The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, July 14, 1922, Image 1

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ntotmmrnkmM Yaw aubecrlptlen I* payable in ad- vane* and you will tava delay* t by complying with thla rul*. VOL. X. No. 46. m «t%u'ii aviudiibi' I •FFMUL OltAI Of the City of TKpUMvfOc the County of T ,a«t cj on 2E TH0|jlA4WLL$' (i«[OH&ff FRIDAY, JljUV.^.y^L- ,. fi , »., n T n (140 ran ANNUM RUSSIAN COMMISSION STRIKE SETTLEMENT PREVENTED BY CANT AGREE1 ANY PLAN O F REPARATION Useless to Continue, the Con ference With JChisJBodjv it "Is'Stated at the Hague. — Lloyd George ’Knows of No Definite Rupture. ThJ {nigue,’ July ^18 .—The non-Ros alia ajb commits Ion on private prop erty of the conference op Russian af- fafrs, unanimously adopted today a resolution declaring that in the light Ht view* expressed yesterday by the Russians concerning restitution of foreigners’ property In Russia, II '"would serve no useful purpose to continue tod'meetings with the Rus sian commission.” REFUSAL OF THE RAILWAY EXECUTIVES FOR CONFERENCE VlMi LEADERS i Rail? i.ijjty Chairman Hooper of the Railway Labor Board, However, Is Still at Work on Plans for Peace, and Jewell of the Shopmen is Optimistic That Results Might Be Obtain ed.—Only Sporadic Acts cjf Violence Htei Been! ed.—Shopmen in Louisiana Agree to Clear Wi UfOYD GEORQE ANNOUNCES j DEADLOCK AT THE HAGUE i London,, Jnlylh—Lioyd Oeprce told the House of Commons this afternoon that he was afraid a deadlock had oc- onxred at the Hague, but that he had no ^Information that there bad been a break-down of the conference on Rus sian affairs. jiXSUE CONFERENCE DISSO- " LUTION TOMORROW PROBABLY a The' Hague, July It—The actual dlssolUtlOu of the Hague conference on Russian affairs probably cannot take place before tomorrow, as the Ka bis' bMB pottponed until tnBa ana no; meeting 1* planned for today be-j the Rudjfan jtod non-RtNstsh Chicago, HI.. Juljri-1*.—The railway executives, union leaders and Labor Board members, apparently suspend ed their peace activities temporarily today. Chairman Hooper, however, 'is still at work on new plans to bri&fc the warring factions together. Chairman Hooper, In a private con ference with the railroad presidents, declined to discuss future plans, but B. M. Jewell, the shopmen's leader still maintained a hopeful attitude. Jewell indicated late today that he would Issue a pointed reply to the executives’ answer of last night to Chairman Hooper, declining Ua over tures tor a conference with the strik ers. Small outbreaks dotted, the' strike ap today, but the situation while wae quiet. '• ‘ Shreveport, La., July .1*.—In W* der that 4 tie-up of the mails may In this territory:have .blade a written otter to the companies that 'they will form ''Volunteer crew* to clear; the mainlines of wnefeq. that may occur while-the strike Is'id progress. '< -■ tr ' ■ {.-hwtT - - WHISKEY OFFICER r - J STRIKEBREAKERS AND GUARDS SUFFER INJURIES CroviUe, Cal., July 13.—Numerous strike-breakers and guards were in jured several seriously, when shout 75 men speeding into town early to day in automobiles charged the Wes tern Pacific roundhouse here. The at tacking party then motored away. Four guards who are missing are be lieved to have been kidnapped. Chicago, HI., July 13—Poison ed whiskey added another victim -today This time it was a prohi bition officer It- was learned to day when the death of It HF- Fri bourg, of Decatur, Bis., was an nounced at proUbltton beadquar- JEWELL SENDS TELEGRAM TO PRESIDENT HARDINQ r, Chicago, 111., July 18,—B. M. Jewell, head of. the striking railroad shop- j men, today sent a-telegram to Presi dent Harding replying to the Presi dent’s proclamation on the strike situ ation and opening a new phase of the grievances of the striking shopmen. The telegram wan signed also by the Presidents of the six shop crafts. It said tbe-moe bad walked out because the -wages fixed by the Labor Board iwas In violation of the provisions of #AL OPERATORS IN SESSION ! tbe transportation act, because of vto-l — — ,-latlon of the Labor Board’s decisions J ashlngton, D. C., July 18.