The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, September 08, 1922, Image 1

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subscriptions in advance Your subscription I* payable In ad- vanea and you will aave delay# by complying with thla rule. SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION OFFICML 0R8AN Of the City of Thotoaevfllc and the County of Thonuii. VOL. X. No. 01. THOMA8VILLE, GEORGIA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1922. PER ANNUM 6QMPERS WILL FIGHT ;t L Plans Are Being Made to Ap pear Before Courts and Have The Writ Vacated^—More Homes of Workmen Dyna mited Today. Atlantic City. N. J., Sept. 7—The American Federation of Labor chiefs, led by Samuel Gompers, today prepar. ed to draft a plan of attack upon At torney General Daugherty's Injunction against the railroad shop crafts ions. Following a series of secret confer ences last night, it was unofficially an nounced at labor headquarters today that It had been almost definitely de cided to attempt through the courts to have the Daugherty writ vacated. TWO ACTRESSES IN N. Y. TRY SUICIDE One Said She Was Dope Habituee and Couldn't Get Rid of It and Other Couldn't Make a Success In The Movies. ELECTRICAL WORKERS APPLY FOR RESTRAINING INJUNCTION Washington, D. C., Sept. 7.—A peti tion for Injunction was filed today In the District of Columbia Supreme Court against United States Attorney Gordon and Marshal Snydeer by the International Brotherhood of Electri cal workers and Its officers to restrain federal officials from enforcing within the District, the provisions of the blanket Injunction Issued to Attorney General Daugherty last week. A. F. OF L. WILL SUPPORT IMPEACHMENT CHARGES New York, Sept. 7.—The support of the American Federation of Labor in its efforts to bring about Impeachment of Attorney General Daugherty and Federal Judge Wilkerson, tor their part in the Issuance of the rail In junction, was pledged by Samuel Gom pers In a telegram received today by the Central Trades and Labor Cjuu- ell. HOMES OF RAILWAY EMPLOYE8 DYNAMITED Huntingdon, W. Vs., Sept 7.— The homes of two employes of the Chesapeake and Ohio rail road were dynamited early today The houses were In different sec tions of the city and the explos ions occurred within a short time of each other. New York. Sept. 5.—Two actresses attempted suicide today by swallow ing poison. Miss Donnie Harrison, aged 20, leaving a note saying she was desperate because she was unable to rid herself of addiction to drugs, was found unconscious In her -bed which had been set fire by a cigarette. Her condition Is serious. Mrs. Vera Maynard, aged 32, wno was discharged from a hospital two weeks ago after an attempt to end her life, told detectives she made the Becond attempt because she realized she could not achieve success as a motion picture actress. She threaten, ed to try again It she recovered. FEUD RESULTS III DFTI FEDERATION OF LABOR fADOO WILL RUN |NEW TREATY FOR WILL SUPPORT FIGHT S. WILL MODIFY WRIT Two Children Among the Dead as Result of Shooting At York, S. C—Guilty Par ty is Rushed to Columbia Jail for Safe-Keeping. York, s c., sept. 7.—Leia Taylor, j Attorney General Daugherty Announced Today Thai the' A '" A —• -* Shopmen Will be Given Fair Chance to Prove Claims. —| Condemn Radical Statements Washington, D. ,fc.. Sept. 7.—After ed their two sisters and brother l a conference between Atotrney Gener- The authorities stated that the al FOR PRESIDENCY Statement is Made That the Harding Says Old Treaty Former Secretary of the Treasury is an Avowed Can didate for Democratic Nomi nation for Presidency. died today of gunshot wounds receiv ed at their home yesterday when Wil liam Farris, a neighbor, Is alleged to have shot and killed their cousin, (Maude Johnson, and seriously wound-j chairman of the Senate labor com- shootlng followed a series of quar-, ni itttit., regarding the Chicago injunc- rels between the Taylor and Fartisj non, it was indicated that the govern New York, Sept. 7.—William G. McAdoo, former secretary of the Treasury, Is an avowed can didate for the Democratic nomi nation for President in 1924, Wil liam C. Lylons, of Denver, ser geant at arms at the last three Democratic conventions, declared here today., adding that he had hud a talk with McAdoo in Los Angeles less than a month ago. children. Farris was rushed to the! ment would not insist at next Mon- state penitentiary at Columbia. LAMAR LADIES WERE IN FERNANDINA, FLA. And Are Said to Have Left For Jacksonville Yesterday Says Chief of Police. Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 7—Mra. J. Garnett Starr and her sister* Miss Valeria Lamar, of Macon, whose dis appearance several days ago led to the arrest here of H. C. Graham, on a charge of kidnaping, were in Fenian- dina yesterday but left that city at four oclock in the afternoon and re turned to Jacksonville, the sheriffs office announced today. BIG TIM MURPHY ORGANIZES BOOTBLACKS Chicago, 111., Sept. 7.—Timothy D. (Big Tim) Murphy, labor lead er, Is organizing the Chicago bootblacks, according to shiners at the Loop stands BOBBY JONES BEAT MTHAIL Brookline, Mass, Sept. 7.—To day's finishes In the national ama teur golt championship, showed the follgwlng result: Bobby Jones of Atlanta defeated Me Phal], 4 and 3: Sweeteer beat Guilford, 4 and 3. DEADLOCK IN RUSSO- JAPANESE CONFERENCE Toklo, Sept. 7.—Special dispatches from Chang Shun Fu, In Manchuria, report that the Russo-Japanese con ference there over the Siberian situ ation Is deadlocked, and that It ad journed yesterday to enable tha dele gates to communicate with their gov ernments PURDUE UNIVERSITY GETS LARGE TRACT OF LAND Indianapolis, bid.. Sept. 1.—Purdue University at LuFayetto, Ind., has ob tained a site for the new stadium and athletic field by the gift of sixty acres of land made by George Ade, Arthur and David E. Ross, of Lafayette. The land Is valued at forty thousand dol lars and adjoins the campus. GERMAN PATENTS BEING SUED FOR They Will be Turned Over to Congress for Disposition if Chemical Foundation Loses Washington. D. C., Sept. 7.—A suit In equity against the Chemical Foun dation to recover German patents sold by the government during the war, probably will be filed In Wilmington, Delaware, Saturday, Attorney Gener al Daugherty said today. Tf the patents are recovered, he added, their disposition will be left to Congress. LEAGUE DISCUSSES AUSTRIAN SITUATION Geneva, Sept. 7.—The League of Nations assembly today continued dis cussion of the report of the Council, although interest in the debate Is overshadowed by the prospect that Lloyd part day's hearing on the provision which it Is alleged would curb freedom of speech. f ATLANTA TAX CASES WITHDRAWN Was For the Duration Of The Digging of the Canal And Wants a New One Made. Washington, Sept. 6.—Abrogation of the present treaty agreement with Panama which he said was Intended to operate only during the construc tion ot the canal and the negotiation of a new treaty, was recommended to congress today by President Hard Ing. With a communication to Speaker Gillette, setting forth bis views and declaring the change that Is desired by the government of Panama, Presi dent Harding transmitted a letter from Acting Secretary ol State Phillips, set ting forth the agreement formulated I by Secretary of War Taft, In 1904, j which was to serve as a modus oper- ALLIES DISCUSS THE RECD-TURK AFFAIR; NO MEETING8 OP RAIL AND STRIKE LEADERS HELD Washlngotn, D C., Sept. 7.—There are no conferences now in progress between the strike leaders and rail road presidents, and none have been held since the formal gatherings New York last month, it was assert ed today by J. P. Noonan, chief of the brotherhood of ; electrical worker*, which Is one of,The striking unions. Ar meeting of'the strikers’ policy committee is called for next week at Chicago to consider the general strike policy and what shall be done In view of the Daugherty Injunction ap plication. he said. Noonan today was served formally with a copy of the injunction obtained by the government In the Chicago court. Right of Gty to Tax Foreign. andl during the period of construction Corporations Being Con- [of the Panama Canal. Secretary Phil- tested Has Been Dropped. * WILL GO AFTER MISGUIDED LEADERS SAYS DAUGHERTY Washington, D. C., Sept. 7—Formal announcement by Attorney General Daugherty that the government would “consider In duo time what proceed- . Ings shall be taken against the few I George may come here to take m|sglllded |abor | oadpra who have In the proceedings. imade incendiary speeches" in connec- The question of relief for Austria ^ lndu ,trial situation, and has entered a phase of practical Mudy |steiit with the appointment of a special! . . ... . , , . Jencen are in progress looking to some committee composed exclusively of ..... ,.. J1 members of tbe Interested states. WILL WITHDRAW TROOPS FROM WAVCROSS TWO MORE DIE OF WOOD ALCOHOL IN BROOKLYN New York, Sept. 7.—With the deaths of two more men today from wood ulcobol poisoning, the total number of such victims In the Red Rock section of Brooklyn haa reach ed ten. sort of separate settlement with indl vldual roada stood, out In yestedays' development In the strike of the rail way shoperafts. Incidentally Mr. Daugherty said preparation of the government's case had been “somewhat hampered" by lips said the agreement no longer pro vides an “adequate basis for tbe ad- Washington. D. C., Sept. 7.