The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, September 12, 1922, Image 1

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SEMI-WElEKLY EDITION tfFMUt flHtflff OitheQty cl Thomasvilk end the County of TfaomM. VOC. X. No. 61. THOMASV.ILLB, GEORGIA. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1922 *1X0 PER ANNUM GENERAL STRIKE I IF Matter is Brought Up to Com mittee at Atlantic Cfty But ' The Sentiment Seems to Be Against it Although Attack* ing the Injunction. ' Atlantic City, N. J., Sept.-'ll|—The shopmen's strike and detoands - tor a general strike against the govern ment injunction was on the program ■when the executive council of- the American Federation or Labor resum ed its conference today Many - mem bers of the Council, although denounc ing -the injunction as a "blow to the rail crafts’and a threat to .all organ ised labor,” expressed opposition to a general strike. LABOR CHIEF8 NOT IN FAVOR GENERAL STRIKE Atlantic, City Sept. 11—Demands for. a general strike of all organisa tions .of the American Federation of Labor, which are reported- by its of ficers to hare been pouring In since . Attorney General Daugherty obtained Ills Injunction against the striking rail ahopcrafts will-be first on the program for consideration when the executive council of the federation resumes its annual conference here to-day. Neither Samuel Gompers nor the ten others on the executive .council made any official statement concern ing the probable outcome of today's sessions, however, council members without- exception'were •strongly'op posed to a general strike although they were unanimous in denouncing the injunction as a “Alow to the raiT crafts ana 1 a.{treat to all drganUbd labor." ■' Tpe labor chiefs' are united, they assert in the belief that too much un certainty has -already been aroused in the nation's industrial life by a statement of Mr. Gompers Issued at Washington which was Interpreted by some^s a general strike threat Since' then scores of telgrams,- it was said, bare been received demand ing the general strike. • • At the same time large employers MIES PLAN TO TAKE SEASON GJUUIES DARDANELLES AT ONCE “High Crimes ajid Misde- Mobile and Fort Worth Win meanor Charged by Repre-j ners in the Two Leagues and sentative Killeiyof Minneso-j They Will Stage a Post Sea- U«—Resolution of Investiga-j son Series for the Southern tion to Judldary Committee, j Championship Next Week. Washington. D. C., Sept. 1J.-- Demand for the impeachment of . RAIL'STRIKE* ELECTIONS All IIP COITIONS OF II LEADERS TO DISMISS Smyrna is^Taken by Turks In Orderly Fashion. Con certed Policy fay Allied Na tions is Deemed Necessary.— Greek Debacle Complete. Fort Worth, Teg.,. Sept. 11.—Thor- London, Sept. ll.-r-»The sweeping first game ofTpb Annual Dixie series victories'of thb Turkish Nationalists In forcing thp Greeks from Asia Min ^Attorney. General Daugherty for | between the pennant winners of the ..j., . , . • ,/• | Texas League and the Southern Asso- high crimes and misdemeanor,” . . ., - j elation will, be played at Fort Worth, It was announced today. The Series was made in the House of Repre sentatives today by Represent^-; tlve Keller, of Minnesota, who' sought Immediate action on a reso lution - of investigation. By an overwhelming. vote the (House re ferred the question to the judi ciary committee. \ Located in Jacksonville Sun day Afjter Nation-Wide Hunt And Airs. Starr Declares that Graham is Innocent of Ab duction.—Will be Freed. Macon, Oa„ Bept. 8.—Mrs. J. Oar- nett Starr, aged 19. and Miss Valeria I.unar,.aged 15. sisters,, who-were'lo cated in Jacksonville yesterday after a-nation-wide search, In connection with which. H. di Graham was. forest- ed -on a charge ot abduction, were re- turped to’their home here this morn- ££■ .'-V: ‘ ; (Mrs. Starr declared'that Graham is Innocent of the charge and Warren Roberts, the girl’s unple, qpld the charges against Orahom would he die- will start either Saturday or Sunday, the first two games being played here and the next three In Mobile. The. teams wil( return to Fort Worth fqjf one game If necessary. The best fojw out of seven will decide the champl ® ship. FORD PUTS BAN ON LIQUOR IN HIS PLANT Famous Manufacturer Blam es Recent Accidents on Li quor and Says Any E mploye Drinking or Handling Stuff Will be Discharged. Detroit, Mich., Sept. 11.