The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, October 31, 1913, Image 4

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R £E E33HSBE3 ■■ n m VR lEHRRIBaBB SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES ENT1CRPRIS E, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 81, 1013. « ■ ■ ■ SS55EBE25E5E ■ ■ 2 EHBEEBE0BBE Revitalize Your a « n THE COM Complexion. 69SI0N Summer is over a.ul it is time to remove the unsight ly marks of sunburn, from your face, neck and arms aid restore yoir complexion to Its natural dainty coloring. You will And In our TOILET ARTICLE DEPART MENT, a complete line of Cold Cre---m>-, Vanishing Creams, Liquid Creams, etc. for this purpose. We carry In stock all advertised prep arations and wo arc prepared to fill any private fomulns. w ram Dmg Co. Fhcnes 9 and 99. inasHaaBBBSia bh BEBHSBHHaaaaa ■■ d Dr. and .Mrs. Vara entertained this week Judge Vann, of Madison, and r’ Livingston Vann, of Washing ton, D. C. Mrs. Ernest Herring, of Fitzgerald, Is also their guests. Oa Monday, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Rountree gave a dinner at the Held House, In honor of their guests, W. G. Rountree, of Cobbtown, and W. I!. Crouse, of Greymount, Mr. Henry Vann's many friends will lie "lad to loam that he is steadily Improving. Mrs. Joe Norton has returned homo, bringing with her, htA* daugh ter. Mrs. II. G. Owens, who has been very ill, but it is hoped Is now on the high road to recovery. We thought we would bear wed- din* bells ring here today, but a Ut ile later wo learned that the occas ion took Itself to our neighboring hrr where the couple were happily united. I We are glad to see the autumn 1 showers, such as those which fell the first part of the week. | Mr. W. J. Beaty, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Florence Beaty, (made a business trip to Valdcsta Thursday Mr. Robert Lnstln* r er, of Albany, spent a few days here last week with relatives. Miss Alma Cooke, of'Boston, Is the guest of her cousin, Miss Flor ence Beaty, this week. Mr. Robert Ilewette, who has been In Madison. Fla., taking treatment from a physician there, has im proved considerably, and has re* timed home. Messrs# y. P. Woo# and C. H. Beaty attended the show in Valdosta Thursday. Miss Ella Duncan la spending this week with her sister Mrs. H. S. Th/trnhill, who lives near Thomas- JUDGE W. A. COVINGTON S. House It 1 p* on. S. A. Ih» . »i I he riic\pircil The cane fields begin to show the •soared and withered leaves, and ‘on "su'/fir boilings" will be the di- wrsion of tne young folks. The Library has Just. acquired »j ir*v-**vo now broke. Amig them in "Pollvanna." by the author of “Miss Billy." Pollvanna preaches the gospel of gladness, and teaches us how to play the game of being i lad. Readers will find it a most I deli lit fill book. Mr. F. J Wood has accepted book-keeper for the Pav mmil OF GHACY GOtiNTY position Bank. Bov. f. F. Duncan preached at -Salem S.-nday. Mrs. Jim Massey, of Bnr.vp-k, •v!h*d on her sister, Mrs. .1. A. Wil liams Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Os'ar Pope, of Bar 'd* k were in our berg for a short time Sunday afternoon. 'Vo will all bo glad when the far mers begin "making up" syrinp. We know that will mean a jolly good time for tlie young peoj le. cool We have had some very weather since our last writing. The 1 people have been digging their seed j <a7ie, and doing other things. In pre-, ration for the coming winter. "mmr The death oimnunity last i ante Into our Wednesday night MENS SHOES GUN METAL AND BOX CALF Suitable for Work and Dress $1.00 a Pair. GEORGIA KNIT HOSE Seamless toe, at S© a pair. All the Above on Sale hursday Oct. 30 IT THE Thomasville’s Busiest Store. £ Rev. Bob Griffin filled his regu-!nml took from our midst, Mr. W. M. ; lar appointment here Sunday. Wonder why Mr. E. Jones is all smiles? Oh! it's a girl! We are sorry to report the serious Robertson. He was 86 years of age ; p.