The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, October 03, 1922, Image 2

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r TUESDAY, OCTOBER l> TR UMI-Wn|av TIMES-ENTERPRI8E, TH0MA8VILLE, GEORGIA; THE HMES'ENTERPRISE SEMI-WEEKLY EDITION Iwued EVtry Tuodiy and Friday MEMBERS ASSOCIATED FACES Bally and- Semi-Weekly Tlmes-FnUr. prise, Published by tha Ttmea-Entor- prlaa Company. ThomaarlUa. Ga. Entered at tha ThomaarlUa Foot Office For Tianamlaelon Through tha 1*-"- Aa Second CUse Mall Matter. Subaeriptlon Rataai One Tear Six Months .... A iost collar button will often cause more trouble than a lost wife. It always comes to him who waita, but It Isn’t always what he wants or ' expects. The speeders will all quit when they are in jail and some of them not until then. Bavaria aays she doesn't want any tourists this year, but Bavaria Isn’t In Florida. Professor Tiernan Is our idea of the sort of a bird that ought to be in an Iron cage. A pretty-woman always tigures that there may be soma way to figure out Vauccees. It takes gas to make everything go. but gas won’t make everything go your way. They even have dark norses la tha football world and they usually run true to form. If America made the world what It la today what did It do when it was not exlateat. The Greeks are convinced that there la something la having a good leader ta fight with. * Injoacttoas work sometimes, hut they are often aot necessary te stop expenditures. Turkish atrocities ara said te he salable at all tobacco stands at a moderate price. Tha girls that are covering their legs ought not To be embarrassed long by the new regime. "I - W. C. Vereen would do for the ad la termlm appointment and no better nutn could be secured. The brisk demand for very hand some fur coats In this section in prob ably due to the threatened coal short age. . ** The bonus bill will pass some day and It will not lA after the Civil War pensions are paid oft. When a man talks to himself yyu may be sure that he isn't certain that he wants to be heard. \ POLITICAL UNRE8T Georgia politics are Indulging IS an- jump In wlthdut knowing how high the . ■ wares art going to dash when Um storm gets going. other severe spasm or volatile unrest. the result of the action of the state- MARKETING Democratic executive committee Tn| j T w att la his comment ea the naming October 17tb aa the date for■ movement In Waycross to secure an the senatorial primary to fUl the va- Increased out-of-town trade sticks to cancy caused by the death of Thomas I 08 * method-marketing. Mr. Watt is an accurate diagnostician In financial E. Watson and In postponing the date of the state convention called for October 4th, to the 28th of October. This action was unexpected, one of the many possibilities that politics presents. The action at Macon was affaire. He Is Intimately acquhlnted with business conditions In Waycross. Therefore when he says^ that Way- cross must'market the products grown In the surrounding territory, his state ment merits the most-earnest conbid- taken ostensibly with the sanction of eratl0 ”’ , Constantine may find some friends to console with him. but even that Is too good for him. Germany is always facing a crisis, or a catastrophe, or bankruptcy, and never finally arriving at It. They don't get drunk at soda founts, even It they sometimes take too much for their stomach's sake. a Football and boxing In one day ought to fill all the needs that the sporting element may have. The latest models show two rooms and a bath over a commodious garage for the average householder. The test of a man's character Is what he will do when there Isn't any chance to catch up with him. Mosquitoes will save you. from den gue or bring It to you. Try and keep stagnant water M your premlaes. A hundred per cent, booster Is the sort of fellow you always hunt up when you want anything put across. The Harard and Yale undergradu ates are now wondering how the foot ball team will come out, according to the faculty records. The French Tiger says he doesn’t ask any banquets and In that he le wiser than some of hla compatriots, who have visited this country. if McCormlck'a wife can’t ting, that to not bis fault, and