—Seventy thousand employes of the Ford Mo tor Company. , here were under orders from Henry Ford today to leave *11 forms of liquor, wine and beer alone at all times, under penalty of losing their Jobs. Asserting that drinking had recent ly been the cause of accidents In the Ford plants, the manufacturer Issued a statement saying that any work man, whose breath smelled ot.liquor, or have at least partly nullified the losses to their nation through the re cent world war. Thus is created a sit uation full of the gravest possibilities and one' demanding Immediate adop tion of a united policy by Oreat Brit aln, France and Italy, and suoh. a poli cy Is far from extinct, according to the-view generally held-here. The' press grists with indications ot alarm the big Halms advanced by the Turkish' representatives In Paris and Rome, white Soviet Russia's alleged desire-to establish a Bolshevist-Kem aUSt'aUlance aimed at control of Con stantinople and the Straits of the DardaneUes..hrings renewed demands that the neutrality of these be main tained at all softs. TURKS NOW HOLDING SMYRNA. Smyrna, Sept. 11,—Strong forces ot Turkish Nationalists’ infantry today are holding all etrateglc points In the City. The troops are under strict or ders against all excesses, foreign rep resentatives have been Informed by the Kemaltst commander, Oen. Selah feddln rBey.,. -The kentiy v^f the .first cavalry regiment under Munsel Pasha was received with enthusiasm. NJUNCTION DENIED Arguments Against Govern ment's Injunction Began To day, and Federal - Judge Wll- kerson Refused to Grant the Plea of Strikers’ Attorneys. Chicago, 111., Sept. ll.-o-Federal i Judge WDkerson today denied the . motion of attorneys for rail strike leaders that the government's hill for a temporary injunction be dismissed. ARGUMENTS AGAINST BEHELD TODAY II Lodge in Massachusetts Will Get Republican Nomination. —Maine and Maryland Also Hold Elections for Many Va rious Offices. EM HARDING SAID TO nIbEMUCH BETTER AND ERATION IS POSSIBLE White House Gives Reassur ing News, Although Condi tion is Not Yet Improved to Extent of Elimination of All Danger. Portland, Me, Sept. 11—The first Washington, D. C., Sept. 11.—Mrs. state election of 1922 was under way Harding spent a ^fairly .restful night'* but there is no marked change in her condition. Secretary Wallace was In in Maine today with a Senator, four Congressmen and Governor, the lead ing officials to be chosen. Eight wo men sought seats In the legislature and ten are seeking county offices, Senator Hale, is opposed by former missfetf at onge. ; WOULD ABOUSH THE RAILROAD LABOR BOARD of labor throughout”the oountry-hav*| Washington, D. C„ Sept II—Aboil-J besieged the federation officials wlth'j , )on ot the Railroad Labor Board and GREEKS H0PELE88LY DEFEATED AT SMYRNA Constantinople, September 11.—The Greeks bare lost the battle around Smyrna, said the Greek admlniitratlon In Iona. All the membera of the high commission, headed by M. Stergladls are on board the British battleship Iron Duke. The Greek army has been hopeless- EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEMEN ly bealen- The occipatlon ot Smyrna or who was found carrying liquor or known to have It In their homes H would be -dismissed at once. jetting up in jt, place ot a ' disinter- for ^ #nd , tblB estad rtbunri' for settlement M rail- year that wblcb relatea t0 tbe , e . roa* disputes is proposed in a bill In- ]ection o( d „ trkt executlye 6ommlt . troduced by Representative Hoch, ed the transportation the board. FINAL ACTION ON TARIFF requests for assurance that their con tracts not be esncelled through any na tion-wide walkout. “We beUeve the American public >. entitled to know where It'stand* mWnbef oTthe wmmfttee which tatm- l 6 ®”®” *?.' countJr comm,tt8e *’ and I predict that formal assurance] ‘ th „ act. wasting Bacl * dl "“ lct '* one men from that district. They are not to vote (or any men In any other district. Tbomasvllle votes for three, ■ ml l. CVDcrmrt thic wnctf chairman, secretary and member of HILL fcArCLlbll Inis Wttlv committee. The chairman and aecre- ,' Washington, D. c', Sept. 11—T$e Ur J r » re always located In Thomasvljle conference report-on-the-a*mlnistra- for convenience, etc. - assurance that the American Federation of Labor contemplates no general strike, - will be one of the first acta ot t)ila cqnncll.’ said a mpaber df that body yesterday. PLACED ON TRIAL Forsyth, Ga„ Sept. 11.