| ( i,» R the hostesses, Misses Vetltia i illness of Mrs. Martha Fulford at gv f und Thursday afternoon. id is survived by his wife and three am | Alma Dyke, were Misses Mattie p-ehildrt n. His remains were laid • Della Wilson. Tyson Greg- rest at Little Ochlocknee burial | ory> Annie May Jarrett, and Me writing. We hope she wiP. soon recover her health. j c Mr. Oscar Wynn has returned from the Bay. with a number of nice i fish. ' Oh, yes, we are through with our cotton, and, of course, the price is:' now much hi her. Mr. K. Woody was visiting friends I in this community Saturday .light, j Gaston Wilson, Ernest McMU- yiUlHLirn MARKETS FOB THOME Atlanta, Oct. 28.—’That the late De £°“bcr. Mrs. Barbara C. Dodd, prominent January... ocially and rich, was a monomaniac March.. . . Mr. and Mrs. Billie Hancock and i au Frank Raiford, Horace Strict illdren visited tlie latter’s mother,' ] lU j t Austin Giles, Otis Nesmith, An rs. B. T. Gandy Sunday. 'drew Dyke, and others. , . . . - . . , >lnv Mr. J. r. Prosser, of Coolidge, vis-' t» ic farmers are preparing for the *k° Plotted to murder her divorced • ][• • ™d relatives here Sunday. , . ood old syrup-making time, which j husband, is charged in a highly sen- Mrs. Berta Drew visited her moth- wo think will begin next week. Open .. . 13.80 13.54 13.52 13.50 Tono: Steady. Loral spots: 13 1-8. Close 13.58-60 13.31-32 13.31-32 13.29-30 at Moultrie Tuesday. Misses Bertie Pilcher and Pearl! Luster visted Misses Alice Halford ; and Rhoda Sherrod Sunday. Rev. A. T. Hart, of Thomaavflle, BLUE EYES. Hurrah for Kosioe Luke for Con .... j gress. lie has the lead around here, j ,the home of Mr. and Mrs. land Judge Park will likely run sec-, * **• Woods Sunday. A number of our farmers are ready to make syrup and some of tbelli are making up now. Mr. M. L. Baggett was among these attending preaching service Sunday. Mr, W. B. Singletary, foreman the Public Hoads work, of Grady j Hagan aid Mr and MrsTLeslie Ha- ounty, was in this community last j z-mi. visited at the home of Mr. and lervlce 1 ! *' lr - ,lils J Mr. J. A. Williams and daugnter, ja handsome new car. -f ‘ ;'. lis ‘ if ‘ 3 Xnnnle Jl «e an'I Alice Wil-I j;| ss i ren H Iteddlck left Su' 1 !! nrnR - of r av °. Mr - anrt Mr »- J,in I afternoon, for Doer,mi. iilie has Covington Campaign Committee Predicts His Election Moultrie, Ga.. Oct. 28, 1913. The Covington Campaign Committee issues a statement to the vot ers of the Second Congressional District of Georgia at a period of eight days prior to the election, and sets forth the political situation clearly as seen by the Committee. Encouraging news and hopeful re* ports are all the time coming in from all sides. The unmistakable signs clearly indicate, beyond any doubt, tho election of Judge Cov ington, the people's candidate. His certain triumph at the polls on November 5th, is conceded and freely predicted on all hands, for the following reasons: Tho Ochlocknee Primitive Baptist Misses Rama Hancock, Lucy aid 1 Association, convened at Pavo, last • File Last nr visited at the home of Friday, Saturday and Sunday. An Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Redding 3unday. able body of ministers was present Mrs. Ivey Bur' r oss visited her par- and a series of excellent sermons |ei:ts Mr. and Mrs. John Gandy Sun- "ere delivered. | day. , .M