The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, June 06, 1913, Image 3

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8KMI-WEBKLY HMKS-RN rr.ltW.'t E, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1013. Legal Advertising For June SHERIFF'S SALE. GEORGIA, Thomas County: will bo sold, on the first Tuesday la July next, at pubic outo:y at the Court House, In said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the high est bidder lor cash, certain proper ty, of which the following is a full and complete description: The undivided one-sixth Interest of H. V. Martin, an! the PETITION FOR DISCHARGE, GEORGIA, Thomas County: Whereas, F. J. Ansley, Adminis trator of Mrs. M. W. McPherson, •'sums to the Court in his pe tition, duly filed and entered or. record, that he has fully adminis tered Mrs. M. W. McPherson's es tate. This is, therefore, to cite ai persons concerned, kindred an, reditors, to show cause, If auy they undl ridel sixth Interest ot can, why said Administrator shoulu Robert Martin in and to the 300 acics of L...1, the same bniii-i .coown as the home place of Robert Martin, deceased, and being parts of Lots of Nos. 201 and 289 In the 13th District of Thomas County, and hounded on the North by Montgom ery land, on the East by land of Jim Williams, on the South by lands of Add Way and Handy Till man, and on the West by lands of B. C. Johnson and Add Way. Said props:ty levied on as the property of H. V. Martin and Rob ert Martin, to satisfy an execution issued from the City Court of Thomasvllle, In favor of E, C. Mil ligan against said H. V. Martin and Robert Martin; suid property being In possession of II. V. Martin and Robert Mairtln. This 3rd day of June, 1915. T. 3.' SINGLETARY, Sheriff. 0-6-lt. ;lis barged from his admin lstrution, and reeclvs Letters of i.i.sniisslon on tile first Monday in July, 1913. Wm. M. JONES, 6-6-lt. -Ordinary. NOTICE OF APPRAISERS' IIE- PORT. GEORGIA, Thomas County: Mary M. Hay. having made appli cation for twelve months' support out of the estate of F. P. Hay, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return> all piersohiB concerned ace hereby required to show cause be- lore the Court of Ordinary ot said County on the first Monday in July, 1913, why said application should not Ire granted MAN ON TRIAL FOR MURDER AT AIKEN, SOUTH CAROLINA— HUGH LONG, WHO WAS MAYOR OF WAGENER, CHARGED WITH KILLING HANKER OF THAT • TOWN. SHERIFF'S SALE. GEORGIA, Thomas County: Will be sold at public outcry to the highest bidder for cash, dating the legal hours of sale, before the court house door in Thoniasville, Ga„ on the flrst Tuesday In July, 1913, the property hereinafter de scribed, the authority for same be ing hereafter s'ated: The following property, to-wlt: One Ford automobile, 1912 model: one bay horse, named Char* lie, about nine years old; one sur rey, black painted; one Hull make of buggy, with stick seat; one Car michael top buggy; one l-horae wagon; one 2-horse wagon; ten head of oxen, weighing about 900 pounds each; three bay mare mules; one black horse mule, and four other mules: one Frick saw mill, with all necessary appliances and accessor ies necessary for running same. Levied on as the property of Ira Dekle, to satisfy an execution from City Court of Thomasvllle, In favor of James McKinnon. This June 3rd, 1913. T. S. SINGLETARY, Sheriff. G-G-4t. Thomas County SHERIFF’S SULK. GEORGIA, Thomas County: Will be sold at the Court House door in said county on the flrst Tuesday in July, 1913, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, all that certain tract of land lying and being In the fourteenth district of Thomas County, Georgia, being part of lot number eighty, bounded on the East by land of J. J. Parramore, on Weat by land of William Grant, on the North by land of Archie .Mc Leod and Hwinville and_ Tallahas see road, on South by land of S. S. Grant, containing four and one-half acres also twenty-two (22) acres of land In the 14th district of Thomas county, Georgia, in lot number eighty (80) bounded on the north by Tallahassee road, on South by land of S. 3. Grant; on WeBt by land of John Reichert; on East by land ot Little Mardre, to satisfy an exo cution Issued from the City Court ot Thomasvllle, said county, In favor of J. N. Reichert against William Grant and S. S. Grant, both of said tracts being levied on as the prop erty ot William Grant, This r,th day of June, 1913. T .3. SINGLETARY, Sheriff, 6-6-41. Thomas County, Ga, SHERIFF'S SALB. GEORGIA, Thomas County: Wilt be sold st the Court House door In said county, on the flrst Tuesday In My, 1913, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest 'bidder for cash, all that certain tract of land lying and being In the thirteenth (13) district of Thomas County, Georgia, being part of )pt number two hundred ninety (290), bounded on the North by lands of Robert Martin .East by lands of Mills and Williams, South by lands of Mills and Williams and West by lands of Mrs. P. A. McKinney, con taining eighteen (18) acres, to eat- Isfjr an execution Issued from City Court of Thomasvllle, said county. In favor of Bank of Boston, against Annie M. Williams. This 5th day of June, 1913. T. 3. SINGLETARY. Sheriff, 6-6-4t. Thomas County, Ga. SHERIFF'S SALE. GEORGIA, Thomas County: Will be sold on the flrst Tues day in July, 1913, before the Court House door, In Thomasvllle, Thom as County, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, tha following described property, to-wlt: Forty (40) seres of land, more or less, lying on the East side of Let No. one hundred and slxty-threo (163), In ths 17th District of Thomas County, Georgia, bounded on the East by land lot line, end West by Burnt Branch, and being the place upon which the defendant lives. Said property levied upon and sold under an execution Issued from ths City Court of Thomasvllle, In This 2nd day of June, 1913. Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary, 6-0-4t. Thomas County, Ga. Aiken, S. C., June 3.—The trial of Hugh Long, a South Carolina Assemblyman, who is changed with the murder of Plckans N. Gunter, a Wagener hanker, last September, was begun hero today. The killing of Gunter followed a heated political campaign, In which Long was elected to the Assembly. Long was Mayor of Wagener and editor of a newspaper. It Is said that Gunter and Long were political enemies. The two men met on the streets and Long shot Gunter dead. Long claims self-defense. Two hundred witnesses are on hand. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. GEORGIA, Thomas County: Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the Or dinary of said County tor leave to sell land belonging to the estate of C. Y. Warren, for the payment of debts and for distribution. Said application will be heard at the regular term of Court of Ordinary, for Said County, to be held on the flrst Monday in July, 1913. This, the 2nd day of June, 1913. JENNY WARREN, Admx , 6-6-4t. Estate of C. Y. Warren. NOTICE OF APPRAISERS' RE TORT. GEORGIA, Thomas County: Pinkey Hill, having made appll- ca'lon for twelve months’ support out of the estate of John HHI. and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having died their return, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cause be fore '.he Court of Ordinary of said county on the first Monday In July. 1913, why said application should not be granted. This 10th day of May, 1913. Wm. M. JONES. Ordinary, -6-4t. Thomas County. Ga. FI NLA YSON-DOWLING. Wedding at Qultmnn Comes ns Surprise to Couple's Friends Quitman, June 2.—The wedding of Miss Elizabeth Finlayson and James Dowling, of Live Oak, Fla., took place hero late yesterday at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. E. J. Finlaysos. Rev. L. W. Colson, performing the ceramo ty. The event came as a complete surprise to the many friends of the j couple. The bride Is very popular I and pretty, onp of the most promi- I nent families In Georgia. The ; groom is equally well known and popular. After a wedding tour east, they will be at homo In Lre "«k. The above announcement will he read with Interest by the many friends of Miss Finlayson, in Thom asvllle. She has visited hero a number of times and is a social favorite In this section of Georgia. WHILE SENTENCED FOR MAN. SLAUGHTER AND HIS FRIEND TO HANG—CURIOUS CASE DE VELOPED IN PENNSYLVANIA. Sunburry, Pa., June 3.—David Everitt, in a written confession to the District Attorney yesterday, de clared that he killed Henry E. Mil ler, a pool-room proprietor, here las: year, and for which crime Fred Xye is now under a death sen fence. Everitt declared that he fired the fatal shot and Rebber Miller dared Xye knew nothing about It. Roth men were tried lor tho crime, and each blamed the other. Xye sentenced to hang, and Everlt received a sentence for manslaugh ter. Everitt stated that he confessed to the crime because he could not sleep from worrying over the thought tha*. another man was die for a crime he alone had 1 mitted. HE TO BE FREE »1Y REPORTS THIS AFTERNOON —WOOL AND SUGAR WILL NOT IIE TOUCHED BY THE SENATE. Personals Mr. J. L. Huaon Is spending short time In the city. Hon. W. I. MacIntyre is apeirllng a short time in Atlanta. Miss Mildred Overby, of Douglas, is the guest of Miss Eula Dixon. , E. Sanchez, of Barwlok, lsltor to Thoniasville Tues- IE TO ASK LADY TO HAVE BEER Atlanta, June 3.—Whether it is a crime to ask a lady on a hot nigh to have a glass of beer, when you don’t know the lady, will be decided in police court today. L. P. John son, a jovial baker from F'tz^erald. Ga., was passing the door of Mrs. W. H. Lift, on Alabama street, yes terday evening, when he happened to spy the lady attractively garbed in white, sitting on the veranda fan ning herself. The baker stopped, smiled pleasantly and invited the lady to have a glass of beer with him. Mrs. Lift politely invited the gentleman in, telephoned an officer and had him transferred to a cell at headquarters. Most (Tiildren Have Worms. ] Many mothers think their chil- j dren are suffering from indigestion, BANISH CATTLE TICK PETITION FOR GUARDIANSHI1 GEORGIA, Thomas County: I.ou1b G. Smith, a resident of said J headache, nervousness, weakness, State, having duly applied to be costiveness, when they are victims appointed Guardian of the person | of the most common of all children's and property of Mrs. Susan A. | allmeftta worms. Peevish, lU-|tem. I —: Young, non compos mentis, and a ; pared, fretful children, who toss' Atlantic Reach, Fla., June 3 citizen of said county. Notice la, an d grind their teeth, with bad Th cwton Seed Crushor8 As80cla hereby given that said application; breath and colicky pains, have all, C,a Will be passed on at the regular the symptoms of having worms, and | ,lon of fi80rBla w111 n 1031 : their con- term of the Court of Ordinary for j should lie given Klckapoo Worm ' vention here this afternoon with said County, to be held on the | Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, the election of officers, flrst Monday In July, 1913. [which exiiclB worms, regulates the j j), p etor p Rahnscn whn Is Witness my hand and official slg-! bowels, tones up the system, and ' ‘ ’ , ,,' , , nature, this 13th day or May, 1913. i makes children well and happy. I ea<J ns 1,8 flKht to rl<1 0cor S la of Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary, 'Klckapoo Worm Killer Is guaran- t!| e cattle tick, which la said to G-6-41. Thomas County, Ga. j teed. 'All druggists, or by mall, cost livestock owners flvo million: Price, 25c. Klckapoo Indian Medl-! dollars PETITION FOR DISCHARGE. GEORGIA, Thomas County: Whereas, J. J. Wilson, Execut r of J. R. Wilson's estate, represents to the Court In his petition, - duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered J. R. Wil son's estate: Tile Is, therefore, to clto all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, If any they can. why- said Administrator should net he discharged from his administration, and receive Letters of Dismission, on ‘.be flrst Monday In July, 1913. Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary. 6-6-4*.. Thomas County, Ga. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALK. GEORGIA, Thomas County: Bjr virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, will be sold at public outcry on the flrst Tuesday In July, 1913, at the Court House In said county, between the usual hours of sale, the follow- lag 'real estate In Thomas County, and City of Thomasvllle, to-wlt: One house and lot fronting on Warren Street from 3ialr Street 72 H feet, and running back oj Spalr Street 165 feet to the Pollard lot, and known as the place where- on Mrs. Mary S. Prevatt resided at the time ot her death. The sale will continue from day to day, between the same hours, until all of said property is sold Terms, cash. This 2nd day of June, 19J3. T. N. HOPKINS, Adm.. 6-6-4t. Estate of Mary 3. Prevatt A DMIIN ISTHATOR'S HALE. GEORGIA, Thomas County: By virtue of an order of the Court ot Ordinary, will be sold at public outcry on the flrst Tuesday in July, 1913, before the Court House door, in said ceunty, during the legal hours of sale, the following de scribed tract of land In said county, to-wlt: That tract or parcel of land lying and being In the City of Thomas, vllle, Ga., County of Thomas, being part of