—Charged with muster In connection with the lynching of John Glover,, negro, near Holton, on August fjrst, H. L.' Mo- Swain, Oordon Herndon, "Nathan Untco and Troy Rains, all of Macon went to trial here this morning. was expected Saturday or Sunday. TO BE ELECTEOIN PklMARy M " ,tai,ha KemaI Pa,ha tbs Turk “ h Tjie only point of confusion In the tton tariff, bill is in the making to day, the'Republican conferees having Reached an agreement after seventeen dap's‘labor. Under present plans, the report.v^lll be, presented 'to the House tomorrow .and formally' rati fied there Wednesday.' It will then go to the Senate where leaders hops for final action before the end of the Meek. Are Yon GoiPfl To Paint This Summer? Now Is The Time ' We can furnish you anything in the Paint Line you may need * ’’■ WE SELL “SherwiD- Williams Paints’ The Prices Are Right things a great deal If the man selected. bee n possible to ascertain them up to at the mass meeting Juno 22. *“* I the present time, are total, except for elected. They serve gratltiously and the tfmy corp , wblcb bellev . ft isn t a Job that they crave, but i ^ ^ withdrawing from Rrusa to j party service. 'Pandemia, with all Its material. I RIVERS AND HARBORS BILL * ! ^ dit!P f c ^ tr ™ one of '!'® I DACepn RV THB CRNATR ** ® d 'warships at Mudanla says the I'ASDCUDY inc StUIA 1C Turk , bave taken GbemIek ani Brulia . | Washington, D. C„ Sept. 11.—The T, ‘ n ,hollsand rpfu 8 ees “ r e massed In j rivers and harbors development blU ,^i uden .Ia- ’R not known where they waa passed by the Senate today and now goes to conference. (Continued on Page 4) ’ The committee Is as follows: H. H. Merry, chairman. William Alexander, secrotary. Tbomasrllle—W. H. Platt. Meigs—T — A. Jones. Coolidge—I. M. Smith. Oc-bloricnee—J. F. Singletary. Boston—R. W« Adams. Pavo—D. M. Adams. Utlabelle—C. F. Rehberg. Merrillville—J. W. Wilson. Metcalfe—O. A. Thomas. Berwick—D. F. Chapman. Ways-f-Ad Way. There is no rule that anybody must vote for the committeeman represent- Ipg his district', but It will slmplfy Nationalist 'leader, has established headquarters at Kassaba. He has In vited the’allied tfad American consuls to proceed there with the purpose of arranging tha taking over of the city with a minimum of disorder.' The meeting was fixed for 2 o’clock yes terday afternoon In Kassaba, Hostilities ceased yesterday. Nazllll, Alden and otbeq towns were burned The greatest confusion reigns In Smyrna. A wireless dispatch broad cast by the Angora, government an nounces to all the complete annihila tion of-the Greek-'army. * Greek' head quarters has been transferred to Ches- me, opposite the Island of Mltylene. The Oreek troops are being rapidly evacuated by vessels.' The allies have published a procla mation in Smyrna uring the population to maintain order. It promises that the allies will secure guarantees' for the protection of the minorities. The al lied assurances, however, have not had any effect on the terrorised population. *The Oreek patriarch has telegraphed the archbishop of Conterbury In Lon don, and Premier David Lloyd George, to use their good offices In favor of the Christians In Anatolia. The, Greek, losses, as far as It hus INJUNCTION STARTED Governor Oakley Curtis, Democrat Chicago, in., 8ept. 11.—Arguments. on the government’s motion'to make! MA8SACHU8ETT8 CL08ER permanent the temporary lnjunctlonj CAMPAIGN OF BITTERNESS against rail strikers, opened at 10:35* Boston, MasB., Sept. 11.—One of the oclock this morning before Federal most bitter primary campaigns ever Judge Wilkerson. Blackburn Easter-'fought In this state la being closed to- ling, assistant to - the attorney goner-; day with nominations for olBces from al, opened for the government, read-' Senator down, to be made at the .polls ling the list of defendants' on whom 'tomorrow. Senator. Lodge, who Is a service had been obtained. ~ I candidate for renomlnatlon, has not Donald Rlchberg, attorney for B. M. stumped the state, but Ms opponent Jewell and John Scott, called atten- Joseph Walker, has campaigned vlg- tlon to the motion he had filed PH- oroualy. day, asking dismissal of the "lnjunc- On the Democratic side, seekers for tion as it relates to his clients. | the nomination to oppose Lodge are . Over the objection of -Easterling,* Col. William A. Oaston, Prof. Dallas the Judge ruled that he would hear Lore Sharp, John J. Walsh and Sher- the strikers' attorney on a motion to man L. ‘Whipple dismiss. Rlchberg declared in his opening two candidates for the" guberatorlal statement that the acts Involved In nomination, by Governor Channlng the calling and conducting ot a strike Cox and Attorney General Allen. .were entirely Jawful—The restraining., -, ■ order, he said, was one which the MARYLAND VOTERS BALLOTING court had no power to Issue because,' Baltimore. Md., Sept. 11.