probably ho doei not care anything abcut her reputa tion In the paat. '* TIm man-with a two dollar bill of ten considers It hard Inch enough to get It changed, but not enough to aa to bo thrown down on the street the railroad schedules are b kept aa good as they ever were la this section on tha Coast Line and tbs A. B. end A sad both roods are doing a £ood ImtlntH. y - Governor-elect Walker, but apparently this sanction has widely missed the mark, for the governor-to-be Immedl- atelyissued a red-hot defy of the com mittee and calls his delegates to come to Macon at the f tlme appointed and take charge of affairs. So nobody knows what is going to Happen except that there is room for another row. One is already on the way and some very spectacular and Jurld, if not altogether important, po litical ruminating Is about to take place. The Walker delegates will go to Macon and meet and ta^'charge and then there may be a contest as to which committee will control the sen atorial primary and which committee will handle the aftermath. There Is room left for a lot of juggling of one kind or another in the denoument. As far us practical argument Is con cerned the state committee proBably figured that the primary being neces sary It was the business of the com mittee to call it and postpone the con vention date In order to declare on the entire matter. It might save some confusion and that is about all. On the other hand the Walker dele gations evidently are desirous of con trolling affairs at once, so that they may hava charge whea the primary comes off. For wbat reason either side would want it nobody can sur mise. unleBS as Cliff Intimates, there may be some suspicion of dirty work, politically speaking. It Is hard to figure where that Is possible unless the Walker line-up is broken Into and deflected during the heated period in which the senatorial fight Is to come off. There might be some reason^or It In that contingency, even though the Identical delegations meet October 28th, as are called to, meet October 4th. The split of the Walker forces would mean one thing or another. Mr. Walker evidently thinks It bod's no good for him. Those, who huveu'l any personal In terest In the scrap, can sit off and calmly see them work themselves into all sorts of a fury, without any com punction or regret. That Is what po litical conventions are mostly good for and- any contest of this kind 'is sure to burst things, that were into smithereens and make new conditions and new problems. ■ As far as Impartial observers might judge, the Walker contention seems quite fair, but we don't see anything much to- get all het up about, unless things are rottener than the average man seems to know about In the com mittee, and the contingencies during the senatorial primary f likely to be quite confusing to a homogeneous state organization back of Mr. Walker. It seems that we are to have a sen atorial primary to select a successor Jo the late Mr. Watson. This is quite proper, but the time in which 8ie cam paign Is to be waged will give little opportunity for much heat to be en gendered or many factional alignments to be perfected. The avidity with which honorable Georgians are seeking the office'Is a result of the break In former political alignments caused by Mr. Watson's death and the fact that these men figure that now Is the real opportunity for almost anybody to get into the office. Heretofore It' would not have, been possible for several of these men tioned candidates to get any encour agement. With the Watson Influence gone or hot solidified they plan to grab what they can and take chances. The people will not have time to get real mad about It and to tell the truth It will be hard for s good many of them to make up their minds aa between the men. There are several mentioned, who are not politically known, hut whose natural ability is unquestioned. What they can do in a tcn-coronerrd race Is another matter entirely. The real ltne-up will come, doubtless, in the second primary, which seems almost certain unless some outstanding and dominant figure develops during the next fortnight. Is that probable tram the present line-up of candidates? Who are yon for? We