The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, August 22, 1913, Image 2

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SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES EXTERPIUS K, FRIDAY, AUGUST S3, 1018. THE TIMES-ENTERPRISE SEld-WEEKLY EDITION, lamed Every Tuesday and Friday MEMBERS ASSOCIATED PRESS. and Semi-Weekly Tlmes-Entar- prise Published by tlia Timci-E-n- terprlse Company, ThemasvJYe, Ga. 8. R. JERGKR Editor, W. D. HARGRAVE ..,. Bun. Mgr. Entered at the Tbeuatville Peat Office for Transmission Through the Malle ai Second Class Mall Matter. Subscription Rates: One Year *»»x Months $1.M . (t Huerta said no, but it Isn't settled yet. .lust day. little bit nearer that rag to- creased o'er last year, and the yield will be much larger by the acre than in three years. During the present year, more farmers than ever in the history of the county have been forced to buy com. Men who have not purchased it for twenty-five years, were in the market buying it this summer; others, who were una ble really to pay for it. had to make arrangements to get It because of their ‘stock. It was a most disas trous situation and was probably caused by the failure of last year's crop due to the unusual weather. This year it will be different, and the farmers will raise more than enough for their consumption. This is one of the most necessary things a farmer should do if he desires to be comfortable, it is hard to buy feed during the summer where there is practically :io money with which to buy it. The cotton crop in the county is Iso good; better than last year and is a whole very prolific. The hot tin of the past two weeks has aused the opening oi* many hoi’s and ipicking Is begun by many far- T\he first bale came to Tromasvllle just ten days ago and since that time o:ie town has gotten one hundred and thirty bales. The picking is easy this year, in com parison to the time two years ago when it was necessary to lose a good portion of the crop and leave it standing in the fields, a dead loss because pickers couldn’t he secured. The extreme vigilence of the city authorities in Thomasville in keep ing idle negroes away from town, and the likewise earnest effort of the county authorities and of the smaller towns, has taught the va grant that he must work. He is willing now to pick cotton and There it comes again: "Move the j while the wages are no lower than tapitol," bvit the capltol remains last year, the workers are to be had still unmoved. which is a decided advantage and o I insures the farmer that he will j Ben Tillman is right—politics j harvest all he has made. i will degrade \Nonien and wont be • Taken as a whole, tiie prospect, purified by her entry. ! for Thomas county this year is very j • j bright. Crops of all kinds have Governor Koas and Governor Blease 1 been successful and the next year j Frank didn't do it—he says so himself. Got your tickets for the post-sea son series yet? What will we do when the base- hall season Is over? Thomasville probably has more auto trucks than any town its size la the state. There are said to be tea cations for the Post Masters Thomasville. appli- job in •Sulzer and Glynn take the place of the Balkan war troubles in the newspapers. A man is never real boss when a woman with brains has anything to do with the case. demure girl, whom she never suspected to be a rival. Common sense as well as dig nity should guard a girl from the wrong influence of those who say that present-day ob jectionable manners or customs may be followed, and that be cause others do certain things which are hold, or verging on impropriety, there is no harm in doing the same. Wherever there Is a questionable thing it is best to keep on the safe side of reserve. To follow an ex-, aggerated or an immodest fash ion, or to take conspicuous romping st^ps in dancing is to lower one's standard. The standard that a girl sets will always govern a man's man ner toward her. If h« is lack ing i:i respect, ift* ^as herself to blame. He will never take a liberty, nor will he make a rude jest or tell a doubt till story if she s-how that she doe not low freedom or action of action of sp'eeih. If men fail to observe the courtesies, it is from associating, with girls and women who are indifferent about high stand ards. who care nothing for def erence and allow rudeness to go unrebuked. Chivalry