defendant, Continental Gin Co., Claimant; Mitchell for plaintiff; Snodgrass & MacIntyre for claim ants. D. C. Duren vs. J. H. Barwick, Defendant; W. L. Adams, Claimant; Snodgrass & MacIntyre for plain tiff; Titus for claimant. Duren & White vs. J. H. Barwick, Defendant; Mrs. Barwick, Claim ant; Luke and Snodgrase & MacIn tyre for plaintiffs; H. J. MacIntyre for claimant. M*rs. R. H. Shell, Admx. vs. J. A. Pafford, Defendant; Jennie Pafford, Claimant. J. U. Merritt for plain tiff; Mitchell for claimant. Mrs. S. H. Smith vs. C. H. & Mary Eubanks, defendants; J. H. Eubanks, Claimant; Craigmiles for plaintiff; Dekle for claimant. J. W. Horne vs. George McLeod. Defendant; Lizzie McLeod, Claim ant; Snodgrass & MacIntyre for plaintiff; Luke & f Moore for claim ant. A. J. StaTialand vs. A. Shoenig, Defendant; M. N. Wertz, Claimant Luke & Moore for plaintiff; Mitch ell for claimant. Mrs. H. V. Greer vs. C. A. Divine; Craigmiles for plaintiff; Snodgrass & MacIntyre for defendant. List of Jurors for the June Term of the C|*y Com?. Thomas Adams, D. O. Hustle; W Z. Brantley, G. W. Beverly, J. G Connell. O. B. Clark, W. Y. Coch ran, Andrew B. Clark? G. W. Clark, Joe Deyerle, D. O. Davis, U. Fleetwood, J. E. Hill, S. L. Heald, R. L. Lewis. Charles E. Mimms; A. C. Milligan, Will. Miller, C. A. Rouser, S. L. Rogers, J. A. Richey, E. A. Shtaholster, J. E.. Smith, L B. Singletary, L. J. Sturdivant, B N. Surles, C. C. Vick, A. W. Wooten P. Zelgler, T. W. Lewis. Take DR. M. A. SIMMO.Vi LIVER MEDICINE for heaMbnra, sour belching or constipation. It cleans es and strengthens th silver, stom ach atid bowels. Price 25 conts per package. Sold by R. Thomas, Jr., and Peacock-Mash Drug Ctf.adv. TAX NOTICE. Third and Last Round. Barwick, Monday, May 15th, from a. m. to 2 p. m. Oaklnwn, Monday, May 19, from 3 p. m., to 5 p. m. Pavo, Tuesday, May 20, from 9 a. m., to 4 p. m. Patten, Wednesday, May 21, from 10 a. m., to 2 p. m. Merrillville, Thursday, May 22. from 10 a. m., to 3 p. m. Coolldge, Friday, May 23, from 9 ra., to 4 p. m. Meigs, . aturday, May 24, from 9 m., to 4 p. m. Ochlocknee, Monday May 26, from a. m., to 3 p. m. Sculler’s 3tore, Monday, May 26, from 4 p. ra. to 6 p. m. Ellabelle, Tuesday, May 27, from 10 a. m., to.2 p. m. Metcalfe, Wednesday. May i*. from 10 a. m., to 3 p. m. Cook's Store, Thursday, May 29, from It n. m., to 12 m. Boston, Friday aao Saturday, May SO and 31. Thomasvlllo, every day from June 1st to 20th, when my books will close F. S. NORTON. T. ft. T. C EXPERIENCE OF MOTHERHOOD Advice to Expi :tant Mothers The experience of Motherhood is a try ing one to most women and marks dis tinctly an epoch in their lives. Not one woman in a hundred is prepared or un derstands how to properly care for her self. Of course nearly every woman nowadays has medical treatment at such times, but many approach the experi ence with an organism unfitted fc. the trial of strength, and when it is over her system has received a shock from which it is hard to recover. Following right upon this comes the nervous strain of caring for the child, and a distinct change in the mother results. There is nothing more charming than a happy and healthy mother of children, and indeed child-birth under the right conditions need be no hazard to health or beauty. The unexplainable thing is that, with all the evidence of shattered nerves and broken health resulting from an unprepared condition, and with am ple time in which to prepare, women will persist in going blindly to the trial. Every woman at this time should rely upon "Lydia E. Piiikhnm’s Vegetable Compound, a most valuable tonic and invigorator of the female organism. j In many homes once childless there ore now children be cause of the fact that Lydia E. Pink- ham’s Vegetable Compound makes women normal, healthy and strong. If you want special advice write to Ljdla E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confi dential) Lynn, Hass* Tonr letter will be opened* read and answered by a woman and held In strict confidence* EDITOR COMMONER SETS CANAL PCST Washington, June 3.