The Times-enterprise semi-weekly edition. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1???-????, December 29, 1922, Image 4

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hsvubssf^.ttwvb —at SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES-ENTERPRI8E, TH0MA8VILLE, GEORGIA FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1922. Great Holiday Clearance ! All Goods At Cost ! 0CHL0CKNE1TES ENJOY A HAPPY CHRISTMAS It la our policy to always m ake a clean sweep of goods which are In demand during the holidays only. This is preferable to storing them—as It enables us to keep our stock ever tre3h and clean. Belated giving often becomes necessary—an overlooked friend or the receipt of something from an unexpected source. So here's your chance to make good. The savings on lines will vary according to costs—but reduc tions will all be marked In plain figures so that you may buy intelligently. SALE BEGINS TUESDAY, DECEMBER TWENTY-SIXTH. Ochlocknee, Ga Dec. 26,—A very quite, though pleasant, Christmas has been experienced by the people of Ochlocknee with the most delightful • weather in many years. Miss Gwendolyn Mills, is home for the holidays, from Vnldosda, where she is attending south Georgia State Normal College. Miss Mabelle Smith, also a student of that institu tion, is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Smith. Miss Alma Singletary, of Andrew CURRENT NEWS NOTES INTEREST TO COMM! NIT INGRAM DRUG CO. Nunnally’s Whitman’s Hollingsworth's Cs | day vaction. { Ochlocknee Lodge, ii CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISION MARKET Chicago, Ill., Dec. 28.—Wheat closed unsettled. Corn closed nervous. WHEAT— P. C. Clost Dec 1.27 1.27 July 1.16% 1.14% CORN— Dec 73% .72% July 72% .71% OAT8— Dec. 43% .43% July 42% .43% LARD— Jnn 10.87 10.82 11.12 11.05 RIBS— Jon 10.95 10.87 May 10.85 10.72 Daniels—Crockett— ; A wedding of much local Interest: was that of Miss Sarah Daniels and : Anyone fiyi'. 'Hvs WOODLAND Quite a number of people of he community attended the Sunday school rally at Capel Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roberts of near Moigs visited their sister Mrs. E. C. Harper Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Akridge of Thcmasville spent the holidays with /AMES B. BURCH Lawyer Civil and Criminal Practice Third Floor Masonic Bldg. THOMASVILLE, GA. VENIDA Clintonic Twin SOAPS Wash the Venida way, for enlarged pores, pim ples, oily skin, white heads, rough, red and chapped skin, black heads, chafing, excessive perspiration, etc. The latest and positively the BEST Skin Soap yet devised. MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFIED —25 Cents— HONIENTA, the great Cough, Cold, Catarrh and Hay Fever Remedy 40c and 75c. W. If!!* '04 E. Jackson St PHONE 606. Square Deal Druggist. I the choice of the following officers for the ensuing year: .1. Gorham jGarrison, Worshipful master; R. H. •Chason, Senior Warden; J. S. Wilson, relatives in this community. j Junior Wurden; U, l. Merritt, Secre- Miss Eoline Dixon, who has been tar yi R - Singletary, Treasurer; B. J. teaching school near Moultrie is j Mathis, Tyler; J. T. Thompson, .. spending the holidays with homefolks.!Chaplain; P. B. Clark, Senior Deacon; Dec ' ,122 * : May ,1 ' 23W ' Mrs. Alma Loner snent Mnminv nf V ' n n «« » occurred Christmas afternoon at 4:30 • o'clock. Mr. Crockett came down; i from Atlanta to visit relatives for Christmas, and with ills bride-to-be. drove to Meigs, and were married by the Justice of the peaco of that dis trict. They came back to Thmnasvllle and visited relatives until today when • they left for Atlanta, whore Mr. Crock ett holds a splendid position. The .wedding will bo known with much In- i tereal here where both are very popu lar In tho younger circle and have 1 many friends throughout the city. Mrs i Crockett Is a very charming and at- | tractive young lady and Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Daniels. the home of Mr. spent Monday at Fulford. Mr. and Mrs. E. Jones were among those who attended the Sunday School rally at Capel Sunday. Mr. Jim Baggett called on Miss Edith Booth Saturday night. A number of the men and boys of this community enjoyed Christmas shooting doves. SPRING HILL Miss Ola Chason, of Rabrun Gap, Ga., is the guest of relatives here dur* holidays. the r. and Mrs. L. H. Griffin, and children were the guests Sunday and Monday of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. La Belle, of Thomasvillc. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson, and Mrs. P. G. Rich, were the Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. J. P. Griffin, of Pine Forest. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Griffin and daughter Goldie, woro the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Banks, of Spence. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Singletary, and baby Martha, and Evelyn of Barnetts (/reel.*, nre the guests of the latters parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. II. Sasser. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Fallin, of Woodland were the guests Tuesday of Mr. and Mrs. I/. H Griffin. Miss Bertie Banks of Spence, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Goldie Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Chason, and children were the dinner guests Mon day of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Sasser. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Willis, and child ren of Spence, Air. and Mrs. King Brinson of Cairo. Mr. A. Griffin, and son Grovier, of Union, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Rich, and daughter Penrlic Mae. of this vicinity enjoyed a sumptous dinner at the home of Mrs. W. A. Reagan Christmas day. Mrs. J. D. Joones, and children were the Tuesday guests of Mrs. Lee Carter, of Singletary. SERVED WITH GEN. CUSTER New York, Dec. 27.—John Martin, who claimed to be the last survivor of the Custer massacre on the Little Big Horn, was burled today In Cypress Hill Cemetery. He died In a Brook lyn hospital Sunday at the ago of 69. Mr. Martin was a trumpeter and dispatch bearer for Gen. Custer, and was one of the little handful of men who escaped when Rain-ln-the-Face and Sitting Bull sent their braves against Custer's men. Mr. Martin enlisted In the Seventh Calvalry In 1874, serving through Pre-Inventory Sale' We find that we ha ve a large amount of remnants in Georgettes, Crepe de Chines, Taffetas and Messalines, which will be on sale at, per yard 95c Best quality outings, per yd 15c Dress ginghams, per yd 15c 54-inch best quality Chiffon Broadcloth, per yd $2.65 54-inch Prunella Skirtings in Plaids and Stripe, per yard $2.75 Readymade Sheets, each 69c Towels, each 10c H. GOLDSTEIN lEETOZEET' anneanm “Built Me Up” “T USED Cardul for years and it did me more good than any medicine I ever used, 1 * writes Mrs. M. C Ragsdale, of Fort Towson, Olda. "I used to suffer with womanly trouble that weak, ened me until I was a mere shadow, nervous, and could not sleep. I did not feel tike I could live. “It seemed that -noth helped me till I htrrd of Cardul and began to uaeiL It strengthened me and, at *twas recommended to do, It regu lated and built me up till 1 was like another woman.** If you are weak, rundown and feel that you naedatonlc, take Cardul, the woman’s tonic, the tonic about which. ■ nave always heard, the helps weak women H. J. Thompson, Junior Deacon; W. H. Wurst, Senior Steward; A. E. Sasser, Junior Steward W. H. W urst, A. E. Speer, J. S. Bullock, Trustees. After the election the officers were duly instulled by the retiring Master, W. T. Willis, and Post Master W. H. Braswell, of Meigs. Mr. Preston Singletary, who holds a position in Atlanta, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Singletary, for a few days. The family of Mr. E. R. Clark, has been quite sick for the past few days of influenza. They are convalescent now, however to the delight of many friends. Tho Ochlocknee Consolidated school suspended last Friday for a holiday vacation of one week. Appropriate exercises were held in the afternoon in connection with a Christmas tree. The tree, was loaded with gifts for the children, the decorations were very pretty, and a good number of patrons attended the exercises. The teachers, who are not residents of Ochlocknee, left Saturday morning for their homes, to bo gone through the holidays; Miss Reid, of Americus, Miss Norwood, and Mrs. Stephens, of Thomasville. Mr. T. C. Beverly, spent several days Inst week on a hunting trip, in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. I. ijmith, have as thels guests, this week, ihcir son, of Coium bus. Prof. J. Gorham Garrison, and family are spending a lew days this week with friends in Coolidgi Dr. M. E. Winchester, who has recently been elected public health Commissioner of Thomas County, leaves next week for Augusta, where he will make n special study for three weeks of public health and sanitation work. The County Board of Health Is to be congratulated on securing the services of so popular and efficient physician as is Dr. Winchester, fa’ this most important position. Mr. A. E. Speer, and family are visiting the formers parents at Pres ton. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Anderson, of Thomasville, spent Christmas day with Mr. Anderson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Anderson. The many friends of Mr. Usy Dekle, a former resident of Och- iocknee, but more recently of Pel ham, are glad to know that he, with | his family, have returned to Och- loeknee to make this their home. It is said that Ochlocknee will have several new business establishments after January first. Messrs. John Segler and son have Just opened a grocery business, Bowman, of Meigs, is to move his stock of goods here this week, where he will conduct a gen eral supply business in the building formerly occupied by Mutual Trad- i ing Co. Among other holiday visitors here this week were: Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Luckey, of Thomasville, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Glousier, of Pelham, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Coleman, of Cairo, the guests of Mrs. J. F. Cardin and Mrs. R. W. McMillan. Mr. Ellis Bullock, of Preston, and Mr. Dock Buntin of Albany, are visiting at the home of Mr. W. S. i Bullock. j Mr. Will D. Singletary, and wife of Atlanta, Mrs. J. S. Jenkins, and j Mrs. Loggettc, of Vienna, art visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Single tary. ST. LOUI8 MARKET8 Crabb-Alexander— St. Louis, Dec. 28.—Wheat No. 2 red Mr. Thomas Jackson Crabb an- 91.39 to 21.40; No. 3 81-34 to 81.38; Bounces the marriage of his grand daughter, Juanita Frances Crabb, to, Mr. Samuel Jones Alexander, on Frl- Ask anyone you know which is the highest quality baking powder and almost invariably they will tell you ROYAL. "My cakes are 100% better since 1 bought that can of Royal/* writes one delighted user, and everywhere— among your friends, neigh* bors, relatives—you will hear similar commendations. Royal Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Corn No. 2 white 73 to 73%c; No. 3 day evening, December twenty-second,I 71 to 71%c; Dec. 7314c; May 71%c. 1922. At home after January fifth. Oats No. 2 white 47% to 48c; No. 3 This announcement will be of cor tege; Dec. 46c; May 46%c. dlal lnterea , t t0 ‘ he many Mends of the * ' ’ _ young couple. The marriage took place TURPPENTINE at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon at tbe LOCAL PRODUCE MARKETS 1 regain their i Cardul acts on i womanly system and helps rtllgve pain and discomfort due to ftmsls ailments. Try Cardul, today, for your trouble. ARDUI Hie Woman 9 ! Toi much of the Indian fighting and thru the Spanish War. He is survived by his widow and eight children. WANTS LOST—Overcoat, between Boston and Thomasville; letter In pocket; own er's name. Finder notify Tlmes-En- terprise. Reward. 28-2iw-ld BABY CHICKS FOR SALE—Seven popular breeds. Eggs hatched 84.00 per hundred. Order early. Thomas- villa Hatchery. B. L. Brewton, Mgr. Thomasville, Ga. 8- TOM WATSON MELON SEED for sael. I have 100 pounds selected from melons weighing from 28 to 14 pounds, grown (tom seed order .. ed from Mr. Watson this past seas on. Price 76c per pound. L P. Hart, Faro, Ga. 1S-4UW , . _ „„ _ home of the bride, with only the Im- Savannah, Ga., Dec. 28.—Turpentine medlate f am in e s present. firm 21.33; rosin firm. ■ Smlth-Ferrlet— A wedding of much Interest to their . many friends was that of Miss Callle Prices Current Today ,'b. Smith, of Boston, Ga., and Mr. John .. „ ■ E. Ferrfet, of Port St. Joe, Fla. The Ga. cane syrup, No. . gal.. . e ceremon} , t00 ^ pj ace Friday, December Ga. cane syrup, best grade A-l .3ac Corn, shelled, bu. 90c Corn, in ear - 76c Velvet beans, ton 920.00 22nd, at the home of Rev. F. C. Symonds. Just a few friends were in attendance, Including Misses Charlie ; Mae and Myrtle Milligan of Boston, Chickens, fryers, lb. 20 to .26c 0a and Mr Edwln Way and Paul Chickens, hens, lb. 17c to .20c Dunn o( t |,j 9 c ity. The couple left im- Turkeys, lb ~— - 30c mediately to spend the holidays with Sweet potatoes, home consump- | ttle bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. tion only, bu 40c to .50c D g m ith, of Boston, Ga. Peanuts; Market weak. I {Mr, Ellis Y. Copeland Died Tuesday— Mr. Ellis Young Copeland died Tues- WANLEIGH The Christmas tree at the home of | day afternoon at 5:30 oclock at the Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Hughes Sunday residence on East Jackson street The afternoon was a pleasure to all of . news of his death comes as a severe those attending. shock to many friends throughout the Misses Myrtle and Pauline West! city, very few of whom even knew of and Gladys Jones were the guests of {his Illness. Mr. Copeland has been at Misses Alma and Irene Slaton Sun- home for more than two weeks suffer- day. {tng with a heart affection, and Satur- The people of this community are J day afternoon he had a slight stroke, glad to welcome /Mr. John Crawley j The combined troubles proved and family and Mr. Walter Carter much for his system and be passed and his family to their midst. Miss Dessa Ellison, of Fayette coun ty, Is spending Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Ellis Slaton. Mrs. Will Taylor and Mrs. J. F. Rcdfeurn spent Christmas day with their sister, Mrs. V. L. Hughes. Mr| Franklin Taylor spent Saturday night and Sunday with his cousin, Mr. John Hughes. The Christmas tree at the home of iMr. and Mrs. Ellis Slaton Monday morning was enjoyed by a good crowd. Mr. and Mrs. Singleton Jones and .'amily, of Doerun, were the guests of Mr. and /Mrs. G. W. West during the past week. School will open here Monday, Jan uary 1, after a two week’s vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Redfearn and family and Mr. and Mra. G. W. West are leaving this community. Many friends regret to see them go. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Woods were in Pavo Sunday afternoon. Sunday School Is held every Sun day afternoon at 3:00. Everyone is Invited to attend these Interesting services and they are requested to bring song books. Preaching will be held the second Sunday In January. The presence of each one would be ap preciated. Misses Irma, Grace and Doris Red- foarn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Wilson, Mrs. Ellis Slaton and Miss Dessa Ellison made a business trip to Thom- asville Wednesday afternoon. fredonia. Mr. and Mra. R. W. Parramora spent Christmas with relatives in Pelham. Mr. Clyde Kelly is spending the holidays with his uncle, Mr. T. J, Kelley of Camilla. Mr. aqd Mrs. Russell Braswell of the Singletary community were guest of their parents Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shepherd Monday. away yesterday afternoon. The funeral services were held this afternoon at 4 o'clock, from the resi dence, Rev. W. M. Harris officiating. The Interment took place in Laurel •Hill cemetery, the following gentlemen acting aa pallbearers: C. L. Folsom. John E. Porter, Henry Arnold, E. M. Fleming, Harry Wyche and W. C. Copeland. He Is survived by his moth er, Mrs. Anna Copeland, and one sister, Miss Clifford Copeland. Mr. Copeland has been a resident ol Thomasville for many years. He was born In Leon county, Fla., at the family home, April 6, 1876. At tbe time ot his Illness Mr. Copeland was connect ed with the oil business In this city and was regarded as one of the most efficient and valuable men In that line of business. For many years he has been a familiar figure In Thomas vllle and was known and loved by many people In all walks of life. A man of steady hablta and untiring at tention to duty, he will be missed In the circle ot warm friends that he drew around him and especially In the family circle where he was as devoted and attentive as any man could be, to those close and dear to him. Hts go ing Is n sourco ot much sadness to all who knew and loved him and the sym pathy ot the entire community goes out to his aged mother and his sister. REFUSES MILLIONAIRE FOR POOR MECHANIC Mr. and Mrs O. J. Parramore and children are visiting relatives in the Barnetts Creek section this week. Mr. Earl Martin returned to his home in Quittman Tuesday after spending a few days with his uncle, Sir. G. W. Kelley. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Chastain and little daughter, Dorris, sre spend ing the holidays with relatives in this community. Rev. J. B. Aliigood of Coolidge fil led his regular appointment at Fre- donla Saturday and Sunday. Sir. E. A Moreland transacted business in Ochlocknee last Saturday. Wedding bells are again ringing in this community and it is expected some great events will transpire herein the near future. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Fleetwood Wen! guest of relatives in Thomas ville last Friday- Master D. Frank Lake who is at tending school in Thomasville Is spending the holidays with homefolks A few of the local fanners are stHl nuking up syrup In this community. Toronto, Ont., Dee. 26.