exists in men today as much as ever and can always he called forth. A man should he as chivalrous in his conduct toward the girls he meets as he wishes other men to be toward his sister. It is noticeable that a young man is very careful about his sister's behavior and very critical about her men friends. Respect for woman is a trait of nobility in true manliness. Much of a young man’s educa tion of character depends on his association with women who have high standards. Too great freedom and laxity in manners is a dangerous char acteristic of the present time. Much depends on the women and young girls to maintain a high er tone if they would preserve the purity and simplicity of manners. The well-bred girl or young man will be as well-be haved on a golf course or on a beach as in a drawing-room. The occasion is different but the inherent refinement will not he lost. FROM PILOTS LKAGIK RECORD AGAIN BROKEN WHEN PHOTS LOSE TO DAY WHO PITCHED REMARKABLE GAME —DAVENPORT'S SINGLE IN NINTH WON CONTEST. Davenport’s single, a sicreame* >vcr short station was the final round in a nine-inning, nothing to lothing contest yesterday afternoon The hingle scored Murphy, who l»f*d gone to first on an error at second, .. .rloined the keystone and was wait ing near the short stop ior a bin- gle. As soon as the ball wps i Mown Mitch braced himself and '’’ached it right oil the snoot. It sailed out to enter and a line and Murphy touch-j ’d the plate before lour seconds had elapsed, with the winning run. It was one of the prettiest con tests of the year, both teams going without a run until the latter half of the ninth. Stewart showed him self a good t wirier when he gave bat- 'lo again and held the Hornets to six safeties. The Brunswick team, al though badly crippled, played great ball flhile here and they have the best wishes of many local fans. The fielding of the team yesterday w'as clever, an amateur on second, Grin- er. making the only bobble and that excusable. Day was the sensation, allowing only twenty one men to face him in the first seven Innings, and then only one texra man for the rest of i the game. He gave up only two) hits, and did not walk a man. His! work was up to his standard and j added another to his long string of) shut-outs. ; Champlin at third, Murphy at sec-1 1 ond and Davenport at first, ittempieo crime in CRH COUNTY SUNDAY Young Girl, Living Eight Miles North of Cairo, Attacked, But Screams Brought Assistance. Cairo, Ga., Aug. !?.—Sunday night about eight o’clock £ tempted crime occurred eight miles north of Cairo. About S o’clock a young girl, age J. r >, went out on the porch to get a drink of water, the porch being latticed «up to the water shelf. While she was drinking the water, a negro, who was in hiding near the water shelf, grabbed at her. She jumped back out of the negro’s reach and called to her mother who, with her little boy. came to her daughter’s assistance. Seeing assistance coming, the negro ran off through the woods. alarm was immediately given and a messenger was sent to the county convict camp, stationed nearby, for the dogs and to tele phone for the sheriff. The messen ger got the dogs, but by the time lie got back to the house so many peo ple had been there that the dogs could not take lip the track. The sheriff soon arrived. Feeling is run ning very high near where the at tempted crime occurred and parties are out in searesh of the. negro. X KG I to WILL HANG IN SAVANNAH FRIDAY'. Atlanta, Aug. 20.—Governor Sla ton has announced that he will not interfere in the execution of the ne gro, Frank Collier, sentenced to hang in the Chatham county Jail, at Savarnah, Friday morning of this week. The prison commission was op- OF NEW CHRYSANTHEMUM posed to clemency, and after exam ining the record, Governor Slaton announced that he shared the com mission’s views. Mr. and .Mrs. juhn Martin Couric have returned after spending the summer 1n Alabama and Mississippi. They have taken the R. H. Neel cot tage on Love street, and will b? there until next summer. Washington, Aug. 19.