—Richard L. Metcalfe, of Lincoln, Neb., who has been editor of William J. Bryan’s Scientists Say No Person Is Naturally Lazy Scientists have found that no person Is naturally lazy. Laziness Is Invariably caused from impaired health in one form or another. Ninety-nine per cent- of indoleece, lifclcssneu, lack of ambl- paper, “The Commoner,” today was j tloa, lack of appetite, Is caused by the selected by President Wilson for ■ blood being impregnated with Malarial the position of Civil Governor of the Germs. These Jftlle Germs, ten thousand Panama Canal Zone. I ot which could be held on the point of a ‘ j pen knife, destroys the red corpuscles In _.i. | the blood and at last manifest themselves No Mo 3 Biliousness ^ olbe(ormofchlII, > chllls * nd Fever, , I (Celd and LaGrlppe. No. 101 Tonic is XlC aacne or Ezde Irom a prescription, which is guar- I ver Ills Dr. L. P. Herrington’s Private Pres xiption Now on General Sale, Chicago, June 3.—Mre. Anna Burk yesterday passed a sentence on her son, Joseph, age thirteen, who was convicted In the Juvenile Court, of theft. The mother's sentence was that h°r son must earn moaey \o copay the theft, and premia* td M id every sight by plug mvril The Judge approved the (featence as passed by Mrs, Dr. Herrinrton's Liver PUD For Coot• rid People, l :mous for many years in Waynesboro aud the adjacent districts are now bein r prepared on a large seal, and may be obtained by men, women and children in every section of the South. These pills are the same as those used with suen great success by Dr. L. P. Herrington in his private practice and are prepared from his original for mula ana under bis close supervision. They are absolutely pure ana harmless and may be depended upon absolutely for prompt and sure relief in all cases of BUioosneee, Liver, Kidney and Stom ach Disorders, Neuralgia, Pain in the Side, Fevers, Headache, Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Easy and pleasant to take. Waynesboro, Ga., Jaa. 1st, 1913.—I have used Dr. Hnrriagloa's Liver Pills For Georgia Poople and taka fleaaare la recoBaejuksf then. I Utah they ahorid bo ia every home. I aa glad ta ksow that a company has bee. orfaaixed rifkt her. in Waynesboro for that purpose. FRANK S. PALMER, Mayor. Dr. Herrington's Liver PUD For Geor- ( ia People are 25c a box everywhere, f your dealer cannot supply you do not accept a substitute but send the price to the Herrington Company, Waynes boro, Ga., and we will immediately send you the pills prepaid. For sale by Peacock-Mash Drug Co.. Ingram Drug Co., Thomasville Georgla.adv. PARM LOAINSJ 8 years time — Easy Payment.. Lowest rates. Large amounts a Specialty. BARROW LOAN A lABJTRAOT COMPANY. Pelham, Ga. HfJ What Your Disease? Dr. FARROW THE SPECIALIST WILL BE AT THE STUART HOUSE Thomasville Wednesday June llth. 5th. Regular Visit Will Return in 28 Days WHAT DR. W. R. FARROW DOES * He treat* all Chronic diseases of MAN or WOMAN that are curable, no mat ter how Jang standing. He treats PILES and other RECTAL DISEASES with out the knife; he treats RUPTURE without resorting to surgery. He invites the most difficult cases to cation him and try this new method FREE OF CHARGE. He removes WARTS and MOLES from any part of the body by a wonderful and painless method that leaves no scar. , Why You Should Come Many have asked Dr. Farrow, how it is that he can cure chronic diseases that the general practitioner can do nothing with. The general answer is: Dr. Farrow has devoted his life to the specialty cf Chronic Disease. He devotes all of his time to his given specialty. He docs nothing but office work. Instead of having one office with a practice limited to a radius of a few miles, he has a number of offices, and his practice covers hundreds of miles. He advertises for the difficult and baffling cases that have been seeking relief sometimes for years, many of which come to him and find health and happiness, through the aid of his diagnostic methods and deep acting blood remedies. His advice is always welcome to you. YOU PLAGE YOURSELF UNDER NO OBLIGATION WHEN YOU CALL. Come at once and consult the doctor—next time may be too late. Many of you who have been taking medicine and so called treatments for months will be absolutely cured in a few weeks. Very chronic cases will require somewhat longer time, but it will make no difference; you will be treated* until you can say: **I AM CURED." *• Oj * m IV causes more people to be mis- Chronic Stomach Trouble You are irritable in disposition—easily angered. You have plenty of ideas, but never carry any of them out. You are always tired. You have to force yourself to accomplish anything. You become blue and despondent and have many other symptoms which you know only too well. These are the mental symptoms of a deranged stomach. Other symptoms are: Bloating, Belching of gas, sour or greasy matter from the stomach, Pain, Distress, Weakness, Palpitation of the heart. Con stipation or Diarrhoea, Unhealthy complexion, Changeable