r< g. F. Mount, has purchased Mr. j Sunda afternoon, for Doer; c*?pted a position teacher of a attirdnv I*,'”' .»w Htliool near there. “ a> - I Mrs. VV. R. Hagan Sunday. Mrs. J. W. L. Brannon, went to Mr. Helous Hobbs and Miss Alice 1 Brunswick, last Friday to attend the Hart visited Mr. Iverson Hobbs and | Tenoral of her sister-in-law, Airs. Miss Josephine Hobbs Sunday. j Frank Roberts. Mr. J. T. Sherrod and Mr. I. P.; Quito a number of visitors from Hart left this morning to attend the Thomasville, Quitman, Boston, Val- nieeting of the Campbell Association at Midway. Miss Hnllie ITpton and Messrs. George and Ivey Stephenson, of Pat- j ten, and Mr. Atkinson, of Enon. I were among the visitors at McOraw • Sunday. i Mr. Dai Cannon, of lone, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Hobbs Sunday. Mr. J. C. Prosser of Coolidge, ac companies by his brother, C. J. Pros per, visited their uncle, Mr. R. .T Lnster Sunday. Quite a number attended the 9ing at Long Branch, on the third Satur* day and 3unday. Sunday, November 2nd. has been set aside as rally day for tho or phans. A large congregation Is urged to attend services that day. CORRESPONDENT. FHE« Thu farmers In this neighborhood "ill soon begin to make-up syrup, and then the young folks will have a "sweet time," going to sugar boilings. > Rev. T. A. White filled his regui lar appointment at Fredonla Sun day. j! Mr. and Mrs. T. Q. Floyd, of Thom- ( asville, spent Sunday nii’ht with Mrs.: Floyd’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. j Fleetwood. | Miss Hazel Smith is among the dosta, and Adel were in town Satur day and Sunday attending the Prim itive Baptist Association. Mr. Andrew' Covey and Mr. King Covey, of PInetta, Fla., were in town Saturday and Sunday visiting their uncle Mr. J. T. Covey. "MEBfllLIM" .. Ilia platform allows that hi is in lino with the -progressive | Fredonlaltes who Is taking In the policies of tho Democratic ailaiinsiratlon. 2. He has conducted a elea. and high-class campaign; free from any abuse or mud-slinging. f 3. He Is a speaker of National Reputation, and was called on daring the last Presidential campaign lo stump Indiana In behalf of the Democratic candidate for Pr -sHout which he did to the great satisfaction of tho manager of the campaign. I While in the Legislator In I'J05-6-7-*. he made a brilliant ..cord or bold and fearless <ervi o lor the common people, being easily prominent in the fight against Racket Shop Gambling in _Cot- ten Futures; for the Prohibition meat of the Negro; the Abolition of the Convict Lcnso System of tho State of Georgia; and the Chi' I Labor Bill, which stopped little chil dren from being worked to death i; mills and factories. The voters of the district, therefore l;:mw what to expect In case they sen! Judge Covington to Washington. He has made no bargain' at to the Post Olllces in the DIs- trii-t and takes the broad stand that the patrons of the office have tile li'-lit to elect sutb .iHlrers; and they will If he Is elected. From the very beginning of tho campaign, a persistent and extensive effort has been made t 0 convey the impresison to the voters, living remote 11*010 Judge Covington's residence, that he is not strong at and near his home The truth Is that in Tift. Thomas, Colquitt and Worth, where his n.