The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, July 11, 1922, Image 1

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i'awTuu Veer subscription It payable in H vane* and you will sava delay* by complying with thla rule. SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION Of the Gtj of ThomaaviDe and the County of Tbocsuu. VOL. X. No. 47. THOMMVILLS, GEORGIA.TUESDAY, JULY 11, 11 SUM PER ANNUM BLISTERED BY SN1 PARTY ESCAPED FROM YELLOWSTONE PARK Mrs. Percy Rockefeller and Party Arrive in Bozeman Slightly Worse for Their Dangerous Experience on Mount Washburn. Bozeman, (Mont., Jjtly 10. - With ihelr faces bronzed and almost bit**, and from the biting blizzards that swept the peaks of Yellowstone Park. Mrs. Percy Rockefel’er and party are ih Bozeman today, rooting after thrilling experience atop of Mount Washburn. "We were not lost," she said, “but were caught Id a fierce snow-storm that raged for nearly two hours on the. rery summit of Washburn." Our party took refuge la a log cabin, which probably eared their lives. d ijprt. Yellowstone, Wya, July 10.— Being marooned 10,000 feet above sea fcvql la an Intense allow storm in July, M not altogether enjoyable Mrs. Percy Rockefeller and other members of her party, fold Horace N. Albright, super intendent of Yellowstone National Park yesterday before leering for Bose man, Moot Mrs. Rockefeller re ferred to h er expe r I en c e of flaturday, she, her son, her daughters, d and Paith, and a party, of wdr* cattfht near the top of nt Washburn by a sudden bliszard. , —r. Albright said that the party was at no time In bodily danger. The mer cury registered twenty-fire degrees above aero and a wood fire made by U^a party on a stone lookout station deed by forest rangers, kept the tour ists horn .being chilled. “The party was not really lost, but simply marooned, aaid Mr. Albright. 'There were two rangers with them and an automobile road runs to the top t ot the peak. The station where the party took refuge is shore the timber and consequently, wood is scarce, a the sudden bllssard cume up all busy and gathered what wood 1 b* found." The Rockefeller party, guided by Mr*. Byram, is touring the West by automobile. They left for Bozeman yesterday. CRUCIAL STA6E OF SHOPMENS'STRIKE WITH BLOWING OF FINAL SHOP WHISTLES Men Are To Be Deprived of Their Seniority and Pension Rights, Say the Railroads.—Sporadic Outbursts Are Re ported From Various Sections.—Troops Called Out ih Many States to Protect Property and Rights of Work ers. — Many Trains Annuled. , ' — Chicago, 111., July 10.—The crucial ( with such a program, some of the rail roads, bar* asked for soldiers to pro stage of the rail strike was reached today, being the tenth day, since the shopmen's nation-wide walkout, and shop and roundhouse whistles shriek ed the final notes ot the railroad ultt- tect their shops, while others expected to afford private protection to those who wotkfd. While the railroads predicted that .many afalkers would flock back to matum cancelling the seniority and work when assured that protection pension rights of strikers who refus- wpuld bb Afforded, union headquarter* ed to return to the shops today. National guardsmen are on duty in Illinois, and under arms in several other states United States Marshals are in charge of the law enforcement machinery at various points, while at other centers the roads retied on fed eral Injunctions and the local authori ties for protection. Many Trains Annulled, maintained that the strike la daily becoming more effective. With ..the federal courts already intervening in a number of places to prove tit picketing by strikers, the week was alio expected to reveal to a large extent the attitude of the De partment pt Justice towards tne strike- From Washington came the announcement that the department was dl... „ mails and Charles Clyne, United States 1 TM.,4—J-* AMamms aaU OatueJ... La HARDING SUBMITS PROPOSAL FOR EARLY RESUMPTION OF MINING OPERATI Belonging to Mr. Chreride Phillips. — Three Women Also Detained. W. t>. Joiner, who gives his head- quartern as Jacksonville, Is In the county'Jall charged with the theft of the oar ot Mr. Clarence Philips, and Mrs. Sims and her two daughters are held in the city pending an Investiga tion ot the circumstances connected with thla affair. Joiner was caught at Live Oak Frl day night, after taking Mr. Philip*’ car from Broad, street Friday after noon. With him were the three women. Joiner says that ha merely borrowed tbe car and would- have returned as soon as he took the ladles to Newber . Fia. Mrs. Sims Mid her daughters state that theflwere being shown around by Joiner. They had recently given np a hotel at Crystal River, Fla., and were seeking a location. One of the young ladles was reported engaged to Joiner. ... . _ The ladles said they knew nothing ot ras investigating report*, that sfhke the theft of the car and had no part llaordqra wen interfereing with the ARRESTED FOR THEFT OF AUTO AND HELD FOR INVESTIGATION W. L. Joiner Lodged in Jail Charged With Theft of Car President's Plan Urges Miners to Return to Work at Wage Scale Existing When They Quit on April First and Con tinue Until August Tenth.