—Repre-j by the railroads stives of the bituminous coal op-; The strikers insisted that tnterrup- «raters associations’ went Into con- tig,, 0 f commerce or Interference with ferences today with Secretary Davis the malla had been caused by any after conferring with Hugh K. Krwln,! unlawful act, by the shopmen •okiif-of the bureau"df oOnriBalldn of , ’ The telegram laid such interference thr department. I directly to the attempt of the rail- — | toads to Operate with Incompetent .TWO DEAD IN KATV WRECK > OTto ~- v , , , , j Jewell and hie associates also Kansas City, Mo., July 13.—Two iterated a desire to cooperate In any white men and tour unidentified ne-| e ff 0 rt to bring peace, but declared greet are dead and 48 persons Injur-' that to the present, the rail executives ed, some perhaps fatally, was tbe toll bad refused to meet ton represutatlves thla morning, of a .wreck tn tbe out- j of the employee, skirts of the city last night In whtcbj T ‘ r - the Missouri-Pacific flier number II,J SHOPMEN TELL STRIKBSREAK- crashed head on Into a local freight e*' ERS AT DENISON, TIX., TO LEAVE a ’resuit of contased orders. I Denison. Tex., July IS.—Two la* The wooden smoking car was tele-; ported.workmen were seised early to- scoped V» steel bsggsge ’ car, and: day by a band of men and taken to mtot of toe Injured were in the smok-l toe Red river, five miles distant, er, many of them negroes. {where they were lectured and. told to lea-vp Texas. Two other a ed the band and are being sought. Tbl* is said to bo tbe first, result of the avowed Intention of union leader* to .prevent any, strike .breakers from arriving In Denison. shopmen closely guarded __ to Si. K. t. shops, roundhouses end other plants, as a re sult of an iuniooac*mettt that arrange ment* had -been mid* tor a number of deputies to come here. MAINTENANCE WAV MEN '•* , WILL PRISS WAGE .MATTf M r WHke.ibarre, Pa , July 13.—Twenty- two system chairmen of the brother- hood of maintenance way employe* representing seventy thousand men, employ*^ reads in.the middle Atlantic states . have .' agreed, ifpon "concerted' action’’ Its presenting wage demands to the railroads during the ibonto Of July! William D. Roberta, Eastern vice chairman, staled tost It bad been de cided to ask the companiea Individu ally and simultaneously for restora tion‘of the scale prevailing before July first, restoration of toe time and a half clause and slight wage Increas es for certain classes. B. E O. CANCELS SOME OF ITS FINEST TRAINS Baltimore, Md., July 18.—Declaring It la unable to get assurances of pro tection to the live* of its employes and property, at Important points, the Baltimore end Ohio road today snout ed eight of its cralck' passenger trains between Chicago and the Rut, These train* are said to be among the roads finest' extra fare equipment. Are You Going To Palpa^feSaMief? \ a—_ \ I . t $ We can furnish you anything in the Paint Line you may need r ih WE SELL “Sherwln Williams Palnls" The Prices Are Right ■’ *'I3 evov tU If? — vy MASH-MIITON DRUG CO. ,| ' "A Good Pbceto* TnJe,” Phones JG5 and 100 s=a=== CHESAPEAKE CLERKS MAY ..... BE. ORDERED TO STRIKE Richmond, Va, July 13.