appetite, and Coated tongu*. All these symptoms point to a deranged digestion. If you have any of these symptoms, lose no time. Dr. W. R. Farrow’s deep-acting remedies will cure you, no matter how many doctors have failed. HU specialty is the curing of deep* aggravated chronic diseases. g*% * i Are your or bronchial tubes weak? Do you coueh and I. 3 lOrrh expectorate diseased mucus? Docs your nose stop up? Is your ^ ** breath offensive? Have you a bad taste in your mouth? Have you pains in your chest? Are you bothered with shortness of breath and weak spells? Do you have throat trouble with hawking and clearing of your throat? Do you have dripping of sticking mucus from the bad: part of your nose into your throat? Callaud have the doctor examine you. There is no need for you to have Catarrh. It often leads to that dreaded disease that is killing thousands of our best people—Consumption. Dr. Farrow’s treatment can be used in your home daily. No need of expensive office treatments. Arc you suffering from early, lest vital power, losses and drains, backache, weak back, shooting pains in the neck, chest, back and limbs, palpitation of the heart, restless nights, bad dreams, loss of ambition and mental activity, nervousness, irritable temper, bad blood diseases which have been neglected or mistreated? No matter how chronic your trouble may be or how many have treated you, consult the master specialist, Dr. W. R. Farrow. He cures 99 per cent, of all these cases that appeal to him. His medicines are quick acting and curative. Don't let false modesty keep you sway. These diseases are just as legitimate a branch of medicine as any oisease of the stomach, etc. Be & man amongst men before It Is too late. «** Are you suffering from pain in the back of your neck, on top of your WOmftfl head and in the small of your back? Do you have pain down in www ^ front of your thighs? Congestion of Ovaries? Do you have leucorrhoea, painful menstruation, too profuse menstruation or irregular menstrua tion? Do you have sediment in your urine? Do you have bearing down and hot flashes? Are you dizzy and nervous? Are you alwavt tired and weak? Do you have numb spells? Many women have been saved from the operating table by Dr. W. R. Farrow's deep-acting medicines. Dr. FARROW JACKSONVILLE, FLA. Men anteed f o drive these little demons from the system and rebuild th. whole anato my* This No. 101 Tonic is nude from a prescription of a physician who had 30 years experience pradllcing medicine In one of the worst malarial sections In the south. Try it on a guarantee, If It fails to cure yon, the money will be given back. Drugglfls and dealers everywhere tell it, or we will send dlredt by parcel poll maiL Price 25c. and 50c. pet bottle. The G. B. Williams Co., Sole Mann- fadlurers, Quitman, Ga. (Advertisement.) Special Subscription Offers for clubbing with THE SEMI-WEEKLY .. TIMES-ENTERPRISE Semi - Weekly Tlmes-Enterprlse *1.00 Southern Rurallst (Semi-Monthly) 5# Southern Poultry Journal, (Monthly) 50 Welcome Guest 25 Total $2.28 FOR $1.50 ^ Semi - Weekly Tlmes-Enterprlse $1.00 Atlanta Semi-Weekly Journal 75 Southern Poultry Journal (Monthly) 53 Southern Rurallst (Semi-Monthly) 50 Total §2.73 FOR $1.75 3eml - Weekly Tlmes-Enterprlse $1.03 Tri-Weekly Atlanta Constitution 1.00 Southern Rurallst (Semi-Monthly) 50 Southern Poultry Journal (Monthly) 50 Total $3.00 FOR $1.75 . THESE CLUBBING R ATES HOLD FOB A LIMITED TIME ONLY. DR. W. C. MORGAN DENTIST Come to Thomasville to have your; DENTAL WORK done where you will find some good dentists. I have no unkind or advene criticism to make of my competitors, who are good dentists. I am in need of cash to meet my outstanding obligations and for th&t reason 1 will furnish best material; S. S. White’s; and tor 30 days will do your workfa^the following named charges: Gold fillings $1.25'and up. Amalgam fillings - .50 and[up Set of teeth $8.00 22-K Gold crowns $4.50 to $6.00 Thank you I f or|past|f avors, W. C. MORGAN, D. D. S. Thomasville, Ga. SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR THE SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES ENTERPRISE Money Loaned FARM LOANS fRCN.PLY MADE At 6% interest, payable annually. Tha borrower haa tha prlvileg. of paylns part orall of th. principal at any lntaraat period, atopplng Interest on auch payment. I will aava yon money. Com. to ate me, or write. Prompt attention given all wrltta. laqulrles. W. M. BRYAN, OFFICE OVER POST OFFICE, THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA.