The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, October 24, 1922, Image 2

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SEMI-WEEKLY-TtMES-ENTBR PRIst, THOMA&VILLE, OROROM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1222 THE HMES’ENTERPRISE j,. S|atKWKEKLY EDITION imiK Cv«y TuMdty and Friday MEMBERS ASSOCIATED MESS Daily »nJ- Semi-Weekly Tlmee-ltaWr- prlee. Published by the Timee-Bnter- prise Company, Thomssrine. Oe. entered st the Thomaevili* Feet Ottlee Per Transmission Through tbs If As Second dess Msll Matter. Subscription Rstesi One Tear 81s Months e. Ft. JERQER Editor w. a MARGRAVE Bus, Mgr. Longer skirts won’t effect the world much. IT CAN'T BE DONE The news reports of the meeting of the American Legion at New Orleans, Indicate that a fight Is brewing orer the form of recognition that will be granted to the colored sol dier, who fought for America in the World War. The Southern delegations are ready to contest bitterly for a separate organization, If anything is granted, and to maintain with precise and historical arguments that any amalgamation of tbe races in any or ganisation of this kind is contrary to the solid principles of racial rights. Tbe American Legion has a high mission, even it the part of It seems publications accomplished for Senator'John Henry and Mrs. Pearl Barden I Watson. It will keep alive the Hard- •"<* Carl, called on Mr. and Mrs. annual J. A.-Dixon, one night last week. wick boom for the Senate every week, Jj r . j. B . Donnan. made a business and It will be adroitly and ably edited trip to Berwick, last Saturday morn: to catch the Watson vote that so thor-|%„ H art of Berwick, made a busi- outftly deserted Mr. Hardwick In his ness call In this commnlty, last Mon last two serious defeats. Can he come da &” 0 ™cf Lewis, is on the sick list back? Tbe question will be answered, at this writting. We hope for her In time. Frankly, we are of the opln- *" early recovery- . ion that he ha, chosen a very effec! HARRIS jq RECEN? tive political campaign and that .he able political campaign and that he will be heard from in the future abun dantly. GRAND JURY RECOMMENDATIONS CARD BV GOV. HARDWICK A. Sims, had presented a petition to Judge Humphries signed by several women interested in the girl’e case. It was said by Judge Humphries that the girl-was paroled because Mrs. Den- : nls represented to him that she in-. tended to send her to school in Vir-' glnla. Tbe fact that she was paroled waa revealed through complaints made at the court bouse by residents in tbe Dennis neighborhood, who objected toj the presence of the girl. It lias always been possible to ac Men get Intoxicated with love but it <' eT0 * e< i *° wore Practical and political j tually estimate the Increase of gen eral health conditions with tbe ad- never does kill them. I methods, including voting and bonus measures. The mixture of races In Bunk should hove concentrated his the Legion will not be possible in the state-wide rote and carried one coun-J South and the state organizations have ty. r vole<1 agaliiBt it. This Is not true of vance of educational advantages. Every community where school attend- ance has been enforced Is not only blessed with the added power given I the North and ihe policy must some'to the educated mind of the children Senator George will make us a good -j a y be threshed out Hnd the policy of man and then we will have two good , he nalionaI organization fixed. I If the South is forced by the Ameri- 1 can I-t-slon to admit colored soldiers Physical aencieacy always indicates; I ... ... ... a into the regular organization, they will' that there will be little productive all be disbanded and some other or- 1 i ganlzatlon perfected along safe and qualities. The grand jury had adjourned and tone racial lines. There Is no dispo se breathing of some folks has be- ] sltlon on the part of the South to come much easier. minimize the services rendered by the ,,.. n colored soldiers. They respect his Swat every mosquito that comes j fighting qualities as they were demon- within hearing distance, lor the sake straied and can well afford to ap- of the other fellow. The Canadian woman who killed her husband with a butcher knife, probab ly struck him at last. Mr. Hardwick’s vicious attack on Senator Harris is another of tbs iU effects of the campaign dose. A good many people seem to have gone fishing on election day, or gone about their buslneaa, at least. The Turks won something, but they haven’t Just exactly found out what, by Lloyd George's resignation. It might not spoil things if they allowed Senator (Mrs.) Felton to take her seat and make a speech. Every man acts foolishly sometimes, but the fellow that can act In the right place Is wise. plaud his service. Yet, when it comes to the admission of these men into the Southern posts of the American Legion, with equal rights and privileges with the white soldiers, it will not pass muster and everybody knows why it will not. There is a reason that is too well known to need any reiteration In the South. The North is still invested with racial prejudice and It is a pity that it has cropped out In this organi zation. It will either wreck it or cause H to be split In twain—a very poor policy in either event. OUR CANNING PLANT Business men and farmers unani mously endorsed a movement lo bring n canning plant, packing plant mure properly called, to ThomasvIUe. This will involve a certain amount of con- Gossip has one saving grace, and tract truck and fruit. This was ex- that Is that It doesn't affect the right plained in detail by the gentlemen, sort of people. .... • who desire to bring the plant here. They want to come with a thirty thou- Money la going up. they say, and so, also, are prices, and that means mors business and more money. The flapping of a skirt or the swish or tbe under silk seems to have start ed some comment already. Be charitable to your neighbors even if they do raise a lot of mosquitoes in old disb puns or open wells. sand dollar investment because they have been led to believe that Thomas- ville presents a very desirable and at tractive field for this form of enter prise. by reason of tho ease with which canning crops can he cultivated. They don’t ask any money, or any stock. All they want Is the privilege to buy certain truck crops in certain quantities so that they can operate votes in tbe statej their plaut. The price paid for the truck was stated very frankly and it does not compare with the truckers' prices obtained at Intervals for choice productions. This is to he quantity production, with a steady and ready cash market. The meeting endorsed the plan be- Bunk Cooper' didn't cost him hut tweuty-five cents each, but be didn't get many. There are leaks in the dry law. There are also leaks in some roofs, but that Isn't an excuse for no roofs. but at tbe same time It has felt tbe added strength and virility that has come to the people from a realization of the necessity of rigid and strict health regulation. The matter of public health is a question that lias no opposition in communities that are thoroughly and generally educated. When people have learned that health means wealth as well as many virtues that go into the consnmatlon of what we term good citizenship, they are well educated in one line at least, and it usually comes from their advantages in what is called the elementary educational pro- cesses. When a community fights health measures as extravagant and im provident, there are members of the community who have failed to grasp tbe possibilities that will accrue from this form of health work. Where they have been tried in the most progres sive amt, therefore, the most healthful centers o[ our population, they have become second nature and no up-to- date community would think of oper ating without rigid and inelustic health laws for Ihe protection of people as well as for their physical develop meut. The grand Jury of Thomas county 1ms recommended the enforcemnt of tile Ellis health law. This was not necessary except as an incentive to the Board of Health to secure another health officer and carry out the full provisions of the Inw. The law is in force but there seems to he a disposi tion in certuln quarters to fight its continuance, since the resignation of the officer In charge for the past few months. Instead of iettn.g the master go by default, the grand Jury recommended that it be put into full force and ef fect. it would take two successive grand juries to nullify the effect of the Ellis health law io Thomas coun ty. It must be continued, therefore, for a year and the service should be so directed that It will prove of such benefit that any attempt to offset or repeal It would be met with instant ami insistent assault. Thomas coun ty needs this health officer. It must seek to educate its peoplo luto know- Atlanta, Ga.. Oct. 20—U. S- Senator Wm. J. Harris of Georgia, now in Atlanta- lms made perhaps the shortest and most pointed j post-election statements of the late Georgia campaigns, ft was in reply to a statement of Governor Hard, wich in which the Governor denounc. cd Senator Harris as “a coward and a liar and a disgrace to the state. “Denunciation la no new thing for Hardwick”, said Senator Harris. “He donounced President Wilson in time of war, he denounced Senator Watson in language unfit to print. His denunciations jihvo not had much weight in the past, and have none at all now. The best answer to Hardwick was furnished by the peo ple at the ballot box Tuesday. It will be rncalied that Governor Hardwick was badly beaten in his race for relection in the September pri mary and waa worse defeated in his race’ for the U. S. Senate last Tues day- Senator Harris will remain in Geor. gia until Congress rcconvences. He will speak at Buchanan next Monda and at Cartcrsville o n November 6 BETTY ANDREWS, HAS BEEN PARO'-ED Atlanta, Oct. 20.—Judge Joh-i D. Humphries has paroled Betty A- d nwa, the sweetheart of Frank DuT’ •. who was hanged September 1, for i 'i, mur der of Irby C. Walker, and now in the custody of Mrs. Jessie i minis, it was learned Thursday. I: was said that the Andrews girl ft -, paroled last week after her alt- i-ey, Walter if the accident Insurance company refused to pay the premium when a'cause It opened a new field for the'| n g what it means lo the county and man was lynched, It ought to be sued, farmer. This means nothing more to take every advantage of Ita posai- do lthan a cash market and a slated price j bllitles, for only In this way can we ' for a certain quantity of produce. If j get lull value for the money, which la Tbe barbers are planning away with the peppermint poles that " ” w "I used ,0 point the way to the tonsorlal * ^ ,ucceBS(u1 ' “ 11 undollbledl >' expended for It. We are delighted that I will, it will pave ihe way for more canning plants and keener coropetl- Bona artist. will he out ot a job be- tion, which means better prices and tore he is much older and some folks larger marketing facilities, and there- wiU be sorry they didn't keep Lloyd , fore, a much larger avenue for busi- Oeorge. j ness. The plan presents unlimited possi bilities. The packers would not want to come unless they knew that the ' thing would prove a success. It would Jeopardize their buziness to come here . and then have to send away for the stuff they needed. They want to save They can't claim that Walter George freight and other packing coats by the grand Jury saw fit to endorse the work that haa been done and to insist on Its continuation. Tbs airman that stayed up thirty- 1 five minutes didn't have anything on a certain party that flew around tor,, about an hour in Atlanta a short time ago, and was yelling to come down every minute. is not a South Georgian. He was born coming to tbe fields of production. It In Webster county and reared and we bare them now is the time lived In Dooly. speak. When a man ta noted for hia intelli gence it Is always because he doesn't A QUESTION ANSWERED Tbe question is often asked, "What expose himself by keeping bis tongue will Hardwick do now?” He bss an- wagging. swered that question in one short I statement issued this week in Atlanta. 1 1 He will enter bis practice of law and 'edit a weekly paper, to be called the I “Georgia Crackor.” Is there any more significant statement possible to ia- Tbe canning plant is going to make' a market and that ia one thing we are ; all looking for, a cash market for stuff that can be grown here. President Harding Is still content to f vest the people of Georgia with his in- bo made the Republican goat two tentlona? yean hence and be la going to get At tbe same time to cinch matters what Taft did. I and to insure us with a certain survey of his intentions, he assails Senator Harris most bitterly, using his famous word, ''liar,'” with tbe usual freedom and abandon. He in in for politics and Senator Harris is (he victim of his Our new tariff is so elastic that It Will permit of the manufacturers mak ing an extra three billions out of the American people next year. If Ebert, the saddle-maker, is re-:intentions, elected president of Germany, ha will Tbe Georgia Cracker will doubtless here whipped Hlndenbtrg for the sec- he modeled elong the tinea to Uke up, oad time, and we hope ho does. jnnd carry on the work teat certain *. Smith, and con TAX NOTICE I will be at tbe following places, on dates named tor tbe purpose of collecting the state, county end school taxes for the year IMS: Metcalfe, OcL 9th and Nov. 1st Berwick, Oct. 10th a. m. and Nov. 2nd a. m. Fatten, Oct. l»th p. m. and No*. 