The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, June 10, 1913, Image 3

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8E5II-WEEKLY TrMKS-BNTT.Kl-rr E, TUESDAY, JUNE 10, 1018. QUIKIHE AND IRON-THE MOST I RELIEVES PAIN AND HEALS EFFECTUAL GENERAL TOHIO AT THE SAME TIME Crore's Tasteless chill Tonic Combines both in Tasteless form. The Quinine drives out Malaria and the Iron builds up the System. For Adults and Children. You know what you are taking when you take GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC, recognized for 30 years through out the South as the standard Malaria, Chill and Fever Remedy and General Strengthening Tonic. It is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic, but you do not taste the bitter because the ingredients do not dissolve in the mouth but do dis solve readily in the acids of the stomach. Guaranteea by your Druggist. We mean it. 50c. The Wonderful, Old Reliable Dr. Portcr'i Antiseptic Healing CII. An Antiseptic Surgical Dressing discovered by an Old R. R. Surgeon. Prevents Blood Poisoning. Thousands of families know it already, and a trial will convince you that DR. PORTER’S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL is the most wonderful remedy evei discovered for Wounds, Burns, Old Sores, Ulcers, Carbuncles, Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Throat, Skin or Scalp Diseases and all wounds and external diseases whether slight or serious. Continually people are finding new uses for this famous old remedy. Guaranteed by your Druggist We mean it. 25c, 50c, $1.00 There Is Only One "BROMO QUININE" That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Look for signature of E. W. GROVE on every box. Cures a Cold in One Day. 25c. Atlanta, June 6.—Mrs. Leo ,M. Frank’s statement in defense of her husband, as analyzed this morn ing in the solicitor general’s office, is simply an expression of her per sonal confidence and her belief that her husband is not the kind of man who would commit the crime he is accuse! of. “I know he is innocent,” declares SENATOR OLIVER N. Y. POLICE STEEL ADMITTED OWNERSHIP TO A THOUSAND SHAKES, DURING THE LOBBY PROBE, BUT WOULD NOT TELL WHAT COl*. PEB HE CONTROLLED—OTHER SENATORS TESTIFIED TODAY. PILLED A HANDFUL OF HAIR OUT OF THE HEAD OF THE EX-GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL AND WINS A WAGER. Washington, June fi.—Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, the former chief chemist of the agricultural department, Is today minus a handful of hair, as a result of a wager made with a Mrs. Frank, and then explains her 1 friend. statement by saying, “No man Dr W j ley and hls frle nd were could make the good husband to a discussing the proper diet for babies woman that he has been to me, and be a criminal. ! know and hls friends know that he is utterly In capable ,of committing the crime that these detectives and this solici tor are seeking to fasten uron him.” Mrs. Frank made a defense of her husband’s character that is elo quently pathetic, and charges that the solicitor and the detectives have torture! facts and twisted evidence deliberately to weave their chain of circumstantial evidence. The friends of Frank feel that the expression of confidence on the part of his wife is a strong new factor In hls favqr. The prosecution, however, de clares that Its value is offset by the fact that for a week or ten day9 after Frank’s arrest, Mrs. Frank did not visit him or send him any mes sages at the jail, and so comported herself as to leave her friends and the public In doubt as to what atti tude she wgs going to assume to ward the accused man. CHANGE BOND ISSUE LAW and the strength of infants. Wiley then bet hls friend a new hat this baby, not yet n year old, could Jerk out a handful of hair. The friend accepted the wager and Dr. Wiley's baby "made good.” Now Dr. Wiley Is ahy a handful of hair but he wears a hat bought by the friend. GO TO F Majority of Those Voting to Settle the Matter, According to Desires of New Georgia Law. Atlanta. June 6.—A measure Washington, June 6.—William F. McCoombs, who Is at present chair man of the Democratic National Committee, may yet be ambassador to France, it was reported today. Mr. McCoombs has declined the ofTer twice, but President Wilson is still holding the position open for him. ATLANTA GUANO JUUY QUIET Nothing ot Any Great Sensational Moment Hus Been Accomplished by That Body of Men. Atlanta, Ga., Juno 7.