cant answer that yet. The game is too young to ■M-SsmNV It Is to be noted that the ambition qoestioa had been determined by chemical analysis to be intoxicating. The people resented this ruling aa aa open and sbnt effort of the court to prevent the making of a' case against a prohibition' violator, which can. readily be understood. Liquor ie liquor the world over gad it takes very few men longer than a smell or a taste to know beyond a reasonable doubt that It is liquor. • To say that all liquor must be test ed and proven to be intoxicating be fore an^nsrest can be made is a pure farce, particularly as far as liquor run- HON. SEABORN WRIGHT FORHER LEGISLATOR* IS ENDORSED FOR SENATE Rome, Ga.. Sept. 29.—Calling on Seaborn Wright, veteran Georgia leg- er tor a generation, to emerge from hie retlremetft and resume his .place islator and fearless prohibition lead- in public,.the local cb&pter of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Un ion this morning, at' a called meeting unanimously adopted a resolution en ters and other pestiferous kinds of 1 dorsing Mr. -Wright tor United States, illegal handlers of the article that is Senator to .succeed the late Senator banned by constitutional amendment Thomas E. Watson, and urging h|< to become a marketing center makes , Tlle ^ udse went far .out of his way hr 1 nomination by- the Democrats of the a change in the attltudo of the bus! j toToke a technicality; if you views the | mate. ness man toward the customer. Just t^lng from the most pronouncedly The resolution also* recommends as the banks have progressed from tbe. * aT0 ™’ > '° 1 ** ht ,or ll,m ' Sensibly In-^ that Mr. Wright be endorsed by toe old attitude of "How can I collect [ terpreted he merited Instant dismissal sta te W. C. T. U„ convention. The from a customer what he owes me?".* 8 * block and handicap to law e n -'resolution follows: to "How ean I assist in building up a forcement, customer’s bank deposits and banking business?" even so the merchant must learn to progress beyond the old atti tude of how much he can sell the cus tomer to how he can increase the buying capacity of the customer. This ambition to become a market ing center will cause every merchant in WaycrosB to realise that ff the people in the surrounding territory have more caehsthe chances that more cash can be spent In Waycross are multiplied. If these people feel that they made this money largely through the efforts of Waycross, the Instinct of gratitude itself Is going to cause reciprocation. All experience of marketing centers products to a certain city to market them, he will spend at least part of ths money so secured In the city where the market Is located. How large a proportion of harvest money will be spent In the marketing center Is duorto the quality and variety and price of the stocks carried la the stores. In discussing markets it is always well to summarize what Waycross Is doing along this line. The following MALARIAL FEVER AND ITS CAUSE What is malarial fever? | “Be It resolved, that we the wo- ■men e fthe W. C. T. U., U the home | town of Hon. Seaborn Wright, know- ling and honoring him and realizing - hla fearless stand to. all great moral |measures In the pact; his great work A disease of man, common In hot,In making Georgia dry; his broader wet countries. ' Tabors in redeeming the nation from What is" malarial fever sometimes j t b ® c,Ir8c °f the organized liquor traf- called? t flc 8nd above all, that he can be Chills ynd fever, bilious fever; tru ' ,,ed to do hls dut 3 r ia tbe ^ure swamp fever. 88 ln th ® P 8 * 1 - w0 ®b d °rse him for It this disease gqund in the United Stated? Yes. Along the coastal plain from Connecticut to Texas, over nearly „ . all the Mississippi Valley, and in *,V nl ‘®<> Statea Senat ®" d ; number of valleys on the Pacific] Although Seaborn Wright has been CoaSt l in retirement and almost seclusion 1 eb d gla, . our sisters throughout tbe state lu slMeadirg the demand for hls nomlna- tton and election In November to the WKat causes malarial fever? for several years at hls home on book- The presence of certain small out Mountain, hls vigorous and strlk- organisms in the blood of the person who has