—Mary- he maintained, ft Is unconstitutional land voters went to the polls today and violates the Clayton act. If the to choose candidates for Senator, hill is stripped of the conspiracy alle- and Congressmen. The only Republl gations, he continued, all that Is left «an contest was for Senator. John W. Is a bill to enjoin criminal acts by Garrett, secretary of the Washington unknown persons who may or may armament conference, opposing Sena- not be members of the strikers’ or- tor France. The Democrats had ganlzattons. J three-oornered fight for Senator and % j contests In five rj six of the Con- STRIKE LEADERS IN SESSION f grrtalonal districts. IN CHICAGO TODAY j Chicago. Ill.. Sept. 11.—Leaders of f . — amraia iTTADUFV the striking railway shop craft un- AlLANlA AllUKMiI look were In session this morning-at what Is heralded, as a peace, meeting- intended to effect a new policy for i the shopmen. B. M. Jewell, head ot | the federated shop crafts, first'went into session with the executive coun-' ell at the close of which the general policy committee was to convene. formed at the White House when he called shortly after eight oclocf this, morning. Secretary Week's who also called early at the White House this morn ing said that the alight Improvement which set In yesterday was continuing with the patient’s temperature get ting nearer normal. Senator McCormick of IHinois, aft-' er talking with Secretary Christian told the correspondents that reports of Mrs. Harding's condition were more encouraging than last night. Indica tions, he said, pointed to an operation as Mrs. Harding's condition Is much more able to stand It. Senators Hale, Cummins and Representative Madden also called at the White House. General Condition Bolter. Brig. Gen. Sawyer, issued a bulletin shortly after ten oclock saying: “Night restlessness elimination has | An Intense fight hasbeen «g®d by] ln( , reaBed an(J aub , ld . Ing and general appearances Indicate Improvement The operation proce dure deferred.” President Much Encouraged.'* The President Is reported to be greatly encouraged by the seeming improvement today In his wife’s con dition. An air of optimism pertaded the White House, and an endless stream of close friends ot the Hard ings visited the White House during ' the day. The President personally met most of them and was reported to be bearing up excellently under Che strain. {155.000 HARD COAL MINERS BOTOWDRK CUT UP BY NEGROES IN LOS ANGELES CAR Los Angeles, Cal., Sept. 11- Ken Don Mott, an Atlanta. Ga„ at torney, here on legal business, was stabbed ovef a dozen times last night when four negro attack ed £itq. following an argument on a street car between Mott and a negro woman. GUARDING TO APPOINT — a • NEW FEDERAL JUDGES Were Waiting Around Coal Mines Today When Whis-| Washington, D. C., Sept, ll—The ties Blew, Although the New.wv "*» p»»«<l today tor appointment Agreement Had Not Then by the president ot ss additional fed- Been Signed j eral judges to .handle the Increasing | coart business, the Rouse approving Scranton. Pa., Sept. 11.—The con*. tract that sent 155,000 miners back to j work at their old wages, waa formally| signed today by representatives of fit the miners and operators. changes In the judgeship bill which was sent to (he House for approral. MEXICAN TOWN RESTORES PROPERTY SEIZED FROM BAPTIST BOARD Washington. D. C„ Sept. 11.—The municipality of Saltillo, Mexico, has restored to the foreign missionary board of rite Southern Baptist Con vention, virtually all of the property which was seized from the board la 1917, acting secretary Phillips ot the Btete Department reported today tn a lettr to Senator Harris of Georgia. CONDUCTOR KILLED IN WRECK NEAR MACON Macon, Ga„ Sept. 11.—When a Ma con, Dublin and Savannah railroad lo comotive and tender turned turtle near here this morning, B. H. Laauer, of Yidalla, conductor, waa killed and negro fatally Injured. Two other employes were seriously hurt. ANTHRACITE MINERS AT WORK. Wilkes Barre, Pa., Sept. 11. — In striking contrast to the Idleness of j the last five months the anthracite coal fields today were scenes of fev- cwlsh activity when most of the 156,- 000 mine workers returned to work. Many of them did not waft for the formal signing of the agreement whlcn was set for eleven oclock but were waiting at the mouth of the ® l ““ s , when the whistles blew at 6 oclock. MASH-HILTON DRUG CO. 'A Good Place to Tr#dc." ■ Another New One For The Women Two-tone Russia Calf, one-strap pump, Military heel. Dark brown tip, strap and heel stay TheSe are the very newest in walking shoes for 1H Fall- ~ , at parley Shoe Co. % rr* • Tuesday Special 20% * All Warner’s Corsets and Brassieres ' and Gordon Silk Hosiery One Lot of KID GLOVES In Black, White and Brown, $2.50 Va,ue ‘ - Tue,day $1.00 LOUIS STEYERMAN & SONS The Shop of Quality. * On the Comer dy'.-skli'S^ JArisTri*-