—Three'Juatment questions, arising out of re cuses of Importance to the city ofjiatlons between the Canal Zone au- Atlanta, -brought to contest the city's thoritles and the Panaman govern* right to tax foreign corporations, have j ment," and It is the opinion of the been dropped from the docket of the state Department that It should be re- supreme court by stipulation of coun set. leaving in full effect the decision of the Georgia state courts which held that the stock In quostlon was liable to taxation by the city Tbe cases were appeals brought by the Coen Cola Company, Thomas K. Glenn. The Empire Cotton Oil Com pany and others. placod by ment. more permanent agree- ALABAMA DEMOCRATS NOW IN CONVENTION EX-GOVERNOR O’NEAL OF ALABAMA IS DEAD Birmingham. Ala., Sept. 7.—Emmett O'Neal, former Governor of Alabama 4ied here this morning, following stroke of paralysis several weeks ago. He was regarded as an authority on constitutional law, on which subject he had produced extenslvo writings. The burial will be at his old home at Florence, Ala. OPERA SINGER FILES INJUNCTION New York, Sept. 7.—Madame I-uella Melius, widely known European opera singer today sougbt a fedoral injunc tion restraining George Dalber, New the difficulty process servers were ex- York manager, from handling Hme. Waycross, da.. Sept. 7.—An nouncement thul the three com panies of state troops station ed here for eight weeks as a re sult of railroad strike disorders, probably would be withdrawn dar ing tbe week, was made by May or Cowart after a conference with Col. Pope, commanding the sol diers, today. The local authori ties believe they will be able to handle the situation. BELGIANS AND GERMANS DISCUSS REPARATIONS Are You Going To PaintTbis Summer? Now Is The Time We can furnish you anything in the Paint Line you may need WE SELL “Sherwin- Williams Paints’* The Prices Are Right MASH-MILTON DRUG CO. "A Good Place to Trade*” Phones T05 and 106 Berlin, Sept. 7.—Active negotia tions began today between the Bel gian financial delegates and German government officials for the float- tlonof six month's treasury notes to be given Belgium lh lieu or cash un der tbe recent decision of the repara tions commission. No prediction could be hazarded as to Germuny's ability to satisfy the Belgian demands for security, but M, Bemelanns. Belgian delegate. Is con fident that an acceptable solution will be reacbcd. perienclng in locatnlg “leading offi cials of the shocrafts organization.” \V. H. Johnson, president of the ma chinists, and B. M. Jewell, official head of the seven organizations on strko, have recently dropped out of public view, although denied the two copies of the restraining order issued at Chicago last Friday and asserted they would be avalable II wanted for the purpose. Mr. Daugherty, in his statement, emphasized his belief that tha rank and file of labor organizations were content to leave the Issue to orderly processes of the law. but said the few leaders “who have shown a contempt for the courts—need not complain that they are denied tbe full prlvlledge of free speech.” Instruction have been sent to the United States attorney at Chicago, the attorney general said, to notify coun sel of the unions, that the leading of ficials of the shopmen’s organizations together with their complete records Ganna Welaska’s bookings, In alleged violation of her contract with Dalber. HINTON IN HAITI Atllla, Cuba, Sept. 7.—Lieut. Hinton and his party, after spending the night here, resumed the New York to would be required before the court Rio de Janeiro flight this morning, when the case Is again called, taking off at 710 oclock for Port au j Both In government and labor clr- Prince, Haiti. jc.les yesterday complete Ignorance was i asserted of any actual or Impending HINTON IN HAITI TODAY. {negotiations looking to the settlement Port au Prince, Haiti, Sept. 7.— of the strike. Some officials had been Lieut. Hinton arrived bore at noon informed, It was said, that the "out- today on the New York-Rlo de Janeiio look for a sellcmont" had been bright- seaplane flight. ened by recent developments, but even TALBOTTON jJIAN SENTENCED TO THE PEN FOR LARCENY For First Time in 10 Years to Mould Party Policy.—Re publicans Also in Session. Possibility of Use of Smyrna As Port of Debarkation for Refugees and Protection of Christian is Talked at British Cabinet Meeting. Smyrna, Sept. 7.