—H. J. Os born. general chairman of toe broth, erhood of railway clerks, announced today that strike orders were being ; to seventeen, ..Jocola. on the Chesapeake and, OWo. rood • He add ed that the walk opt probably would not become effective "for several toys.” . RAIL EXECUTIVES REFUSE .TaMEET-WiTH JEWELL Chicago. July 13—A flat refusal to meet with B. M. Jewell, head of the striking shopmen, to discuss peace proposals was the answer last night of railway executives to a proposal made by Ben W. Hooper, chairman of the United States Railroad Labor Board. In a letter to Mr. Hooper, the execu tives declared that the tsiue raised is not one for consideration between the carriers and the representatives of the organised crafts on strike ex cept through the further orderly processes before the United Sttaes Railroad. Labor. Board.” Asserting that the strike was a re- sal to accept the results of the ar. tration of the labor board, the letter clarei * tut go'^- eonference con- -(Continued on , page three) ■ # 50,000 MOTOR GARS FOURTEEN DIE IN WRECK OF MOSQUE In Event the Suite Tied! Up Roof Fell iiiW'Celebrators Transportation, Post Office On Occasion of Feast of the Department Can Operate this Patron Saint ~ Antiquities Many Cars at Oncfci'Foat-i Aiso’Damaged to a Material master General Work Says. Extent. Washington, D C-, July IS —Po*t-l Cairo. Egypt, July J3.-rFo.irlien master"" General Work today prepared! persons were kllled snd twenty others a letter to President Harding, notiry- sevlouely Injured through too fall of Jng the executive that a survey pre- j the vbof of the Abue Elela mosque pared by all departments of the gov- during toe celebration of toe feast of ernment showed that a thoroughly or- the Ptttron Saint today. Orest dam- ganized fleet of fifty thousand motor w »» dopeto antiquities In toe so- vehlcles could be mobilised within' cr *<* etructore. ( , 24 hours, should toe shopmen's — — sr«"srjr*” BANK OF ENGLAND LOWERS DISCOUNT RATE TO THREE PER CENT DUPRE DENIED NEW .TRIAL; MAY HANB IMMEDIATELY RAM PROPERTIES COMPROMISE ON SOLICITORS GENERAL; _ , CAimiroil flDnilT 6Al ADv! 11^'July "iWlie Bank of dUUlnfitin UKUJ11 MLAKi Bngmnd ioday lowered the discount PArntn DV irnoi ITn»C rJt * to a > r *e pet- cedt, * rtKhittlon of lAllUli DI LLuldLAlvKj onohalf per cent .from the figure es- . - I.' ; I (abltshed June 18th. A comp{t>tlsU Ugiaement has been I reached regarding toe salary of toe WILL NOT AFFECT FEDERAL iloUclfpr General •« -"toe Sdutoera Circuit by fhe representatives of toe ooenttoa ‘affected. |ton.,'#. I. Haqls- tyre bais tent die following communi cation which explains toe entire mat ter tn detail as tar *a toe new MO to >*?♦*■»* rate « ow j “The -■ Representatives ' from , toe » erTe system. Southern Circuit have come to on agreement as to too Solicitor's sal ary. At present toe counties contribute to tbe salary, aefordtng to popula tion,'end as follows: Brooks . Colquitt . Lowndes Thomas . Echols . . As agreed by the 3 738.64 ...... $ 879.36 3 766.48 J 990.60 3 99.82 . Representative's ' RESERVE DISCOUNT RATE Washington, V. C., July 13.—The re duction of the rediscount' rate of the Sank of England to three per cent, ia regarded today at the Treasury as be ing unlikely to effect tbe rediscount rate of the American Federal Re- High treasury officials declared that no occasion Is seen for a reduc tion of, the Federal Reserve system rate below four .per cent, as a new low rate is not being Insisted. METAL TRADES WILL REFUSE REPAIR WORK Washington, D. C., July 13.