—Experts in the Department of Agriculture have developed a new type of crysanthe- mums for the autumn flower shows, and have named it “Mrs. Wilson," i:i hono- of the President's wife. The new bloom is a magnificent speed- men. Other specimens have been christened after the President’s fielded i daughters. like big leaguers. Champ’s work j being especially sensational Murch I suffered Eczema Fifty made Thomasville’s one error of i n ) - Well, easy grounder. Barnett was the I only man to get more than one h.t, | THOMASVILLE BARGAIN STORE EXTRA SPECIAL SALE FOR 30 DAYS Saturday Aug. 23rd The Lmv Ibices we made last Saturday will l»e made dlieaper next Saturday, August 2.Trd. Big lot of New Goods just received and all will go at Bargain l*rloes. You will save money If you come to tills Big, Cheap Sale. $-.00 Slioes Will go at $1.33, and all Dry Goods in pro- IHirtion. LOOK FOR THE RIGHT PLACE REMEMBER THE STORE 321 W. JACKSON STREET Thomasville Bargain Store H. GOLDSTEIN, Owner. 321 W. Jackson St. Next to A. l j hilps Grocery Store >•—Nc Hal. taking two out of three. 11 STANDING OF TKAMS IX i THE EMPIRE STATE LEAGUE take peculiar means to f names before the country. dis “ir wont he half so hard and as ! tressing as has been noted in some o I instances during the past twelve If Waycross hurries it may finish r.ionths. er five hundred, which is going' o—— .Min isle THOMASVILLE Waycross . . . . Americas . . . Valdosta. . . . Brunswick . . . Cordele. . . . Won. Lost. P. C. 10 .628 22 .500 .19 lor the sand-pile city. WOMAN’S DRESS. Another murder case county, and a negro ate : judge ruled that nan in lo\c to lie. :i Thomas ed of kill- its alright information has m that there at woruea in or near pt into this re certain Thouias- I'raises Tld* Laxative. Rev. H. Stubenvoll of Allison, la., in praising Dr. King’s New Life Pills for constipation, writes. "Dr. King’s Now Life Pills are such per fect rills no home should be with out them’’ No bettor regulator for; Ilip liver and bowels. Every pill j Yonkers, N. Y.. Aug. guaranteed. Try them. Price. 2S. j rj c i,. ago nineteen, wa at all druggists.adv. YOUNG SWEETHEARTS DIE TOGETHER ( Seems a lor?. 0, niu„ -o end lawful burning, itch tag, smarting skin-disease known as “tetter”—an-i,. ! other name for Eczema. Seems good !$ j to realize, also, that Dr. Hobson’s { Eczema Ointment has proven a per- j feet cure. Mrs. D. L. Kenney writes, |"1 cannot sufficiently express my Mnmks to you for your Dr. Hobson’s 'Eczema Ointment. It has cured my j tetter, which has troubled me for over fifty years.” All druggists, or I by mail, 50c. ) Pfeiffer Chemical Company, :St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. : adv. I i .MARRIED IN HASTE Money Loaned FARM LOANS PROMPTLY MADE At <% Interest, payable annually. The borrower has the privilege of paying part oral! of the principal at any Interest period, stopping interest »n such payment. I will save you money. Come to see me. or write. Prompt attention given «)' written inquiries. W. M. BRYAN, OFFICE OVER POST OFFICE, THOMASVILLE. GEORGIA vho ha\ criticised the editor R0UMA1 goes j Rut Apparently Repented at Leisure, ! 1.—Charles and Divorce Suit FoRowed. found dead. | Atlanta, Aug. 20.—Mrs. Carrie his sweetheart, Ruth Hamilton, j Grace Abridge, aged eighteen, is re- seventeen, mortally wounded, to- j penting bitterly in court that she j married a boy only sixteen. She , ,dcin e found nearby led the yo- j the disparity in their ages caused oned for th ot Baltimor tude o:i tin Won- tariff elect-’ era tic preside der what his would ha\ e li ed? Thaw Will be sent bark, they say, it he is in the Canada town with the long name. Wish he might stay up there and keep off the front pages of the Ameri an newspapers. Fran it more oi participi .lust as worth :• s than in the tail in the Atlanta papers, In Peru it tak< » ride from the :iow-<a;»ped peal lias. Wish they tinutes from hei Might as j or i,j H expressions against the slit I *.v all do skirts and other immodest costumes. ! among which is included the skirt which you "see right through.” Whether that be true, it makes not lie particle of difference—the thing ; s i*. is carried on some towns and J files is all wrong, radically, irrevo- ' ,Jor ablv wrong and we don't propose * LO ' M citizei j i ax il with the question because f that objection. jpulgn Modesty is just as necessary in | bent < ae make-up of a true- j ure woman . nnrro s any one of her qualities or char-, ,,WI 8 Gov l ,, rs - aeterisths. A modest woman will j “ not follow the ragging of fashion to residents, that was notiiing su ,.