— Will Appoint Arbitration Board to Negotiate New Wage Scaler—Miners and Op erators in Joint Conference Unable to Agree. Officials of the Missouri-Pacific an- District Attorney, said Saturday he nounced the annulment of thirty paa-l^M received InsUnctions from Attor- „„ Iney General Daugherty to use force sengcr trains on the Company s eatt-, g necegstr y to keep the mall* jmd era division, adding that trains on interstate &mmerce moving, other divisions probably will be dis- At Clinton, III., where the troops continued at the same time. I were sent aftejL* boy had bean killed All train service on the Internation-. and two men, one a striker, had been al-OraH Northern, from Oooraeto-n Yn!T imndr"ce*53 to Roundrack, Tez„ has been suspend- wu report «d quite yester- ed. ..... Gov. Taylor of Tennessee has celved appeals to send troops to Mem phis to protect thg properties and employes of the Frisco Hnes. Disorders spread to the East when tbe homes of two 1 Baltimore & Ohio employee who refused to join the strike were bombed at Newcastle, and a striker shot at Newcastle. TROOPS GUARD RAILROAD PROPETY IN SERVEAL STATES Chicago, July 10 With soldiers on active duty in Illinois and troopi mobilized in five other state*, the ninth day of the {trike ot the railway shopmen paased quietly while many railroads prepared to resume active operation of their shops to-day, several carriers haring warned strik ing employes to return by that date or forfeit seniority rights. B. M. Jewellt head of the railway employes department of the American Federation of Labor, had nothing to eat iimiiASHimun a a ea say at strike hearquatters here and IN GRANDMOTHER S LAP; no n< ‘ w " *** forthcoming from either UTILE GIRL KILLED BY LIGHTNING WHILE SITTING Hartwell, Os., July 10.—While seated, in her grandmother’s lap yesterday, (seven-year-old L. T. Gilbert, was killed by lightning. Her grandmother was not hurt tarkmaly. TRIAL OF NEGRO PULLMAN PORTER MS CONTINUED the carriers or the United States rail road labor board. While the Sunday holiday was un eventful. the rest, of the week was fraught with possibilities. This morn- in* member* of the board who averted mj no j* Central round house here a atrike of 400,000 maintenance of “ way men and 14,000 signal men day. State cavalry and infantry were mobilized for duty in eight down state towns, however. The entire state guard of Missouri has been mobilised, while in Indiana California and Kansas state troops have been ordered to be prepared for an emergency and the Michigan atate police at East Lansing, Mich., received orders. State Troopi at Clinton. Clinton, HI., July 10.—With three companies of state troops on duty hare, Clinton was quiet yesterday after Saturday’s disorders which re sulted in the death of a 12-year-old youth and the wounding of his father and another striking railroad shop man between striking shopmen and guards employed by the Illinois Central railroad. % Officials of tfie federated shop crafts demand yesterday that local civil authorities request Adjutant General Charles E. Black to with draw the.soldiers, while William E. Smith, state’s attorney aaid that Sat urday’s shooting will be investigated by the regular grand jury meeting September 11. He said It might stir the smouldering sentimpnt of resent ment to a dangerous pitch to call a special grand Jury. Three shot* were fired in the direc tion of a sentry on duty near the through negotiations with Union officials last week, are expecting to confer with E. H. Fitzgerald, head of the clerks' union, in an effort to pre vent the issuance of strike orders to this organization. Confidence was ex pressed here last night in quarters Cullman, Ala., July 10. —The case against Walter Hayea. negro dining 1 £ IoM to tbe labor bo*rd“th*t tflecierti* o»r waiter, charged with an attempt- would follow the example set by the ed attack on a Montgomery woman j maintenance of way and signal men I ^WiTth. carrier, urging atriking CoDaan recently, was continued to "! rn , p ioye* to return to work, prepara- day because of failure of the proseco-! tlons were complete on a score of tlon witness to appear. The court or- lines to attempt to resume active shop dered Solicitor Almond to visit Mont- work to-day. Vacancies in the ranks. ^Mna.ctrcrtto'oc.tcth.m,.. jggft* lug witness. Realising the possibilities for trouble Are Yoii Going To Paint This Summer? Now fat Iftife Time We can furnish you anything in the Paint Line you may need WE SELL “Sherwin Wlllfaitts Painfc" *. - \ ’ The Price* Ate Right NASR4HJT9N DRUG CO. "A Good Pint to TMte” Phones 105 and 106 In It. Joiner brought the ladles to Madl- son In 4 Dodge car and swapped It there tor an Overland, but did not have tbe money with whlqh to take the car out. He Is said to bare gone to Quit- man In a truck from Madison, and there had driven a car Mr. H. H. Dewey to ThomaavtUe. Tbits car was a Ford about (even years old but In fair shape, and he sold this car to Mr. Bill Bibb for forty dollars and prlred part of the money to the women at Madison, to pay hotel bIHs. When Informed of the loss of the Quitman car, the night police got busy and found the car in Mr. Bibb's pos session. who Immediately surrendered It. Chief Milton, Deputy Jack Wil liams and Mr. Philips returned from Live Oak at 8:30 o'clock Saturday nlgbt, bringing Joiner and the ladles. Tbe latter were housed in a local hotel for tbe night. BEVERLY'S MILL DAMAGED BY FIRE Washington, D. C., July 10.