—Although clouds of densest smoke have which all Georgia towns and cities I ended da „ y ^ the p, nd jurJr will be directly Interested la one,^ lndIcatlng t0 emulative way or another will be Introduced! , ndg that , ur|d flarae; . were 9ee . h . before the Incoming legislature lr connection with tho present mas nor of securing municipal bond is sues. Many Georgia cities are anx ious that the present lawe be made more flexible by the amendment of the State constitution Under the present law, no Geor gia town or city Is permitted to Is sue bonds except upon the consent of two-thirds of all of its registered voters, requirements which make the popular endorsement of the bond Issue extremely difficult to obtain. It is proposed to seek a constitu tional amendment authorizing the Issuance of bonds where two thirds of the citizens who actually vote give their approval. It Is also su-gested to seek an amendment which will apply only to the city of Atlanta, If the rest of the state desires that course be taken, so that It will be more readl- bly possible to Issue the $5,000,000 of bonds recommended by the city finance committee. ANOTHER PHASE OF CHILD LABOR, AS SEEN BY FROST. Atlanta, June 6.—Child labor in He relation to the over-burdened little newsboy struggling along at dawn Sunday morning with his heavy armful of Sunday editions, Is teuched on In eloquent langauge b: Jonathan B. Frost, In a leading edl torlal In the June Issue of hls mag azlne, "The Call of the South." "Strange to say,” Mr. Frost con eludes, "some of these little fellow, who are out lugging heavy loads have both a father and qiother at home peacefully slumbering, men tally If not physically, while their child, whose little body they should protect as long as life lasts, is out undermining his physical develop ment by overtaxing hls strength. Doubtless they are thinking this Is a small affair, but It Is well to re member that It 4s the little things of life which count.” The same issue contains a strik ing editorial on the Ollle Taylor case, In which Mr. Frost calls atten tion to the fact that northern per iodicals only followed the lead of Southern Journals In deploring the affair before the true facts were known. ing within, it 6eems that there has been mighty little real fire In con nectlon with the alleged exhaustive probe into vice conditions. Tt Is admitted today that the grand Jury probe has not mado any Investiga tions that contemplate tho Indict ment of anybody, and that it may not do anything except report to the Judge the Information about alleged protected houses, furnished by Thomas B. Felder and Carl Hutcheson. Neither is the grand Jury going to Indict either the detcctivo de partment for corruption, or Attorney Thomas B. Felder for libel or at tempted bribery. Charges and countercharges, it appears, have all been nauseating hot nlr, so far as getting down to actual brass tacks can he hoped for. But if the grand Jury lias let up, tho Men and Religion Forward Bulletin hasn’t. It Issues today a red-hot bulletin comparing Tom Felder and others who have at tacked the police to Judas Iscariot’. The bulletin says In part: “When a man prating of morality advocates licensed Immorality and seeks to smear with slime police of ficials who are doing and who have done their duty, examine that man's past, hls friends and connections. "Ask—Is he connected directly or Indirectly with the liquor traf fic? Has he been so connected In the past? •'When one claims that vice has been scattered but not lessened In 'Atlanta, he Is either In error or ly ing, as can easily be shown.” PAYNES HONE FOR RHEUMATISM THE GREATEST KIDNEY AND BLADDER REMEDY ON THE MARKET TODAY. do for you. Cures and strengthens the kidneys and frees the system of uric acid. By Its use your dally tasks will become a pleasure instead of a drudgery, life will be brighter and your health extended for many years. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. .Price. $1.05 per bottle. For Sale by— PBAOOCK-MA8H DRUG OO. (adv.) Washington, June 6.—Twenty four Senators were yet to be heard from when the Senate Lobby Inves tigators resumed their session* to day, but Acting Chairman Reed be lieved that some of the alleged lob byists who have been subpoenaed would be examined before adjourn ment tonight. Senator Reed is convinced that tht investigators will find Informa tion confirming the President’s lob by charges. The Chairman of this committee will ask the Senate for an extension of time for the investigation. Senator Oliver Gives His Views. Senator Oliver, who is the owner of one thousand shares of United States Steel Corporation stock, tol! the investigators that he didn’t ex pect the tariff to affect its value. He declared that he had never sought to influence any Senator on the tar iff, and, further, that nobody had sought to improperly influence him. Senator Oliver declined to give the names of his other investments in copper and other lines, which are not affected by pending legislation. Senator Reed and Walsh Insisted that