Lot. No. 63, In said District, and known as part ot Lots No. 15 favor of Bank of Thomasvllle, and and 16, In Block 4, South Thomas- againat H. 8. Hunt, defendant, lev-’"”'- ted upon as the property ot the de fendant to satisfy said execution. This 5th day of June, 1913. T. 3. SINGLETARY, Sheriff, 6-6-41. . Thomas County, Ga. PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION. GFOROIA. Thomas County: To All Whom it May Concern: W. B. Watkins having, In proper form, applied to me for Permanent Letters of Administration on the Estate of J. B. Watkins, late of eald County, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of J. B. Watkins to be and ap pear at my office within the time al lowed by law, and show cause, If any they can, why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to W. B. Watkins on J. B. Watkins' estate. Witness my hand and official sig nature. this 28th dav of May. 1913. Wm. M. JONES, Ordinary, 6-6-4t. Thomas County, Ga. charter. 4J m vllle addition, and bounded aa fol lows: Commencing at the corner of the land of the A. B. & A. R. R. on Hanaell St., thence West on line of land lot 200 feet; thence North 60 feet to a lane 12 feet wide; thence East 200 feet on line of eald lane to Hanaell St.; thence South 60 feet on Hanaell Street to starting point. This sale will he fropi day to day until said property Is disposed of. JOHN DIXON, Adm., 6-6-4t. Estate T. L. Dixon. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLA TION*. At the next session of the Gen eral Assembly of Georgia, applica tion will be made for the passage of an Act Amending the Charter ot the Town of Meigs, In tho County of Thomas, providing for the election of Mayor by popular vote, the reg istration of voters of said town and other beneficial changes In said 6-6-44. lne Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis, adv. nnually, spoke this after noon on what the caftle tick eradi cation means to Georgia. JUSTICK COURT NOTICE. j FELDER WONT BE PROSECUTED GEORGIA, Thomas County. Justice’s Court of the 637tb Distric* O. M., April Term, 1913. i Present: R. P. Doss, J. ?.; J. S. I , Mallard, N. P.. * Ex. Oft. J. P.. Grand Pury Will Not Thomss County, Ga. Washington, June 3.—Chairman I j) Simmons, of the Senate Fina:»c° wa8 Committee, after a conference with I President Wilson today, said he 1*0-. Hev^d that when the tariff bill Is, Mr an(J Mr „ K T Qtiar te: m aii ready for consideration by the Dem- Qf Marlanna , Hpt ., lt a short time In ocratln caucus next week cattle, wheat, flour and meat? w lily he put on the free list. It has been reported that the sub committee in charge of the agricul tural schedule, had determined to put a nominal duty on meat and flour, to equalize them with the free-listing of cattle and wheat, but Senator Simmons declared that he expected both the raw material and the products would be free-listed. Senator Simmons went directly to the capitol, after seeing President Wilson. He declared he intended asking the sub-committee, which is considering the agricultural sched ule, to put cattle and wheat on the free list. Later, it was learned that it was the President who had decid ed upon the free-listing of raw ma terials as well as the finished pro ducts as the best means of equali sation. The reversal at the White House of the sub-committee’s recommenda tion, that the finished products be made dutiable and raw materials free, is said to be due to the acqui escence of many Senators, expressed through Senator Simmons. The de cision was left to President Wilson. Sub-Committees Will Complete Their Work This Week. Washington, Jur.e 3-The wool and pugar tariff schedules are expected to be recommended practically with out change as they passed the House to the entire Senate Finance Committee by the sub-committee the last of this week. The free sugar schedule, which the Louisiana senators have fought so persistently, has been approved by Senator Williams’ sub-commit tee, and the free wool schedule has been agreed to by Senator Stone’s sub-committee. . The Democratic leaders say thatj neither of the above schedules will tho city yesterday. Misses Ethel Brantley and Clara Orr, of Cooiid <e, were in town for a short time with friends Monday. Mr. Jay D. Gardner of Pavo, was In town yesterday on business. Mr. J, D. McLaughlin, of Fitzger ald, spent yesterday in the city on business. Mr. C. H. Mell of the Savannah News, was amon^ the visitors to the city today. .Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McMiliiam*. of Hattiesburg, Miss., were amnng the visitors In the city yesterday. The Meigs Sunday School had a picnic at Miller’s Springs Tuesday, and about a hundred and twenty came down on the morning train. Mrs. W. K. Brouthers of Charles-/ ten is spending a short time in the- city. f i .Misses Sallle and Annie Belcher and Mr. F. A. Belcher, of Cairo, Miss Sadie 3ho«nig has ret a me 1 j were spending a short time In the Her attending school in Binning ’city Tuesday. ham for the pas*, term. Friends will he glad to know that Dr. Bon Ingram is much improved and will be out in a short time. Mr. H. J. MacIntyre and Mr. Re iner MacIntyre leave tonight for Atlanta, where th°y will spend some days. j Mr. John II. Davidson returned home this morning from Chicago, where he has been for the past few weeks. Mr. J. L. Beverly nas returned after spending a few days at Hamp ton Springs and other points in Florida. . . {V. M. d. .1. Swimming Tournament. Mrs. IX A. Dixon, who has been , the guest of her daughter, Mrs. 0. T * ,c Y * - 1 ’ ( - A * swimming tour- M. Overby, of Douglas, during the nament will be held next week, past few weeks, returned home last commencing June 10th. night. There will he three events. The . 120-yard or eight lap race, the 60- The Woman a Edition of the At- j . . a . . iyard or four-lap race and the long- !anta Constitution has two very | pretty pictures of the flower gar- j den belonging to Mrs. A. P. Taylor , Mrs. 7. f. Fitzpatrick went up to Atlanta Tuesday night to attend the banquet given by The Constitution tonight to the ladies of ths State Federation of Clubs, in charge of Women’s Edition of The Constitu tion whi< h appeared today. Miss Luelle O’Neal left yesterday fo • her home in Balnbridge. Th» many friends of this popular young woman will regret to know that she lias decided not to return to Thom- asvillo next term, but she has ac cepted a position in the Bainbridge schools. rA this city. Mrs. Taylor herself is taken in one of the pictures and there is an interring little write up of some of the beauties of he? garden and the enjoyment derived by her from it. distance under water. J it will be held as follows: Pre liminaries, semi-flnars and finals. The tournament is open to all sen ior members of the Association. Ribbons will be awarded the win ners as follows: Red flrst prize; white, second prlz®, and blue third prize. j A11 entries are requested to be Rev. William McKay, Jr., has given the Secretary on or before pted a call to the Floral Heights Presbyterian church, in Louisville, June 10,h> Ky., and will b» installed in his new j ——~ .■haw at an early data. Mr. j l lrf . r , skill Troubles. Kay has been taking a special I ,, yoll are H „frorIn K wltii any olri. course for the pas. year a t . .running or fever sores, ulcers, bolls, be altered by the entlr 0 committee, | lsvllle Theological Seminary. [eczema or other skin troubles, r >t and they also predict that tho party [ caucus will make no change. Whereas, 'the fourth Monday In each month, the time heretofore regularly appointed for the heldlng of the Juatlce's and of '.he N. P. & Ex. Off. Justice's Court In and for said District and County, not In frequently conflicts with tha session of the City Court of Thomasvllle and of the Superior Court of said Coun ty: Therefore, now. It is ordered and adjudged by tho undersigned au thorities that the uld term here tofore appointed for the holding of the regular terms of said Juatlce's Court be, and the same la, hereby changed from said Fourth Monday to the Secend Monday of each month, at 13 A. M. And It la further ordered that a copy of the foregoing rule and or der be published once a week for 66 days In the semi-weekly Issue of The Thomasvllle Tlmea-Enterprise. and that the change provided be of force and effect only after sixty days from the date upon flrst publics* ties. Witness our official hands, this April 28th, 1913. R. P. DOSS, J. P. J. S. MAI/LARD, 5-1-tf. N. P.. A Ex. Off. J. J. HER FRIEND’S GOOD ADVICE The Results Made This NewbarJ Lady Glad She Followed Suggestion. Newburg, Alt.