—The situation here at this hour Is growing critical. The British ure removing some of their nationals in merchantmen and are posting destroyers to cover their embarkation. The French and Ital ians have landed marines and called nn the male nationals to serve as a volunteer eorpa. Greek troops from Thrace with Venizellst officers have arrived and are organizing resistance. BRITISH CABINET CONSIDERS ASIA MINOR SITUATION liondon. Sept. 7.—The BrlUsh cabi net el Its meeting today had up for discussion, the Asia Minor situation, which Is causing serious anxiety to the Entente powers, the position aris ing out of the victorious Turkish of fensive having given rise to actlva exchanges between tbe allied capitals, both In regard to the possibility ot an armistice and the question of safe guarding the Christian population. The problem of removing refugees from Smyrna presents serious difficul ties, as vessels for their transporta tion In event of a sudden emegency are not available at this time. Montgomery, Ala., Sept. 7.—TiiC Democrats of Alabama are hero to day, holding their first state conven tlon In ten years, to formulate the par- ty policy, and adopt a general working program. At the name time the Re publicans of the state assembled at Birmingham to nominate a full ticket for state offices. BRAZIL CELEBRATED 100TH ANNIVERSARY Itlo de Janeiro, Sept. 7.—Brazil's celobratlon of the 100th anniversary was Inaugurated this morning at one TURK NATIONALISTS ARE RAPIDLY NEARING SMYRNA Smyrna, Sejit. T.-The rapidly ad vancing army of the Turkish Nation- !*!'“* !“ Mow reported leas ‘hail fort£ miles from Smyrna. This city will soon be the only remaining outlet for the stream of refugees wno are fleeing before the approach of the enemy. CUBAN HOUSE APPROVES ORDER TO SUSPEND THE HAVANA GOVERNMENT Havana, Cuba, Sopt. 7.—The Cuban House of Representatives has approv ed, and sent to President Zayas, a bill which would In effect authorize the minute after twelve oclock amid-fee l conr,s to 8 “ 8 P nn <> virtually the entire tlvltles and the booming of cannon. Havana rlty administration. It cm- All of tie newspaper today publish powars tho <""‘ructlonal courts to sus- a lengthy statement by the American P* 1 " 1 any publlc offlcl *> under lndlc ‘- Seeretary of State, Hughes, referring. ment an<1 03 tbe mayor and a large to the abiding friendship between the num,) * r °‘ officials of Havana are un- two countries and recalling the visit der chargea of ^appropriating funds to the American they wouI<1 *>* amen » ble to the act. Talbotton, Oa„ Sept. 7.—W. J. Thornton, former manager of a ware-] of Don Pedrt^ 1! centennial III 1976 and the fact that he la now returning that visit In be half of President Harding. house here, who plead guilty to an la- 1 NO ROUQE FOR LOS ANGELES dlctment charging lurceny after trust] WOMEN PRISONERS in connection with the disappearance of fifty bales or cotton, valued at $4.- : Lon Angeles, Cal., Sept. 7 — 000, wan sentenced late yesterday to] Rouge, powder and lip sticks have serve six years In the penitentiary-1 been placed on the forbidden Hat five years to stand suspended after, at tbe county jail here. Women Thornton has served his first year. with these details were, lacking. It was a matter of common knowledge, however, that several railroads still held the views In favor of separate settlements, which their representa tives had expressed at the recent con ference of railway executives In Now York. The government's temporary re straining order came in for Its first public attack In the Sonate yesterday when Senator Robinson of Arkansas assailed the writ on tho ground that It constituted a "plain violation of the constitution." Senator Watson. Republican, diana defended the government's course asserting that it was the only prisoners will not be permitted to receive such toilet accessories. WALSH OF MASS,, CHAIRMAN DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE Washington, D. C., Sept. 7.—Selec tion of Senator Walsh, of Mata., aa chairman of the Democrats Senatori al campaign committee today by Sen ator Underwood, was announced Frank Hampton, secretary to Sena tor Simmons, was chosen secretary to the campaign committee. (ConUnuod Pa** •i New Arrivals in Walking Oxfords and Strap Pumps $5.50 $5.50 Brown calf welt oxford, rubber heel Brown calf welt one strap pump, rubber heel These are good shoes and good looking shoes. Come in and try them on and be convinced Smith=Harley Shoe Co. SCHOOL TIMES WILL SOON BE HERE! School clothes are ready. Our selection of school clothes makes shopping a pleasure. School Suits With 2 Pants Ill TO $25 All wool, made in best possible way. the VTBAfififiO Satisfaction Guaranteed. LOUIS STUIHI sons V THE SHOW OF QUALITY ON THE CORNER The Home of Hart Scha finer & Marx Clothes.