Senator Oliver give the list of his copper Investments, but Sena tors Nelson and Cummins upheld Senator Oliver’s refusal. Senator Oliver testified that he knew of no steel lobby. Senator DuPont testified that he owned several farms and a consid erable amount of steel stock, but no powder stork. He said that when he owned the powder stock, he never participated In the Senate de bates on the powder question, talked with any Senators on that subject. nator Thomas testified that there has been a persistent effort to influence* his action on the sugar, wool and lead schedules. Senator Thomas produced hun dreds of telegrams, documents and newspaper clippings, which he de clared showed that there was an or ganlzed attempt by the anti-free sugar forces to align the Western legislators against President Wil son’s free su?ar plan. WOMAN IS ALIVE MOST BITTERLY' AND ACCUSED OF INCOMPETENCY BY INVES TIGATING COMMITTEE IN THEIR REPORT. FRISCO WAS IN THE HOUSE TODAY BY ILLI- NOIS REPRESENTATIVE—S.VIli IT NEVER HAD BEEN RUN AS LEGITIMATE COMPANY. Washington, June 5.—A spirited and altack on the financial management York New York, June 6.-—A scathing arraignment of the detoctivi police departments of New . ur« j of , he FrUico Rai , road ByB tem City, and the charge that a partner ship exists between some of the de tectives and criminals, is contained In the third section of the Curran Committee report on police condi tions. which was submitted to the Board of Aldermen today. The report says that Benjamin Levy testified that, at the request of detective officials, he ordered crimi nals to commit burglary in order that they might be arrested. Levy’s testimony was corroborated by reputable citizens. Levy testified that Deputy Police Commissioner Dougherty, who was in charge of the Detective Bureau, gave him one hundred dollars with which to buy burglars tools and commit burglary. The report concludes wi h the statement that the Detective Bu reau is hopelessly inefficient. CHILDREN GET GOEO FISH made in the House today by Repre sentative Hinebatigh, of Illinois, in a speech urging a resolution di recting the Interstate. Commerce Commission to investigate the opera tions of that company, which is now in the hands of a receiver. •I am satisfied.” said Mr. Hine- baugh, “that an investigation will reveal the fact that the Frisco sys tem, under Yokum management has never been conducted as a legiti mate transportation company, it has been made the basis tremendous jobbing scheme to en rich the men who are in a position to manipulate Its securities. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cook of Bos ton spent a part of yesterday in the city. Mr. Charles Harris Thomasville people, l lay in the city. favorite with spending tho Mr. C. W. Wlmberley, Bain bridge was in town f time yesterday. spent ■ity. N. Pearlman, of Bosto art of yesterday in t! hut 15 IIUSIIAND THOUGHT THE WIFE WAS DEAD AND ORDERED A FUNERAL—THE UNDERTAKER FOUND HER STILL ALIVE. North Tonawanda, N. Y., June 6. —After her grave had been dug and an undertaker eent to Buffalo for her body, Mrs. William F. Kelly, of this city, was found to he alive and Improving at a hoapftal where she was confined. The huBband yesterday telephon ed the hospital, inquiring ns to the condition of hls wife. He under stood the hospital attendant to say that she was dead. Kelley then notified the Charities Commission that his wife wo- Id have to be hur led at the public’s expense. The authorities ordered the grave dug and an undertaker to get the body. The undertaker found the woman alive at the hospital. She is suf fering infantile paralysis. PAGE PLEASES THEE NEW AMBASSADOR, SAY THE NEWSPAPERS, MADE A DE. LIGHTFUL AND HAPPY TALK ON HIS FIRST APPEARANCE. London, June 7.-—American Am bassador Page was highly compli mented In London newspaper edi torials today, pn hls first speech In England, which was delivered last night, at the Pilgrim’s Society ban quet, the banquet being given tn his honor. The papers declare that nothing could be happier than the note*.he struck for cementing the bonds of friendship between the two coun tries. From the Court House Fountain an Walt For Hours Until It is Cleaned to Procure Them. A rrowd of children at the Court House all during the morning hour attracted unusual notice. They came ’persuant to the announce ment that the gold fish In the foun tain were to bo given away when the fountain was cleaned out. The cleaning out process was unusually slow, ns the place was filled with an unusual amount of trash and filth and the Iron stand caked with a huge quantity of stuff which had to he scraped off. The children were finally allowed to get the fish, after fifty of the best specimens had been saved out, to he again placed In the place when It had been thoroughly cleaned. Possibly a hundred children re mained about the place all mornrng with all sorts and kinds of recep tacles, In which to take home their fish. IGIDE F Lebanon Junction, Tenn., June 6. Humiliation over being fined a dollar by a magistrate for ‘hopping” freight train, is declared to be the cause of the suicide here yes-? terday of Andrew Maden, a flfteen- year-old boy. WOOD TRIAL HEADS AN ENDS Boston, June C.