—Mem- In caucus, s bill will be Introduced' bent rf ail ,union$affiliated with the providing that in future the counties! metal,. trades , department, of the contribute to the Solicitor's salary as follows: Brooks 3 900.00 Colquftt (1.800.00 Lowndes (1,000.00 Thomas (1400.00 Echols ( 200.00 American Federation Of labor were instructed in orders sent out day from the headquarters here that no. further repair work will b* authorized on locomotives coming from railroads on which strikes are in ! progress to outside shops employing As will be seen there Is practically union labor, no change in the amount Thomas! The order, sent out by A. J. Berrea, county U to pay and very little to 1 Mcretary-treasurer of the department toe amount Brooks and Lowndes are WM to ^ effective at, once. Indentical to pay. The principal Increase it in cop - M wont to the presidents of sjl Colquitt county where toe Solicitor, in terna‘tionala affiliated with the metal General now does all of toe work of a! tradea w h 0 were instructed to local County Solicitor In adlijion to noti f y their locals. work such as Is dons In the other counties, there, being qoy oo city or county court In Colquitt (suntr. Echols county wlU contribute a hundred dollars more because ’ the present contribution hardly meets necessary expenses. , Thomas county will pay 49.40 more . per year than before If toe sew passes. The total salary will be (4,904.00 out Of Which all assistance and expenses will have to be paid." GEOROIA COTTON GROWERS WILL PET FINANCIAL AID Washington, XK C.. July M.—The application of toe- Georgia Cotton Growers’ Cooperative Association for an advance, of .Jiot ntoje. than Ore million dollars for financing and or derly marketing'or CottOUT was "ftt proved today by toe war finance cor poration.' The ihouks of the district* are expected to do the major part of the. financing: The unions affected include boiler- makers,.eleetric workers, pipe fitters, plumbera, painters and carpenters, a* well as machinists and blacksmiths- The American Locomotive Works, to which many of the railroads affected by the strike have been send- their hauling equipment for JAPS WANT TO BUY SAKHALIN Tokto, July 18 e—The Japanese gov ernment is considering sn offer for toe purohase of too island of Sakha- lien from Russia, according to the newspaper Yorozu. necessary repair, was specifically re, ferred to in the order. In a statement last night, Mr. Berres declared there was "enough work on new locomotives in the plants of this company to keep the workmen busy and there will be no cessation from work unless at tempts are made to force the men to do the repair work.” "This-action was taken upon the earnest solicitation of the organiza tions affiliated with the railroad de partment of the American Federation of Labor,” he said, many of whom are so affiliated with the metal trades department. Every aslgtanee that can be given to the shopmen now on strike on all railroads should be given. COSTA RICA HAS BIQ WAREHOUSE FIRE Son Jose, Costa Rica, July 13. — Damage estimated at two and a half million dollar* was -wrought by s fire which swept through warehouses here. 4/ Vfis Two New Ones Just Arrived ~ ■ • !i •- I s H»- i •• * W sT, fe* I . y . a.j, . fj.. ... Black satin Baby French heel, cut out on sides . i • - .«.«.>* < * * v ' 1 ‘ It . .... w tiu ; 4 J . >«ai’o *-o< JxdJ tustx» Same as above in patent leather. These are fine hand turned slippers and are perfect fitters $8,50 the pair ‘ i, t Smith s Harley Shoe Co. Jr Famous Slayer of ‘Adanta Detective in Jewelry Store RobBefry Date* New ,triil By tte Sup® Court. - Execution Date to be Set. Atlanta, Ga., July”13.—Frank B. Du pre, convicted of tho murder of De tective Irby Walker In tbe bold-up of a Jewelry' store here last December, was denied a new trial Id k'decision by tbe Supreme Court today. Tbe date of execution probably will (4 set this week. EXTENSIVE OPERATIONS BY FREE STATE ARMY KITH COLLINS AT HEAD PLANNED General Believed That Effort Will Be Made to .Qean Out The Republican Trouble Makers and Better Govern ment Instituted. Dublin, Irejind, July 13.