— The President submitted today to the bituminous and anthracite op erators and miners a proposal that tbs miners return to work at tbe wage scale existing when the men quit on April first, and -continue work on teat scale until August 10th, meanwhile an arbitration board being appointed to nego tiate a new scale. MINER8 AND OPERATORS IN JOINT CONFERENCE TODAY Washington, D. C-, July 10.—Tbe govrenment prepared today to put Its own plan of settlement of the bitumi nous coal strike before tbe represen tatives of the miners and operators who reconvened In a conference call ed by President Harding. Separate preliminary meetings by tbe operators and miners were held lost night .qiter which the President was informed ot the situation, and he proceeded to draft a pronounce ment tor presentation to them on con vening today. The conference adjourned its ses sions today to go directly to tea President at the White House. The participants said they had been un able to reach an agreement. Secretary Daria on behalf of tbe government, it was learned, read to tbe joint conference, a proposal that a committee of six operators and six miners be appointed to outline dis tricts in which negotiations would be set up between the United Mine Workers and operators, the govern ment assuming responsibility for dif ferences which could not be negotiat ed. It was evident that both sides found the proposition unacceptable. The President. It was learned from a White House visitor, has In mind a definite offer of government arbitra tion, and failing in this, the White House caller said the President had determined to take strong measures to bring about the mining of coal TWO STRIKING MINERS KILLED AT UNIONTOWN, PA. Unlontown, Pa., July 10. — Two striking miners were killed and third wounded fatally late last night by shots fired by two deputy sheriffs on the property ot the Atlantic Coal Company, at New Genera, according to word received here. The nuthori ties are Investigating. U.S. PRESERVE ORDER AND ;qgterd*y. The soldier reported to Maj. John 0. Smith in command of the troops, that he beard two bullets sing past hla head and heard the re port of a third ihot. The firing was traced to a garage near tbe round house, Mnjor Smith said. Two men In uniform were seen near there earlier in the day, he declared, and advanced the theory that they may have been radicals, masquerading as soldiers firing tbe shots to stir ill. reeling. — • While union officials wanted the troops withdrawn, public officials ex pressed a different sentiment. Sheriff John W. Persons of Dewitt county •aid he would not recommend the withdrawal of troops for several days. About 400 local shop crafts members met here yesterday and unanimously expressed themselves against the im portation of strike breakers to work under protecting guns of militiamen.” The local maintenance of way organi sation also held • meeting yesterday and decided to return to work but to protest against working .with armed guard; on watch. RESTRAINING INJUNCTION AGAINST HAH. STRIKERS Ul, July 10.—Federal f today granted In- 1 tjpnols Central and Wo&uh railroads, restraining atriking shopmen from picketing and Intimi dation of non-union men, and acta of violence. day. Sawdust Room of This Plant Burned and Entire Mill for A Time Threatened With Destruction. — Fire Depart ment Did Good Work. The sawdust room of the planing mill of W. E. Beverly caught fire yes terday at about 12:20 oclock and threatened for a time, the destruction of this enormous plant The room Is located across the track, jrat immedi ately adjacent to the mill and dry kHn. At tea time tbe fire broke out there were five freight cars standing on the aide track which separates the bailer and sawdust rooms from the main plant. , The cars caught fire after the Gamez got a big atari in the sawdust pile, but the fire department had two streams of water on the blaze In a very .short time and the work of the deportment not only prevented tbe destruction of tee freight care but confined the flames entirely to the bolter room and sawdust pile. It .was a hard fight but It waa accomplished in a vary short time. , . Mr. Beverly's losses will be (tight compared with what might have oc curred had the wind been blgb end tbe flames spread to the main shed ot the miU plant Nothing waa damaged be yond tee two .freight cars, tbe boiler room and the sawdust shod, which waa of flimsy construction and not particu- culariy valuable. It If expected that tee mill will be In operation again wltbln a very, short time. The tire is believed to bare started in tbe pile oear tbe boilers, although bow this oc curred has not been determined. A Urge crowd went to the Are when they saw the immense column of smoke as cending. GERMAN REPARATIONS i KANSAS TROOPS TAKE WITH MORATORIUM PLANS CHARGE MINE DISTRICT WITHOUT ANY NOTICE Arrive in Town Without Any Previous Notice and Estab lish Quarters From Which They Will Protect Property And Employes. Parsons, Kas., July 10.