—The Judge’s charge to the jury was all that re mained at the court’s opening to day to the close of the trial of William F. Wood, President of the American Woolen Company, Fred erick -Atteux and Dennis Collins, who are charged with planting dyn amite In Lawrence during the 1012 textile strike. Collins has already confessed to hls part In the “Job.” The case of President Wood, At- teaux and Collins was given to the jury later in the day. Picnic at Prospect Church. The Times-Enterprlse has been requested to announce that there will be a union picnic at Prospect Church, about nine miles north of Thomasville, on Friday, June 13th. The Local Farmers’ Union and the 3unday School of that community will unite on that day. and a very .enjoyable day Is assured all who attend. Everybody Is invited to go and carry full baskets on that day. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION. At the next session of the Gen eral Assembly of Georgia, a bill will be introduced amending the Charter of the City of Thomasville. so as to provide for the creation of Bond and Sinking fund commis sion. This June 5th. 1913. TAFT HAS BASEBALL CHAIR TO BE PROBED REPRESENTATIVE GALIJtGHER IS HAVING EVERYTHING IN READINESS FOR THE INVES TIGATION AT ONCE. Washington, June 6.—The plans for the investigation of tho so-called baseball trust were made today by Representative Gallagher, who will get a hearing this week before the House rules committee, on his reso lution, calling for an investigation. lr. Gallagher declared that six witnesses will bo sufficient to sus tain his charges that a baseball trust does exist. SUFFRAGETTE MAY OIE Epsom. England, June <».—Tit condition of Miss Emily Wilding Davison, the young Suffragette was seriously hurt at the Derby here Monday, was much worso today, and an operation was per formed on her this afternoon, ii he hope of bettering her condition Mr B. I). Raines, of Savannah, was among the visitors in the city Saturday. Miss Cora O'Neal, of Bain bridge, is in the city on a visit to Mrs. R. W. Higdon. Reed’s Pennsylvania Onto Oil stands the test. Guaranteed. Try it. Tuylor Mitchell, Agent. Mru. M. L. Lively and Miss Iren** Davis of Atlanta are t>.e guests of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Mitchell. Misses Terra and Marjorie Mon roe, of Eagle Springs, N. C., are in the city for a short visit to friends. Mr. A. W. Palin and his son. Clarence, left today for Hamilton Springs, where they will spend a week or more. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Gardner of Camilla were among the visitors) spending the day In Thomasville. ( Mr. I. R. Barwick of Cairo,’ was In the city Saturday. Mr. T. M. Chastain, of Pine Park, spent Saturday in the* city. j Mr. W. 8. Jackson, of Barwick, ;spent the day in town on business. Mr. G. A, Wilson of Och lock nee was a business visitor to the city .Saturday. Mr. Walter Huff, of Macon, was among the well-known visitors in the city today. Mr. George F. Upton, a prominent citizen of PavQ spent i-ait of Satur day In town. Mr. A. E. Hardeman, of Baln- brldge, spent a short time In the city yesterday. Mr. George Stembler has returned after a short business trip to At lanta. Miss Hattie Pope oi Mllledgevflle Is expected to arrive tomorrow even ing to be the guest of Miss 3usle Brandon for several weeks. Miss Isabel Garrard, of Colum bus, and Miss Ruby Byrd, of Tal lahassee, are guests of Mrs. J. L. Turner for a short time. Mr. (’. D. Barrow, a successful planter of Barwick, was In Thom- vllle Saturday. Mrs. R. L. Bridges has returned to her home in Oglethorpe after a pleasant visit to her daughter, Mrs. C. W. Hudson. Rev. H. Vann Redfearn. of the Woodland Community, In Grady county, visited the city Saturday. Miss Elizabeth Cochran arrived yesterday from Thomasville and in •he guest of Miss Kate Ferperman. —Waycross Herald. Miss Katherine Chastain, accom panied by,her cousin, Miss Molly Denit of Washington, D. C., is visit ing Miss Alleen Parker in Moultrie. Messrs. W. H. Butch & Mis have j j )ppn i Bessie Blackshe (pending a short tin ho has 5 here Just purchased through Ihc Thom-1 with relatives, loft this afternoon lie Motor Co., ti late model of J for Waycross where site is now mak- llui mobile touring cars. jing her home. Mis Alice ’ark HUUTION MB lilt TO BREAK PEACE MEETING BRING HELD TO SIGN THE BALKAN AND TURKISH l-EACE AGREEMENT. COMJIERICIAL SECRETARIES DISCUSS VARIOUS TOPICS. (By Associated Press.) Charleston, S. C„ June 6.