|, a „ extent, as to lose her in- denial of any >s tiurtlve feeling of shame when ex rime. It was j, os j„ k herself to the gaze of irnpu- and nothing dent, staring, mocking men, in whose plotted in de- |„jnds, sometimes, extremely fash ionable costumes of the present day arouse thoughts which any pure woman would blush to know, much I ie-vs to .>o responsible for. I The tacts are there—plain, unvar- , nished, and women can’t get around them. If they desire, unconsciously 1 or not. to be the cause of such a form BACK ON JEWS lice to believe they had agreed to die together, and Rich shot the girl •lid then killed himself. noised Citizenship to Those Vim Won id Fight in the Recent War, Rut Will Now Limit to Re- striked Lilies. ’Iciliti. Arg. —The Roumanian eminent, which promised ful* izeuship to all .lews who served in army during the recent cam- arainst Bulgaria, now seems n restricting thN action to the cst li’uiti:, according to re- The Rest Pain Killer. | ButkJen’s Arnica Salve when ap- stored ' lied to a cut. bruise, sprain, burn • ——. | or scald, or other Injury of the skin ' w ill immediately remove all pain. ! E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Me., Isays, “it robs cuts and other injur-j ios of their terrors. As & healing! remedy, its equal don’t exist ” Will Kove - do good fr you. Only 25c.. at all. ,,,oue druggists.adv. unhappiness, and alleges besides that her husband’s tender age rendered the marriage void. She is suing for a divorce and asking that her maiden name be re- GOVERNMENT MONEY DOUBLE!) rmnent officials have served on several thousand Jewish .vere ineligible bi'p and will be sent home. OYER.NOR ASSAI’LTED. SOUTHERN STATES nrT rinnT uniiru r, ‘ ent,y " ,, ' vn tlfi " a3 t rei > cllero " 8l >' utl rin!)I MUNtli—■’ by a h;i, “ 1 of Moros In the hington, Aug. 19. In the meat depository here, the kept to pay current expenses has more than doubled since Febru ary first. It was then $140,000, and today it is $990,000. This is the result of an order of Donald Whitney, Governor, of Jolo, fornu ' r Secretary of the Treasury l» | #> victim or Attack. j McVeagh, that all government funds the drawn on the Treasury Depart- (By Associated Press.) ; ment. The fifty million dollars for Manilla. P. I., Aug. 21.—Donald j<*rop moving, means additional Whitney, governor of t’.ie province • posits. of Jolo, received five serious wounds j entl.v when he was treacherously s just Hire rojdcal s ni ere about fifte lght that followed, Whitney killed) two of his assailants. . OLD BILL MINER IS DYING Wat hington. .- 1 q.osiis of the t i’.iion dollar crc • m; le in the S g ihe latter pn .;t part of Sept' oit.i will be mi first aver ament's fifty | -m< ving fund will I uthem states dur- t of August and nber. All the de- e in equal Dr. Wa»ugh says beat your wife If you want to keep her love. The one who fears her husband, makes the best wife, thinks he. Now, boys, if you don't believe that, just take a try a:id prove that you are correct. of sin, let them wear the een through, ul other such style lure kirts that slit gar- ilish con- i them to don't us, because w«» that display la- er-readv eyes of i right sort of No. Pauline, we the Indies say abou don't like slit skim dies’ limbs to the e men and boys. Th folks aren't going to wear them, and if they do, wont get mad at us for ^ criticising them, for they are dead* wrong, dead w rong. o ! CORN AND COTTON PLFXTIFTlJ Prompts IKiint to an unusually! Inrx© yield of corn in Thomas' county this year. Reports from all sections of the couutry are in effect that th® acreage is largely In- iptions which untenance. We have a bit of a sermon, deliv- <1 v.i know not where, hut which | embraces some Interesting opinions re what j ;i reference to the trend of modern style and the effect on both sexes. It i.