—"For more than ■ yaar,” writes Myrtle Cothrum, of this place, "I Buffered with terrible pains In my back and bead. I had a sallow complexion, and my face was covered with pimples. Our family doctor only gars ms temporary relief. A friend of mine advised ms to try Cardut, so I began taking it, at ones, and with tha best results, for I was cured after taking two bottles. My mother and my aunt have also used Cardul and ware greatly benefited. I (hall always praise Cardul to sick and suffering women.'' Cardul Is a purely vegetable, per fectly harmless, tonlo remedy for wo men, and will benefit young and old. Ita Ingredient! are mild herbs, hav ing a gentle, tonla effect, on tha wo manly constitution. Cardul has helped a million worn** back to health and strength. Hava yon tried ItT It not; pleaia is It may ba Just what you need. ,-WriUU: Investigate Unless the Matter Is Formally Brought to Their Attention. Atlanta, June 3.—The new Fulton county grand Jury has announced Its attitude In regard to the Beav- ers-Felder dictograph wrangle, and the attitude Is absolutely neutral. The grand Jury will take no volun tary action. According to L. H. Beck, fore man, If the solicitor .general or any Individual, brings the matter op in a formal way to the attention of the grand Jury, It will be duly Investi gated, but unless a specific request is made, neither the charges of bribery against Col. Felder, nor the charges of outrageous corruption In the detective department will bo given the slightest consideration by that body. In the meantime, George W. Gan- try. the young stenographer who kept the dictagraph records of the alleged conversation by Mr. Felder, has disappeared. MUSIC SOOTHES STUDENTS NERVES, SAYS PROFESSOR. (By Associated Press.) Boston, June 3.—The professor of music at Harvard has arranged for music recitals in the chapel during the morning hours, while the ex aminations are In progress, declar ing music will soothe the fagged minds of the students, who are pre paring for their examination. HOLLORED ANO SAVED HIS LIFE 'Atlanta, June 3.—An ordinary human voice would apparently have little chance as a weapon of of fense against a blackjack and a re volver. but when two armed foot pads attacked Dr. S. W. Arrowool. on Stonewall street last night, the gentleman Bet up such a lusty yell, se amazingly loud and strident, that the highwaymen with one .a box of Rucklen's Arnica Salve and Odd Follow* Elect Officers.^ j you will get relief promptly. Mrs. , At tlio meeting of the Odd I* el- n- u( ,n Jones, of Birmingham Ala.. There la some speculn.ion concern-; , pw , hcId Tuesday evening tho offi-1 suffered f-om an ugly ulcer for lag the fa'.o of meats and flour, | ,. er8 for the coming term were for- n)ne month9 and Rucklen's Arnica which were restored to the dutiable maiiy selected. They are J. E. CralfC J cj a | ve cured h°r in two weeks. Will list by the sub-committee. A change I Noble Grand; J. C. Cash. | ho-ip you. Only 25c. Recommend- is certain to be discussed again "hen „f'uegrae^ealn. These oVeers will I 8d hy dr " ?B!,ts adv - the Finance Committee meets. butj l)( , installed at the flrst meeting of] the administration leaders believe the lodse to be held in July, hange will be approved. Should the schedule pass the Senate, many House Democrats promise a flKht for Bites or sting* or poisonous sects which cause the flesh to swell should be treated with DARBY'S ■ in- BOARD OF EDUCATION MET the restoration of flour and meats, PROPHYLACTIC FLUID, it cou.i- to the free list, and have cattle also i terac.ts the poison, reduces swelling made free • quickly and eases pain. It Is equal- Ulll Thoroughly Investigate Coel Strikes in West Virginia. Washington, June 3.—The Spec ial Senate Committee today begun a search for documentary evidence bearing upon the West Virginia coal strike. The committee has asked the Department of Commerce and Labor for a copy of the report of Its Investigation of the charges of peonage in the coal field. The Post Office Department has also been asked for a report of Its investigation of tho charges that miners were forcibly prevented from using the postofflees. Senate Committee to 1Mmcu*h Matter of Building Ala*kan Itoiluny. Washington. June 3.—Senators Jones and Chamberlain, of the Ter ritories committee have agreed to submi*. to their committee Friday, a bill authorizing the issue of forty million dollars of bonds for building a government railway in Alaska. Ile»t Isoxative For the Aged. Old men and women feel the need of » laxative more than young folks, but it must be safe and harmless, and one which will not cause pain. Dr. King's New Life Pl'ls are es pecially good for tho aged, for they act promt tly and easily. Price 25c. Recommended by all drug^ists.adv. j ILTITVDE RECORD BROKEN Buebare. France. June 3.