—Agri cultural development, civic affairs, industrial work, and commerce were among the subjects discussed at the Southern Commercial Secretaries Convention here today. E. J. Watson, Commissioner of Agriculture for South Carolina, spoke this morning on tho subject ou * 1>art , °* 'Jf* ® r,t row “d made one seat where two were before, Now Haven, Conn., June 6.—The Yale Baseball Association , has awarded a special baseball chair to former President Taft, In the grand stand directly back of the home plate. The students found that none of the ordinary seats were big enough for Mr. Taft, who la now a member of the faculty. They cut of drainage. for the use of Ex-Prcsldent. League protest position abroad. maintain Ix>ndon, June 6.—Suffragettes to day almost succeeded in Interrupting the deliberations of the Peace Con ference between I be delegate's of the Balkan Allies and Turkey, by or ganizing a demonstration outside of St. James Palace, during a session of the conference. The Women’s Freedom called the meeting “to against the government's that it could secure peace while it was unable peace at home." A crowd pulled the speakers from the wagon they uo;e using as a platform and finally the I oil o nr- res-ed three of the speakers. QUEER DIVORCE MUDDLES Atlanta, June 7.—Two queer di vorce suits are pending in the local court. One Is that of Jacob Bel- licfl of Central Avenue, who has in stituted proceedings against hls wife. He asserts that he has filed the proceedings to humor her, be cause he is weary of her insistent requests that he grant her a divorce according to Jewish ritual, so that she might go to her "affinity,” with out violating her religious scruples. The other Is a suit filed by Mrs. Cora L. Lee, against J. J. Lee, whom she has twice married, and already once divorced. She asserts that her second marriage with Lee was more painful and disallusionin ? than the first. She married him first seventeen years ago. divorced him because of cruel treatment and remained sep arated from him for several years. Then she yielded to his pleadings and returned to him, having a sec ond marriage ceremony performed. She asks the court for both tem porary and permanent alimony, and for the custody of her child Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days ?ur druggist will refund money if PAZC NTMENT fails to cure any cite of Itching ad. Bleeding or Protruding Pile* in 6 to 14 day* e first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c •Milledgevillc ibis she has been for teaching at the G. •r returned from j morning where j tho past year, N. I. College. j Mr. Walter niasingame, who holds a responsible position with ono of the leading drug stores of Mou'.trie. was among the Sunday visiters to Thomasville. Miss Mabel Evans who has been 'teaching mush* at the G. N. I. a*. Milledgeville for the past year re turned home this morning. Mr. Mitchell Davenport arrived •his afternoon from Auourn, where he graduated In the C. E. Depart ment this year. He Is warmly wel comed by many Thomasville friends. Dr. 'A. P. Taylor week from Florida opened hls office and Is regularly practicing medicine In the city. His many friends are delighted to know that he has returned to active work. Mr. Mrs. T. J. Silva, arrived | yesterday from Bremen, Germany, where they have been spending the past few months. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general atrengthening ton - OKOVK'S TASTELESSchill TONIC, drives out Malaria nnd huilda up the aystera. A true tonic •uid sure Appetizer. Poradults and children. 50c returned lastj Mr. and Mrs. Fingerhut an’d nnd has re- their oldest son left for Panama pro- Mrs. Lane is erecting a imii on the middle lot of the M property on Crawford street, the Jewish Synagogue, now I cess of erection. Mr. Yates has the contract and will erect at once a very handsome bungalow for Mrs Lane. The foundation has been laid and work on the actual building will commence at once. City, Fla., today, where Mrs. Otten- berg and youngest child will join •hem In a few days. Mr. Joseph Jerger has returned after attending the Veterans’ Re- Union In Chattanooga and spending a few days with friends in Cincin nati. Mrs. Georgia Smith, of Tnomaa- ville and Miss I-a ura Lane, of Bos ton, left this momlng for Tallahas see, where they will attend a short tinn* as ♦ho guests of Mrs. J. T. Smith, in that city. The Best Beverage under the Sun— Soda Fountains Carbonated in Bottles. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, Atlanta, ga. Wteamr yea tcc sa Arrow tkiak *4 Coca-Cola.