*-, in part, as follows; Frce-and-<*asy manners in Airis are never admired by men. A man may like to amuse himselt with the "jolly" girt, or the "free-and-easy” girl, but in his innermost heart iie likes the modest giri, one who is too reserved in her womanliness to indulge in undignified behav ior anywhere. The “free-and- easy" girl who has lavished at tentions, notes, gifts and tele phone messages upon him is sometimes astonished to find that he is seriously charmed away by the reserved, almost allotments. Secretary of Hie Treasury McAdoo today outlined the Treasury Depart ment's requirements for securin’ this money. All deposits will be made, payable 'on demand, without any previous notice. However, it i* expected that twenty five per cent, of the amount deposited will he re turned January fifteenth, and on°- fottrth of the amount monthly after tha date for the first deposits on a« the early movement of the crop. | Atlanta. Aug. 19. — "All sympathy a-ad consideration for Old Dili Miner, if he Is dying, but remember what happened before," says the members ! of the State Prison Board, j The Old Fox was reported ill once before, yet fooled the guards a:ul made a spectacular escape, though And Be Free From Her Tronbles, h e was feeble and over seventy. I When they tool; him hack to the | State Farm, then: "Bill, I'll take the j chains off you If you give me your Columbia, Tcun.—“Many a time,” ; word not to escape," said the kindly says Mrs. Jessie Sharp, of this place, warden “! wished I would die and be relieved j ,,,, Of my Buttering, from womanly troubles. 01,1 ,!111 Miner smiled. I guess I could not get up, without pulling at you had better leave 'em on. " ' ig toTieip me ( , and stayed jn bed I Hill has never been known to go hack on his code of honor—and he WISHED SHE COULD DIE bat Finds Better Way. I WUUiU IIUI LV.I DIIIIUUI puuiiie ni ••*»»» in vici *ca»c cm uu. l ic something to help me, and stayed jn bed ' got SO rt of used to 'em, you know." most of the lime. I could not do my : , housework. The least amount ol work tired me . Out. My head would swim, and 1 would hates a lie. $100 Reward, $100 - Th* n*<fcr* of this pepre will b* p)»aa*4 U hf«rn that there la at U*«at one dreaded <J! it at Jen cu ha* l*-eu aide to cur* In ai ifea. and that 1* Catarrh Hall’s Catarrh the only positive eurv now knot that at! P«< lea! fraternity. Catarrh belnr a conatln rwjuirtii a cunefltunen, ‘ tremble for an hour or more. Finally. I look Cardui, the woman's tonic, and I am not bothered with pains any more, and I don't have to go to bed. In fact, 1 am sound and well of all my troubles.” Cardui goes to all the weak spots and helps to make them strong. It acts with nature—not against her. It is for the , , ,, tired, nervous, irritable women, who (eel a3 jj ever ything were wrong, and need something to quiet their nerves and strengthen the worn-out system. tarrh Cura la tak*« lat^rnally. an nirwlly upon lb* blood ami Biuooua surfartn tho ay atria, thrrrby drat ray In* th* fooana C f th* dU**M, and *lfltt* th* patent »trm f bultdin* up fh# rooathath-a and awtatlu* lure In dotnW It* wort. Th* proprietors h on mill'll faith In tta curatt?* power* that I «<ff«'r Ou* Hundred IWDin for any raa* tha fella to cure. Send far list of teotimoflUla. Addno* V. J. CH1KEY k CO., ToUdu. 0. Kold hy all Drufclatt, 75c. • Take UaU'a family Pll]a fer ccnstipatloo. Tbo doctoi*s at the prison farm say that Old Bill is on his last legs and that he can scarcely live the week out. If he does, his death will mark the tr-assage of perhaps the last truly picturesque outlaw on the American contiaent. Hushed the Order A TRAVELING Salesman, while in Nashville, Tenn., took a large order, promising delivery in ten days. It would take two days for the order to reach the Home Office by mail. It took him only a few minutes to telephone the .order from a pay station of the Bell Tele phone system. Time saved by telephoning orders often means fulfillment of contract. When you telephone-smile SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY If you are a woman, suffering from any of the numerous symptoms of womanly trouble, take Cardui. It will help you. i , At all druggists. % , jf! Writ, (»■ Chtuuwegt U«Hdn» C«.. Li't'w’ Advisor, Cot.. Chuunooc*. T«nn., lor iff‘ft /*.rr»rrt>«<onrourcu.and6Vt*x«took. Horn, Treotnuot (or Women," In pUin wrapper. H.C. Its I (adv)|i FARM LOANS B years ttm« — E«,y PuymenU. Loivost rates. Lai-e amounts a Specialty. row loan & v\BJrn.%or COMPANY. Pclliam, Ga. Left-hand drive? It’s as old as the Ford—which was built to gieet Amer ican, not European, conditions. And it is just one of the many devices by which Ford has led—while others fol lowed. One model? lightweight? There, too, Ford leads. Think what these prices mean—for the car that has stood the testa: ' Runabout, $550.00; Tour ing Car, $60V.00; Town Car, $750.00—f. o. b. Thomasville, with all equipment. Get catalog and all particular from Logan Auto Exchange. Logan Auto Exchange, Thomasville. Georgia.