the fever. What do you man by an “organism”? Something that is alive and thus has the power to reproduce its kind. It may be alive as a plant is alive, or alive as an animal is. * Is the organism which causes malarial fever a plant or an animal? It is an animal, and in the blood is said to be an animal parasite. What do you mean by a “parasite”? ing personality remains ln the mindB of the people of Georgia, and If he should bee dthe call that Is going up to him from hls friends here and ln other sections of the state, of which the acttoiTby the local W. C. T. U., Is an example, he may become thezqpst formdlable candidate for Senator against any one who may be centered upon by the political faction that form ed the basic of Clifford Walker's raoe, the socalled Howell faction. How strong Wright will be, will de pend, it is believed, upon the extent' to.which he would-be supported by An animal or plant that lives at goes to prove that when a man brings® x P ens ® °* 8noth * r > l' k ® ^te, , piistletoe, love vine, rust on corn,: the followers of the late Senator sums up the list ; Some of the gro' th# bookworm, flea, etc. The Thomas E. Watson, and at the same cerf are_ buying fresh vegetables, eggsj malarial parasite lives in man by time could consolidate the supporters and chickens; some of the housewives feeding on the blood cells of the of former Senator Hoke Smith and of are patronizing the curb market; M‘man. .. ' r- Governor Thomas W. Hardwick. Mr. M. Monro, is buying chickens, eggsj do ?<>» k ”° w «•*, these | Wright's own £rsonol following 1. by parasite* are found in the blood means negligible, although a par- hides end furs; J. A. Wildes Is buying th()ge w ho have malarial fever? tion of that etrength lies among the hogs and cattle: the Individual homes Because with the microscope we j Watson men with whom he was asso- are buying wood. , •<* see them in the red btood cells ] dated in the memorable campaign of It really is a short list, but Its very * of a mhn sick with malarial fver. 1898, when he polled 85,000 for gov- ’ What do you mean by red -blood lernor on a platfrorm that was written cells? I by VNitson, Chancellor \ Walter Hill They are very small bodies float- [ and himself and a very principle of ing in the .blood, shaped much like himself, and every principle of which a biscuit, with thickened edges; they give the blood its red color, and are a most important part of it They are essential to life shortness shows how great is the need of a marketing center in Waycross.— Waycross Journal-Herald. THE YIELD FROM FEARS It has been shown that the yield from pear trees this year has been very large and tbe price for pears far above the expectations of many of a TAX NOTICE has alnce beta enacted into state law. He also has a tremendous strength among the prohibition forces, which amounts to more now than evtf before since the women voters of the state are to be reckoned with. It is be lieved that the women who can never I will be gt tbe following placea, j orget y, Ber ylce In ridding the state the overhead owners. Nine hundred ™ d8t * 8 named for the P“n> 08 ® ! of saloona, will vote almost solidly for ... - collecting thq state, county and school i dollars from two acres Is hard to for the year 1922: I him. , realize and yet this waa true in 1922. ' The pear Industry was very produc tive in this country twenty years ago. when no blight had hit the trees. When this disease got into it there was confusion and despair. The blight has been conquered and although many of the old orchards, are gone there remains plenty of time to plant more at a very small cost, both Initial and upkeep. This would yield a harvest In ten years that would be of tbe same class ln the same proportion aa pecans. There la and has always been a good demand for canned or preserved years. Tbe send pear or pineapple pear, which le blight proof, would be available for general planting and If the seasons were aa they have been this year, nothing more productive could he asked. We do not hold out a mirage of un questioned wealth-' We do not believe that all seasons will be as the last one was. But there Is money In this industry properly and carefully