2nd p. m. CooUdge, Oct. Un a. m. and Nov. Brd. a. and Merrillville, Oct. 11th Nov. 6th a. m. Hllabeile, Oct. 12th and Nor. Tth. Meigs, Oct. 13th and Nor. 8tb. Ochlocknee, OeL 14th and Nov. 9th. i*»ro, Oct 80th and Nov. lOtn. Boston, Oct. 31st and not. IRE am Mth. I will be la my office at the coon house during the October term of Superior court and from Nov Uth to Dec. 20th Inclusive. The tax books will close Dec. 20th. Respectfully, P. 8. HEETH, T. C. 2t-wk. Dly. 2t-Sw (Advertisement) UNITY There wasn't any Sunday school here last Sunday afternoon, on ac count of the bad weather. Mr. J. B. Donnan, returned fo>m Worth county, last Wednesday night. B. G. Jackson of Thomasvillo, WANT ADS FOR SALE—Once ns . : yprees 33-gal lon half barrels, t.i'j.oughly steam cleaned, bung hoi-; stopped with new bungs; out I ,<■ in bright, clean condition. Coot -- uge first claBS. Write Alabama;; orgia Syrup Com pany, Montgcrc y, Ala. 22-lm PLANT8 FOl! SALE—Cabbage.- ool- lards, ruts : aga plants now ready for delivers Price 200 ® 55c. 500 @ 11.25. 1 uoo @ J2.25 prepaid. B. R. Clark. Ochlockne, Ga. 2-2td-swlmo 'BUCK SERVICE—Any one wanting truck service, write W. L. Jordan, Thumusvllle, Route 6. 9-lms’V 160 ACRES of good farm land for sale or swap; 6 miles north ot Pavo. City property no objection. Address C. L. Griffin,'B. F. D. 3, Box 59, Pavo. Ga. 20-2SW KST11AYED—One large Poland China boar. Owner enu get same by iden tlfying and paying expense of keep, and advertising. M. B. Harrison Ochlocknee, Ga. 23 k’tsw PECANS WANTED—100.000 Iba. of seedling and all varieties of papor shell pecans wsnted. Address Geor gia Paper Sir'll Pecan Co. Phone 313 Williams Building, Thomasville. n , ll-gmml.kaw CORN WANTED—Highest cash price. D. J. Recfroe. 28-lmo-dftW RADIUM The RADIUM INSTITUTE ot Thomasville, Ga„ for treatment of Cancerous and Benign Growths. We with to co-operate with physicians and eurgeens, assur ing them an adequate supply of Radium tor use in cases refer red to us. Hospital catse treated at Utty Hospital, Thomasville, Ga* or Or. Sanches private senator! urn at Berwick, Ga. See or write, Dr. C. K.Wali,ot A. D. Little, Thomaivilta, or Dr. 8. E. Ranches, Barwlck, Ga. Have You a of every member of your family If Not See Rev. spent last Friday night here with Mr. Smith, and family. Mrs. Pearl Barden, and Miss Mac Dixon, called on Mrs. T. A. Taylor, last Monday afternoon. Miss Ola Busbee, haa returned to her home here after spending some A. W. Moller Photographer Thomasville, Ga. DONT FORGET THE NEW STORE At jo7 West Jackson. The store that carries everything that is good to eat at the right price. Come and look over our stock as we are are get ting in something new every day now. If it is so you can't visit our store, call 91, for just what you need as we give all phone orders our prompt attention. EMPIRE MERCANTILE COMPANY L.S. COBB, Mgr. Phone 91 807 W. Jackson 8L Webster’s Tested Seed* ♦ Large Packets 5c CHARTER CHOCOLATES Assorted Nuts and Brazils The best candy we sold. JJ. Square Deal Druggist. J04E. Jackson St PHONE 606. THE WISE MAN SavesNOW for'the Rainy Day— THE EOOLISH MAN waits until he hears it thunder Be wise and start a savings account today with a dollar .or more and we will loan you one of these BOOK COIN SAVINGS BANKS to help you save. We Pay Interest on Savings at— The Peoples Savings Bank T. J. BALL) Prest R. J. McCLENNEY, Cash. Only Big Circus TO GIVE STREET PARADE THOMASVILLE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER GORGEOUS GLITTERING STREET PAGEANT AT 10-30 o'clock DAILY PAIN OR SHINE SEATS ON SALE CIRCUS DAY AT INGRAM'8 DRUG 8TORE. PRICE8: ADULTS 75c, CHILDREN 50; WAR TAX INCLUDED. Samq prices at ground*. THE UNIVERSAL CAR Prices Reduced ON Ford Cars Following Prices Effective To-day: F. O. B. DETROIT Chassis *249 00 Trfe mSS 530A0 *3S , £** Starter and dc mountable rims $95.00 extra on open models. This reduction of $50.00 on list price of all models establishes the lowest plane of prices in the history of the Company. Place your order early to insure prompt delivery, or phone 98 for a salesman who will call and explain our liberal time sale plan without obligation. THOMASVILLE SAL ~ ' VnfrlT f i ~