—Adjutaut General Charles Martin and three hundred national guardsmen took command of the strike situation In Parsons today. Without any word lo city or county officials they arrived in CHIEF DISCUSSION TODAY Extension of Two Years is Sought by Germans, Say Re ports From Paris Today. — Reparations Paramount in Interest W England. Paris, July 10.—A proposal provid ing for the payment of all remaining cash Instalments due this year, pro vided Germany la granted a moratori um of at least two years, was brought to Paris today by German represen- Attomey General Daugherty Announces Plan of Govern ment to Insure Continued Transportation of Mails and Protect Life and Property. Washington, D. C.. July tO.— | Tbe government throught the ap- j pointment of deputy marshalls ' will make sure that law and order ts preserved and property tod life protected, and the transportation' of the malls continued, despite the strike of the shopmen. Attor ney General Daugherty announc ed today alter a conference with the President. He said he already had authorized the appointment of a number In tbe Middle West. DAUGHERTY BEGINS STUDY RAIL STRIKE SITUATION Washington, D. C., July 10.—Attor ney General Daugherty on hla return to Washington this morning after « week's absence in Ohio, Immediately took up consideration of the railroad atrike situation with Allred P. Thom, general counsel ot the Association of Railway Executives. Daugherty, sifter a half hour confer ence with Thom, left his offices for the White House to see the President. At the same time the poatofflee de partment received an appeal for gov ernment protection from President Taussig, of the Wabash railway com pany, who cited an attack on a mall train at Moberly, Saturday night. tatives, according to unofficial Infor mation which reached the reparations ,own ,nd wcm quartered RAINBOW DIVISION AT GREENVILLE, S. C. commission. GERMAN FINANCIAL SITUATION OF PARAMOUNT INTEREST London. July 10.—Germany's finan cial crisis continues to be the sub ject of paramount concern in tbe British press, which today stresses the danger confronting the whole of Europe. According to the Daily Telegraph's diplomatic expert, a committee ot the cabinet is considering the situa tion. which it is understood comes be fore the full cabinet tomorrow. at the Missouri, Kunsas railroad athletic field. VIRGINIA NEGROES WANT FORD FOR PRESIDENT Richmond. VaTTuly 10.—Resole tlons are to be submitted, calling up on Henry Ford to stand for the Presidential nomination. J. R. Pollard negro chairman ot tbe advisory com mittee of tbe negro or "Lily Black” Republican party In Virginia, an nounccd today in oalllng a meeting of that body at Buckroe Beach for An gust 6th. CHICAGO STREET CAR STRIKE THREATENED Chicago, 111., July 10. — Thirteen thousand employes of the street car lilies of this city began balloting day on the question of a strike their answer to the 25 per cent wag* cut proposed by the surface lines. The executive board of the elevated MEXICAN BANDIT THREAIENSTOBLOW UP OIL PIPE LINES Washington, D. C., July 10. -Goro- zavc, Mexican bandit, active recently in the Tampico region, baa threatened to begin the blowing up of oil pipe lines and pumping stations unless be receives payment ot 15,000 pesos by today, according to a message from Consul Shaw at Tampico to tee State Department, reporting information re ceived from the British-owned LaCar- onae Company. The company said tbat Gorozave la making his bead- quarters at its Pecera camp. Greenwood, 8. C., July. 10.—Veter ans of North and South Carolina ot ... the "Rainbow" division opened their I railway employes conferred with corn- third annual reunion here at noon to-| pony officials on renewal tbelr present agreement. Two New Ones Just Arrived Black satin Baby French heel, cut out on sides Same as above in patent leather. These are fine hand turned slippers and are perfect fitters $8.50 the pair Harley Shoe Co. REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT SAID TO BE COLLAPSING EXCEPT IN CORK DISTRICT Reports From Belfast Indi cate That More Trouble is Yet to be Expected in This District Before Provisional Government is Safe. London. July 10.—Latest report* from Ireland indicate that the Repub lican movement is collapsing every where except In the Cork district, where It 1» believed that Important events may be expected soon. GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP Of WORLD TO BE SETTLED AT CHICAGO Chicago. III.. July It.—More than a hundred golfers today started la tbe qualifying rounds in the notional open golf tournament at the Skokl course in which 325 of tee world's greatest players form a field eo repre sentative that tew will contest the claim of tbe winners to the title of world's champion. The qualifying round? lust three days. NEW SHIPMENT Men's Caps Now on Display The Latest Styles of the Season Also Showing New Ship ment of Fine Knit Cravats louis ram sons THE SHOP OF QUALITY ON THI CORNIR « The home of Hart Scfcafiner & Marx Clothes.