-iabhors live, his vote will he much more than linlf enough *o elect him Ho will carry Tit and Colquitt counties by a tre- endotts majorty. In addition, he will run a very close second Iti Our School opened last Monday, veek a good attendan c. which of onrse encouraged the teacher, Prof. c ,„,„ _, . , hu A. L. O. Stephenson. It is hope! State Fair at Macon ‘his week. lt contlnue t() grow !ar ge r . Mr. anu .Mrs. ttavld Alilgood, of. Everybody is cordially Invited to Cairo, were the guests of Mr. and] atl .., ld ., b , x 8u|ippr at th() MorrI11 . Mrs. It. W. Parramore Sunday. | \ 11|i- Academy next Friday evening, Mr. L. M. Long of Ochlockaea, 1 «) CIol)er 3 1 All the ladies are ask- in our community Tuesday. («.*tl to jirupare a nice box, which will Mr. Garnett Willis and Miss Lula; auctioned off to the hl«het bidder. Suber, of Chastain attended preach-j .\i r all j \i rs w. m. McMillan aid ing at Fredonla Sunday. I little son. Harvie, of Thomasville. , — j Mr. C. H. Nesmith left 'Monday j were the guests of relatives here the Saloon; fr the Disfranchise- ‘morning for Macon, to take in tho Saturday and Sunday 'State Fair this week. • Mrs. Lindsey and Mrs. Frankie Mr. W. L. Hancock will attend Williamson and Misses Vetitla and i he Campbell Asso iation meeting at j Alma Dyke, Mattie Marston andJohn- M id way church, this week, as a re- niu Lee Evans were among tile .resentative from Fredonla. | visitors to Thomasville last week. Mr. Lewis, from Thomasville, Is Mrs. Josie Hardy, of Quitman, was ♦•re- ting a shin rle mill in our com-1 calling on her many relatives here .nullity, •which* will be quite a con-j for a few days last week vcnlencK to some of our people who j Mr H c 0Uc>! who hna been away n* going to build. | r or sonie time at work, at Tlfton, Miss .Minnie Shepherd --pent Thurs-| - |hi . returned liome. •lay in Thomasville. as the guest of j Misses Lillie Marrable and Ethel : datives and friends. I Green, and Messrs. James Marable . and Charlie Williams, of Patten, <50 RIGHT AT IT. ; were visitors at our Sunday School Thomas, Mr. I. ike’s home county, and second in Worth, Judge Park’s j l iP-mls and Neighbors in Thomas- i Sunday afternoon, home county, in fact, it is gener jly conceded that he will beyond J vllle Will Show You n Way. I Messrs. N. E. T ... - . - Tumor and Sam human doubt carry Early, Biker, Calhoun and Mitchell counties, j Ge* at the root of the trouble. 'Sherrod made a flying trip to the The truth of the matter is that, lu every county of the district, ex- j Rubbing an aching back may re-j c |ty 0 f Thomasville Saturday la Mr, oopt one, wher© he does not lead, he runs second. Everywhere they , | e ve it, Turner’s car. find the race between Judge Covington and one of the other candl- I But it won’t cure it if the kidneys iJrg Drew who ls lhe ])ro , )r j et r e s.s dates | ;re weak. Jo* the Drew boardiug house in Let no voter in any part of the District, "ho honestly believes t You must reach the root l i jThomnaville. was in our town '3at- Covington, if elected, would render to the people the best \ lie kidneys.. w j urelay, attending to business. servPe of all the candidates, refrain from voting for him on account of these rumors. It Is now eight days before the election and Judge Covington's friends fee] perfectly confident that he is the choice of the people of the Second District for this hl"h office and they will reg ister this choice In a very emphatic manner.adv. We make and carry in stock light delivery wagons suitable for grocers, butchers, and truck farmers. A. Wi Pain & Son. E. C. Jarrett and daughter, ' Miss Annie May Jarrett, and Miss ! Johnnie Lee Evans, visited the city of Coolidge Sunday afternoon. While 1 there they called at the home Reach the cause; relieve the pain. Bepln at once with Doan's Kid- ley Pills. Are recommended by thousands. Here i «?ntement from a resf-1 Ileat of thli vicinity: jins. W. II. Crow. \V. H. Hardee, 21a North SU ,. rrf j w Matthe ». H , of Upson \ nldotxa, Ca.. says. 1 willingly County, Is spending a few weeks endorse Doans kidney 1 ills for Ij >v lth his old friends In this corn 'll ve given them a fair test and I rounlty. know That they are a line kidney Mr ' s j, (jregory. of Abbeville. ■ edielne. About u year ago, Kla- was tbc gueat 0 f b |, p ar enta here icy trouble eunie on me. rbero Monday and Tueaday of this week. a as a dull pain in my back that 1 Messrs. F. N. Carter, Horace evented me from getting my prop- stripk | aild j. Dyke _ and olb6ni '' rP!, t The kidney secretions were wenl ovcr to Thomasville one day ''•regular In passage and I did a °j I last week on Important business. . em to And anything that would ; Mr3 . Sam Sherrod and Miss Birdie • lieve me. Hnally, I waa advised Sherrod and children, who have been '' 'kke Doan a Kidney Pllla and I j away for some time at Pavo. were i, «... in. .tt™. lid. They acted on my system at|„ (th bome folk , Sunday and Mon- _ »jrou guller from any of the alltnenti mi, and soon rid me of the trou- day. Me. Since then, I have taken theih, The entertainment, which waa glv- i cesloaally, know that there Is Pn at the homo of Mr. and Mn. I. many thousands of other weak uotnlng better for disordered kid- M. Dyke last Friday evening, was hithepastM wn. ney *' Ienloved bv quite a number of young, a,.itrfmraM. For aale by aJJ dealer.. Prl» 5« people. The guest, woro delightful* | AtBll<lrUggiStS * irent».^ Fostcr-Mllburn Co., Bofftlo, jy entertained with interesting . Ohatanoot* Mtdjdaa Co, Udi«s’ Statement of the Ownership, M«n- oirement. Circulation, Etc., of The Times-Enterprise, published Soml-Weekly. at Thomnsville. Ga.. required by the Act of August 24, 1912. Editor: E. R. Jorger, Thomasville, G«forgia. Managing Editor: K. R. Jerger, Thomasville, Ga. Business Manager: W. D. Har grave, Thomasville, Ga. Publishurg Times - Enterprise Company, fine.) Thomasville, Ga. Names of Stockholders: \V. I. MacIntyre, Thomasvile, Ga. M. M. Cooper, Thomasville, Ga. Est. A. T. MacIntyre, Thomasville, Georgia. W. D. Hurgrave, Thomasville,, Ga. Known bond-holders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding 1 per cent or more of total aiiouit of bonds, mortgages, or other se- (U Titles: None. W. D. HARGRAVE. Business Manager. Sworn to and subscribed before mo this 30th day of October, 1913. • R. G. FLEETWOOD, Notary Public, Thomas Co., Ga. i My Commission Expires March 2S, 1915.) Naval Stores Mnvket. (By Associated press.) Savannah, Ga., Oct. 30.—Tunpen- .ifona! suit filed by surviving r«la- i tives here in an effort to set aside j her will. | Because of the prominence of all! parties concerned, tbo affair has l*.? C c f 1 ”* a } A 2 .', _ . ,, ’ , 4il .$3.60 to $3.67%; H., $3.65 to $3.70; made a hi-: sensation in Atlanta, j 5370 Tlie preliminary hearing in tho exso — — will take plac© tomorrow morning, maniac in her dislike of them, and Mrs. Dodd, who died less than a that lt grew from tho fact that they year ago, left an estate value! at refused to enter into a plot of hira between $100,000 and a quarter of to murder or malm her former hu»-* a million. She excluded entirely band. J. Ii. Garner, lroni her will eight of her klnspeo- ! It is contended that Mrs. Dodd waa j pie and it is they who seek to break of unsound nuaa wnen these things the .document. took plaee, and that she was of un- They allege that during tho later sound mind when she made the years of her life, she was a mono- will. .. f+i THOMASVILLE BARGAIN STORE' Thomasville, Ga keep SAVES DAUGHTER Advice of Mother no Doubt Pre. vents Daughter’s Untimely End. 321 W. Jackson St. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, Take Notice:— -The winter Is here and you all need wood and clothes to warm and protect your health. Come to the THOMASVILLE BABGAIN STOKE, where you can all get fitted out with winter clothes of the best quality for the least money, and you will have money left to buy the wood with. Come and see the great bar-alns and you will bo ploasod. Re member the piacs, 3?1 W. Jackson 3t., Remember tho date, October 23th, and remember the sale will Inst for ten days only. Notico the following |oiv prices: Ladles good quality, full size Coat *3.73 High-Grado Ladles Coats, all colors $3.13 I-adlos Dresses and Woolen Goods *1.13 Ladies Dresses, High Grade and New Styles *3.03 Children’s Coats, Good Quality and Style *1.07 Misses Coats 32.18 Best Blenching nnd Sea Islands Mi- Best Work Shirts • ;iHi* Work Pants Good Tailor-made Men’s Pants *1.03 and *2.02 Latest Style Men’s Tailor-msdo Suits, best quality goods $0.23 High Grade. Best Quality Tailor-Made Men’s Suits *13.03 L. C. Smith’s Shoes *2.42 Best Work Shoes $1.02 and *2.38 All goods In proportion aid cheaper than ever—come and seo —If the goods don’t suit and the prices are not right, don’t buy— but remember, this Is the place and now is the time to Bet great bargains and a heap of goods for a little money. TAJIK NOTICE: "I met Mr. Goldstein yesterday and asked him how ho could soil his goods so cheap and received a proper answor. He explained to mo that he bought his goods In largo quantities In the cheapest markets—he Is working hard himself and has small ex penses and has small rent to pay. so ho can sell his goods eheap and give good bargains for a little money. I went to the sale myself—spent J1S.G0 and was well satisfied with what I got for my money. If you want to save money I would advIJb you to go to the Thomaavllle Bargain Store, 321 West Jack- son Street. Thomasville, Ga., and save the difference.”—(One of Many Testimonials.) 1 H. GOLDSTEIN. Owner. Ready, Ky.—1 was not able to do anything for nearly six months,” writes, Mrs. Laura Bratcher, of this place, "and ' was down in bed (or three months. j I cannot tell you how I suffered with my head, and with nervousness and I womanly troubles. Our family do :-r told my husband he I could not do n..-. uy good, and he had 1 lo give It up. v V tried another doctor, but he did nrh-ip me. , At last, mj mother advised me to take Cardui, the woman’s tonic. 1 thought! it was no use for I was nearly detd and I nothing seemed to do me any good. But I I took eleven bottles, and now I am able 1 to do all of my work and my own washing. 1 think Cardui Is the best medicine In the world. My weight has increased, and I look the picture of health. “ FALL CABBAGE PLANTS REDUCED For the remainder of the season, we will sell our fall cab bage plants. Flat Dutch and Charleston Wakefield, at the fol lowing reduced prices; 1 to 4,000, at 81.20 per 1,000 0 to 0,000, at *1.00 per 1,000 10 to 24,000 at 00c per 1,000 23,000 anil over, at 78o per 1,000 Send us your orders, we hav e a lot of fine plants and we will give you prompt shipment. • S. M. GIBSON COMPA NY Mcggett, 8. O. peculiar tq women, get a bottle of Cardui today. Delay is dangerous. We know it wilt help you, for it has helped so — ^ women •V" ,0 " t0T ,h * un-1 r«me.. until shout ten o'clock, when |lted States. |they were Invited Into the dining Tnsim«*(orWanno."kiMatswriww. llaitf Remember the name—Doan’s— ; room where delicious refreshments I _ M . nnd take no other. were served. Among those present t . , (MV) BIG SELL-OUT SALE Now going, on at the Big Store'of Clark Brothers Cali in and aave money on anything you need ( ' . ©v - • 7.'