—Michael Collins has been appointed comman der In chief of toe Irish Nstlonsl army, it was officially announced to day. Collins, Richard Nulcahy and Gen. Owen O’Duffy, will form the war council In supreme charge- of military operations throughout the country. FREE STATE PLANS BIG MILITARY OPERATIONS London. July 13.—The Provisional Irish Free State government’s dects Ion to concentrate Its energies overcoming the Republicans and es tablishing order throughout toe coun try before summoning toe'new parlia ment; Is taken to Indicate that mili tary operations on * considerable ecale are Impending. The Republicans since their defeat In Dublin have strengthened ttelr re sit loo In the southwest and'are now prepared to put up a big fight FEDERAL T000P5WILL Secretary bf the War Depart ment Alter Visit to the Prai- ■ Indicated That Troops May Be Sent to Centers of Recent Disorders. Washington, D. C., July 1J.— . Secretary Weeks today Instructed j Major General Hines, of SOa An tonio to prepare sufficient troops: to protect the Katy lines which ere In the hands of Federal re ceivers. FEDERAL TROOPS TO BE SENT TO STRIKE CENTERS Washington, D. C, Joly 13.—Or ders may be Issued by the War Department sometime today for the movement of troops to cer tain localities where disorders have occurred In connection With the railroad strike. Secretary Weeks indicated at one oclock, aa he left tbe White House after a conference with tbe President on the situation. REPUBLICANS CAPTURE FREE 8TATE FORCE8 Dublin. Ireland, July 13 A Repub lican communique. Issued at Cork, says that In the county of Limerick, tbe Republicans have captured Briga dier Generals Hayes and Connolley of the Free State forces with • their men and twenty rifles. Sniping Is In progress In Limerick. CHRISTIAN ENDEAV0RERS MEETING IN HOT SPRINGS Hot Springs, Ark, July 18. — The fourth all-Southern Christian endeav or convention opens a five day meet ing here fonlght with addresses of welcome, disposition of preliminary business and afi address of toe ■ Vital izing power In Christian Endeavor," by Rev. R. K. Klrkpatriek, of Ander son, S. C. MERMAIDS RUN STRIKING LIFE SAVERS BACK TO JOBS Ocean City. N. J„ July 13.— Learning that a bevy,,of mer maids, headed by Rthelda Blelb tra and Ada Taylor, champion swimmers had volunteered ’ to,go Into the life-saving business in tbe “Interest of bnmaalty,’’ toe mate beach guards have called off their strike for more pay. COLUMBIA MAYOR GETS FEDERAL JOB Washington, D. C.. July 13.—W. A. Coleman, Mayor of Columbia, 3. C , has been appointed Federal director of employment service, for the state of South Carolina and W. T. Willing ham, of Columbia Is appointed exam iner to represent the employment ser vice. It was announced today. WOMEN RUNNING FOR COUNCIL IN AUGUSTA Augusta. Ga„ July 13.—For the first time la Its history Augusta is voting today In a municipal election where women are candidates for Ihs city council. Mrs. W. E. Reeves, In the fifth ward Is opposed by two men and Mrs. Martha Benton in the first ward is opposed by one man. AIKEN FARMER ATTEMPTS TO END HIS OWN LIFE Aiken, 3. C.. July 13.—After telling his wife that he was tired of living, J. Luke Williamson, a magistrate and farmer of tots county, went Into the closet of a bedroom and was found latar with s shotgun 'wound In his side. He may recover. New Potted Swisses The finest imported quality, every dot hand-tied In all the best colors —also— New Shirley English Voiles—40 inches wide, silk striped - 60 c y d August Designers Now Here LOUIS STEYERMAN & SONS THE (HOP OF QUALITY ON THE CORNER The hom* of Hart Sdufiner & Man - Clothes. ,r:dl“r>v* o j a-T: eud# - >oa» - 4*s*( vjv. cl : 11.. i -it a .rtfl I n if be! tJ '