han dled. It must not bo gone Into with hammer and tonga, with the whole re sources of any land own», but gradu ally and with an end of making It one of fiur surplus crops. A canning plant will furnish a market all the time, aa Cal(fornla has done, and the possibili ties of growing them here art superior to those In California, where they Slave cleaned up, to use a slang expresalon. Metcalfe, Oct. 9th and Nov. 1st. Barwlck, Ocf. 10th a. m. and Nov. 2nd n. m. — fatten. Oct. 10th p. m. and Nc». Snd p. m. ' Coolldge, Oct. 11th a. m. and Nov. 3rd. Merrillville, Oet. 11th p. m. and Nov. 6th a. m. Ellabelle, Oct 12th and Nov. 7th. Meigs, Oct. 13th and Nov. 8th. ( Ochlocknee, Oct 14th and Nov. 9th. j’avo, Oct. 80th and Nov. 10tn. Weston, Oct. 31st and Nov. 13th aw ’4th. I will be ln my office at the court house during the October term of Superior court and from Nov . 16th to Pec.. 20th inclusive. The tax books will dose Dad Mth. ' Respectfully, P. 8. HBETH, T. C. , 2t-wk. Dly. 2t-Sw. (Advertisement) OOTTON Open Close P. C. Jan 20.82 20.33 20.16 Mar 20.88 20.40 20.33 Hay i — 20.79 20.42 20.25 Oct *0.66 20.20 20.12 Dec. 20.90 20.60 20.41 CHICAGO CRAIN AND PROVISION MARKET. Chicago, Oct' I.—Wheat etc W. C. Rash, Floyd county superin tendent of schools, who was one of tbe staunchest supporters In North Georgia of tbs late Senator .Watson, said today, when Informed of the ac tion by the Women’s Christian Tem perance . Union, that unquestionably those who supported Watson Wright in 1896, would rally to the standard of tha latter now, since their beloyed leader- Is.dead, . "Seaborn Wright ia the logical succaeaor to Senator Watson," said Mr. Rash. Supporters ot both former Senator Hoke Smith and Governor Hardwick, here today declared that in their opin ion neither of those gentlemen conld so nearly-unite all elements ot opposi tion to Um Howdfi-Waiker alignment as could Seaborn Wright, who Is per sonslly and potltlcslly friendly to both of them. , . Friends of Mr. Wright at Rome, aroused to action by the resolution ot the W. C. T.JJ, are planning to urge upon Mr. Wright‘that he forego the enUcementa of his “wash hoM, pigs, snd puppies,” at his retreat on Look out Mountain, and get back into the service of hls state. A. NEW RULING The governor of Florida has r moved from office the judge of from fifteen hundred ciUsens, who claim that ha Is lax in the enforce-. judge that no arrests shal he made by state officers In violation of tbe easy; corn, firm. r Wheat- 4».C. Close Dec. T-tOtt L04* May —— -—- 1.09 L07* Com—. V- Dec. .62* -59* May : . 81* < .62 ' Oata- Dec. -41* 37* May .38* Lard— Oct 1L10 1L17 Jam —— 9.10 9.16 Rib*— ' v y' OcL 10JTS 1037 ips^—|— ■ 1036 TURPENTINE. - - -„.jl '.a. ot , niwinniTi fit i fTct.‘-Tunwitfoma prohibition law, unj|se - MtoJiyMO *» Ifirmr tMKtttpertavCjilfc *-!r r 71 -t PICTURE FRIES We Have A Large Stock —OF— * MOULDINGS AND READY HADETRAMES PHOTOGRAPHER Tbotnast THE WISE MA n ; Saves NOW for the Rainy Day^-? * ' Trie FOOLISH ’ MAN waits until he hears it thunder Be Wise and start a.savings account today with a dollar -or more and we will loan you one of fhese BOOK COIN, SAVINGS BANKS to . help you save. We Pay Intjrest'on Savings at— The Peoples Savings Bank T. J; BALL,*Prest: -R. J. McCLENNEY. Gash. < v ...............M 0 N E V L 0 A N E On Improved Farm Lands at 6% interesL with tbe privilege to the borrower of paying part or ail of the principal at any Interest period, stopping Intsrest on amount paid, but no annual payment of principal required. Loans made on Improved city property In -^boroasvllie. if In need ef money, write us. or come to see na - ' ' ; W. M. BB Y AN Offices 406-40S Upchurch - Building Thomatvlllo, Georgia "7 s \ AHfoyg a Saving— ■■ ; Never An Expense Ice is thf .'OjKs fiqme necessity that always. pays for ttseif.iiiMy times over. - Now' that the Fall and Winter Months-are coming around, keep that in mind for your own household., good, Yqu will save on food bills and protect your family’s health bykeepinf food in the one proper way-"*in a well ired rjefrfgerator. No’other method ' properly 'protects th' purity of food, so ice is a mighty low premium to pay for such excellent heal- j*t|f •"?