—The world's altltud') record for an aero- jilane carrying a pilot and passen ger, was broken today by Edmund •Perreyon, who rose to a height of sixteen thousand, three hundred and sixty feet. jsDeafness Cannot Be Cured<3 fer local application., n tl.p~.~t CMak U. , 4mim4 Durtka of tk# hi. Tker# U Mir accord | *>; to curt dttfMtt. _a*4 t>»t u kj ctottiuu**.* “7 “7— B,: ‘ w * M , "m* "If •itaflam* released their intended victim and < c««uuon of tb* mucout lining of u»t Buuchua ..... . . „ i Tobt. When tbit tub# »• InStmcd you lu»t a dodged Into a dark alley. rmabllag MOtd or Imperfect Luring, and when If Dr. Arrowood hadn't given j b* taUTouc and rent to the unexpected yell, ne \ S£?ftrJi£r m -a i._ Cgtarrt, which U nothing but of tbt * ' unexpected yell, would probably hare been killed, as one of the 'huge had already struck him on the head with the black jack and was preparing for another blow. 1 W. will sic. on. Hundred DolUra for an/ ca~ •f Dt*fn~ (o.u~4 br cjurTkl It-.t cannot S. .urea by 11*11'. Catarrh Cere. Send roc drew- I «"*' r. t . cnsxxt * ca. loue* o. i fold by Progfim. Tic. I Tkk« flall'a raailr rUU COt coaitipatloa. 1y as valuable when applied to flesh woundrt, burns, scalds, cuts bruises. Yesterday and Organized—B. W. Stone .Made President of th© County Organization. The County Board of Education It causes the fle,ro *° ' h e id jts regular meeting yesterday over and leaves no disfiguring scar, i - lf * -f Pries 50 cents per bottle. Sold by j morning at ths Court House and af- R. Thomas, Jr., and Peacock-Mash ler formal organization the Drug Co.adv. MIT HOUSE PUNNED board was sworn into office. This board consists of B. W. Stone, Presi dent and Messrs George Hicks, Ke- mer Singletary, \V. J. White au i Liny I>. Gardner. i They got to work at once and ' hoard a petition for a change of 1 school districts. The matter took ' up about two hours of time and the Other routine business was at- hich the body ad journed. Mrs. McKay Will Make New rangements in I’hler Property Dr. Culpepper Will Also Remodel His Home. Mrs. W. M. McKay, who recently! status of the district was not chang purchased the I’hler home, on th- corner of Warren Ave., and 3ewar1 j tended after w Street, la having it altered into an ‘ ' apartment house, something which is much needed here. There will ho four apartments, two facing on Warren Avenue Jmd two on Seward street. Each apartment will be supplied with all the modern con veniences of light and water and will each have a kitchen attached. They will be Just what Is needed for families desiring to do light house keeping. I)r. J. T. Culp°pper is arranging to have some extensive changes made upon his residence on Rem ington Avenue. A broad colonial porch will be put on the front, ex tended around one side of the house, which will make a material change Im its appearance. Several of the lar.ze trees in the front yard have been cut away to make room for these changes. PAYNES RHEUMATOIE FOR RHEUMATISM THE GREATEST KIDNEY AND BLADDER REMEDY ON TUB MARKET TODAY. do for you. Cures and strengthaas the kidneys and frees the eyetem of irlc acid. By l'.e uae your dally tasks will become a pleasure Instead rf a drudgery, life will be brighter sud your health extended for many years. Satisfaction guaranteed or n ortey refunded. Price, *1.03 per ' ottle. For Sale by— PEACOCK-MASH DRUG CO. fade) Morning Sickness Mary vcmensuffer this mis ery. It makes Its appear ance so regularly that they learntoexpect it and arrange their household vork accord ingly. Few women think of seeking medlcai help to get rid of it for good. If women only knew of the p-wer and effectiveness of Dr. Sim* mons Squaw Vine Wine they wouid not be without It a moment longer than It would take to get It from the drug store. It Is a splendid remedy for all nau sea or sleknexs of the (tom. ach. The first dose settles the stomach and makes the patient feel better. Addi- tlonaldosesacl on the female generative system, strength ening weakened organs, reg ulating the habits, restoring tone and strength in every part el the body, it b essen tially a woman's remedy prepared expressly to meet the need cl women who suffer from the ailments common to their sex. Sold by Druggist* and Dtaltn Price $1 Per Bottle CT.SIMM0NS MEDICINE CO. ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI For salt by R. Tbomae. Jr., and Peacock-Mash Drug Co.