—Clifford Spian In his greasy overalls whistles these days as be tinkers with the ob stinate "Innards" of the flivvers and llmos that come Into the garage, where he's employed here, for re pairs. ' Most ot the time his hands are greasy and grimy and by quitting time his face Is also, but tbe more khq merrier for It Just seems to tu nicate his perpetual smile, Our sincere for you is a wish New Year That will till your Heart’s Desire Thomasville Ice & Mfg. Co. 1 Speaking of Resolutions A host of resolutions eagerly made and idly dropped are cause only for ridicule. A few resolutions seriously made and as seriously kept can be the means of taking you far. As a suggestion: Why net resolve to put ’’something,” no matter how little, into the bank regularly— And then resolve to keep that resolution! Bank of Thomasville 1 Designated Depository of State of Georgia, County of Thomas ffl and City of Thomaavllle, M ltonalre counted for nothing In the*after being duly sworn, find that he balance agalnat her youthful sweet heart. Not even her parents could convince her of the advantages of a golden marriage. She returned a thousand-dollar dia mond her wealthy suitor bad given her and received In return a mere chip from her mechanic. Tho wed ding followed. That's why Spian smiles these days. KILLING OF GASTON WAS INVOLUNTARY MANSLAUGHTER (Continued from rage 11 Alter work Spian loses no time In getting to a cozy little love bunga- » ut the “I™ ta th * car ’ *®"<*ed the low where the "sweeteat" little wife hoo »« and tonni some whiskey and greets him with a resounding kiss aom « beer - Ca ‘ “D *» d with utter disregard for such little brought In some of the whiskey, things as grease and oil. | Mr - Henr r'» »tatement: Said he (Miles away In a gorgeous suite of, cooked bis gun as he approached the rooms in one of -the most fashionable i house, not knowing what would take hotels of America's best-known play- Place. Started around to the back ot ground, AUnntlc City, a millionaire, | the house, saw the negro running, ran accustomed to the gratification of after him, forgetting to uncock his every whim, is disconsolate. gun. Thought he would throw It down For the girl wife of the greasy mo- j but thought some one else might be tor mechanic was nous other than. la the honse and would pick it np end Miss Marjorie Smith, the beautiful shoot him. Ran on throngh Canadian girl who represented the honeysuckle vines and briars, stum- Ontario capital at tbe Atlantic City bled and tbe gun fired. Said he was pageant of progress. | carrying thetgnnteinder his left arm She attracted the attention of the when he stnmbled and don't rentem- millionaire hotel owner while taking bar wbather the mnssle was np or part in the pageant He laid Us J down. Bald he regretted the accident wealth and his heart at her feet jvery much and after bringing the no- But back here in tbe dingy little' gro to the hospital told the doctors garage she could see a struggling me- j to do their best for him. cbanic, minus millions, but adorable I Tbs Jury found the following Tw in overalls. dictr _ - Miss Smith was only eighteen, outf We, tho Jury, sworn to fnrwtlgate SO the wealth and luxury of tbe mil- tbs cause of tbe death ot Paul Ossies, cams to his death from gun shot wounds In the hands of Joe Henry and find the same to be Involuntary man slaughter, in the commission ot a law ful act. This the 22nd day ot December, 1922. (Signed) S. W. DAVIS, Foreman, WM. a PLATT, J. W. LANIER, a A. WHIDDON, LUKE LANGFORD, T. L. LENT. BETHPAOE IMrs. A. C. Dickey and daughters, Misses Elizabeth and Martha Dickey, accompanied by Professor W. J. Dick ey, of Sparks College, were shopping In Thomasville last Saturday after noon. Mrs. May Walker and Mrs. George •Martin, of Tallahassee, were visitors in this community Tuesday mornln- tag. Quite a number ot deer and wild turkeys bare been killed In this com munity during the holidays. Mrs. -Hester Crotnartle Is spending the holidays In Tallahassee with rel atives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. ChlsUe and children, from near Cairo, Oa, came over Sunday to spend the holidays with homefolks. SARAH BERNHARDT . MUCH IMPROVED TODAY Paris, Doc. 28.—The - condition ot Bsrsh Bernhardt showed marked Im provement today. The doctors believe she Is out of danger bnt she most re main In bod for some days, perhaps a woe*. . : Ml -